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Blackfeather Woods Red Dye - Printable Version

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Red Dye - Kendra - December 28, 2015

@Nemesis Perhaps? :3 Since she was thinking of staying around this cave after being here with Burke

Kendra was becoming more bolder with exploring the lands her father was in charge of. She was mostly curious about natural things. The ground with its tunnels interested her greatly but also some plants and their shapes were getting her attention. She didn't know this but her mother had been interested in those things, having a natural knack for nature. Kendra had inherited the same. Still her fascination for tunnels stayed with her and she was desperately trying to find an entrance. 

After some roaming around Kendra found an entrance and not just a common one. It was the pervious home of the alpha den, where she was born. She stepped inside with confident steps. She could smell her father had been here recently together with... Nem? Kendra followed his trail, not wanting to get lost in the tunnels. The girl ended up in a chamber, there were all sorts of interesting things!!! She rushed from one side of the room to the other. When she moved from the dried out herbs to the other side she happened to step in the shallow hole with the red dye.

A soft gasp left her and she instantly started playing with the coloring. Soon she was covered in red smudges. The dye was actually for the dark brotherhood and to give members the red mark on their shoulders. Kendra let out a soft 'oh' when the tip of her tail was red from the dye. So pretty! She always wanted her tail to have a red tip. From a distance it might have looked like the girl was fatally injured.

RE: Red Dye - Nemesis - December 28, 2015

Sorry, i'll reply to the other one asap!

As she walked through the woods, she couldn't help but to raise her head just a little higher. She was proud, the mark on her shoulder gave her a new sense of authority even if it was just a pawprint. The meaning behind it was valued much more, and she remembered it as her stride turned into a strut, to wherever her nose took her. It may have been foolish, but she was allowed to feel proud once in awhile. The recent ranks change had heightened that feeling, yet she couldn't help feel wary of the contender. Damien had proved to be a warrior and she had a feeling that he wouldn't give up his rank so easily. No doubt he would inherit the pack when Burke retired but as of then, she had no interest in becoming a place that wasn't her's to have. The matter of a Beta was something she didn't think much about. The opportunity was great, yet she was happy where she was unless Burke asked otherwise. She only hoped Damien didn't see her as a threat to his linage, yet, something told her trouble would arise in the future. 

As far as she knew, the tunnels had been submerged in water during the storm. The last time she had been down there, most of it was too wet to venture further. But she was curious, the last exploration had been more than a month ago. Deciding for it, she ventured into the Web, seeking out the places she had left off. The hollow and echoing tunnels had healed, the water disappearing back into the ground once more. some areas were still moist, but nothing too muddy to handle. Though a different scent filled her nostrils as she neared the Keep. It was all too familiar, as she rushed to the chamber. Without focusing her eyes, Kendra's form was splayed with red marks that resembled fatal wounds. A wave of panic emerged,  "Kendra!" She shouted before releasing the girl had gotten into the familiar red dye that had painted the mark on her shoulder. "What have you done?" She panted, looking around the room to see various red markings on the floor and surrounding area. As far a she knew, the paste was rare and not to be extensively used. 

Yet, she wouldn't get mad at her girl for being a child and doing what pups do. "This is special paint, Kendra. Not for playing with," She informed the child, trying to use words that she would understand. If she could just get her away from the dye, and to the nearest stream, she could try and wash it off of yet the paint was made for withstanding rubbing off, almost permanent. Maybe Cicero would know, she decided. If only for once the feisty pup would listen to her and be cooperative.

RE: Red Dye - Kendra - December 28, 2015

Not to worry! And usually the red dye stays on a wolf their fur for a good week, maybe two if the weather is cooperative. But it is logical that Nemesis doesn't know this :3

Kendra had the most fun as she was playing with the dye. When she found out she was making footsteps on the stone floor of the chamber she had even more fun with it. She watched how her paw prints appeared just like what happened in the snow, yet, this was still different. Kendra giggled happily, though that was soon disrupted by Nemesis yelling her name. The girl jumped out of her skin and rushed to hide behind a border. Her pale eyes peeked past it to see Nem standing there. Kendra didn't like that she was startled. It made her feel funny. She scowled at the female for a moment as she peeked from behind the rock. Her paws had smudges, and her body too. But her tail did have a prominent red tip instead of being smudged. 

Kendra was about to reply but then she stubbornly held her mouth shut. No one told her to not play with the red stuff. They only talked about being careful in the swamps and all that. Never anything about this red stuff. "Peint?," she repeated the word, her curiosity beating her silence for a moment. She came from behind the boulder to Nemesis and looked around the red splashed room. She liked the paint. "Look my tail is pretty now," she spoke and showed it to Nem. That was when her eye caught the red paw print on Nemesis shoulder. She gasped, like Nem had done something bad too. "OH!!! YOU HAVE RED TOO!," she let out, being childishly offended now and then she remembered that daddy had also red in his fur now she thought about it. "You have red, and daddy too so I can have red too. I like it," she stated with a huff.

RE: Red Dye - Nemesis - December 30, 2015

Oh really? I didn't know that! I thought it just had to be reapplied ever so often but okay!:)

Nemesis couldn't help but to chuckle at the girl who was so fascinated by the dye. Her red dipped tail would be something to explain along with her dyed coat. One day the girl would get her in serious trouble for her actions, yet the damage had been done and nothing she could say would bring it back, so she wouldn't yell. She had previously scared the girl with her cry of panic, and it had only been met by Kendra dashing behind a boulder in fright No, she promised not to yell for it never helped anyone. But, she would never let the siblings know that, in fear of what they might think they could get away with.

Nodding at the girl's comment about the Brotherhood mark, she wondered if it was okay to reveal it's meaning. There were rules about not talking too much about it and not spilling too much information, but those were more like guidelines, weren't they? "Ah, but this is special. One day when you're older, you can get one too if you really want," And it was the truth, if Kendra expressed her interest in her family's business, she doubted Burke would be against her joining. But that was for later, when the girl would actually understand what it meant. "Your father will not like this, this paint is only to be used for important things," She warned her, for no doubt she would be in trouble for messing with it. Though she would not ban the girl from returning to the place of her mother's practice. Perhaps Kendra felt something about it, something close to her. That, she would readily inform her of, for one day the girl take an interest in the medical arts as well.

"You want to know something cool?," She asked, hinting that this piece of information was of great importance. It would hopefully draw Kendra's attention away from the dye and out of the Keep for now. "This used to be your mother's workplace," She said, her tone had grown softer. "Meldresi and your sister, Potema collected most of these herbs and you should treat them with respect," She explained, knowingly as she looked around the room signalling to the various plants and ingredients. After all, her mantra had turned into a lesson but one that was very valuable. If Kendra was to visit, she would make sure that nothing was broken or damaged and everything was kept clean. It was the least she could say to try and make the girl understand. When they grew, Kendra and Pietro would seek out what was left of their mother and the Keep was one keepsake not affordable to ruin.

RE: Red Dye - Kendra - December 30, 2015

Yeah something like that. Although maybe with Burke I let it stay on for a month depending on the dye. Yet, I am not sure I want Kendra half red for a month XD

Kendra plopped down before Nemesis, her tail moving quietly behind her. She was over her friend now but she was still a bit offended that Nemesis would say such things. She had a mark too! And now Nem was here to tell this was bad to do? But it was so much fun!! Kendra's face fell in a trademark frown, one where her dots moved closer together. "I don't want that one. I want the tip of my tail red!," she explained, she looked down over her shoulders and then suddenly got an idea. Her paws would look good in red too. Kendra turned her head towards Nemesis when she spoke about her father. Once again he would be unhappy, just like last time they were in that red clearing. Uch. Her father was quick to be unhappy? Yet he never showed unhappiness when he was around them. "But I am important," she stated towards the other. Her father had said so.

Kendra was tempted to walk out of this chamber when Nem gave her some new information. She blinked and instantly looked around the chamber. This was her mother's workspace? What did she do? Kendra looked at Nemesis. "You know mommy?," she asked, her pale blue eyes wide as she stepped forward. "Tell me! Tell me!," she squeaked. "My mommy is sleeping forever. Not sure why, but Daddy told us that. Where is my sister? I have a sister? Is she like Damien? Like big? Where is she? I want to see my sister!," she let out eagerly, instantly hanging on Nemesis' lips to tell her more about her family and what they all did. Why did they leave? She kinda wanted a mommy.

RE: Red Dye - Nemesis - January 09, 2016

Nemesis sighed, a long sigh. One day the girl would get her in serious trouble by a simple change of words. "Yes, Kendra you are special and you are very important. But this stuff is only to be used by your father," Her voice was clear, though her eyes roamed to the puddle of paint that had been sloshed around. It was a mess, she was a mess, only more reasons not to have pups of her own. The idea horrified her as an image of devil like children running around Blackfeather terrorizing everything came to mind. It was enough to make her shudder, before looming her eyes back down to Kendra. Though the innocent look in Kendra's eyes made clear that she really meant no harm. "If you'd like, we could make some of your own paint! That way you could have the red marks without your dad getting mad," Her idea seemed to be one of the best's she had in a long time though really, it was that fact that Kendra wouldn't mess around with stuff that made her like the idea at all. Thought she had not idea how to make a similar dye that wasn't so permanent, she would struggle day and night if it moved the feisty girl away from the permanent stuff. 

Instantly, her spirit picked up as Kendra's attention focused on something else. Though, it was made clear that Kendra didn't exactly know what had happened to her mother. Why had Burke not explained? It was less helpful that the girl was going off some lie that Meldresi was sleeping, but she wouldn't be the one to ruin it. Leaving that fact alone, she nodded, confirming the amazing truth that Kendra had an actual sister. "Yes, I know Meldresi! She was the pack healer and Priestess who did amazing things with all kinds of plants and herbs," Her voice was filled with wonder, hopefully inspiring the girl to look into the same path as well. "Potema had to go for a while to become like Meldresi, to learn everything about medicines and herbs. One day she will come back, don't worry," Even though she had no idea when Potema would return. There hadn't been much notice when she left, but that she was following in Meldresi's footsteps. "But in the meantime, you can learn as well! In this room is all the things your mother and sister used for their practices, that's why we need to keep it clean and tidy. You can find all these things in the forest when it's spring," Even as she spoke, she found herself becoming amazed as well. The idea that one could used the earth to heal was incredible, though she never had explored the medicines felid before. Maybe she would, though time would tell what her calling told her.

RE: Red Dye - Kendra - January 09, 2016

Kendra had to smile a bit when Nemesis said that she was special. A slow smile turned on her lips and she quietly listened to her. Nemesis giving er a few boundaries by explaining that she wasn't allowed to play with the paint gave her a sense of rules. It wasn't like kids liked rules but it did give her a feeling what was okay and what not. The dark little girl nodded with a smile when Nemesis talked about making their own dye. Kendra would love to. But then the topic steered towards her mother which interested her more. Kendra would just make her own dye later. Or make a new set of dye for her father as an apology she bet he would like that. He always talked about liking actions more than words and then she would do an action because she was sorry. 

Then Nemesis started about her mother and telling about her sister too. Kendra was mesmerized. Her ears were popped forward, Nemesis had her full attention. It wasn't that Burke had lied to them, when they were told about this they were very little so the concept of death was strange for them. Now when they were getting older watching the pack hunt, understanding death it would be easier to explain. Kendra had just never asked about her mother to her father. She knew he was sad about it. Nemesis went on about her mother loving plants too. So that is where she gotten this from! She loved plants too. Potema was gone so she could be like her mother. What if she wanted to be like her mother? Would she have to leave too? She wasn't sure if she liked that. "I want to learn about plants!," she spoke to Nem. "This was hers? Wow," she beamed and looked around. Now she looked extra guilty for playing with the dye. "I want to learn a lot about about plants and become just like my mother and sister!," she then beamed.

RE: Red Dye - Nemesis - January 09, 2016

Kendra's smile reflected her own emotions, satisfied that now the girl understood right from wrong. She had made it very clear from the beginning the rules that were to be obeyed even if they didn't quite understand them yet. Her stern nature proved to be affective and she would award compliance with fun, and a better alternative to what their childish minds wanted to do. She was not inconsiderate, no, she was understanding. And now with the little nod received, it was clear Kendra knew what was okay and what was not, and more importantly, where she stood. 

A glimmer of pride reflected in her eyes as Kendra beamed at the idea of following in her mother's footsteps. It had come off to her that Burke wished Kendra to take an interest in her mother's work, and it seemed that the natural talent was already there. "And you will Kendra," Complying with the wishes of the dark little girl. "And one day, this will be yours too, if you want it bad enough," She enticed. No doubt Meldresi would have wanted one of her daughters to inherit the sacred chamber. She knew that Cicero took interest in the medicines as well, but how much, she wasn't sure. Anyway, this place would be Kendra's safe haven in the times she missed her mother no doubt. "Well, I am no expert on the herbs myself, Cicero and Venus know a lot themselves. How about we go outside and you can show me what you know already. We can learn together," She was content with the idea, and it would prove that she could be fun too when earned. "In no time, you will be the next medicines master and herbs specialist!" She exclaimed, dubbing the title a little early yet giving incentive to pursue. She indicated to the exit, moving her body closer to the door already, though she wouldn't be mad if Kendra took a little time to examine the room a bit longer. The more attached she became to the Keep, the better, she believed.

RE: Red Dye - Kendra - January 10, 2016

Kendra looked around the room a bit in awe still that this was from her mother and that she had some interests that were the same as her. Kendra kinda wished she could have learned all of this from her mother. Her pale eyes fell into Nemesis her eyes, there was such determination in them it was quite surprising. She would show her brother how cool plants were, he father already seemed to understand but wait till her brother would know! 

"It is okay. I don't know much yet too," she admitted. Kendra would later find that she would have several sources to gain knowledge. She was definitely at the right place what she wanted to learn. "Alright," she agreed when Nemesis got her encouraged enough to go outside. The dye had dried in her fur by now and the next two weeks she would most definitely sport a coat with red smudges. Kendra stepped next to her, her shorter legs not being as quick yet as Nemesis' long legs.

She had little difficulty leaving this place since Kendra knew it wouldn't go away, she would come back later. She trotted next to Nemesis and then under her, slipping between her legs to walk up front to show her what she knew. Still thinking about what Nem had said to her. "I am not sure I want do to medi--mediccien," she spoke to her thoughtfully even though pronouncing that word was tough. She liked plants and making things form it, but the medicine thing was about helping others and she wasn't sure if she wanted that. The poisonous plants interested her more. 

Once she gotten outside she ran through the snow, there was a new fresh layer that covered most of the grounds. Kendra looked around with a certain focus, plants were hard to find. She wanted to find the ones she knew but didn't see them immediately.

RE: Red Dye - Nemesis - January 10, 2016

It took at dark girl a few more seconds to draw herself away from the Keep, not that Nemesis minded. The spark of determination was clear in Kendra's eyes, one that to be honest, surprised her. From what she knew, it was rare that a pup of Kendra's age already held a sense of bold presistance that some only acquired when they matured. But Kendra seemed to be beyond her age, thinking and aiming larger than any normal pup would. It made her proud, even though she had no right to be. But the fact that Meldresi would be, made it better.

As Kendra slipped beneath her, finding her way through her legs and ahead, Nemesis walked just a little bit faster to keep up with the girl. Size didn't seem to matter for Kendra's actions darted all over the place, finding it hard to keep a steady eye on her. It was normal that while Kendra wanted to follow the path of her mother, had her own idea of what that may be. "Of course you don't have to, just because your mother did it does not mean you must do the exact same thing. She would be proud of you just the same," She didn't believe that a child should be forced to take after everything their parents did. Sure, it was nice that Kendra harboured the same talents as Meldresi but one day she could decide a new path for herself. 

The snow around them covered most of the wildlife underneath. Spring would not arrive for many moons. "Perhaps if we dig away some of the snow we can find some plants," She pondered outloud. The sun was out that day, making the air not terribly cold. Maybe she would take Kendra on these outings more often, plus it wasn't like she didn't go by herself anyways. The more the pups knew about Blackfeather's land, the better. If one day one of them decided to get lost (again) they would know their own way back. The idea seemed solid in her mind, as she too had much to explore if she wanted to earn her Scout trade. "There, what's that?" It resembled a weed, and it probably was a weed, but Nemesis didn't know better. It had spikes, warning her not to touch it. "Isn't it a.. thi- thistle?" The name was familiar yet foreign on her tongue. It didn't have it's usual pinkish colour on top but brown and decayed, so she really couldn't tell. Turning to Kendra, she seemed genuinely confused. This time, she was the student instead of the teacher.

RE: Red Dye - Kendra - January 11, 2016

Kendra was starting to like Nemesis more and more. She might be strict, yet, but Kendra didn't mind that. Her father was strict too. But having someone to talk about her mother and someone that didn't put her into a direction that she didn't want to become was great to be around, especially for a child. Her father also didn't gave them any specific roles. Yes he had taken Pietro to the border but that was because he wanted that, not because her father wanted him to do that. It was also the fact that Kendra didn't join them. She had zero interests in protecting the borders as of now. 

Kendra followed Nemesis. To be really honest she hadn't heard about this plant yet, she had mostly been looking at the ground and types of earth. "This... Thiselll," she repeated. Some words were still rather tough for her to pronounce. Kendra watched the spiked plant with curiosity. Maybe it was poisonous. "I do not know this one yet," she pointed out. She didn't pout, she was more interested in finding out. She might learn about it later. Kendra couldn't wait till spring. She was rather curious to the many plants she would find. A yawn came from the little female. She was quite far in pup terms from the spiderlings glen. She walked here and played with the dye. Tiredness was clearly setting in. 

The dark girl sat down, but it didn't take long before she was lying down in the snow. She was sporting a warm winter coat, probably becoming as thick as her father's alaskan winter coat. It happened quite often that kids would be all excited in one moment and ready to pass out the next moment. Same was happening to Kendra, but she didn't want to admit to it. She was clearly trying to fight off her afternoon nap...

RE: Red Dye - Nemesis - January 18, 2016

Fade then?

Her attention was distracted by the thistle, for it looked too tempting to touch. All the spikes were fascinating that a plant with no predators would armour itself in such a way. It was an ugly thing as of then, but in the spring when the flowers returned to the surface, she hoped to find it once more. Though, she had not experienced Spring in Blackfeather fully and did not know if any flowers bloomed at all in the dark woods. 

Returning her attention back to Kendra, she noticed as the girl slunk down into the snow. This was new. The exuberant child was actually tired for once, to her surprise. Walking softly over to the dark haired girl, her head leaned down to nudge her softly with her nose. "Do you want to go back to your den?" While her winter coat was sustainable, she wouldn't have Kendra lying in the snow if that wasn't what she planned. She herself rested down into the snow beside Kendra, her front legs in front of her. She didn't mind staying while Kendra slept, it didn't seem right to simply leave her there. In her own way, the little girl fascinated her. 

Before being introduced the the children, her idea about young was quite simple. They slept, they ate, they were too much work. But it was truly quite different. She found herself wondering what it would be like to have children of her own, but quickly shook away the thought. That was not in her agenda any time soon, and did need it to be.

RE: Red Dye - Kendra - January 18, 2016

Yes! Sorry, I realized children didn't have endless energy and tend to pass out randomly so I thought I could implement that! :3 We can have another thread soon! :D I will archive! 

Kendra nodded sleepily when Nem asked her to got back to the den. At least the den was warm. The dark colored girl was tempted to pass out here curled against Nem but Pietro could be at the den and she loved him very much. Her bother was quite comfy to lay against and since he was bigger she felt very protected when he was laying next to her. 

With slow and sleepy steps the girl walked back to the den. She barely managed to reach it. She mumbled some form of a thank you to Nemesis before disappearing in the darkness. She curled up against her brother instantly passing out. She needed a recharge before she could have endless amount of energy again. At least she learned a lot today, and she had something she could feel guilty about after she woke up, covered in dye. Her father wasn't going to be happy with her. 
