Wolf RPG
Porcupine Ridge dorsatum - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Porcupine Ridge dorsatum (/showthread.php?tid=12378)

dorsatum - Taggarik - December 31, 2015

Claiming howl! One quick post is all that is required for this thread. Welcome to the pack, folks! @Farstep @Capriccio @Terich-mir @Anwyl

The borders were marked. His wolves were here. Now their claim could be official. The black wolf ascended an outcropping and angled the straight line of his broad muzzle skyward. He howled from deep within his breast, loud and powerful, his song holding only a trace of the gravel that bore his words when he spoke. He howled for his wolves to join him, to sing of their claim here, to warn any of those nearby that they were here, and they would defend their new home.

RE: dorsatum - Capriccio - December 31, 2015

Capri had more or less treated their home as claimed lands. She had been more lenient at times given how fresh their scents had been -- Anwyl had been testament to that. Yet with each passing day, their scents became even more prominent, and with the young silver wolf now joining their ranks, it had brought their numbers higher for prospective claiming. Now, they could defend their lands should the need arise.
The day found her marking the borders once more. Taggarik's song echoed across the sky just as she raised herself to her paws once more, her ears cupping forward and a small smile pulling at her lips. The claim was official -- her own slender muzzle crested upward to initiate her own crooning melody to the heavens in turn, pride lacing every bit of her lilting voice.
Porcupine Ridge was theirs.

RE: dorsatum - Farstep - December 31, 2015

A cold wind swept the ridge, but if the tawny wolf tracing its northern boundary noticed, he gave no signs of it. His nose was to the ground, working furiously over the tracks of Taggarik and another male. Every so often, when he was unsatisfied with whatever he smelled, he would lift his leg and urinate, effectively refreshing the scent of the pack in the area. By now, the ridge stank of wolves. Their claim here was unmistakable.

Taggarik seemed to think so, too, for soon a baritone howl rose above the ridge and a more feminine tone followed it. Farstep couldn't ignore the instinct even if he tried: he threw back his head and lent his own voice, higher than Taggarik's but lower than Capriccio's, to the mix of voices riding the airwaves. If the strong smell of wolf wasn't enough to let everyone within several miles know that there were wolves upon the ridge, their howls would certainly do the trick.

RE: dorsatum - Anwyl - December 31, 2015

Anwyl had been exploring the territory, his new home. Taggarik had just recently accepted him into the pack, but Anwyl was already feeling better than previously. Pack life meant safety, and the yearling male loved having a sense of security. He hoped that maybe soon, he'd get to meet more of his new pack mates and maybe even make a friend. Anwyl smiled at the thought. Coming to Teekon Wilds seemed to have been the right decision.

The silvery male smiled to himself, humbled by the idea of a new family. However much he missed his old one, he knew he had to move on. Snow fell gently off of the trees onto his pelt, which glistened in the light. A sudden howl pulled him out of his daydreams, and he recognized two of them to be Taggarik's and Capriccio's, the other's wasn't familiar.  The wolves of Porcupine Ridge were claiming their territory. Anwyl chimed in as well, his young voice mingling in with those of the older wolves. This land was theirs now, and it was official.

RE: dorsatum - Terich-mir - January 01, 2016

*late to the party*

Terich-mir had worked up his courage enough to traverse the mountain side of the ridge, but hadn't gone farther than that. He kept to the hollows and valleys, where grass and trees beckoned him and kept him safe from the mountain's harm. He was working on the fear that threatened his belly every time he looked upon those peaks, but still it would take a while for him to become used to the idea of living there. Only Capriccio's presence made it any easier to deal with his fear.

Taggarik's howl rose into the air as Terich was leaping down from a rock onto soft grass. He paused as he landed, lifting his ears to the sound, and then after a moment of the other's howls ringing in the air, Terich lifted his own voice, his bright song joining theirs. They were claiming this ridge as their own. It was theirs. They were home.

RE: dorsatum - Taggarik - January 02, 2016

Not late at all! :)

One by one his wolves joined him. First, the silver and black female, then the silent wanderer, the yearling, and finally Terich. Their voices blended as one, unified in the same way that they were all bonded as pack. The black wolf's tail swept from side to side in broad, happy arcs. He had accomplished what he had initially set out to do, and was fully content.

He leaped down from the rock.

It was time to gather his packmates and hunt.