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Thunder Dome A bright light through a jeweled window - Printable Version

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A bright light through a jeweled window - Asterr - January 01, 2016

Located within Cantatis Cavern.

The day before had consisted of a great deal of traveling, though that was something she'd grown used to long ago. Her legs were growing more accustomed to the tricky terrain of the mountain with each day she spent traversing it, lessening the strain placed upon her body. No matter, that alone did not assist in keeping her energy levels high, for she'd constantly needed to be on high alert. While leading Leo to the peak she'd developed an interest in, the girl had needed to keep all of her senses focused on that which surrounded them, as well as trek back and forth numerous times. When the winds had grown exceptionally violent, she'd sacrificed her own slender form in an attempt to keep most of it from touching the boy. It had been a futile act, for the winds were persistent and not so easily countered, but that had not prevented her from doing it each time a large gust blew by. She had felt obligated to do as much as she possibly could to ensure a safe trip for the both of them, but while doing so she'd ended up exhausting herself. Upon their arrival, the dragon had insisted on finding a safe place for the boy to stay at before allowing herself to rest, so it'd come as quite the relief when she'd found herself crossing through the mouth of a cave. It was a beautiful sight to behold, though she'd only made it three or four steps in before her body urged her to rest. She complied, of course, knowing she could do no good if she was just barely conscious, and allowed for herself to drift off to sleep.

As she slept, she dreamed, something that wasn't unusual. The dream itself, however, was unlike any she'd ever had before. The sky had been bright blue, calm over top a grand shrine. Even the winds were gentle, seeming to do no more than caress her with a touch similar to her mother's. A voice had sounded, the direction from which it'd originated unable to be pinpointed. Somehow, she was not startled by it, nor did she fear who the owner may be. When a question was given, she answered, then requested an audience with the owner of the disembodied voice. Her request was granted and, before long, she'd found herself standing face-to-face with a mysterious dragon. Based on his appearance alone, she had known he was not Draco, he was not the same dragon her family praised and worshiped. He was different, but the way the presence in the back of her mind had stirred led her to believe he was important nevertheless. The yearling had bowed to him, earning the elderly creature's favour and attention. Words were shared, including the fact that the waterways of the cavern were the beast's home. They had been for centuries but, even so, he did not ask that she leave. It was quite the opposite, actually, for instead of being chased from the mountain by the dragon's wrath, she was welcomed to settle there—just as long as the land was respected and his presence honoured. It was a deal she'd agreed to, officially forming a pact with the old man.

Asterr's eyes had snapped open and she'd sat up, gaze trailing around the cavern in search of the god-like figure. Finding he was nowhere to be seen, she relaxed and sat up, easily recalling all the had transpired within her dream. To her, it was not actually a dream, but a true meeting that had taken place upon another plane. As she thought it over further, she stood and made her way over to a thin stream that flowed slowly nearby. Though her throat begged to be hydrated right away, she did nothing more than peer into the translucent liquid, for she swore she could see another set of eyes staring back at her. "Zennyo Ryūō," she murmured, giving a respectful nod to the water before leaning forward and lapping at it. He was a dragon, just as Draco was, but instead of living within the sky he was one with the earth; one with the water. A god of rain, she had learned, which explained the darkened clouds that lingered above the dome. Asterr could not remember that she had heard the story of the Dragon King when younger, thereby leading her to believe she had truly been visited by the solitary serpent. It was then that she was made certain that her home would be right on that very peak, for the land had long since been graced by the claws of a dragon.