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Blackfeather Woods Break-out Failed - Printable Version

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Break-out Failed - Kendra - January 06, 2016

@Venus for your trade! :D

Kendra sat before the den, only because her father told her to stay put. She had to wait for her sitter, but she kinda wanted to meet her friend the bat and learn even more about making red dye and other cool things from plants. But today it didn't seem the case. Hopefully this female could tell her something about plants and their use. She was very keen on learning about Botany, Earth, Nature in general. A soft grunt came from her in annoyance. 

The entrance to the tunnels was so close, she could just slip in and her sitter would never find her. A little sly grin came to her. Her pale eyes looked towards the direction of the entrance and she stepped towards it before breaking out into a trot, yeah they were not going to catch her. Then her ears turned to a noise, innocently she turned to it, looking quite adorable. She was till covered in the red dye, all dried and bright red like blood. The tip of her tail had the brightest coloring, the others were just random smudges. That should be the first hint that she wasn't that innocent.

RE: Break-out Failed - Venus - January 06, 2016

Thanks! :D

Venus was looking intently for herbs, winter was good for somethings and bad for others. She looked up to see a small black pup. Oh god, I can't remember which one was which! I remember their names, Pietro and Kendra, but that's it! Play it cool. she began walking up to the young pup when she bolted. Crap. I scared her. Idiot. Venus quickened to a trot as she followed the pup. She didn't want it getting lost. She slowly walked into the cave and looked around. She was suddenly stopped to see the pup covered in red. The pup turned around. Venus winded her eyes and quickly moved forward. She stopped about half way to the young girl smelt of nothing she should be worried about. She relaxed a bit and dipped her head in greeting. "Hello there. I'm Venus, and you are... Kendra right?" She asked. It was a long shot, but it might pay off in the end. "Why don't we get you cleaned up?"

RE: Break-out Failed - Kendra - January 07, 2016

She is still in the clearing! She stopped because she heard Venus!

Kendra watched the brown colored female approach. She wasn't sure if she ever saw her. The girl with the pale eyes studied her for a moment. So this was her sitter? She was a little bit skeptical but she would let her judgment decide in only a few minutes. She gave one short nod in reply that she was Kendra but then she remembered her father saying that she should always reply politely, or at least to him. "Yes, I am, Miss Venus," she spoke in turn. 

Her lighter dots on her brown fell into a bit of a frown when the female spoke about washing her. She was cleaned this morning by her father! "Daddy cleaned me already," she pointed out. Her tail with the red dyed tip not moving anymore. "If you mean the red dye then you can not clean it. It is dye. The same Daddy has on his shoulder," she stated like it was something to be proud of.

RE: Break-out Failed - Venus - January 07, 2016

Ah! I'm sorry! I can fix if you want. I misread :P

Venus hadn't realized in the moment that it was dye. Burke was going to kill her. Venus smiled politely and nodded. Good for the pup to know what dye was. "Are you interested in herbs and dyes?" She asked. Small talk would bring the trust up hopefully. Venus didn't know what pups enjoyed doing, or if Kendra even really knew what herbs were. Well, of course she knew what they were, but did she know the power they hold?

RE: Break-out Failed - Kendra - January 07, 2016

It is fine! :)

Kendra looked up at the female when she spoke about herbs and dyes. Of course she was interested in them. "I know how to make red dye now," she pointed out, sounding quite proud of herself for doing so. Her friend the bat made her learn this and she was going to make much more soon. Maybe she could get different kind of colors with different kind of rose hips. She needed to try that. "You know about herbs?," she questioned. "I wanna know about herbs and plants!!," she let out excitedly.

RE: Break-out Failed - Venus - January 07, 2016

Venus wagged her tail at the sudden excitement in the young pup. It was pretty amazing to see the pup interested in herbs. "Well, what do you want to know? What the herbs do? How to dry them? I'm an open book." Venus said and smiled at her. Venus obviously wasn't an expert at this, but the pup wouldn't ask questions totally out of the world. Venus sat down calmly. She hoped her exterior calmed the pup, and made her less weary. She didn't have a reason to be scared of Venus, but pups don't think like that. Venus turned her head waiting for an answer from the pup when she spotted a small mushroom. This would be a good lesson. Venus got up and walked over. This was the same mushroom Cicero showed her a while back. "This is a mushroom. Do not eat mushrooms Kendra. They are dangerous to eat. Once you become more experienced you will be able to tell them apart. For now, promise me you will not eat them, and if you see your brother about to eat one, stop him immediately. Got it?" Venus probably said a lot for her to take in, but she had to make it clear mushrooms can be deadly, and are sketchy to work with.

RE: Break-out Failed - Kendra - January 07, 2016

Kendra watched the female, she was the least intimidating of the wolves she came across. The little pup was far from being scared quickly. She had Burke as a father. She knew when she had crossed a line. With this female it was a little more open. She seemed really friendly and Kendra would take on ever bit of knowledge about plants. She was pretty keen on having the knowledge for herself instead of asking. 

She walked with Venus for a small bit towards a mushroom. "Why not?," she asked. "Will they make you sick?," she asked curiously. She pushed her nose closer, trying to maybe get a whiff of it. She looked at Venus and quirked up her lips in a bit of a sly smile. "You know more plants that are bad? Not mushrooms but plants!"

RE: Break-out Failed - Venus - January 07, 2016

Venus listened to the pup. "Kendra, these mushrooms could possibly be deadly. I am telling you these things so you can avoid them. Now I want you to promise me you will not mess around with dangerous plants. I assume you are old enough to know these things." Venus said seriously. She wasn't about to continue to talk until Kendra understood the power of her passion.

RE: Break-out Failed - Kendra - January 07, 2016

Kendra looked up at Venus with her big pale blue eyes. They were the same as her father's and she was starting to mimic and learn his expressions. It was quite adorable to see. "Miss Venus. I want to know this so I can stay far far away from them," she returned to her. She sat up all prettily with her tail laying quietly next to her perfectly upright sitting position. The tip still as blood red as before. 

She blinked her eyes innocently. "If I want to learn about plants then I would first need to know which ones I need to stay away from. I don't think my father wants me to be ill," she added all wisely, nodded softly with a serious expression she had copied from her dad.

RE: Break-out Failed - Venus - January 07, 2016

Venus nodded at her response. This girl was very mature, it was nice to see. She noticed the movements of the pup to mimic her father's. I really was adorable to say the least, and it made Venus smile. "Well then, in some cases, stinging nettles can be dangerous. They aren't exactly deadly, but man do they hurt! When you step on them, the tiny needles stick into your paw, and inject an irritating liquid into your paw. Isn't it amazing that a plant can grow thorns to defend themselves? Roses have thorns, some bushes do to." Her mention of bushes reminded her of another dangerous plant, berries. But Venus wasn't going to go into much detail, in case it was a snack she enjoyed. After Kendra gave her opinion, Venus would slip it in.

RE: Break-out Failed - Kendra - January 09, 2016

Kendra smiled internally when Venus fell for her innocent little trick. This she would never dare to do with her father but seeing that this female was a stranger to her Kendra was more inclined to try it and test her out. Yet, the information was still as innocent she acted to be. Nettles? She hadn't heard about those, but seeing that they didn't kill Kendra was not that impressed with the nettle... yet. 

"I know roses!," she let out. "But those thorns have no venom. I think it is pretty cool. I really like to work with plants later," Kendra stated to the other. She was pretty impressed with herself since Pietro was all like, fighting and trying to be strong. Kendra was definitely going a different route. "Can you show me how a nettle looks? Or don't they grow with the snows?," she wondered.

RE: Break-out Failed - Venus - January 09, 2016

Venus watched the pup. Kendra had a sly look it her eye and Cenus didn't like it. "Roses are very cool. Be careful if you are playing with them though, those thorns can dig pretty deep in your foot. Why does it matter if it has venom or not?" She asked. She ignore the nettles questions until Kendra answered to her liking. Teaching a young pup about poisons probably wasn't a good idea. Venus would have to test the young pup of what she knows. Venus couldn't keep naming stuff off. Venus got over the gleam in her eye, but it was her own mind stopping her from continuing.

RE: Break-out Failed - Kendra - January 09, 2016

Kendra sat down, holding her head proudly. Her tail with the red tip almost moving contently like a cat would. "Well if they had venom you would watch out for the thorns even more, now they just prick," she shrugged. Kendra had done worse to herself really. She remembered when meeting her bat friend that she had been trying to reproduce that red dye. Her trying to make that red dye was something that she had done some less childlike innocent things. 

"And if the flowers had venom other wolves could have used it again someone," she pointed out. Not saying that she would, but it was most definitely something she would try out. Or well, maybe not. Because she never really left the pack grounds, frankly she hadn't even been close to the borders like her brother had. She was more interested in the tunnels.

RE: Break-out Failed - Venus - January 09, 2016

Venus eyed the girl suspiciously. Why would a girl this young want to know about venomous plants. "I haven't seen nettles recently. Would you like to come look for some moss with me? Moss can stop bleeding, and you can soak it with water for a portable water carrier. Are you allowed out with me?" Maybe this would tire her out for Burke later that night. An extra pair of eyes could help her fill up miss, which was somewhat scarce currently.

RE: Break-out Failed - Kendra - January 09, 2016

Kendra blinked at her questioned. Of course she would like to know about mosses too! She was pretty eager on all sorts of Botany. Still her question was weird. "Daddy said you would watch me. That makes you in charge," she pointed out. She quickly raised her chin, dominant little thing she was. "Okay! Then I will be in charge," she stated and jumped up. Her tail following the up motion. 

The small girl stepped forward and looked over her shoulder to her sitter. "Show me the mosses!," she let out, there was excitement in her voice but also a bit of a bossy command. Kendra was starting to show more and more hints of a dominant nature. She was likely to just take the leaders position herself if others weren't stepping up to do so. Guess she had that from both her parents. 

Feel free to correct Kendra here with a little nip or something because now she is acting dominant than Venus. Plus if you want to be a sitter with Venus she would need to learn to correct pups and address the right pack behavior. :)

RE: Break-out Failed - Venus - January 09, 2016

Omg I am such a baby I feel so bad.

Venus almost took this experience almost as a mother class. Her and Cyn were getting serious, and pups were definitely in the mix. This was good for her. Venus gave the egotistical pup a small nip on the rear. She needed to be taken down a few notches. She looked down at her with a stern look. She walked in front of the pup and looked over her shoulder, almost mimicking the pup. "I am not one to mess around with young lady. I will not be pushed around and told what to do. It is my choice I am showing you these things, I could turn around right now and we can sit in the den." she said sternly. She wanted Kendra to like her, but this would not be tolerated.

RE: Break-out Failed - Kendra - January 09, 2016

Haha it is totally okay! And If Cyn and Venus want pups they would have to ask permission from Burke not sure if Cyn's player told you that.

Kendra was in fact trying to push her limits. Venus was a stranger to her and if she didn't show any rules or boundaries then it was logical for a kid like her to cross it. Her father was very strict so Kendra knew very well were to step and she was happy about it. Venus might want her to like her but she would gain respect by showing what was not okay and which was good. Nemesis had also been clear with them from the beginning and Kendra was starting to look up to her a bit even though she was scolded for playing with the dye and all that. She felt the nip and she knew it wasn't intended to hurt. Her father nipped harder. Kendra battered her eyes up. "I don't want to sit at the den!," she let out. "Please show me Miss Venus," she spoke more politely. Kendra wasn't a bad kid. She was raised well, but all kids would try their limits.

RE: Break-out Failed - Venus - January 09, 2016

Yeah, it was talked about. I am hoping it will all work out. I have a thread running with Cyn where we are going to talk about this when she comes back on.

Venus put the girl in her place. There was no more discipline needed, she understood Venus wouldn't bend the rules. She nodded her head at the pled. "Now then, where do you think moss grows? Have you ever seen it before?" Venus asked. She wanted to see how much the girl knew before she began the lesson. Moss was an easy starter plant to teach the young girl on. If moss was eaten, it could potentially be dangerous. Venus pricked her ears forward and gave a small smile to the pup. There was no need to hold an unnecessary grudge. No doubt in her mind, Kendra was a good pup, and they all test their boundaries.

RE: Break-out Failed - Kendra - January 10, 2016

Not sure if Burke will agree. We will see! But just so you know they have to ask permission from Burke.

Kendra looked around, the little correction already forgotten. Not forgotten in a way she would do it again, but more in a sense that it happened as she had peace with it. Kendra could be quite easy going under strict leadership. The girl casted her pale eyes around the forest's white floor. "By the trees!," she spoke. "And on rocks sometimes," she added. "Usually when it is a bit of a wet place." 

The girl looked up at miss Venus to see if she had given the right answer. She kinda knew she did, and it made her wonder if Venus knew about the glowing mosses down in the tunnels. Kendra had seen it while playing with her bat friend.

RE: Break-out Failed - Venus - January 10, 2016

Ask him permission to go out? If not then correct me.

"Hold on for a moment, it feels wrong to not let your father know, so I will talk to him and ask." Venus said. She took in a deep then stopped exhaling and turned to the pup. She leaned in close and said: "Good job." She said and winked. She repeated the step she had previously done and howled for @Burke. Her howl was clearly sounding good, no bad twinged into it. It was clear to anyone that this call wasn't a bad thing. She ended her howl and looked back down at the pup. "Good job, mosses do grow around those areas. Be careful if you are looking under rocks though, spiders live there."

RE: Break-out Failed - Kendra - January 11, 2016

They are free to roam BFW really, especially if they have a sitter with them! :3

Kendra looked at bit surprised but nodded. It didn't take long before her father howled back with the okay. Kendra pushed herself to her feet and was pleased to hear that she had been right about the locations of the moss growing. The dark girl tipped her head a bit. "Are spiders ... bad?," she asked with a frown on her face. She thought the little insects did a lot of good but maybe that was just her thinking wrongly about them. "But plants need light... right? So then why would there be moss under stone?" Smart little thing she was.

RE: Break-out Failed - Venus - January 11, 2016

Venus heard the ok from Burke and began to slowly walk off, because she saw a bit of moss pretty far ahed, and she wanted Kendra to find it. "Well, some spiders are bad. Just let them be and you will never have to learn which ones are bad or not." She laughed. "I would rather have a lot of spiders rather than not having any, because spiders eat flies. Miss Venus is not a fan of flies." She said and shuddered. Venus was surprised at the pups next question. "Well, as you know, moss grows on top of rocks, and sometimes, the moss will grow and completely cover the rock, even underneath. What usually happens, is a plant-eating animal will come by and eat the moss right off the top, leaving the moss on the bottom of the rock for the healers." She said and smiled. "Moss usually wont thrive under rocks. But, it is an extremely sturdy plant so it refuses to die out easily." Venus said, still eyeing the plant.

RE: Break-out Failed - Kendra - January 12, 2016

Kendra had no intention to disrupt the spiders. But if she needed something and the spiders happen to be there she wasn't going to step away from a small little insect. The girl did let out a soft giggle. Kendra hadn't really met a lot of insects seeing that it was winter. She had no clue about mosquitos and other insects really, only the ones she had seen underground. "Alright," she nodded then. 

Kendra was confused how moss could grow under rocks if it needed sunlight. Maybe it was all one plant and the top would give sunlight to the bottom of the plant? Maybe that was the solution to the plant growing under rocks but then how did it survive if others would eat it? Kendra looked adorably confused. She did follow Venus to the mosses she saw. The snow did cover most of it but the ones up the bark of a tree could be seen better. "Okay so moss can hold water?," she asked then.

RE: Break-out Failed - Venus - January 12, 2016

Venus smiled apologetically at Kendra, there was no easy way to explain logic to a pup, let alone knowledge that she didn't know to much about. "Hey, who knows, maybe if you become a medic, we can work together to find out how moss grows without sunshine." Venus nodded. "Moss can also hold blood, but I always think it is best for water." Venus reared on her back leg to reach a piece on moss that grew along one of the branches. She checked to make Kendra wasn't under her and dropped down. "When I was little, I used to play with moss. You can keep this piece." She said and smiled. She looked to the side to see a big puddle. Venus reared back up and grabbed two more clumps of moss. "Do you want to go see just how much the moss can take in?" She said. She began to walk away, checking behind her that the pup was following. She dropped the two pieces of moss down next to the puddle. "Make sure you don't get the one you are bringing home wet. You would be surprised how quickly they get filled with water."

RE: Break-out Failed - Kendra - January 13, 2016

Kendra had already expressed to Nemesis that she didn't want to become a healer. The girl had other things in mind. Maybe she would go to the medical trade eventually but she was more interested in toxic plants, which ones were bad. Or crafting other things from plants like dye or paint. "Hm hmm," she returned not really committing. She was interested to hear that it could also hold blood. So the moss could help to transport her some fluids. Interesting. 

Kendra watched Venus pluck some of the moss for her. She sniffed it. Hmm, maybe she could use her mother's keep to store all these new things she would find. How cool. Kendra nodded softly. Kendra quietly watched as the mosses didn't seem to do anything. But apparently they were sucking themselves full with water. She wasn't planning on taking them home, but maybe to the keep. She could always collect mosses during this winter.