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Ankyra Sound Hold back the Sea - Printable Version

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Hold back the Sea - Keiran - January 11, 2016

night had fallen too quickly, and he emerges from the glade like a specter. his body drawn in whimsy shades of light and day; where the shale meets the sand. beyond the ghostly pallor of the veil that sits in the uncertain edges of the iridescent, is a spit of a beach; the sound of crashing waves calling to his soul. he can't escape the ocean, even when he tries.

tides moving back and forth. a lullaby made as they would crash against the shore, pulling back out to sea then repeating the order over and over again. the sands would glimmer as if tiny diamonds could be found across the surface. a figure would make it's self known to the area as he would pace towards the shoreline. a smile creeping onto his face as the coolness of the water ran through the space between his paws. refreshing yet chilling. the ashen coat would be slightly stained from the salty air, but still remaining a silver toned, roach eyes watched the area around him. his own personal water to drown in. 

and he shivers; quaking with the violent sensation of the familiarity. he may very well leave his sentinel stance for another day when the sky is colder and the shore isn't such a bane to his heart. but in a way, he has grown numb to it all now that he's been out here for most of the day. what was the harm in a few more hours? wrapped neatly around his side, his tail hugs his hip as though trying to draw some sort of certainty from his body. to no avail. after standing here for so long he shuffles his paws from time to time to rid them of their stiffness. 

so he'd wandered away. found himself parts of himself. and here he was again. as he watches the waves, dark and curling towards a deeper blue-brown, he thinks she sees an aquatic creature; a shadow in the water. he'd seen many of them the past few days; sharks, dolphins, clumps of seaweed...and at first, his heart had leaped into his throat;

his face is turned into the wind. with its roar, and the sound of the ocean, the world is a dark place. the tide will be coming in. 

the water is at his knees. another gale screams in his ears, makes the his eyes run with tears. he sees only half of what he loves, the other side is an unknowable sight of mottled browns, blues, and blacks; a watery grave. nothing can ruin what the ocean is to his heart; hate and love and spite. Kierans tongue snakes along his lips, drags the pearls of sea spray from around hid dark muzzle and nose. he tastes the salt and shiver. he is insane with the raging sea. 

 the waves wrap around hid legs, beg to sweep him into the open arms of the black tide. he could give himself to them. he could plunge into the fray and disappear. i am the sea. as the wake drags his weight forward, and he steps with it. slammed by another rush of water and the pull of its mystery. but there is danger in this as well. rips, currents, animals, all tossed around in the oblivion. seaweed has found it's way around his legs.

Kieran finds himself in an odd mood; lusting after the chaos of the murdering ocean. like a prisoner led to slaughter, he roams forward - the promise of a siren in hid ears. as the tide begins to roll in, his mind absorbs the salty air, the stick of its spray in his fur. and he imagines drowning in it the way his heart has drowned in the ghost of love.


RE: Hold back the Sea - Caiaphas - January 11, 2016

the wraith trotted along the shore, the darkness before her long and uninterrupted. as if the hour itself were paused and the only thing still governed by time was the suckling slap of the ocean drawing along the sand. ahead a figure loomed in the swirling water, dark save for the rime that flurried about his flank. caiaphas drew upright and a scowl coalesced the slender reach of her muzzle.

"hey!" she barked into the wind, the high pitch of her coyote-like voice breaking through the dull lash of water. she stood plaintively in the sand, disarming save for the feral vigilance that shrouded her yellow gaze. "you're in my water."

RE: Hold back the Sea - Keiran - January 11, 2016

the sea churns just the same as it always did. lost in the way driftwood was in the ocean, Kieran wonders if his being here is fate; surely there had to be reason. with the crashing waves attempting to knock him over, washing through him, he hears the voice of another; her sultry, powerful tones dragging one of his ears sideways. the wolf finds himself turning his head, muzzle dipped towards his throat in the way one might peer over the brim of their glasses, as he rakes his roach-black eyes over the stranger. an impressive sort; in the starlight she is as black as the night that surrounds them. 

 his next comment brings a rather cold smile onto his lips, though not entirely absent of humor. suave grin showed an arsenal of fiendish fangs, that was Kieran, riding in on the red horse, set forth to rid the earth of it's liabilities and principles, that they were all simply horrendous beast, scraping fourths to sedate their own desires. his just happened to be self-destructive. 

a walking contradiction- while he himself yearned for the intimacy of a woman; lustful and carnal, the feelings almost rivaled that of combat. almost.“ Are you, perhaps, insatiable as well?” he dares, a plume of mist, pouring form the confides of the black nostrils, fogging the icy textures of his eyes, before dissipating into the curves of his jagged jawline. pools settled on the expansive stretch of the dark, dark, sea.

RE: Hold back the Sea - Caiaphas - January 15, 2016

the little wretch issued a raking huff in rebuke, her soured gaze trailing the visible exhale as it was sundered by the wind. as the male spoke her ears pulled back in an expression of annoyance, her brow furrowed in slight confusion. insatiable - say what? the inquiry was writ clear across her narrow and skeptic muzzle.

"what?" the siren queried sharply, her voice rising over the crash of waves. she felt her hackles bristle and a coldness seized her throat. instinctively her tail rose over her slender hips and she stepped forward, a dark expression consuming her rawboned cheeks. "as i said. my beach."

but the loner supplied no answer, instead turning away -- caiaphas was left to watch him in solitary on the strand as his figure slowly receded.