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Silvertip Mountain Wishful thinking - Printable Version

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Wishful thinking - Mason - January 15, 2016

@Steady if you have capacity and anyone else welcome! 

Mason didn’t know how to make Uncle Sted feel better about his friend being poorly. He didn’t know what to say. He felt awful about this, because his Uncle had so easily made him feel better about things being bad with his Dad and Zaria. Whilst he knew his Dad would always care for him, Steady was the big brother he had never had. Now that Mason was an adult, he was swiftly catching Steady up in respect of development (although never in size) but he didn’t feel like it. He still felt like he was floundering a bit in the last stages of youth.


Today Mason had made a find. He had never forgotten about the present he was supposed to obtain, but he hadn’t managed to find anything good enough. With no concept of Santa, Mason didn’t think there was a timeframe on presenting the gift, but he did realise he had probably better do it soon before Steady forgot about the concept at all. To that end Mason had actively been searching for something beautiful to give to his Uncle, to try and cheer him up, and fulfil his secret present promise.

This morning he had found the very gift. Shovelling snow aside in a dark corner of Bramblepoint, Mason had located a beautiful, antler from a deer. It had been snapped and also stood on, so that now only two tines were left joined together, one tine smaller then the other. In Mason’s mind it represented them both – two men, side by side, but one much larger than the other both in presence and in stature. The surface was smooth and polished, and Mason gripped it carefully in his jaws as he headed for the area he knew Steady usually denned.

He came close, dropped the antler fragment at his paws, and peered around the immediate vicinity, sniffing for his uncle. “Uncle Sted?” He called softly. He didn’t want to disturb his uncle if he was sleeping. It was only afternoon though.

RE: Wishful thinking - Steady - January 15, 2016

Steady had been snoozing, not quite sleeping but not quite ready to leave the warmth of his den yet. He was usually up bright and early but sleep had tried to elude him last night. He needed to about to himself that the fear of Scarlett passing meant more than just another lost chance at love. He had genuinely liked her and knew he could come to care for her more. He had wished he would have stayed on her borders, begged to see her, but he didn't want to upset her or her pack mates.

So, he had left there. He thought about returning some day, to see if she had succumbed to her injuries, or if maybe she had survived. Or maybe he would go on with the hope she survived.

He shifted while he snoozed. His body was more than ready to get up and get going but his brain was not. The war was settled, though, when Mason's voice reached his ears. He would not, could not, ignore the call from his nephew. He crawled from his den, taking time to stretch his limbs and shake out his fur. He smiled to his potential co-Beta, approaching him with the intent to nudge him in greeting. Good morning. How goes it? he asked casually. Mason didn't need to have a reason to visit his, Uncle, but Steady was curious nonetheless.

RE: Wishful thinking - Mason - January 15, 2016

Mason smiled as he saw his ruffled Bro exiting the den, and his tail began to wag of its own accord. If there was ever a friend he had had to match June, this was him. The younger male watched as Steady stepped forward at his leisure. Glistening black fur fell into place as Steady shook it out, catching highlights of brown as it rippled in the mild sun. He was a bear of a wolf, especially in comparison to everyone Mason had ever met.

"Mornin'!" He exclaimed when he was spoken to, nudging Steady back in a friendly way. He then stepped back to look down at the antler laying on the ground between them. "I brought you your secret present, from that game Dad made. Sorry it's late." He reached down to nudge it with his nose, towards his Uncle. "It's just a little thing," he added shyly, gazing at his Uncle to gauge the reaction. "I thought it looked a bit like me an' you. Cos you're bigger than me, but we're joined together." His tail continued to wag.

"'Cos we're family, and 'cos I love you I mean, so that's why it reminded me of us."

RE: Wishful thinking - Steady - January 15, 2016

Mason stepped back after returning his greeting, announcing he had brought Steady his secret Santa gift. For a moment, Steady looked confused, but then understanding dawned on him and he chuckled. I completely forgot I was supposed to get a gift, too! He obviously remembered that he was to give one to Chaska, but he didn't remember someone was supposed to give him one. It was a nice surprise.

His tail wagged as Mason explained the gift. Mason, that's perfect, he said, smiling. He nudged his nephew again. I love you, too, he replied. Let me put it in the den, he said quickly, picking it up and disappearing into his den for a moment before reappearing.

Did you feel like doing something today? he asked, not sure if Mason's visit was intended to be short, or if it was open-ended. Steady didn't particularly have any plans today, and hanging out with his favorite nephew sounded like a good idea.

RE: Wishful thinking - Mason - January 17, 2016

Thread = Post-Beta-Steady but presumably before any formal announcement? xD 

Mason was nudged in thanks, and he got the words he was waiting for. "Glad you like it." he enthused. Beaming from ear to ear, Mason watched Steady disappear into his den then return a few minutes later. His heart thrummed a chipper beat and he nodded when Steady asked if he had something he wanted to do. Yes, discuss his impending decision. But maybe he should ease them into it. He wanted to test the waters - he didn't want Steady getting angry that Dad had asked him. In Mason's beatific eyes, there couldn't be a better candidate than Steady, after all.

"Let's go try an' catch a fish at that lake Dad's in love with?" They were probably all too low, but they could head in that direction and take a swim if nothing else. Mason stepped out in the direction of the lake whilst mulling over the best way to approach the subject. It was a few minutes before he dropped it into the silence: "So... Dad asked me if I wanted to be Beta. And I told him I had to think about it... 'cause I'm not sure if he just asked me a'cause I'm his son. A'cos I always wanted to be Alpha with him, like I told you before, but that's gone because of HER. But I said I needed to think... I want to be ready, and I don't want anyone bein' angry about me going to Beta before them." His orange eyes looked up at Steady, feelings worn on his sleeve as usual - it was clearly Steady he was talking about. This was the main reason he had taken time to think the position over, not because he didn't want it.

Yeah, Mason, smooth; just the way to subtly drop it into conversation and cause no ill-feeling.

RE: Wishful thinking - Steady - January 17, 2016


Mason agreed they should do something, and suggested fishing. Steady wasn't all that great, but he would take a jab at it. Sounds like a good idea! They headed off in a comfortable silence until Mason began talking. Steady turned one ear in his direction to let him know he was listening. Steady already knew about Mason possibly becoming Beta, but he also knew Mason had no idea Steady had been promoted and they could be co-Betas. The dark male wondered how Mason would feel about it. They had gotten along so well that Steady just couldn't see any kind of an issue with it.

That was, until Mason mentioned Zaria and the conflict that was going on there. If Mason felt Beta belonged to him, as he did Alpha, would he want to co-lead with Steady? Would he feel Steady was taking it from him? Then Steady realized Mason was talking about him possibly being angry that Mason could be promoted over him.

They reached the lake, and Steady stopped, facing Mason. Taking a deep breath, Steady decided his nephew needed to know the whole truth. He chuckled a bit, thinking about the situation. Well, I certainly wouldn't be mad, seeing as how I was just promoted to Beta, he began, letting Mason digest that thought before continuing. Fitz and Zaria have decided that the Beta pair doesn't have to be mated, or one male or one female. Fitz feels we're both worthy of the position, and would like us to be co-Betas, he explained, his expression hopeful that Mason would take this well. He didn't mention Zaria's apprehension about Mason being promoted. I know how you feel about Zaria- that she took something from you. But, I really think you should focus on what could be now instead of what might have been then. You have so many opportunities available to you, he said, pausing for a moment. Your father may lead alongside his mate, and, yes, that does mean you won't lead beside him. But, what about becoming Beta and getting that leadership experience and then starting your own pack when you're ready? Maybe even... he thought for a moment. Maybe even having neighboring packs to each other. He hoped Mason could see just what he could become if he let go of some of the things holding him back. He was a smart wolf with a good head on his shoulders. Steady could see the potential in him. He just wanted Mason to see it for himself.

RE: Wishful thinking - Mason - January 18, 2016

long post is long 

Mason’s heart was in his mouth, as he waited for his Uncle’s reaction. It didn’t stay there long, because as they reached the lake, Steady began to talk. His words confused Mason. He was promoted to Beta? No way, he must be confused. FitzDutiful would have said if he had offered the position to two of his pack and it was a race to the finish, surely? Dad had appreciated that he needed time to think. He wouldn’t have simply offered the position on a platter to Steady instead?

Feelings now in limbo, Mason shifted on his paws, staring at the ground. He was done with being angry or upset about everything. He needed all of the information before he allowed himself to fall into another world of hurt. He couldn’t stop the tears springing to his eyes, though, when he thought maybe Dad had not wanted to wait for Mason. Luckily, Steady was exactly the wolf to talk the boy down from the ledge. Mason respected Steady enough to allow him to speak without butting in. He continued to gaze at the blurry dirt and sniffed softly. As Steady’s careful voice wound onwards with the advice and explanation, Mason’s ears began to prick back up, and he let the information digest. Steady was sensible enough not to voice Zaria’s misgivings about Mason, and therefore he felt appeased almost fully by the time his Uncle had finished. 

“You’re right Uncle Sted, about Zaria and I need to stop being angry about it.” Mason finally looked up, directly into his Uncle’s kind face, and shook his head to clear the back-end of any tears. He smiled. “You’re so clever and kind, I think you’re an amazing Beta already.” Mason reached in to lick his Uncle’s chin, and then thought carefully about the other things that Steady was saying. Clearly his Uncle was happy to Co-Beta with him. There was no need to wonder what would happen if either male had not agreed – Mason couldn’t think of a better-matched pair in Silvertip. Perhaps having no mateship involved in leading would make it easier – both of the boys’ experience in love had been poor so far. They could be Beta-Bros, wingmen.

Steady’s suggestion that Mason could lead his own pack one day brought a big smile to Mason’s face. Uncle obviously had more faith in him than he did in himself. “Silvertip is my Home, an’ I think Dad wants me to stay here until he gets too old to move and then take over. I dunno what Zaria would do though, so maybe it’s an idea…” Mason had a long time to think about such a monumentous step. He liked the idea of a pack right next-door if he did ever do it. But for now he would be content with any kind of leadership he could get. Steady, Zariaand Dad all felt he was ready.

Mind made up, Mason sniffed one last time then threw himself onto the floor at Steady’s paws and rolled onto his back in fake supplication. With his pale belly on show, Mason tucked his tail up over his genitals and wiggled as though in distress. “Oh worthy Beta, accept my unworthy presence, please!” He cried up at his Uncle, closing his eyes.

Then, after a moment or two he opened one eye and added “… and know that this is the last time you ever see me doing this, because soon I’ll be on your level.” And with an evil grin, Mason stopped his wiggling, pushed all his weight into rolling on his side. He was hoping to catch Steady’s paws with his own, trip him up and send him sprawling into the shallows of the lake.

RE: Wishful thinking - Steady - January 23, 2016

Steady waited, almost holding his breath as Mason seemed to think about what he said. He didn't mean to be harsh to the yearling, but he did think Mason needed to stop being treated as a child, and instead be looked at as the adult he now was. In many ways, Mason still did think in a child-like manner, but Steady felt the possibility of being promoted to Beta would open Mason's world a little more and help him mature. Many leaders might think that's a little ass backwards, to promote someone and then hope they mature, but Mason had many wolves on his side that wanted to see him succeed.

One of his first steps into adulthood? Looking Steady in the eyes instead of the customary glance downward that many submissive wolves showed. If Mason took the Beta position, he and Steady would be equals. The second step? Realizing that he did need to mature when it came to Zaria. Zaria had chosen Fitz, and Mason needed to come to terms with it and move on. He had his entire life ahead of him, and Steady hoped he would soon come to realize that.

Steady smiled a little bashfully when Mason complimented him. Steady wasn't used to the spotlight being on him. Thank you, he said gratefully. Mason then explained that Silvertip was his home, and he didn't want to leave. Steady's tail wagged, glad to hear it. He would never stop Mason from leaving to start his own pack, but Steady would much rather him stay.

All of a sudden, Mason threw himself down in front of Steady, mocking a rather over-exuberant submissive pose. Steady laughed, rolling his eyes and shaking his head in disbelief. I dunno, he said playfully. You yourself did say you're unworthy, soooo... He grinned, not believing for a second that Mason was anything but worthy.

All of a sudden, Mason rolled toward him. Steady was caught off guard and didn't move fast enough to get out of the way of his limbs. The larger wolf was tripped up and landed with a thud on the ground. He looked to Mason, his eyes narrowing as he grinned. You better run, he warned, getting to his paws and going for his nephew.

RE: Wishful thinking - Mason - January 25, 2016

Perhaps he wouldn’t succeed as Beta. Perhaps he would be ousted, or Fitz would pull him to one side and quietly ask him to step down because he wasn’t stepping up to the role. Mason quashed these thoughts – there was no point in expecting he would fail before he had even started. 

With play initiated, his Uncle quickly took up the game – something Mason had known he would do. With those narrow eyes fixed upon him, Mason scrambled to disentangle his legs as he squeal-giggled joyfully. He managed to get himself to his paws, cast one look over his shoulder to check his Uncle was indeed chasing him, then Mason ran like the wind, laughing all the way. “You’ll never catch me!” He sang as he ran, all of his worries draining out into his slipstream like a bad infection loosed by a surgical cut; he cast the thoughts off and left them to wallow in his wake, with no intention on taking them up again.

RE: Wishful thinking - Steady - January 25, 2016

The future was such an uncertain thing. No one could predict, they could simply work for what they wanted, and deal with the changes as they came. Steady sincerely hoped Mason succeeded, and that his nephew would come to him for any guidance if he was feeling unsure about his position and his duties as Beta. Steady himself really had no plans of becoming an Alpha, at least while he had to mate by his side, so his plans were to be the best Beta he could, and help Mason rise to his full potential.

His nephew seemed rather confident Steady wouldn't catch him, and maybe he wouldn't. But, he ran as fast as he could after Mason, the laughter ringing in his ears. He echoed it as he closed the distance between them. When he was close enough, Steady reached out a paw mid-stride, trying to trip up Mason's back leg.

RE: Wishful thinking - Mason - January 26, 2016

[size=xx-large]I hope it’s okay to fade this out :)[/size]
[size=xx-large]Ps sorry I'm posting  from my phone and can't remove the tags [/size]

[size=xx-large]Mason darted off but it didn’t take long for his larger Uncle with longer legs to catch up to him. Mason grunted with effort as he sped away, but he found that within a minute his leg was almost snatched from underneath him. “Noooo!” he squealed again, gleefully, his heart laughing in cadence with his voice. Stumbling, Mason found his paws and ploughed onwards into a thicket of trees, hoping to lose his Uncle in this elaborate game of tig. [/size]
Try as he might, he never did quite throw Sted off; they were together all day, just as they would be from now on as co-leaders. Mason would soon come to realise that he wouldn’t have it any other way.

RE: Wishful thinking - Steady - January 30, 2016

Good to fade ^_^

Steady always enjoyed playing around with Mason. While he was always the mature one, even at a young age, Mason seemed to bring out the pup in him again, and Steady needed that. Sometimes, he was too mature for his own good, and needed a reminder that having fun was okay.

So, for the day, he would. He would enjoy the company of his nephew and soon-to-be co-Beta. His mind would never fully be off protecting the pack, but for now, it could be on the back burner.