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The Sentinels our battles they may find us, no choice may ours to be - Printable Version

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our battles they may find us, no choice may ours to be - Deirdre - January 19, 2016

the babe awoke at twilight, and moved lazily toward the Otherworld. she had yet to truly go to that place, to breach the doors that led in and out, but she sometimes stood at the edge of it for a few moments. nothing had ever held her in thrall that kept her there, and the cold was enough to make her step away after a few short moments. so, why did she return each time?

day in and day out, her mother or father would take their turns in removing themselves from their cincture and would be gone for a time longer than was yet comprehensible to the babe. sometimes they would return with items that the Otherworld had conceived, and sometimes they returned with simply themselves, and even with the words deirdre and emaleth now listened to and understood deirdre could not interpret why it was they left, or what it was that made the Otherworld irresistible to them! in the trinkets they brought, deirdre felt she could see, felt that she, too, might want to be part of that world... but when the Otherworld breathed upon her, it was cold, terribly cold, and deirdre reconsidered her stance. the cold was unbearable to the cub... so what she was left to do was understand what made it to compelling to The Giver and The Source that made them leave time and time again.

one of the two stirred in hearing the pitter-patter of her movements, ready to bring her to them if she moved out of the boundary they had set. never had she done such a thing, nor had she been compelled to; deirdre only looked for all of a minute, hardly enough time to see anything out there that would make her wish to depart (having never been awake, or else having been distracted, when her parents returned from their sojourn to the Otherworld). but this evening, deirdre stared at a potpourri of colors, a refraction of the suns rays creating such colors that melted into one another, past, through, and around the fleece clouds!

she could not speak, so beautiful it was, and that beauty touched her heart, her soul. deirdre's captivation only broke when she thought, my sister must see this!, so she scampered toward emaleth giddily, wanting her to see what the Otherworld had given...

but, the gift from her brother caught in her blurred peripheral, and deirdre's young brain took this to be a sudden priority—why, what she had been wanting to do moments ago was forgotten!—so that her course redirected to it. deirdre moved toward it at a fast clip, and threw herself at it! the result was quite a mess, deirdre was caught in a tangle that surely looked uncomfortable but felt alright to her. the little witch began to lick at the velveteen texture of a tine, before her teeth scraped against it.

nightfall presented itself in an unassuming manner, but deirdre was not yet tired. she slipped from the antlers grip and slid onto her belly, nostrils wrinkling. her family snoozed (though she was aware that her parents would soon switch shifts), and deirdre watched them for a moment, jaw to the earth, before readjusting and turning her head to watch the Otherworld, eager for the moment one came, though not longing for the instant the other left. true, they always came back! but why must they go at all? this, she still did not understand.

RE: our battles they may find us, no choice may ours to be - Casmir - January 19, 2016

Aria. Behati. they both swam in his brain, hurting him, making him frustrated with longing and anger and grief. soon he would have to tell his girlfriend what he wanted, because he couldn't very well pretend he didn't have feelings for the pale Gamma, and also because he didn't want to string Behati along and leave her in the dark. being an adult sucked royal butt sometimes. 

after leaving Aria, Cas had gone to the edge of the territory, kicked rocks off it, and then meandered to the den where his sisters slept. his parents, surprised but welcoming, made room for him. indeed, Lasher headed off into the night to fulfill his mother's request for a rich bit of meat, and so Cas crept close to the mouth of the den.

"hey, Deedee," he crooned, catching sight of the pale pup as soon as his eyes had adjusted. "how's it going?" Emmy was asleep nearby, and he smiled at blue willow as well. "hey, mom." their lack of questioning was really going well for him tonight.

RE: our battles they may find us, no choice may ours to be - Deirdre - January 20, 2016

by this time, deirdre knew of her brother and had opened her heart to him. the thing was the size of her body—bigger, even!—and as she saw his face break the uniform darkness in their den that seemed stagnant at the time, deirdre hoisted herself upward before she raced toward him. her energy became boundless as the cub hollered to him, dee da mro eest mmmm eeee-ew! which of course meant, i am so happy to see you!, the truth of it undeniable from her presentation.

deirdre nearly careened into him, and then reared on two hindlegs and began to jump so that she might reach his face and bring him to her height. her strength was uncontested; she easily could push her father down, after all, and though she balked at the first time she had done it, fearful of hurting him and having not intended that end, when she realized he was in no pain she enjoyed the results and the fun afterward. of course deirdre hadn't any idea that she wasn't actually a woman with herculean strength, and that her father humored her and her gentle tackles and take-downs that really could not hurt a fly (if not because of how soft her touch was, then certainly because of her lack of coordination). come down here!!! deirdre babbled, zipping around and between and through his legs as she made an infinity loop perhaps a hundred times over there. and then she resumed leaping upward to kiss whatever she could reach, tail whipping around all the while. yes, she was happy.

RE: our battles they may find us, no choice may ours to be - Casmir - January 20, 2016

she babbled and raced at him like a little cotton candy blur. Cas laughed out loud. "oh, no!" he shouted, pretending to be dragged slowly to the ground. "you're so ... strong, Deedee!" when he had been 'vanquished,' the darkfurred Mayfair boy stretched out happily on the floor of the den and closed his eyes. "you killed me," was the last thing the corpse said, before lapsing into silence. and death.

what would his sister do? Cas tried hard to stop the chortles from erupting; he shook silently against the dirt, making muffled little 'mmph' sounds. the stress of his meeting with Aria had faded; it was just him and his sister now, acting like silly little beetles.

RE: our battles they may find us, no choice may ours to be - Deirdre - January 21, 2016

deirdre delighted at his laughter, doing so between her teeth as she impishly tugged and pushed (both, to see the effects) and when he collapsed, deirdre pranced around him with unabashed glee! her eyes did glister as the pale witch looked upon him, and she noticed his closed eyes which did not mean dead to her, but meant something else, and she knew how to fix it! without delay, deirdre paraded toward his face and paused only once before his throat. she thoughtlessly clambered upward, utilizing the stepping stool that was his muzzle, but the lips moved if she put more weight on it than a single leg! well, she did that, and then put the other tiny paw upon his face, and began to cover him with limitless kisses. this always made her mother and father and sister rise, no matter the time, so long as she was persistent enough.

he quaked beneath her, and she thought, is this a good thing, or a bad thing? but continued to do so, because no bad had ever come from this before, so why should it now? he would open for her, like mother did, and father did, and sister did, and that she had connected and so believed it would do so with him. she was frantic and sweet but not at all gentle, unconscious of pain herself and not knowing she could ever cause it. intermittently her teeth would get in the way and her kiss would be a pinching nip, though she was unaware of that, too. her tail whipped at her hindquarters all the while, and now and then deirdre would shift her weight onto her forelegs so that she might try and reach a portion of his face she had not yet touched.

RE: our battles they may find us, no choice may ours to be - Casmir - January 22, 2016

she climbed onto him instead of being startled like he assumed; Cas laughed harder but didn't rise as her small paws pressed into his lips, eyebrows, cheeks, followed by tiny licks of her little tongue. she kissed him between her feet, tickling her fur with the gestures. finally he could take it no longer; he chortled merrily and raised his muzzle gently to dislodge deidre, parting his forepaws for her small fall into them. when she had presumably done so, he laved her ears gently and then pretended to nip her. "wanna spar a lil, Deeds?"

omg my cas muse is so low i cry

RE: our battles they may find us, no choice may ours to be - Deirdre - January 26, 2016

as he rose, she fell, and the babe felt no fear as she went downward and fell into his waiting paws. the feeling of that delighted her as she recalled the sudden drop in her stomach during the descent, and she giddily went to ascend the slope of his shoulder again—but his playful nips distracted her, and she ebbed away from the shore of him; there was a tiny, feeble little call within her that saw what he was doing, and she took one bound toward, her jaws gently snapping shut toward him in turn. she began to yip excitedly at his chomping, catching the air from their wake with her biting rejoinder.

RE: our battles they may find us, no choice may ours to be - Casmir - January 27, 2016

Deedee agreed -- Cas chuckled as she soared at him like a baby t-rex, mouth agape and the small pearls of her tiny milk teeth shining in the gloom of the den. he lifted his chin to allow her small bites to reach the fur of his throat, and then gave a playful growl. his gentle swat was aimed to trip her a small bit; his own teeth closed carefully on the air in front of his sister. it was no type of formal spar, but perhaps she would learn something all the same.

RE: our battles they may find us, no choice may ours to be - Deirdre - January 27, 2016

deirdre did not intentionally avoid his fangs; it was he that avoided her that made her tactics not at all evasive. the cub did not know teeth could bring pain, not even her own, and so she would soon be ruthless in her pursuit of him! jaw pressure was nothing to fear, but her pinching milk-teeth were at best unpleasant and at worst a true sting of pain. she also was would be slow to detach herself, bumbling as she was at this age, but she would learn through others—in moments like these—right and wrong, and what to run away from. today she would retain nothing; she was too young to recall anything, and only when she was a month would The New Remembering begin. at present she did not rush at him, however; she was only interested in continuing to grab what she could not, and repeating him.

even as he offered his throat for her to bite, it was used only as a leverage to hoist her upward. but her muscles were far too weak, and the plump youth only fell onto her rear end. there was not even a moment to gather her bearings; his great paw caused her to tilt downward and fall, now, on her side. a raucous cry came from her, and she looked at him with large side eyes. i don't like that, deirdre informed him in her babble, unable to withhold a confused tear. the pale witch did not yet have the instinct even to play fight yet, only to mimic behavior that intrigued her.

RE: our battles they may find us, no choice may ours to be - Casmir - January 30, 2016

aww poor baby

too late he realized he had been too rough with her -- it had not occurred to the teen that his baby sister was far too young for the sparring and snapping of his jaws, no matter how gently he closed them upon her. she bit at his throat, but he pushed her down with a paw that was almost the size of her small pale body, and she cried out in tones he understood well. even to the tremble of her lips, the tiny tear that emerged on her cheek -- Cas caught himself.

"oh, Dee! i'm so sorry!" the Mayfair child exclaimed, lying his chin upon the denfloor and peering up at the puppy apologetically. as gentle as his father was, had Lasher seen what happened, he might have kicked the boy out on his ass. Cas let out a low whine, pleading with her to forgive him.

RE: our battles they may find us, no choice may ours to be - Deirdre - February 01, 2016

her chin wobbled, though no more tears emerged from the duct that would allow them their exit. it was only shock that had accosted her, nothing else, and at his gentle tones deirdre was again a pliant and trusting thing. his expression struck deirdre as incredibly sweet, and the babe stepped toward him to press her nose against his own. wordlessly, she had accepted his apology without even knowing he had apologized at all. to those she loved most her heart might always be so big and gracious, though she did not know it. his whine was met with an investigatory look at where the whistling sound came, and her head cocked fully as she looked at him, perplexed by the sound and unaware of the meaning.

RE: our battles they may find us, no choice may ours to be - Casmir - February 02, 2016

she seemed to grant him a reprieve, and Cas thumped his tail happily on the floor of the den, relieved. Dee then cocked her head, eliciting an 'aww' from her soft-hearted brother -- she was just so freaking cute! he cottoned on to the fact that she was interested in the sounds he was making, and so he grinned, whining again, and then following that with a soft chuff and a low bark. his golden eyes were bright -- what would his sister make of them? would she try to emulate?

RE: our battles they may find us, no choice may ours to be - Deirdre - February 03, 2016

his aw was mimicked imperfectly, the sound emitted more of a content 'ahhh' than anything, but she prided herself at his reactions! try as she might, she could not chuff as he did. and when he barked, she did, too, though the sound that came from her was more of a yip in its given pitch. deirdre scampered toward him and continued to yap at him, lapsing into a babble, what does it all mean!

RE: our battles they may find us, no choice may ours to be - Casmir - February 04, 2016

the girl imitated -- she babbled, and Cas laughed. it was good to be here, good for his broken heart and seething mind, and he decided in that moment to visit more often. a sudden wave of exhaustion overtook him and he sort of slid to the ground again, lying his head against the cool floor of the den. a wave of his tail signaled deirdre that he was indeed okay, his jaws splitting into a massive yawn. he blinked sleepily and remained there, content for the first time in some days.

RE: our battles they may find us, no choice may ours to be - Deirdre - February 16, 2016

he did not answer, but even if he had she would not have understood him. so she contrived her own translation, not knowing what else to really do. the meaning was lost as his eyes moved in a hypnotic fashion, and the cub found herself again falling into miming him. this was unintentional, as his exhaustion was contagious to the easily influenced cub. she now moved toward him and slumped against his muzzle, sliding downward in the process and pushing her snout dangerously near to his eye socket without regard to personal space (not knowing such a thing existed). she yawned, too, unable to resist the urge as it came to her... and continued to blink sleepily until she could blink no more, and her eyes simply remained shut.

RE: our battles they may find us, no choice may ours to be - Casmir - February 16, 2016

fading <3

she fell against him, and curled as a tiny yawn split her jaws. "aww," Cas was able to whisper, wincing as her blunted little muzzle stabbed him briefly in the eye -- moving a few centimeters away, he lay a broad forepaw gently over his sister, yawning until his hot breath ruffled the velveteen fur upon her head. 

and so the boy fell into his own sleep, lulled by the sheer innocence of the babe and the comfort of his parents' den. in the morning he would rise early and depart, but for now he slept exhaustedly.