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Blackfeather Woods Explain yourself - Printable Version

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Explain yourself - Burke - January 20, 2016

Dun dun dun @Mikasi

Burke recently bumped into Venus and came to think that he hadn't seen Mikasi in a long time. The male had been a member of this pack in a while and Burke had not seen his face in a while either. He wasn't sure if it was even his scent at the border or if he was even working towards his hunting trade. Burke howled for the subordinate and quite demanding too. Seeing that all their members were in the brotherhood now he wanted to make sure they were actually doing something. That reminded him that he should have a mention to the whole pack about their name change and the stricter guidelines.

RE: Explain yourself - Mikasi - January 20, 2016

He had been looking out into the woods when the demanding call of Burke had sounded. A demanding call directed to him. He did not hesitate to answer, thinking of the worse. That was a habit, always thinking of negative outcomes. The most fearful thought, however, is if Burke had known about his encounter with Venus.

 He approached Burke with a respectable stance, taking grasp of the fact that he was the boss. "You needed me?", he asked.

RE: Explain yourself - Burke - January 21, 2016

Burke looked at Mikasi when he came to him. At least his posture was good. Burke didn't look to pleased though. "I did. You have been here for quite a few months now. I took you in because you were saying that you would work hard but I haven't seen anything of it," he pointed out. Burke was always getting straight to the point. He didn't like to dwell on things or talk around it.

Burke's pale eyes stared directly into Mikasi. "You have not come to me for help or tasks. I have not seen you in like forever and now I have to call you to ask what's up?,' Burke let out with a agitated growl. His docked tail went up and his normally calm expression turned into that of a madder one. Because if Burke had one pet peeve then it was slouching. "Explain yourself and what you have been doing all this time?," he demanded and Mikasi better be honest because if Burke would find out later consequences weren't going to be good for him.

RE: Explain yourself - Mikasi - January 21, 2016

He was slightly relieved that it wasn't about Venus. Though instead it was about another much greater thing, something that could get him kicked out if he didn't say the right words. Mikasi waited or Burke to finish what he had to say, not happy to see his angrier demeanor.

 "I apologize for not coming to you for new tasks, first and foremost," he started in a calm voice. "It's true, I have been lacking on hunting lately, though I still work for that trade. I've actual been patrolling the borders more lately.

RE: Explain yourself - Burke - January 22, 2016

Burke looked at the younger male that instantly apologized. The alpha knew he was right. But he was still curious what the male had been doing. He disliked wolves that would eat their hard earned caches of food while not putting something back in return. "I patrol every day, so next time you will join me," he stated, there was no question in it. Mikasi would have to be there. Burke was going to work him hard. He wanted everyone to carry a piece of the pack's tasks to they would feel more united and most of all grateful for the other's work. "That is if you want to be a guardian instead of a Hunter. I am not going to stop you from working on your Mercenary but I do want some more hunters. What was your other trade? Sitter? Why haven't you come to watch my children then? Maybe, since Venus is also a sitter, and my daughter is fond of her, you can pick up Hunting and Mercenary. Then again, you don't have to. This is not an order. But if you do choose another trade you better work hard for it. I want to see something from you Mikasi."

Burke is being a butt again! I would love Guardian/border patrol threads sometime! And if you want sitter threads I can throw Kendra at ya :P! (even for hunting threads! Kendra needs to learn how to hunt!)

RE: Explain yourself - Mikasi - January 25, 2016

He nodded briefly. "Then I'll be there." Patrolling with someone would be new to him, so he didn't know what to expect. Well, it wasn't bound to be more exciting than regular patrols. The difference was he would have company.

 He waited for Burke to finish before replying. "Your right, I do want to become a sitter and hunter. Have your children learned how to hunt yet? I can teach them if ya' allowed." He always wished to teach younger wolves the skills of survival. He never had that chance to do in his old pack, so tis was a good opportunity. "Well, I'm determined to show ya'. Is there anything else you want me to do?"

RE: Explain yourself - Burke - January 26, 2016

Burke nodded in reply, approving of his promise to be there. Maybe he would like patrol, and maybe he would not. He had been doing it by himself but Burke wasn't sure if he had seen any patrolling from Mikasi. He would teach him how to do it. It was not rocket science really. He already taught Macbeth about the swamps so the dry borders were a piece of cake compared to that.

Burke nodded once more when Mikasi spoke about becoming a sitter. "Well I have two and both need to learn how to hunt. Yes and after this you have permission to do so. But howl to me when you will take them or at least come to be before had so I will know and not ask Venus to watch them," he explained. "No. As long as you stay focussed on the trades you want to do then you are doing good in my eyes."

RE: Explain yourself - Mikasi - January 31, 2016

fade next post?

 He nodded. "Alrighty, you can consider it done." It would be an opportunity to look forward to. He always wanted to teach something to children and to teach his favorite survival skill was amazing.

 Mikasi assumed that there wasn't much more to speak about. "Well, if there is not anythin' else you need, I reckon I can be accused?" He wouldn't depart until Burke answered.

RE: Explain yourself - Burke - January 31, 2016

Yes! I will archive!

Burke nodded shortly to Mikasi asking if he could be excused. It would be good for his young to have someone train them their survival skills. Burke wasn't going to feed them forever and him being a guardian took up much of his time. "Yes, thank you Mikasi," he spoke and then dismissed the male. He hoped that he would listen to his words. It was important that every member would work hard and have the ambition to grow into more than just an apprentice. With his light mentoring session Burke went back to work on his other trade.

- end-