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Herbalists' Cache Heaven's most adorable angel - Printable Version

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Heaven's most adorable angel - Anwyl - January 24, 2016

For @Ukko :)

Anwyl was out on another expedition. His previous one had taken him south of Teekon and this would lead him north. He loved exploring, it was a great way to meet new friends and learn new things. He liked to have a good mental map of the land he lived in, so that he wouldn't get lost. He walked along a grove of thick vegetation, he could only imagine how green it must be in spring. There were lots of mushrooms and ferny looking leaves. Anwyl stopped to sniff every one, so he could get to know them. Some of them smelled good, and some smelled bad but most had no smell at all. He remembered the ones that smelled bad, maybe they were poisonous. He really had no idea about medicines and plants, but he liked to think he did.

The silver and white fluff ball walked on, enjoying the sights of the woods. He could smell another pack nearby, but as they were I recognizable he tried to stay clear of their territory. He was interested in them, but didn't want to cause trouble. Maybe he's meet one of them on his journey, like he had Wildfire and Alastor. He smiled, looking up at then sun through the winter trees. Today had proved to be very nice, the sun had come out to warm his pelt, and the wind had gone on vacation. A perfect day to explore.

RE: Heaven's most adorable angel - Ukko - January 31, 2016

*covers up that they suck at everything*

Ukko had never been much for leaving pack lands until lately, going through a number of changes in such a short span of time, that he’s still left reeling to sort through them. Reek gave him hell more often than not and he isn’t sure Tavi understands. The only other wolf he’d considered spilling his confessions to probably doesn’t want to see him but it doesn’t stop him from venturing out in the only direction he knew to find her.

The scent of another catches his attention a lot later than he should have picked up on and he moves, drawn to canine. There’s a faint hint of familiarity that reminds him of Capri but when he sees the wolf up ahead, they don’t have the same dark fur he expected. Ukko remains several yards back as the wind shifts, blowing his far fur and fluffing up his size. He chuffs to get the other’s attention but remains neutral in posture anyway.

RE: Heaven's most adorable angel - Anwyl - January 31, 2016

Lol no you're fine xD

Anwyl looked up at the sudden chuff. Somebody was there. He'd gotten so sucked up into sniffing some weeds that he almost hadn't even noticed the older black male coming towards him. The male was older, stronger looking, and from what Anwyl could smell, was from a pack. That meant that since this wasn't even near Anwyl's turf, he would have to be very respectful and wise. He bowed his head to the ground and tucked his tail submissively. He glanced up timidly at the male, his icy blue eyes glinting with curiosity.

I didn't mean to impose or anything. I'm out on an exploration and thought that this forest seemed interesting. I'm sorry if I've caused any trouble or if I'm too close to pack borders. My name is Anwyl. The yearling boy raised his head to stand his ground. He felt that he'd made it clear enough to Ukko that he meant no harm and knew his place. He was still timid but felt a bit more comfortable.

RE: Heaven's most adorable angel - Ukko - February 01, 2016

The other wolf jerks to attention and when he’s noticed, drops into a submissive position. Ukko feels his shoulders move back a little further, squaring his chest to make his already large form bigger. His neutral posture changes noticeably enough that he has to force himself to relax. The explanation he’s given is gentle enough but it doesn’t satisfy him. His smell might remind him of the girl he’s headed to see but that doesn’t do anything to calm his nerves.

“Where are you from?” he demands instead, eyes narrowing. He ignores everything else the other wolf said a moment ago, doesn’t introduce himself, and waits for an answer he sure he knows the answer to. Capri hadn’t given the name of the pack she’d joined up with, had only given him a direction, but perhaps he’d be able to get a little more information. 

RE: Heaven's most adorable angel - Anwyl - February 02, 2016

Anwyl noticed how the male held himself in high posture. That suggested that he was probably of a high rank in whatever pack he was from. Anwyl was immediately interested and wanted to ask him like a billion questions, but figured he should wait until the black wolf was finished with his own interrogation. He continued to stay in a submissive posture, seeing how demanding an anxious Ukko was. Im from a pack in the south called Porcupine Ridge? We're fairly new so you might not know of us. My alphas Tagg and Capri, you might know them though. He added the last part in hopes that he could ease some tension. The whole 'a friend of a friend is a friend of mine' thing.

The yearling boy took another look around at the cache. He was brimming with questions for the male. His curiosity almost got to him at one point and he almost blurted out a question. But he managed to hold it in. Not yet Annie, give him a moment. Anwyl was patient, he could wait, but it might kill him.

RE: Heaven's most adorable angel - Ukko - February 08, 2016

Porcupine Ridge doesn’t ring a bell but the boy keeps going and finally says a name he does know. His ears perk, alert on his head, and his eyes widen a little in surprise. He doesn’t know the range of packs in the area but he doubts many have popped up nearby where Capri had taken her own. It turns out to be the same one and he nods, slowly, but leaves any indication of recognition past his surprise away. 

The wolf could take a message back to his friend but he bites his tongue against it, shaking it free from his mind, for a moment.

“What are you doing so far from home?” he asks, raising a brow once he’s shaken off the feelings enough to redirect his focus to something else. The wolf isn’t terribly close to the maplewood but he’d been headed in that direction, away from his own territory.

RE: Heaven's most adorable angel - Anwyl - February 08, 2016

What was he doing so far from home. Good question. With Anwyl, he usually just started walking and his feet took him wherever they felt like taking him. This was exactly why he was training to be a scout. There it was! That was a good reason. Well I'm training to be a Scout, maybe a Ranger or Ambassador. I just really like traveling. I've been south and I thought it'd be fun to go north. He replied, hoping to ease some of the larger male's suspicion. He allowed himself the courtesy of standing up straighter, he felt the pleasantries of introduction was over, even though he didn't even know his new acquaintance's name.

Do you have a name? He asked, it was a friendly tone, he didn't want to sound rude. But he didn't want to have a conversation with someone who's name he didn't know. The youngster thumped his tail softly on the ground, he was having a good day so far. Hopefully Ukko wouldn't get angry at him, because that would ruin his cheery mood.