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The Sentinels of all the human misery, and all the waste of life - Printable Version

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of all the human misery, and all the waste of life - Deirdre - January 26, 2016

babies are a month and a day old, omg ;_; @Blue Willow present dated thread maybe??? of course all family always welcome!

change was as constant a thing as anything else in her life, but these changes could not be noticed by deirdre so gradual they were. day by day she and emaleth grew; now, their ears were pricked atop their crowns (though were still prone to crumpling over) and their paws were not as small as they once were, a prelude of the figure to come. there were parts of her sisters that seemed fuzzier than others, and if deirdre could see herself she'd see the same thing but in a paler complexion—adult furs beginning to emerge, able, now, to be noted. for now, neither cub was wildly out of proportion as it was only the first day of this new month, but in the short time to come their conformation would shift to bring them larger heads and feet that would seem to belong to a different being. there were different things being ignited in the child, who at present stirred from her evening nap. she rose, looking about her to gather her bearings and see who was near. her remembering was slow, but a sort of dread filled her as she thought of her sister, the memory of their brief—or, was it still present?—separation nightmarish, and unsteadily deirdre called to her sibling, hello???

RE: of all the human misery, and all the waste of life - Blue Willow - January 27, 2016

Blue heard the soft query and lifted her own self to heed it's call. She hadn't realized that she had slept so soundly, but she had. MOving around she made it to Deirdre and chuffed gently to her daughter. Are you okay little one? She wanted to embrace her, lick her face, but she wasn't sure if the child was yet awake. She did not wish to frighten her more if she was perhaps in the throes of a wakeful sleepiness. So Blue waited, studying the fragile creature in front of her. The way her body was not yet unproportioned but it would be, but she also saw glimpses of what her daughters would be, of their beauty and their strength. It hurt her in a way to think of them growing to large to need her, perhaps to even want her around, but it would not change her mothers love.

RE: of all the human misery, and all the waste of life - Deirdre - January 27, 2016

deirdre turned her head and looked to her mother, The Source, when she moved. for a moment deirdre was distracted from her task; she was quite eager to bask in her mothers attention, and give her own in turn. deirdre would never in her life tire of her mother, and her heart would always have need of the woman regardless of whether she was old or young. she crawled on her belly toward the woman, her tail waving whiplike behind her as she whimpered excitedly when her mother spoke in her lovely cadence. she was tired, having just woken, but now that she knew mother was awake, as well, she sought her total regard.

RE: of all the human misery, and all the waste of life - Blue Willow - February 16, 2016

Blue smiled softly at the girls puppy gait, the awkward shuffle and tail wag. It was beyond cute and she wasn't quite sure what was sweeter the girls obvious affection for her, or the way she wobbled towards her. They were growing so fast their girls. Sometimes too fast. It felt as if Blue had merely blinked and they were already beginning to talk and walk and see and hear. It did her heart good to see them so hale, but it also saddened her in a way that only motherhood could. She was emensely proud of all her children, but there was always the soft sense of loss as they grew and no longer needed her. 

She bent to the girl, nose to nose and smiled at her. She liked her head as she grew near her. Hello Deirdre

RE: of all the human misery, and all the waste of life - Deirdre - February 16, 2016

deirdre watched as her mother lowered her head so they were nose-to-nose to one another. her baby blues crossed and widened as she stared at the inky snout her mother had, and then for the first time noticed her own—and then, when her mother kissed her brow all her attention was scattered and dashed to nothingness. deirdre cooed, and then looked to her mother again when she had spoken. not knowing what exactly was said, deirdre responded with a mute, loving stare before saying—in unintelligible puppy babble—you know you are my heart and soul? you know i am you, and you are me, and sister, too? and also, him, the bringer of things!!! i am you, you are us! she explained all this to her mother, explaining what she knew of her identity so far. that she was 'deirdre' was yet unknown to her, who saw herself as limitless, who saw herself as simply a part of the regarded world but felt that she was everything. the thought was not vain or self-absorbed, but what she tried to derive and understand. all this comprehensive knowledge was soon to be lost, but she shared it to her mother then, wondering if the other understood.

RE: of all the human misery, and all the waste of life - Blue Willow - March 12, 2016

Blue chuckled and then her laughter grew loud and joyful at the babble that came from the child's maw. She tickled her nose with her own and giggled again. You my dear are the light of my heart. All of you children are. Blue leaned forward and wagged her tail, offering her daughter a paw to play with. Perhaps they could gambole about, the little one still did not have her sea legs so to speak, but she was learning. What better way to learn than to play.