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Blackfeather Woods We don't believe what's on tv - Printable Version

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We don't believe what's on tv - Nemesis - January 26, 2016

@Kendra perhaps? Nem is lost without the little furball of feistiness...

It had been a little while since she had seen the dark haired girl romping around, though her scent was there. Since the pack meeting, she could not help but to feel a certain amount of protectiveness, even though she had no business feeling so. The mere sight of Venus standing by guarding Kendra and Pietro sparked a fire of jealousy. She had been there first, not the wannabe spy. Sighing, she shook away the thought. Venus was only kind to her, and she would return the formalities. She had no wish to start trouble within her pack, afterall. One day, if Burke decided, she would help lead the dark pack and she had no interest to start a rivalry if she was to one day mentor other's just the same. Instead, she sought out Kendra since she didn't expect the girl to come find her, herself. 

She had been to the Alpha den once, though it was under much different circumstances. First, she checked for a sign that Burke was within the home before advancing further. One thing she knew all Blackfeather wolves generally requested was privacy, and she fully understood the need for it. When her nose did not pick up anything, Burke or the siblings, she began to question how far they could actually roam. Surely Burke had a limit to how far they could venture into the territory, she chuckled nervously. Scouting her eyes across the scene, she did not find any image of the dark pup that she presumed was out exploring some forbidden part of the forest. "Kendra!" She called, if the girl was anywhere near the den, she would most definitely hear the quizzical call that rang hollowly through the barren brambles of the forest. 

RE: We don't believe what's on tv - Kendra - January 27, 2016

Awwww so cute! :D

Kendra was out in the tunnels once again. Once the girl would wake up she would dash across the glen into the tunnel system. She was pretty clean on learning about her mother and what she did from her bat friend. Unless Pietro was staying at the den too, then she would be hanging out with him. She was pretty close to her brother even though they both had their own interests. Kendra was quite clueless that Nem was looking for her. She was underground after all. The girl really took darkness literally. She had never been close to the borders because when she was by the outskirts she found the light too bright for her light colored eyes. She liked to be underground more. She felt ... like she was part of it. In the light she felt exposed. 

It was because of her bat friend that she knew Nemesis was looking for her. He caught up on the calls from the female. Desna didn't want the other to know about her bat friend just yet so she excused herself and started running through the tunnels. She knew them too well already, especially this part. Kendra was pretty keen with routes and where to go, using scent and eye sight. It took quite a moment for her to appear from the entrance that was at the spiderlings' glen. She was not as fast as her brother. Normally Kendra could be stubborn and decide that she didn't 'hear' a howl, but the girl liked Nemesis and one time she didn't listen to her father's howl and he made sure that she would listen next time. "Nem!," she called out once above ground. Eyes blinking because of the light difference. To her the woods weren't that dark, the tunnels were darker.

RE: We don't believe what's on tv - Nemesis - January 30, 2016

She looked around for the source of her name before her eyes set on Kendra bounding out from.. wherever she had been. Her eyes veered around to the hidden entrance way into the Web. She didn't like the secret underground network much. The lack of free, fresh flowing air made her feel stuffy and compressed underground. She was not a mole, therefore she had no need to spend her time under the earth. What if it caved in and she died under the feet of her packmates? There was no worse fate than that. Though she mentally applauded Kendra for taking it upon herself to explore the caves. She walked excitedly to the girl, glancing past her to see if anyone else had been accompanying her. Should she be in there alone? The last time she had gone down the water had overflowed the tunnels and it was in no condition to trek through. "Have you been in the Web?" She motioned to the tunnels. 

Taking a greater sniff of the girl, she noticed many new scents. Well, new to Kendra probably. There was something she couldn't quite put her metaphorical finger on but her mind wavered from the though. "I thought I might take you around today. Anything in particular you'd like to go?" She wasn't sure how far Burke let his children wander, but either way she was glad to spend time with the girl. "That is, if you'd like to go on an adventure.." She added, incase the girl had other things planned for the day. Yet, her spirits had raised and she felt good, either way she would have her mini exploration party with or without Kendra. 

RE: We don't believe what's on tv - Kendra - January 31, 2016

Kendra's eyes took moment to adjust, instantly being guided to the dark shape coming at her. Her nose confirmed it was Nemesis. The girl stepped forward and jumped up, almost getting big enough that she didn't have to put a paw against Nemesis' chest to reach her muzzle for a lick. She decided to do it anyways, pacing her paw against Nem and then giving her a appropriate lick in greeting. The girl moving her tail with the red tip, the other splashes and smudges of red had vanished by now. But it was clear she had recolored her tail using the 'sacred' dye. Kendra knew how to make the dye plus she had a deal with her father now. 

The girl sat down and looked from Nemesis to the secret entrance. She waited a moment with her answer, scanning Nemesis facial expressions for disapproval. She couldn't find the disapproval so she would admit it. "Yes. I like the web. I feel at home in the dark. I've been there for most of the time," she stated, puffing out her chest a bit. She had to think if she wanted to go anywhere. She had disliked being at the borders. It was too bright for her. She had been to the swamps and gotten very cold. She couldn't' go to Red Grove, and the garden of roses she wanted to keep secret. There was a meadow with a weird tree she wasn't allowed to go. "Is there any place here to go on an adventure?,' she questioned with a curious calmness in the tone of her voice.

RE: We don't believe what's on tv - Nemesis - January 31, 2016

She couldn't help but to laugh as Kendra bounded up to her, attacking her muzzle with a lick. Though looking past the girl, she noticed the red dipped tail which led her to assume that Kendra had managed to recreate the red dye. She trusted Kendra enough to assume she hadn't messed around with the original stuff again. And she had the greatest feeling that Meldresi would be proud of her daughter replicating the sacred dye, it truly was an achievement. So, she chose to ignore interrogating the dark haired girl. "Nice colours," She smirked approvingly, indicating to her tail. She held an eye of pride, that the Brotherhood mark would look well on Kendra if she decided to go down that road. 

She pondered her own quest for a minute. Shortening down the list from possible dangerous destinations for Kendra to go had reduced it by a lot. But there was one place she had glanced by that time in the Web. She wasn't exactly sure what it was called, though it was the heart of Mephala's Web. "Have you been to the middle of the Web yet?" She cast a suspicious yet teasing glance to the girl. If she hadn't the adventure would be a fruitful one. She was ready to face the tunnels if it meant satisfying the girl. "It is said that there is a cave there that holds a mysterious glow, though I have never investigated it further. I imagine it would be something quite interesting," She glamoured the idea just a bit, though enchanting herself at the same time. 

RE: We don't believe what's on tv - Kendra - February 01, 2016

Kendra was immensely proud of the fact that Nemesis pointed out the red on her tail. She loved the color herself but that an older female like Nem was liking it too made the little girl really pleased. She quirked her lips into a bit of a smile and puffed out his chest. "You can get a red tip too if you want?," she offered. Which was a really big thing for Kendra to share. She mostly kept the dye for herself, she was tempted to show Pietro, maybe give him a paw print too. Her pale eyes instantly widened. Maybe she could make another color and give Pietro a paw print like that!! She would need some berries for that, she might have seen some laying around in the keep. Hmm. Yes.

She had her attention back when Nemesis tried to sell her on exploring the 'glowing tunnels'. She let out a giggle but it sounded a bit more creepy than care free girl giggles. "It is glowing moss, Nem. I already explored it and then asked miss Venus what it was. In spring we are going to try and replant the growing moss somewhere else. She is going to teach me now to learn to replant plants," she explained, sounding a bit like a know-it-all but the girl did already know this and had the fact to back it up. She chuckled a bit, not to laugh at Nemesis but just because she found it funny how dangerous it sounded like it was not dangerous.

RE: We don't believe what's on tv - Nemesis - February 02, 2016

She couldn't help but to smile herself as Kendra offered to bedazzle her tail as well. Would Burke mind? She seen no reason for him to object, after all, Kendra had made the dye herself. "Okay, but later on, I promise," She agreed, a mischievous gleam present in her eyes. She didn't want to have drying paint on her tail while she walked round, for she wasn't sure how to explain red dye scattered everywhere to Burke. It was easier to hang around children, she found. They didn't judge, and they didn't glamour the truth. They simply went about life without a care, and she envied it. Innocence was hard to come by and she was so lucky that she had a chance to witness it flourish. 

Her brow furrowed at this "Glowing Moss". She had not seen such a thing, but the glowing worms she had. It would have been exciting to see the girl react to the strange insects, and though she knew she had no reason to be, she felt a little left out. "Ah, so you seen the glow worms then," There was a chance she hadn't, and quietly, she wanted to see them again too. "Well aren't you so smart," She chuckled, not doubting Kendra's claims at all. "Meldresi would be very proud," She gleamed down at the girl, though her tone was not sorrowful. There was a time for mourning the dark queen's name and a time for praising it. "Well, how about you show me what you've been doing so diligently so far, instead. I swear, one of these day's you will be teaching me how to replant plants," She had a lot to learn when it came to Kendra, for the girl had a fascinating logic of her own. She was lucky, the idea that she had been resilient to watch the twins seemed a ludicrous idea entirely now. And for once did she forget her worries.

RE: We don't believe what's on tv - Kendra - February 03, 2016

Kendra nodded when Nem spoke about wanting a red tip for her tail too. The girl could understand she wanted it later, if they were in the tunnels then they could also visit the keep at the end of their little tour. Kendra would like that. She was very excited about Nemesis having the same tail as her. They would be like sisters! That would be fun. Then the female started about the glowworms. She had seen them briefly, not paying too much attention to it yet, she found the bioluminescent moss way more interesting. But that could still change. The girl quirked up her lips a bit and then nodded. Her smile turned wider when Nemesis told her that she was smart. "She would?," she beamed. "I am very close to my naturalist!," she added proudly. She was still not sure if she wanted to be a medic. Venus already wanted to be that.

The girl looked at Nem. "Well there is not much to show, except for the red dye and the glowing mosses I found. I do not know why they glow. But I will find out!," she stated. Kendra started trotting to the entrance she exited from before and went inside, already used by the darkness that would be engulfing her. The female waited for Nemesis of course. She could show the female all about the tunnels and what to find down there. She had only gone to a certain depth. Until she was familiar with the first layer of the web she would go deeper. "I will show you!," she offered. "They really do glow! Maybe they are infected by the worms!," she stated excitedly, her dark fur perfectly blending in with the darkness of the tunnel.

RE: We don't believe what's on tv - Nemesis - February 05, 2016

She nodded down in confirmation, "Yes, she would! And so would your sister, i'm sure''. She thought instantly of Potema and whether the girl would ever return. It would be a shame if she did not return to see Kendra grow and learn in the footsteps of Meldresi. "Your naturalist, hm. Well, then you'll be one of a kind! Nobody else has their Naturalist trade yet, I think," She commented, having noticed that already. It was lesser to find the intellectual trades in Blackfeather than the well known Mercenary one. Infact, almost everyone had the fighter trade or was working towards it, which made her especially proud. It reminded her to continue her Brotherhood training, as promised to Burke when he rewarded her with the mark. 

She followed the girl towards the moss that unnaturally glowed, although technically it was natural. It was just weird, that's all. The tunnels made her feel compressed at times, but she didn't need to worry about that. All she had to do was follow Kendra, and not get lost. The air was not that far away, she reminded herself. "Maybe," She pondered the thought, inspecting the moss with her nose a little bit. "But I wonder, what could you use this for?" She turned to Kendra, kind of expecting the girl to know all about the plants. Because, well, she had no idea. The glowing stuff seemed to have no purpose other than entertainment, just by looking at it.

Ugh, crappy post sorry :s

RE: We don't believe what's on tv - Kendra - February 05, 2016

Mine will be crappy too. So tired forgive me

Kendra was absolutely smitten with the fact that her mother and sister would be proud of her. The girl wanted to prove herself but she wasn't boasting it like Pietro was going. Anyhow it meant a lot to her that one would say that. She wondered when her sister would return. She wanted to get to know her and learn from her. It was so unfair that she was gone, but it had been with a good purpose. "Yay! I want to be a Botanist so I know all about plants! And! Maybe toxicologist too," she hummed. Not so sure how Nemesis was going to react to the latter, but that was her plan. She wanted to learn how to handle poisons.

They were in the tunnels by now and Kendra shown her the moss. She gave the plant a closer look. "I don't know the medical uses yet. Currently it is only because it is pretty," she admitted to the female. "Maybe we could place these mosses by our den or something? Or make a garden and line it with these plants so others might watch out and not walk through it!," she grinned then. That was a pretty good idea if she said so herself. Hmm.

RE: We don't believe what's on tv - Nemesis - February 06, 2016

Admittedly, the idea of Kendra becoming a Toxicologist scared her. Maybe it was the incident with the foreign female who had blinded her, causing her to never eat strange meat again. She still thought of the female, never letting go of the wickedness of it all. Dear god, if Kendra turned out like that... But she had faith in the girl, and wouldn't dream of deterring her the other way. A toxicologist would be good for the Dark Brotherhood, especially handy indeed. 

The idea of making a garden astounded her. She had never thought of such a thing, even though it was such a great idea. Kendra's own garden, yes, she could make that work. "A garden, that's an amazing idea! Let's do it," She beamed, thoroughly excited. "We'd have to find the perfect place, though. Where there's just enough sunlight and a close source of water. Any ideas?" She turned to the girl, her brain racking with ideas. Sunlight wasn't very common in the dark forest, for the haven was surrounded by the trees overhead, shadows looming from all directions. There had to be enough to allow other plants to grow, but the perfect spot, she could not think of.

RE: We don't believe what's on tv - Kendra - February 07, 2016

Kendra turned to Nemesis when she was pleased about her garden idea. "Well now there is still snow and the ground is too hard. I need to wait for spring," she explained the female. If she wanted to make a garden then the weather needed to be better. Plus she needed more light. She was thinking about the spiderlings' glen seeing that was the only clearing that wasn't really affected by anything. One had a tree that would poison you and one was off limit and had only red bushes. No the spiderlings' glen might be perfect after all. Kendra did like that Nemesis was trying to think with her.

"I think Spiderlings' Glen," she returned to her. "Or the bit of a clearing before Mama's Keep," she then thought out loud, then she would have all the things close to her. That might also be a smart idea. Less walking. She looked at Nemesis to see what she was thinking about her ideas. "Venus wanted to help me make a garden too. But I don't want any help. I want to do it myself! I want to learn how to replant plants and then I am going to do it by myself." She was determined to do so.

RE: We don't believe what's on tv - Nemesis - February 14, 2016

Fade soon..?
She nodded in approval of the garden near the glen. For all reasons, it was ideal, but she would have to wait until the snow melted away. She herself was too excited to feel the earth underneath her paws instead of the familiar sinking snow. There was something about the spring that she just liked, the winter was dark and it fitted their morals but it was bland, drab, and it got old way too quickly. Spring was the start of a new year, a new time for everything. It would be her first one with the pack, although she was looking way too far head. First, she had to survive the rest of winter.

"Well, I think you're more than capable of handling it yourself," She gave her own opinion. She didn't believe of a child's incapability. The fact that she had referred to the Keep as Meldresi's, it showed her that the girl had not forgotten, and she highly doubted that she would. The determination in Kendra's voice was amusing, but she took it seriously. Despite her age, she noticed that the dark haired girl was quite mature, something that would have been rare outside of the dark pack.

RE: We don't believe what's on tv - Kendra - February 16, 2016

Yes! Edit: @Nemesis can you fade it and archive??

Kendra was pleased to hear that Nemesis believed in her. It was also a good confident boost. Kendra was not overly arrogant, vain or merciless. But she had an unlimited amount of curiosity and ambition. These two things could be dangerous too. Kendra was an observer and all the little details her pack mates told her she would absorb. She would not flaunt with he knowledge, always wanting to know more. Having this garden would not be a huge step for the medical team in Black Feather woods, it would also be a continuous learning experience for her.

The girl had her own ways and always had a peculiar way of seeing things or handling certain aspects of life. She liked to voice her opinion and other members seemed to accept that about her. "I shall lead you outside these tunnels," she spoke, seeing that Nemesis wasn't familiar with the dark tunnels. She didn't want her friend to parish in these tunnels. "Follow me."

RE: We don't believe what's on tv - Nemesis - February 27, 2016

She followed Kendra out of the web, in no hurry to stay behind. The lack of free flowing air was nerve racking, and her tail loosened as they made their way to the open surface once again. But the way Kendra calmly navigated the maze like she had been exploring them her whole life, amazed her. The girl was quite mature for her age, and while Xan and Pietro were driven with a different kind of force, the nature of things than petty emotions of growth. There was a large bit of Meldresi in her, that was for sure. 


Getting her tail dipped in red was more exciting than she anticipated. It felt somewhat rebellious, but not in the defiant way. It was unique, different to the dark colour scheme that surrounded them. One day, all of their members would bear their own red marks, of the Brotherhood. While it was yet to see if any of them would even follow the brotherhood path, she hoped they all would be initiated one day. Stronger united.