Wolf RPG
Blackbeak Bluff PASSING THROUGH EVERYBODY - Printable Version

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PASSING THROUGH EVERYBODY - Magnus - January 30, 2016

The fog that had forced the masked boy into resting near the coast had finally lifted. Magnus had no idea anymore which way was South, and being the dork he was, he walked in the opposite direction. The once fog filled air was replaced by a cold winter breeze that blew in the young boy's face. It was nice to finally see more than just a meter of his surroundings, but he was still grumpy about the stupid weather here in The Far West Teekon Wilderness. The sounds of the waves alongside the fact that he was still alive, eased his mind however.

The masked boy trotted in a fast pace with his muzzle almost touching the ground, looking for signs of herbs that were known to grow close to the sea. He had never been around the sea before, but he had heard stories from his grandmother about where to look. The thought of her brought him in a sad mood again. He wanted his old life back, a pack life full of family and friends to protect each other. He would even put up with his devilish little sister, if that was what it took, but he knew it was impossible. Those days were gone. He was alone now with no place to call home and no one around to talk to. The young boy sighed, watching his warm breath meet the cold air around him. What was the point of travelling further? Adventure, his positive side said, but he ignored the voice in his head. He gave up searching for herbs and sat down, watching the waves touch the coast. There was no point in trying to find anyone who would have him around.

RE: PASSING THROUGH EVERYBODY - FrostStar - January 30, 2016

Frost padded on the sand, enjoying the feeling of sand in her paws. She tasted the air for any signs of food, but gave up quickly. What was the point? She was just about to sit down, when something caught her eye. Another wolf. As she turned her head around to look at it, she heard the sound of a small fish, and realized she had lost her only chance of food. Cursing under her breath, she decided to pad towards this wolf. As she did, she let out a small whine, just to make it aware of her presence. Instincts pinned her back, and so she stayed a safe distance away, before letting out another whine. Surely it realized she was there? Sitting down, she watched the wolf, intrigued by the way they watched the waves, waiting for it to look at her.

RE: PASSING THROUGH EVERYBODY - Magnus - January 30, 2016

The boy had almost drifted away in aw as he stared at the sea, hoping it would take him with it, when a faint whine was carried through the air to his ears. He had not even noticed the first sound the wolf coming towards him had made, but he definitely noticed the second as it was closer.

Magnus turned his head, only to see a silvery grey wolf making it's way over to him. It stopped a fair distance away from him, and his face lifted up the moment it sat down. His thoughts about being alone faded away as he gave the stranger a warm smile, elated that it had not entered his personal bubble. He stared at the silver stranger, observing it from head to tail. It seemed nice enough, not trying to pick a fight, which was good.

Goodmornin' He called out to the wolf in his warm tone. The wind carried it's scent to his nose, revealing to him that it was female, with no pack smell. That was a plus, he thought as he grinned at her.

RE: PASSING THROUGH EVERYBODY - FrostStar - January 31, 2016

Frost watched as the hazel wolf turned its head towards her, flinching as it met her gaze. As Frost inspected his scent more, she realized he was male, and without any pack scent. About three years old. He was a hazel wolf at first glance, but at further inspection, she realized he was red pelted, with a long black line along his back. Something intrigued her by the way he called out to her, and courage filled her. "Good-morning." She said politely, taking a step towards him. "Excuse me for asking, but what is your name?"

RE: PASSING THROUGH EVERYBODY - Magnus - January 31, 2016

The masked boy watched as the female got closer, but not alarmingly close. Her voice sounded nice, maybe because he had been alone for a few days now. She greeted him, and now he could see her yellow eyes that he hadn't noticed the first time he observed her. She was dazzling despite her looking older than him, the cold breeze playing with her silver-grey coat. Well, the boy thought it was silver because of the lighting. He was intrigued by the scratch on the left side of her face, seeing that it wasn't a recent scar. If it had been recent, he could've helped, but the wound looked clean and not infected.

A question came next, and Magnus didn't think twice before answering it. He had always been this open to strangers, it was both a blessing and a curse.Magnus Creatus. He knew that the wolves from The Far West Teekon Wilderness had no idea how big of a joke his family was, so he was confident with saying his last name as well. He knew that he would be laughed at if he mentioned his last name outside of Teekon Wilderness, but he couldn't help but be proud of it. It was the only thing he still had from his old life, anyone should be proud with a last name from the past in his eyes.

What about you, m'lady? He asked happily. He got up from the comfortable spot he was sitting on, and made a happy play bow, trying to ease the tension that perhaps still lingered between them.

RE: PASSING THROUGH EVERYBODY - FrostStar - January 31, 2016

Frost watched as the male wolf studied her, obviously not threatened by her cautiousness. He seemed to be relaxed as he took in her features, and she decided to do the same. For the first time, Frost noticed the spot of tan on his chest and the underside of his muzzle. It seemed to make a mask-like look on his face. She changed her attention to his paws, which were a mix of tan, red and some white on his smaller paws. Something seemed to drag her back to his face, and for the first time she noticed the handsomeness of it. Something about the way his reddish-hazel eyes sparkled, to the way his ears, at first glance, where black, but if you looked harder red and tan could be found, intrigued her, and she felt nervousness spread her. His voice was warm as he spoke to her, and something about that flattened her. Gazing into his eyes, she said warmly back, "My name's Frost. Quite a name you got there, Magnus. I like it." before moving a little closer, trying not to intimidate him.

RE: PASSING THROUGH EVERYBODY - Magnus - January 31, 2016

Her name fit the season- and his bum that was feeling numb because of the cold snow. He grinned at the thought of it. Boy, Magnus, you're so clever and funny, he thought sarcastically . He was anything except smart, but his cockiness let him throw clever things at others, which was useful in an argument. The compliment on his name was nice to hear, so different from wolves outside this land. It was a unique experience every time he got a compliment on his name, and it filled him with pride. Soon, everyone would think of his last name as grand, rather than low.Thank you. You've got a nice one yourself, too. Really fitting in this season, huh? His compliment was real, he liked her name, but he hoped she could appreciate his jokey persona.

She moved closer, and the masked boy liked her cautiousness. It was very hard to make him uncomfortable with body language, but he appreciated her carefulness. He smiled at her. This was the first nice conversation he'd had in a while. The first conversation when he arrived here didn't go all too well, and his second was a bummer too.

Where ya goin' on such a lovely Winter day, if you don't mind me asking? He asked her with his honey sweet voice. He made a step towards her, showing no signs of wanting to run away from her. He wanted to ask her about the scar and where she had got it, but thought it would be inappropriate to ask a stranger he had just met. He also wanted to know if she was going to join a pack at some point-maybe even tagging along himself. He had seen almost everything here and it would be good for him to settle down somewhere for a while. Or maybe forever if he liked it there. 

RE: PASSING THROUGH EVERYBODY - FrostStar - January 31, 2016

Frost smiled shyly, amused the cheeky look on his face. This wolf was obviously quiet the joker, and it filled her with relaxation for some reason. She'd seen his hesitance to say his surname, and she noted to herself that someday, she must ask why. But, for now, she'd forget it. As Magnus made a clever retort, she smiled even wider. Something about the warmth in his voice intrigued her, and she laughed softly, before replying, "Oh, I'm just traveling around." Glancing up shore, she added "I'm thinking of joining Saltwinter, but I'm taking my time." As she turned her head back round to look at him, Frost noticed that he'd moved a little closer. Bowing her head low, she walked over to Magnus, and sat down next to him. As she took in his scent, she noticed he was at least two years younger than her. Smiling shyly, she blinked at him, and started give her pelt a wash.

RE: PASSING THROUGH EVERYBODY - Magnus - January 31, 2016

It seemed Frost didn't mind his personality one bit when she laughed. He had met someone ,a few days ago, that wasn't so fond of his jokes nor his cockiness. The boy remembered her still, Spring was her name, he recalled. But this female was like the complete opposite of Spring. The way Frost didn't want to stay far away from him but rather close, her appearance and the fact that she had come to him instead of the other way around.

The masked boy's face lit up even more when she mentioned she wanted to join a pack, looking at her as she moved closer and sat down. He followed her lead, placing his bum on the cold snowy-sandy ground. A shiver ran down his spine when he came in contact with a patch of snow and he shook his tail to get it away. If only it were Spring yet, he thought. He returned his gaze to the silvery female sitting beside him, now washing her pelt. I'm travellin' as well, right now. He said, softly putting his muzzle on her shoulder because he saw a little dried mud. Once he got it off, he continued. Would ya mind me tagging along? Two wolves are better than one when it comes to survivin'. He asked, his head tipping to the left, a cheeky smile on his features.

RE: PASSING THROUGH EVERYBODY - FrostStar - February 01, 2016

As Mangus spoke, Frost paused, and lifted her head up. This handsome wolf didn't have a pack? She had noted the pack-less scent from earlier, but it still surprised her. He looked like he could take down a buffalo in one hit. Or... maybe not? Mangus really was a peculiar wolf. From the way he welcomed her to sit beside him, to the way he'd not commented on the long scar on her face. This wolf was different. In a good way, of course. As he spoke again, it was filled with the same warmth she had heard when he'd first spoken to her. She looked him in the eyes, with her head cocked slightly to the side, as he asked the one question that was sure to change her life. Traveling with another wolf? She'd never thought about it before. But... maybe it was a good idea. After all, hunting would be so much easier with a companion. Maybe he'd join Saltwinter with her when, and if, she got accepted. She smiled happily, eyes glowing, and nodded. "I'd love you to tag along, Mangus." She thought for a second, before cheekily adding, "You're quite the charmer aren't you?" And nudging him playfully.

RE: PASSING THROUGH EVERYBODY - Magnus - February 02, 2016

Hihi, think you made a little mistake. It's Magnus, not Mangus <3. I'll just read over it, it's no biggie :).

The frosty wolf took her time to think about his question, and the young boy couldn't help but smile when he saw her cocking her head. He didn't know why, but it just looked humorous to him. A wider grin appeared when the female said she would like him to tag along, and he almost jumped in the air of excitement. He had only traveled with another wolf once, his sister, but that wasn't for very long. Now that he thought about it, he'd never really traveled at all since a few days back. He did remember how much he wanted to explore as a little pup and teenager, but he never got over his fear of not making it on his own. But now he wan't alone anymore. He had the lovely presence of Frost. They could hunt together, keep each other safe and maybe even find a home together in Saltwinter. At this point, nothing could go wrong, right?

Frost's comment on his charm got a chuckle out of the masked boy, and he smirked. Not the evil kind of smirk like you were up to no good, but a rather friendly one. Oh, am I now? He said chuckling. She nudged him, and he returned a playful push on her shoulder. This was one of the best moments he'd had in The Far West Teekon Wilderness since his arrival. After he was done laughing and playfully pushing her a bit, he got serious again. Well, as far as his seriousness could go. When do ya plan on headin' for Saltwinter? He asked, looking her in the eyes with a warm smile.