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Silvertip Mountain The Territory - Printable Version

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The Territory - Mara Susi - January 30, 2016


Mara didn't want to consume too much of his time, especially with him being at a high command in the pack, but she could't help the wish for him to continue show her around and help her become familiar with the area. Although she had only just meant Steady, she had enjoyed the amount of time they'd spent together and wanted it to last longer, if it were possible. If you could show me around, I'd enoy that, she exclaimed, giving a hopeful look. For once her emotion and appearance cooperated with each other. 

Besides, she still needed to learn proper conduct in the pack and he proclaimed that he would be the one to show her that, and instead of creating more time for that in the future, he could just do two at once.

RE: The Territory - Steady - January 30, 2016

Steady's tail wagged high when Mara Susi approached. He smiled, nodding to her question. I'd be happy to, he said. He motioned her to follow him, relaxing his posture a bit, though he remained slightly dominant. Have you made a den yet? he asked, thinking their first stop could be Silvertip Hollow. It may have been mostly destroyed, but Steady was getting some ideas about that spot come spring.

They walked along, and Steady asked, How strong are you in your talents? He was interested to know, since it was up to him to help make sure the pack members contributed properly. He didn't want Fitz and Zaria to think he was allowing wolves to mooch off of them. Zaria would have his hide for sure.

RE: The Territory - Mara Susi - January 30, 2016

Mara felt warmth from his compassionate response, it was always reassuring to know someone was interested in you. She lowered her head, but kept it at a comfortable position, while her tail laid by her back legs. I have not, she said. Her mind had yet to even cross the thought of owning a den, since she hasn't had one since she was a pup in her former pack. Maybe he had a place in mind for her. She would be easy to please when it comes to dens, since most of her life she lived in worse conditions. 

When his second question was asked, she assumed her was asking for the sake of the pac, which was understandable in every way. It took her a moment to come up with an answer. I've become acquired to know medicine generally well, coming across multiple inquiries with injuries and having to repair them myself. I had to know them to survive. That was one skill she knew she possessed. And as I've already said, hunting is a large skill of mine as well.

RE: The Territory - Steady - January 30, 2016

Steady was pleased to see that she was minding her body language. He remembered their first meeting had started on rocky ground, but it seemed now he had nothing to worry about. She admitted she didn't have a den yet as they came upon Silvertip Hollow. I know it doesn't look like much right now because a tornado destroyed many of the dens, but a few are intact if you're interested in one of them, he explained. Otherwise, many wolves stay in the cavern, which I can show you next, he added.

She said she was experienced in being a medic, as well as an adept hunter. We have several wolves here who are interested in being caregivers. Maybe you all can get together and swap information, he suggested. If you want, that is, he added, not wanting her to feel like she was forced to do something she didn't want to.

RE: The Territory - Mara Susi - January 30, 2016

She observed the wreckage, but didn't mind. She'd probably enjoy it more being in her own den, but she'd give the cavern a chance. Steady seemed generally interested in her, which was always comforting. Do you have your own den? Mara asked, assuming he did. Steady seemed social, but reserved. He'd probably prefer his own space, but then again she could be completely wrong. 

Mara took his idea into consideration. It was a good idea, too. Definitely be a benefit for the pack. I'll keep it in mind, Mara smiled up at his comment. Not wanting to seem demanding fit him well, even though he was a Beta.

RE: The Territory - Steady - January 30, 2016

He nodded to her question. Yeah, I have one, not too far from here. It's kinda a big hole in the side of a hill, covered by vines and some tree roots, he said. I've been meaning to expand it, but haven't gotten around to it, he added. Becoming Beta and taking on extra responsibilities had kept him busy, and he hadn't been able to take the time to dig his den out to fit him better.

She didn't seem to have any questions about the hollow, and so Steady turned and headed towards the cavern. He tried to make more conversation as they walked. Were you in another pack before you came here? he asked. He was interested in details about her background, but was trying not to pry too much in case she didn't want to talk about it.

RE: The Territory - Mara Susi - January 30, 2016

Mara felt a hollow feeling in her stomach when the question was brought up. Yes, actually. I was in a pack for two months. It made her uncomfortable, but she was willing to talk about it. If anything, she should. She probably only felt uncomfortable because she'd never spoken about it to anyone before. Not because it was a hidden subject, but no one asked. Do you always sleep in your den? She questioned, her head tilted to the side, showing curiosity. 

Have you been in another pack? She asked, wondering if he'd be open with his past or uncomfortable and private. She hoped to be able to learn more about it from it.

RE: The Territory - Steady - January 30, 2016

She offered up that she had been in a pack for two months, but left it at that. Steady was curious, since it seemed like an interesting amount of time to be in a pack. It was just enough time for a wolf to decide whether or not the pack fit them, and vice versa. The Beta didn't want to push an uncomfortable subject, but he figured she could say so if she didn't want to talk about it. Why did you leave there? he asked.

He nodded to her question as they approached the opening of the cavern. I do, he said about sleeping in his den. If not, I'm always on edge about who might surprise me. He didn't like being out in the open and exposed to an attack.

He stopped at the mouth of the cave. This is Schläger Cavern, he said. Most of the pack sleep here. It's also a straight shot to the other side of the mountain, if you ever need to get over there quickly, he explained.

RE: The Territory - Mara Susi - January 30, 2016

It helped that he seemed intrigued by her past, like she was his. I actually didn't leave, I was born into a pack and at two months of age, we were attacked by poachers. Sending most of us into panic and running off. Mara admitted, having a small flashback, but then refocusing on the situation. 

So her prediction of Steady was correct, he was reserved and would rather be safe. Finding comfort in little space. She had a similar thought process, preferring simplicity in quality not quantity.  

The cavern was very convenient for transportation, but since the tornado hit she assumed many wolves would be staying there, which made her think. Are you one of the more daylight wolves, or do you prefer night?

RE: The Territory - Steady - January 30, 2016

He was surprised by her answer, and it showed in his expression. His interpretation of her saying she had been in a pack for two months was that it was more recent. But her explanation quickly set him straight. I'm sorry that happened to you and your family, he said earnestly. Have you been traveling since? he asked.

She asked if he preferred day or night, and his head tilted to the side as he considered his answer. Well, I supposed I like being up during the day, and asleep at night, but recently I've been going back and forth from doing patrols during the day to at night, he explained after a moment. His sleep was kind of all over the place lately, but he didn't really mind it. What about yourself? he asked.

RE: The Territory - Mara Susi - January 30, 2016

It was strange for someone to say they felt sorry for her, since she's never heard or seen it expressed before. Yes, I've been on a search for my brother, but after ten months and coming up with nothing I decided to settle here. Mara almost explained how she felt comfort in him calling her family within the pack, but decided to keep that to herself unless brought up again.

Schedules must be difficult to keep up with, she assured, him being at such a high rank. I've never really had one myself, going with the flow of survival instead of order, so I've had plenty of experience in both. I'd have to say I enjoy night the most, but prefer day. She said.

RE: The Territory - Steady - January 31, 2016

She said she had been in search of her brother for quite a while, something Steady could relate to. My sister, Gracious, and I left our home pack to come here. We got separated along the way, and I searched for her for a while before I settled here. Then, I met a little bird, who was kind enough to go and find her for me. Turns out, she settled in her own pack, he confided. His gaze turned to Mara as they walked. I hope it turns out your brother did the same. He didn't know what he would do if he found out one of his family members had passed. He knew it would happen one day, but he didn't care to think about it.

He nodded in agreement, listening as she spoke. Yeah, traveling wolves are much more at the fate of nature. You have to sleep when you can, move when you can. It's hardly up to the wolf when it happens. Storms, other wolves attack, even other animal attacking, were just a few dangerous things lone wolves had to constantly be on the lookout for. It wasn't an easy life.

Turning, he continued on the move. I'll show you the falls next. It's a good source of water, and food if you know how to fish, he said, leading the way.

RE: The Territory - Mara Susi - January 31, 2016

Why did you leave your pack? Maybe the pack was just unorganized or just didn't fit the two wolves at all. Which is a perfect reason to leave, compatibility is important, especially in packs. Mara wondered how they separated on their travels. It interested her in how similar their backstories were, except Mara had yet to learn where he brothers where abouts are. She noticed how Steady and his sister had adjectives as their names, she assumed describing their personality, which she believed his name agreed with his character. He claimed that he hoped her brother was safe within a pack, which subconsciously made her smile up at him. 

The falls sounded like a beautiful place, since every time she stumbled across rivers or waterfalls  they were always fascinating to her. Luckily, Mara has had experience with fishing, but she's had yet to do it in awhile. The last time she went to fish, a bear attacked her, so she's avoided that for awhile.

RE: The Territory - Steady - January 31, 2016

As they strolled along, Steady answered her question. Gracious wanted to come to Fitz, and I didn't want her going alone, so I tagged along, he said. I was really happy to go since my mate and I had broken up at the time, he added, confiding in her. He hadn't told many wolves of his ex-mate since there wasn't much to tell. But, if it hadn't been for her, he might have led Gracious here and headed back home. He was glad that things had worked out like they had. He was happy here.

They reached the bottom of the falls, and Steady stopped by the waters edge. Like I said earlier, this is our main water source. Do you know how to fish? he asked. Steady didn't know how to fish, hadn't really ever tried, but he did like to swim.

RE: The Territory - Mara Susi - January 31, 2016

What happened between you and your former mate? She asked, truly curious. Mara wasn't very familiar with romantic relationships, except for her mother and father, and they were such a good couple that she hadn't expected many mates to depart as much as they do. 

Once reaching the falls, she admired the scenery. It was almost breathtaking, she wanted to jump into the water and play, but that would definitely be out of conduct. Besides, it could be strange in his eyes, making im look at her differently all because she wanted to get a little wet. So, she just admired the area silently. I do, but I haven't in awhile. 

RE: The Territory - Steady - February 06, 2016

The large, black Beta wasn't surprised when his new pack mate asked what had happened, nor was he put off by it. Steady had well come to accept the past. We didn't want the same things. She never wanted to be a Mom, he explained simply. They had been well-matched aside from that one important detail. Steady thought he could have grown to love her, but taking away his ability to be a father was simply out of the question. He had left on amicable terms with her, at least.

Had she questioned out loud whether jumping in would be a possibility, Steady would have scoffed at her for ever thinking she wasn't allowed to. Steady may have been in a position of leadership, but he still had quite a playful side to him- something he hoped he would never lose. Maybe you could teach me one day, he suggested lightly, not wanting to make it seemed she had to.

RE: The Territory - Mara Susi - February 06, 2016

So he wanted to have pups, she looked at him momentarily and imagined Steady as a father. Mara concluded he would be a good- no, great parent. When do you plan on having pups? She questioned, hopefully he hadn't been setback because of his last romance, and unable to have offspring when he wanted to. The idea of being a mother wasn't foreign to her, but not as prominent as it could have been. In her time being a lone wolf, she couldn't imagine the responsibility of having to care for pups, but then again of she were to have pups she'd likely have a mate that would care with them for her. Now that she was in a pack, she'd had more time to think about having a mate and children, which she was excited for, but scared that it might not happen.

Mara had noticed that the dark wolf had the constant need to remind people that he wasn't demanding them to do anything, such as the way he phrased his suggestions. Perhaps, it was because he knew he had a role of leadership and didn't want to seem controlling, but she definitely didn't think of him as that. I would love to teach you, she didn't want to teach him solely because the fact she'd get to help someone, but Mara was growing to like the Beta and looked forward to any time they'd be spending together.

RE: The Territory - Steady - February 07, 2016

Mara asked when Steady wanted to have pups, and he shrugged. There's not really a time limit on it. Just whenever I find the right mate, he confessed. He would have waited for his ex-mate, if time was what she needed. But, she had been adamant that she would never want pups, and never just wasn't good enough for Steady.

Mara said she would teach him, and he smiled gratefully before walking to the edge of the water. Gingerly, he stuck the tip of his paw in before quickly taking it back out. With a laugh, he looked back at Mara. Maybe we could wait until Spring? he asked. Granted, their thick coats would keep them warm, regardless of the cold water, he still wasn't willing to jump all in just for a fishing lesson.

Tail wagging, he walked back to her. Any questions about the territory? he asked, waiting for her answer.

RE: The Territory - Mara Susi - February 07, 2016

Mara walked up the the edge of the water and tested it it herself. She thought it was just fine for fishing, making her nudge Steady with her muzzle. C'mon, don't be a pup about it, she urged, jumping up a bit and wagging her tail. She gave a small, but playful bark, hoping to get him excited about it too. He asked if she had any questions, and she couldn't just ignore his question. No questions, at all, she said, giving a small smile. Now lets fish, she walked out into the shallow end of the water, looking behind her shoulder to Steady, and gestured him to hurry up.

RE: The Territory - Steady - February 07, 2016

As a very friendly Beta wolf, Steady had no problems with his pack mates acting more freely around him, especially when he knew they respected him, and he them. Not every situation required him having to show his dominance, and this was one of those times. His ears went back and his face scrunched up when he was called out on his reluctance at going in the cold water. A moment of interlude in which she confirmed she had no questions gave him enough time not to throw a playful fit at her comment.

Mara Susi walked into the water like it was nothing, and Steady was not about to let her show him up. I am no pup, he said with conviction and mock-seriousness. He would show her. He huffed at her motion for him to hurry up, but he did just that, wading into the water, tail up so as not to get it wet. To show his thankfulness at her willingness to show him how to fish, he brought one paw up to the surface of the water and splashed a little water her way, grinning. Not a great way to make the fish feel safe about heading towards them.

RE: The Territory - Mara Susi - February 07, 2016

Mara was delighted with his choice to join her in the water, and although the motions gave fish a huge "no-go", she returned the splash of water towards him, except a little stronger than he had put it. It was strange, but pleasant, for her to be playful with another wolf. In her time alone, she had been so serious in all sense of the word. Mostly unemotional, and her voice never altered. Then again, she rarely spoke when she was alone. Her heart began to beat a little faster, having an enjoyable time with Steady. It seemed as though this pack brought out her personality, instead of her default.

Steady's openness with her had helped her a lot, it was a monkey-see, monkey-do kind of thing. If he was open, she was. If he was serious, she was. Mara was unsure if that worked vise versa, but it wasn't really of importance. She felt comfortable around him and that's all that matter, and luckily he seemed comfortable around her.

RE: The Territory - Steady - February 08, 2016

He was splashed, and laughed at their antics. Alright, alright, he said with a smile. Let's get down to business. No fish were ever going to come their way if they continued splashing, that much Steady knew. He closed the distance between himself and Mara, coming up beside her. What do I do? he asked, as if it just might be that easy.

Steady wasn't generally a prideful wolf. He had delusion that he knew everything. On the contrary, he still knew there was such much for him to learn in his lifetime, and he was grateful for wolves like Mara Susi who would take the time to help him. He would not soon forget it.

RE: The Territory - Mara Susi - February 08, 2016

Mara flashed him a playful smile, before getting down to business, as Steady had put it. She took notice in his comment, as though fishing was an easy to grasp task. "You make it sound so easy, as if you already learned," the young wolf joked. In her old pack, the idea of fishing wasn't common, only few wolves learned how to fish for special circumstances, such as an Alpha becoming pregnant, or a young Beta getting a mate. They held ceremonies often, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but not a good one either. 

She took in a deep breath, and relaxed, knowing fish could be startled by the slightest motion. "Don't expect to catch too  large of fish at this shallow water," she wanted to give him a heads up so he wouldn't be disappointed in himself when they finished. The Theta assumed he put that much together, but reassurance was apart of who she was. "Just relax for the moment, and search for any fish. A lot of times they'll travel together, so once you notice more quantity in short time, warn me." In this exercise, the female wouldn't be paying attention to fish coming along, she believed Steady could handle that much on his own.

RE: The Territory - Steady - February 15, 2016

He shrugged a bit, keeping his smile. Others have made it look easy, he admitted. Surely, there couldn't be much to this fishing thing. Then again, he had never taken the time before to learn. He was about to get a cold, rude awakening.

She instructed him to relax and looking for when the schools of fish got larger in numbers. Steady's tail swayed back and forth, his ears perked and his eyes were glued to the water. No fish... no fish... no fish... Oh, a fish! His body jerked instinctively, wanting to go after it, though he knew he wasn't supposed to go after this lone fish. The movement caused his footing on the slippery rocks to loosen and Steady wasn't able to catch himself before falling into the water. It wasn't deep, so he didn't go under, but the majority of his body got wet. He stood quickly, shaking the water off his coat and looked to Mara Susi with a sheepish smile.

RE: The Territory - Mara Susi - February 17, 2016

She flinched when water was shaken onto her, but didn't mind. Mara looked down at the fallen Beta and couldn't help but giggle at the incident. She returned him a wide smile and nudged him slightly, in an act of reassurance. "I made the same mistake," she admitted. It was amusing to see someone such as him with such a clumsy action, it made her feel more comfortable around him though. Perhaps the opposite for him though, she knew how embarrassed she would have gotten in the situation and hoped he would just shrug it off as no big deal.