Wolf RPG
Kildeer Rest Joker And The Thief In The Night - Printable Version

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Joker And The Thief In The Night - Judas - February 01, 2016

In plain daylight, he stood. The tan half-breed much rathered skulk in the shadows, but this was the perfect spot to observe the lay of the land. A flat rock that was angled above the ground. Judas stood in the light, crouched low to avoid being seen in full. Even though he looked more wolf than coyote, he rathered not be seen at all. His tail laid out against the rock.

His eyes scoped out any movement in the grass. Anything that he saw as a threat, or that saw him as a threat. The occasional chirp was heard from some birds, and some rustling here and there, but nothing of complete interest. So he waited. If he waited for too long, he would move on, searching for his next prey.

RE: Joker And The Thief In The Night - Fox #190 - February 02, 2016

He came from the north, heading south to escape the winter — and his family. He chose the coldest of the months to depart from the skulk, knowing that the others wouldn't be so keen to brave the snow. They wouldn't follow him here, especially where wolves roamed. Even up here he could smell traces of them. One was even close by, it seemed.

Tristan made his way through the field, stopping only to rise his head above the frozen stalks of grass, trying to spot the source of the wolfish smell. There! A rock jutting upwards in the distance caught his attention and, on it, a dark figure standing and...surveying? The fox peered curiously at the stranger before slinking forwards. He had never seen a wolf up close before.

RE: Joker And The Thief In The Night - Judas - February 02, 2016

Welcome! And don't worry, he won't get hurt. It's not the foxes he dislikes.

It was quite unusual that he found no wolves yet. This kind of area seemed perfect for some to wander around. He certainly liked this area, even if he did mostly prefer dark places. Like a cave, or a dark forest. Some place with dark shadows to hide himself, even though he was not a dark wolf. But at least he wasn't white furred, or he'd be poking out like an odd sore.

A scent filled his nose. At first, he shifted himself, his head-swivelling becoming faster. His eyes watching more carefully. Until he focused on the scent more, and he relaxed. He knew what most foxes were like, and openly addressed the one nearby. "I can smell you, fox. There is no need to hide, for I have no reason to kill you." He stood, and leapt down gracefully to the grassed ground, his legs bending, then straightening up.