Wolf RPG
Redhawk Caldera Lonely Beauty - Printable Version

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Lonely Beauty - Zicorro - February 10, 2016

Zicorro padded slowly across the plains. She was thinking about her future. She needed a mate. But who would be her mate. she pondered, thinking about having pups, and maybe having a pack. She sighed, putting her head down in sorrow. She was so lonely. As a new member of her pack, she didn't know anybody around her. She lifted up her head and howled, beckoning any wolf to come over.
         She howled for a long time, putting every lonely and sad feeling into it. It made her feel a little better, but didn't fully mend her heart. She was a gentle wolf, and wouldn't hurt a thing. So why was everybody ignoring her? She layed down, and howled again. Howling as loud as she could, she felt her sorrow drifting away.

RE: Lonely Beauty - Nevouku - February 10, 2016

Hope you don't mind Mr.Nervous here

Aduin heard the howl well. But he was anxious to respond to the sender. It called for anyone. He stayed in the hollowed out area he found to make his temporary den, as he thought of it, waiting for someone else to answer. Though when the second came, he was compelled to follow up on the howl, not wanting to leave them hanging. 

He stood up, shaking out his fur before slowly going out on a stroll to meet the sender. When he found them, he could have sworn he saw a fox. But upon a more focused inspection the anxious wolf made out that she was actually a wolf. He came closer, taking a few paces then stopping and repeat until he was a couple of feet away. he had his head lowered a little, his tail swaying low at his hind ankles. He may have gotten over his stuttering, although old habits die hard. "H-hi" he greeted nervously.

RE: Lonely Beauty - Zicorro - February 11, 2016

Zicorro gave up, resting her head on her paws, and closing her eyes. She jumped up with a start when she heard something behind her. She whipped around. It was a male wolf. She could tell he was from her pack, she had smelled her pack mates scent on him. The wolf muffled a small greeting, making Zicorro's ears perk up. Hello. What is your name?  The wolf looked nervous, but to Zicorro, he was kind of cute.

Thanks for joining! 

RE: Lonely Beauty - Nevouku - February 11, 2016

no problem

Aduin scuffed a paw around before answering. It was hard not being nervous around people he had not met before, but even more so when it was a girl. Oddly enough, he thought she looked like the alpha, and the thought of how she kind of scared the stuttering out of him made him less nervous. "Aduin..And you?" he asked, cocking his head to the side.

It was bugging him, so he had to ask. "Are you by any chance related to the alpha here. I mean, you both look, well, similar. With the red fur" he added. Both strangely looked like foxes in a way.

RE: Lonely Beauty - Zicorro - February 12, 2016

My name is Zicorro. She gulped when he asked if she was related to Fox Redhawk. She wondered if she should tell him the truth. With a deep sigh, she continued. I don't know. My mother and father abandoned me when I was a pup. I can't remember anything about them. She took another deep breath. So maybe... She gazed down at her paws and felt ashamed of herself.

RE: Lonely Beauty - Nevouku - February 13, 2016

Aduin's ears drooped, his tail resting near to the dirt ground. His expression changed to sympathy. No one should ever have to deal with abandonment by their parents, especially at such an age where they would have no memory of them. What went through their heads as they left them at the mercy of nature's cold unfair judgement. He too lost his parents, but not in the same way.

He bowed his head slightly in sympathy. "I-I'm sorry. I did not know...I lost my paretns too. One of them to a fire, but my mother I don't know about." His head dipped sadly, his body trembling at the memory of the scorching fire that claimed the land of his family and friends. Nature did such things, separating families from each other.

RE: Lonely Beauty - Zicorro - February 14, 2016

Zicorro looked at the wolf with a hint of pity in her eyes. Well I guess we're alike... She shuffled her paws. A lump was forming in  her throat. She would not cry..... She would not cry.... She burst, moaning and whining. She just couldn't understand why her parents abandoned her. She felt embarrassed, and tried to stop crying, but her body just wouldn't let her. She was letting everything out, all the sad feelings that she had locked away were free. It also made her cry harder when she thought of that other wolf having is father die, and never meeting his mother.

RE: Lonely Beauty - Nevouku - February 14, 2016

Not at all did Aduin expect this. He had only seen himself burst into tears, not another do so. So seeing this, it was quite surprising. But certainly not a good feeling, knowing he wasn't the only one. No, that would make him feel worse. Instead, the comforting guy inside of him went over to her and rested a paw on her shoulder. "It's okay. W-we all lose people." He could not deny that he himself was on the verge of waterworks, but for another's sake, he would hold it back.

RE: Lonely Beauty - Zicorro - February 14, 2016

Zicorro locked her eyes with his, ceasing her crying. I am so sorry... A wave of embarrassment flooded through her. I just have been keeping all my feelings inside, but I guess I just cracked. She looked at him, a weird feeling tingling through her. Could this be the right mate for her? She padded forward and placed her head on his shoulder. Thank you...

RE: Lonely Beauty - Nevouku - February 14, 2016

Aduin flinched a little when she rested her head on his shoulder. He was absolutely, completely and utterly unsure of what to do. His heart pounded, butterflies fluttering around. He just stood there, with a blank stare. But her words thanking him, brought him back, and he managed a small smile. "No problem. I've had moments like that too" he admitted confidently. He had to admit it, but now he felt confident. As if no stuttering existed.

RE: Lonely Beauty - Zicorro - February 14, 2016

Zicorro liked this wolf a lot. Maybe a little bit too much. This wolf was just like her! She breathed in his scent, remembering it. She stood up, looking the handsome wolf in the eye. I have to go.... 

I'm so sorry my posts are so short. Zicorro is looking for a mate, just in case you thought she already had one...

RE: Lonely Beauty - Nevouku - February 14, 2016

No worries!

Aduin moved his gaze down at the girl. Out of nowhere, she had to go. Had he said something wrong? Or maybe she just had somewhere to be. Either way, she would let her on her way. He backed up, moving out of her personal space. "Okay" he murmured, a little sadly though. He wanted someone to talk to, and he felt fine talking to her. The reason for that was still a mystery in his head, and one he most likely would not figure out. "It was nice seeing you, Zicorro."