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Stavanger Bay I'm Fairly Local [M] - Printable Version

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I'm Fairly Local [M] - Cogitemus - February 12, 2016


The tall male had caught a squirrel not long ago, and hunger clawed at his stomach. He sat down to take a few bites, his ears perked up for anyone trying to steal his food. He quickly ate it, and buried the remains before a scavenger could benefit from his work. Cogitemus licked his muzzle clean of blood, before lifting his head as he caught wind of another wolf. He turned in the direction of the scent, and began walking towards it, head low and tail up. He didn't know if the scent was near. "Ahoj?" He asked, speaking his native tongue.

RE: I'm Fairly Local - Malice - February 12, 2016

That was fast :O sorry for short post, just came back from vacation and I need to get the hang of my characters again. Also: Little warning for language

The dark queen made her way to the south, hoping to feast upon something on her way to... She didn't know where she was heading. A pack wasn't an option, seeing as how insane she acted without her male friend, Avalon. Nor was it a good idea to stay alone due to the fact that it was winter. She sighed, her heart aching, longing for Avalon.

A voice entered the spawn of Satan's ears, one with an accent. She didn't know what kind of accent, but it sounded more like a pirate. She had only encountered one other wolf with an accent, her white angel, but she sounded nothing like this strange voice. Knowing how brute pirates were and how most of them had a crew, she decided to keep herself to her own business. She had more important things to do than making smalltalk with a pirate, hearing her own belly rumble, but she was curious of the presence with enough balls to call out. The stranger was down-wind apparently, seeing as how she couldn't smell anything. she shrugged. Why the fuck not stay around for a while?

She turned, now trotting in the direction the voice had come from, hoping to bump into the stranger.

RE: I'm Fairly Local - Cogitemus - February 12, 2016

The footsteps drew closer, making Cogitemus wonder where the stranger was, when the man caught sight of it. Her scent flooded his nostrils, he knew she was a female, and she was possibly a loner. He didn't show submission, or dominance. It was a female, so he showed an unusual amount of respect by giving a nod. "Ahoj, jsem Cogitemus." he spoke before correcting himself. "I am Cogitemus." he said, in a cold voice. He didn't want to be friendly to a stranger. He scanned his eyes over her body, taking in her features to remember later on.

RE: I'm Fairly Local - Malice - February 12, 2016

Just before getting a glimpse of the stranger, the wind turned a bit. It was enough for the obsidian girl to get a whiff of the stranger's scent, revealing that it was male with no crew to speak off. Well, that's a plus, she thought.

As she got closer, a darker male revealed himself and at first glance she almost confused him for Avalon. Her ears perked up, her tail swaying from side to side as she quickened her pace, smiling for the first time in forever. He had followed her, she knew it! He was alive, breathing and all standing right before her. Avalon! She called out to the male, getting closer and closer, wanting to tackle him, play with him. Her dreams were soon shattered as she realized this wasn't her friend, but just a lone stranger sharing her friend's looks. She stopped in her tracks, ears lowering themselves and her tail stopped moving. He spoke, first in a language she didn't understand before correcting himself in a cold tone. She only stared at him, her yellow gaze going over the male's features.

This clearly wasn't Avalon at all. I'm sorry... She murmured. I confused you for someone else. She continued, her head turning away from the stranger who had introduced himself as Cogitemus. My name is Malice. Malice Lanius. After her hopes had been shattered, she was in no mood to mess with him at all.

RE: I'm Fairly Local - Cogitemus - February 12, 2016

The male was surprised as the girl ran forward, calling out a name he didn't recognize. He took a few steps back before her friendliness stopped, she must have realized it was not the wolf she was looking for. He looked at her with a tiny smile before dipping his head in greeting, again. "Omlouvam se, I'm sorry I confused you." He said. When she spoke her name he was interested to hear the difference in their names. "Ahoj Malice." He spoke. "Ahoj means hello." He said, trying to help her avoid any more confusion. He felt bad she had gotten confused, and it seemed Avalon was important to her if she rushed forward like that. The dark male stood awkwardly, maybe he could help her find him?

RE: I'm Fairly Local - Malice - February 12, 2016

She gently turned her head back to face the stranger, no sign of the bright smile she was carrying before, just in time to see the dark male greet her again with a smile on his features. This made the dark queen's muscles relax. she hadn't angered him, the one thing she wanted to avoid. He started again in the foreign language she didn't understand, and accepted the apology with a small nod, a faint smile creeping it's way onto her features. Just the resemblance this male had to Avalon was enough for her to feel happy, in a weird way. 

No need to apologize, it's my fault really. This guy's resemblance to her friend was making her act nice, but she knew deep down that she could not trust him yet. Of course, he had shown no aggression nor dominance towards her, but she had to face the fact that this was not her friend she was talking to. But her guard was down, as she was inspecting the male closer. He was as black as Avalon and her, though the grey was more like Avalon. It was a trait she still remembered about him, so this must have thrown her off earlier. He was more muscled as him though, standing taller too.

Her eyes flickered to his, their gazes meeting for a brief moment before she returned it to his chest. She just wanted to check for sure, since Avalon's blue eyes had been a unique trait in their pack. The sight confirmed it though. The amber eyes were nothing like his blue orbs.

So the ahoy she heard earlier was just a call to see if anyone was there, typical for a lone wolf. She knew for she had used it too, and had heard others do it as well. She nodded gratefully at his explanation. Where are you headed to, mister Cogitemus? She tried to change the subject, and the best way to do that was to ask him about the things that were going on in his life.

RE: I'm Fairly Local - Cogitemus - February 12, 2016

He caught her gaze, making him suspect she was initiating a challenge, but her gaze quickly dropped, along with his worries. Though she spoke that she needed no apology, it was still kind he spoke it. "Kdekoli opravdu." he said. He got a flash of embarrassment as he ducked his head down. "I sorry I speak in native lanuage, I try to correct myself. It is habit." His english wasn't the best, but he spoke what he could. "Kdekoli opravdu mean, anywhere really." he did his best to translate for her. "Is Malice planning to go kdek- anywhere?" he questioned.

RE: I'm Fairly Local - Malice - February 12, 2016

The stranger started again in the weird language that she didn't speak one bit, but was proud to know at least one word of. Ahoy! she repeated in her head, before seeing the embarrassed stranger lowering his head. He apologized again, only for speaking in the language he was taught. He acted like it was a crime, an insult, but it was more interesting than anything for the young girl. As intelligent as she was, she did not posses the skill of speaking another language besides one word of the language Cogimetus was speaking.


Do not feel bad about your skill to know two languages. It is a gift not even I posses. She tried to make the dark,embarrassed boy feel better, though she never really made anyone feel better. She only spread death and destruction wherever she went.

More translations were spoken, the dark queen now knowing 3 whole words of this foreign language. please, somebody give this girl an Oscar! She wanted to use these new words as soon as possible, and the question that came next was a perfect opportunity.

Kdekoli opravdu. She responded kind of similar to his words, chuckling a bit at how silly she must have sounded to him. Are you planning on settling anywhere?

RE: I'm Fairly Local - Cogitemus - February 12, 2016

He was not yet accustomed to the strange surroundings he was now in, and knowing only a bit on English made it harder. He was happy though she didn't take it to offence, or lashing out for being a stranger in the area. "I am glad I have moved here, the native language here confusing a bit." He chuckled. He began to laugh even harder when she tried to speak his tone. "Dobry. Good." he said, this time with the correction. He shook his head when she asked a question. "Not in a pack, unless I meet someone, then I might start a new pack." he said.

RE: I'm Fairly Local - Malice - February 12, 2016

Though new to these lands, she had been here long enough for her to call it her home. This whole piece of land was hers, not by claim but by heart and she loved everything about her rogue lifestyle. Yes, she had potential to be a leader, but who would ever follow such a grim personality?

We're glad to have you here. She purred, completely back to herself since the little incident. She took a step closer to him, though keeping a more submissive stance. She didn't want to scare him off, seeing as how good she was at making wolves feel uncomfortable. She liked this male, perhaps because of his resemblance to Avalon or his knowledge about a language she didn't posses, but she was sure that his personality had something to do with it too. He began laughing, not offensive though, and Malice laughed right with him. another word was translated for her, and she stored it in the back of her brain to use later.

His words made him sound even more interesting. This male wasn't planning on joining a pack, just like her, but he had plans to start anew, something the dark queen hadn't even thought about doing. Perhaps she could wiggle her way into the creation of this new pack, seeing as how this male was the only presence that was kind to her. She had nothing better to do.

If you were to meet someone, where would you want your pack to settle then? She purred, already hinting that she was indeed curious. 

RE: I'm Fairly Local - Cogitemus - February 12, 2016

When he heard her purr, it did something to him, it only made things worse when she moved closer to him. He moved up closer to her, pressing his chest into her shoulder. He gave a soft chuff in her ear, before running his tongue over it. Extreme affection. "I'm not sure, probably in the forest. What about you?" He said, trying to avoid his language at the moment. He gave a gentle purr back before turning to face her. "Maybe where I met that, special person." He hinted back.

RE: I'm Fairly Local - Malice - February 12, 2016

There were no words spoken as the male got closer to her, and she let it happen. Their bodies pressed together,  and she could feel a tingly feeling in her belly, as well as in her ear as he chuffed. She had never encountered a being worthy enough of being so close to her, but this one had something that drove her bloodlust away. The only one to have ever nailed it like this would be Avalon, but that was not done by physical touch. His kind words were what had driven her fear away, and she felt no connection quite like this one with her former friend. Perhaps it was time to bury her past, start anew with the foreign boy, she thought as his tongue grazed her ear. She pressed her muzzle against the side of his neck, softly nibbling on his skin, her touch as light as a feather though still filled with passion. 

He purred, a sound that made the butterflies in her belly flutter all over the place, as he moved to face her again. She removed her own muzzle out of his soft fur to reply. She knew she couldn't settle right here, on the land where they had met, because of the smell of others near the waters. She would probably have to travel further away from the coast, and his suggestion was actually a good one. Somewhere in the woods would indeed be calm. She hummed, still a bit flustered by this male. His words after were a bit worrying to her, not because she thought she was the special one, but because he considered settling here. I fear the coast is already inhabited by useless junk, unfortunately. She replied. But perhaps you and that special one could travel land inwards to find a forest to call home.

RE: I'm Fairly Local - Cogitemus - February 12, 2016

He loved the feeling of her muzzle pressed into him, he gave her a few sweet licks, before moving closer to her to lick her head. He gave another purr, before he looked into her eyes, this was obviously not a challenge, it could be told by the lust and calmness in his eyes, along with him touching his nose to hers. "Yes, the les would be perfektni." He agreed. He could tell the girl was a bit flustered, so he moved closer to lick her cheek. "Les means forest, and perfektni means perfect." He would have to decide where his special one and him would settle. His native life didn't seem to bother her, so maybe he would teach her a bit. His main problem was, breeding. He didn't know when to begin it, at his old tribe, sex was punishment. If the two stayed together, that would be a topic he would have to bring up. Unless the time came sooner, he didn't want to feel like he was punishing her. He gave her neck a few licks, before moving down to her shoulder, purring and humming all while licking her. After a bit, he gave a few soft nibbles. He wasn't used to giving affection, or receiving it, but this foreign moment felt oddly natural to him. Where ever she touch him, it left a burning that turned to tingling. He let his muzzle travel down her body, wanting to be closer to her. Her scent was intoxicating, and it made his head mushy. His soft licks and nibbles turned into more powerful, and meaningful laps at her side. He let out the softest of moans, it was extremely hard to hear, but the vibrations it created met the girls body.

RE: I'm Fairly Local - Malice - February 13, 2016

So, you really plannin' on starting a pack? If so, me and Malice would gladly help out :)

His tongue worked it's magic again, this time on her head, as he purred. Yellow met amber, as their muzzles touched, sending a chill down her spine. This moment could go on forever for her, but he was quick to break the silence again. Perfektni, indeed. Was the only thing she could purr, too caught up in the moment to say something smart. At this moment, she only needed him. Her thoughts flickered from a cloud 9 to a few clouds below that heavenly place as she thought about, what her pack called it, bonding. It was tradition for any wolf in a higher rank that it had to stick with the wolf who had taken it, so there were no second chances. If he was to make her his, they couldn't split. Well, at least that were the rules she once lived by, but she knew this wasn't her pack anymore. She wasn't planning on leaving him, though.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the boy's tender kisses going along her body. As he got closer, she put her muzzle on his back that was now in reach. She gently let her tongue lick his skin as well as grazing it with her teeth. She purred against him, their sounds now making a love song as he started nibbling. She followed suit, her muzzle making it's way to his flank all while intensifying her touches. She hadn't felt anything like this ever before, but it was the best feeling in the world. The vibrations on her side were enough for her to know that he was enjoying himself as well, and she pulled her head back to nibble at his neck again. 

RE: I'm Fairly Local [M] - Cogitemus - February 13, 2016

Yes! I am, and I would love for you guys to help out, it would mean so much to me thank you so much! Would you like me to shoot you a PM so we can guide our chars. in the way of a settling place, and we could talk more about in in detail, or would you like to do that IC? 2 things: I can pretty much spree all day if you can, and if this thread gets hot & steamy I just wanted to check Malice ISN'T in heat. I'm going to throw and 'M' on it just incase. 

The man tingled where her touches were placed on her body, he neared the base of her tail, and the hard, passionate licks slowed to sweet, tender ones. Her scent made him weak at the knees, and he struggled to hold himself back. Even raised in a tough household, his mind was flushed with passion. Of course, it would probably offend the girl if he said 'I love you' maybe during traveling he could say it in his native language so she could be confused. He wanted to take her badly, make her his and nobody elses. No other male would touch her, no one could be too close to her. His purrs turned into soft whines of need as he nosed at the her hips, so close to her entrance, he was teasing himself. He licked at her hip, asking for silent approval from her. All he wanted war her, his mind was made up.

RE: I'm Fairly Local [M] - Malice - February 13, 2016

I was thinking more of a thread in the Drafting Table, to indicate other players and staff that we're planning on starting a pack. Though for the guiding and such, pm should do fine. It's not day here anymore, lol, it's evening. But, I have nothing to do anyways so I could spree too. I don't believe Malice is in heat, since it's not December (Right?), but she is too caught up in the moment to refuse. We should skip the details though, don't want to make this into a lemon fanfic if you know what I mean XD

He neared her hind quarters, his ones rougher touches turning into more softer ones. She had no experience whatsoever in this kind of interaction, but it all seemed so right at the moment. She wanted him, more than anything in the world. She wanted him to chase her demons and bad thoughts away, and she knew he was capable. She could feel it in her bones, that were beginning to feel weaker as their teasing intensified. She chuffed softly, giving him permission to do whatever he'd like to do with her. She was his right now, and she let him know by moving her muzzle back to his spine to softly nibble on his flesh.

RE: I'm Fairly Local [M] - Cogitemus - February 13, 2016

Alright! Yes for the drafting table, and I will start the PM

All he needed was an acknowledgement for him to begin. He moved to her rear, before mounting her.


The aftermath left Cogitemus breathless, licking the girl's face all over. Purrs, and soft growls escaped him. His tail wagged uncontrollably as he stopped the licks to peer into her eyes. "Ty jsi muj specialni." he purred. "You are my special one." he translated. "You are so krasny." he added. "Beautiful." he whispered before licking her cheek once again.

RE: I'm Fairly Local [M] - Malice - February 13, 2016

Alrightikidokali! Should we wrap this thread up soon and start a new one for them to find a place to settle, or do you have other plans?


After their love dance, the dark queen was exhausted. She dropped on the cold ground, but it had little effect on her now warm body. The boy was now expressing his feelings for her, and she returned the soft touches with her tongue. Her tail wagged faster than ever before, and their eyes meeting only intensified her movements. She had found her special one, something she never dreamed of achieving. Though it had happened, right on the coast of a foreign land that they could call their home from now on.

I am glad to be. She panted, her cheeks getting hot by the compliments she was receiving from her lover. You are my sanctuary... She purred as he grazed her once more.

But she knew they couldn't stay here forever. They had to find a place not inhabited by useless beings, and she hoped he realized this as well.

RE: I'm Fairly Local [M] - Cogitemus - February 13, 2016

Yep! End here, and I will start a new one.

The boy purred at her words. They needed to go find a place to settle. How power they would feel, ruling over everyone, telling new blood rules and denying their requests. Their pack would bond like family, and hopefully in the future, the two lovers will create their own family too fill the ranks.