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Lost Creek Hollow What a perfect day to relax and... ooh a butterfly! - Printable Version

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What a perfect day to relax and... ooh a butterfly! - Haven - February 15, 2016

Anyone who wants to meet this sad cutie <3

Haven trotted along through the forest. It was very nice here, just the way she liked it. Lots of trees and vegetation, very snug and the new pack seemed kind. It was very unlike the Brotherhood, who's alpha just happened to be her ex's devil dad. Oh well, sometimes things just don't work out. She traveled through the wood, her plumy tail swishing behind her hips. She always enjoyed a good stroll, and this was the first good stroll she'd had since... Well since Seb. She missed him so much.

The young grey and golden female soon found a nice plot of moss to lay on. She circled it a few times, then sat down, thumping her head onto her soft white paws. What a beautiful day to sleep. She closed her eyes for only a second before she awoke to the sound of flap flap. Her moment of resting peace was interrupted by a colorful flying creature fluttering past her head. Her big golden eyes grew bigger as she watched it, and she immediately crouched down into a pouncing position. She would catch this damn thing if it was the last thing she did. That was the same thing she'd thought about the deer that had led to her accident. That was why when she ran too much her foot felt like an explosion of needles and why her and Seb weren't together.

But she ignored that because she is an oblivious big baby, and she pounced up into the sky twirling circles around the animal as it fluttered.

RE: What a perfect day to relax and... ooh a butterfly! - Shikoba - February 21, 2016

Shikoba hadn't met everyone in the pack quite yet, she had met Jazz and the alpha Mordecai, but no one else. So, the Druid woman set out to meet the others. She planned to meet more on the way, however one wolf was already in front of her while she traveled along the territory trails.

The wolf looked quite happy, pouncing and twirling around a small insect, a butterfly. Shikoba couldn't help but chuckle to herself quietly. She walked closer and opened her jaws to speak.

"Hello there." She said softly, her words becoming smoother when speaking in the mother tongue of Teekon.

RE: What a perfect day to relax and... ooh a butterfly! - Haven - February 22, 2016

Embarrassed Haven turned to look at the female who approached her. Shit, how long has she been there. She thought, biting her lip a little. Oh well, we're just gonna throw out everything we ever learned about first impressions and be Haven today. She smiled at the other female, ignoring the butterfly as it flew away. Though her body was saying forget this wolf lets catch this fucking butterfly!

Hey there! I'm Haven, sorry bout that I was... distracted. I'm pretty new here so sorry I don't know your name? She stated it as a question/excuse and chuckled a bit. She walked forwards to sniff at the tawny female and looking her up and down. From her posture she seemed nice enough. Cool, nice people. Nice wolves usually didn't mind weird ones. Score one point for Haven.

RE: What a perfect day to relax and... ooh a butterfly! - Shikoba - February 22, 2016

Shikoba saw the girl quickly turn 'round and see the druid one. She smiled gently, hopefully giving off the 'don't be embarrassed' vibe. The girl walked close, offering that she was in fact distracted and quite new here. Shikoba nodded her head and heard that the girl's name was Haven. Quite a nice one to the native.

"I Shikoba. Language of english not good, but Shikoba working on it. Shikoba happy to meet Haven." Damn her choppy words, she probably looked like a stuttering fool towards Haven. However, the druid knew some parts of the english tongue, so she wasn't too deep in the mud. She offered yet another soft smile towards Haven as her tail wagged lightly. "Haven said Haven was new, yes?"

RE: What a perfect day to relax and... ooh a butterfly! - Haven - February 23, 2016

So Shikoba didn't speak English too well. Haven had met a wolf like that before, but he was just kind of stupid. This wolf was probably from something else, considering her slight accent. It's ok, I'm sure I can understand. She smiled, tail wagging along at her rump. Shikoba posed her a question, and Haven nodded humbly. Yeah I just got here. I came because of my friend Ilya, but she was attacked by a cougar so I've barely gotten to talk to her yet. I'm just hoping that she'll be ok.

She turned around for a moment, part of her hoping that butterfly was still there waiting for her to resume to hunt. It wasn't. Damn it. Well at least now she had distractions, now she could relax and enjoy a friendly conversation. She turned back to the other female and kneaded her paws on the ground. She always did it when she was happy, it was sort of a habit. So how long have you been here? With the pack, I mean. A simple question, a good conversation starter.

RE: What a perfect day to relax and... ooh a butterfly! - Shikoba - February 23, 2016

Haven seemed to understand the druid's words, that relieved her by a mile length. Shikoba's question was answered with kindness, Haven was new and had joined because of her friend Ilya. However, the main sentence that caught her attention was that Ilya was one of the victims of the cougar attack. The druid had to bite her tongue to the point of almost drawing blood to prevent a snarl or a growl to escape her sharp jaws. That damned animal thinks it can attack whoever it wants and get away with it?!

"Shikoba hopes to. Shikoba will protect pack. Shikoba not in pack long enough to protect Ilya." She said, sad that she wasn't in the pack in time to save Ilya. Sure, she couldn't handle the cougar on her own, but with the pack she could. However, her thoughts lingered back to Mordecai's words. She was not to go after the cat, but instead defend. She was sure that if the cat would dare step foot near her family she would rip its head off and keep it asa trophy. And that was saying something in her book.

Haven's next question made the native woman look towards her. "Not in pack long, half a moon cycle maybe?" She said, sitting down on her haunches and letting her tail drape over her hind paws. Before she could ask another question, a small flapping noise filled her ears. She looked up to see a small butterfly flap around her head, her eyes darting around to follow it. The small insect fluttered around a bit more before landing on Shikoba's nose. The druid chuckled softly, feeling the small legs tickle her soft flesh.

LOL dat butterfly

RE: What a perfect day to relax and... ooh a butterfly! - Haven - February 24, 2016

LOL me too

Haven appreciated Shikoba's words. Haven too was now loyal to LCH, and would do her best to avenge her fallen friend and hopefully kill that damn cat. So Shikoba's was new too, something they had in common. Haven was about to come up with another question, to get to know her better when the butterfly returned. It plopped down into Shikoba's nose, still flapping its wings lightly. The other female seemed entranced by it, giggling as its soft feet tickled her about. Haven really just wanted to catch it.

She stuck her tongue out as she focused and raised a paw to strike. Gently, yet quickly she swiped at the winged insect, though it flew away too fast and instead she just bopped Shikoba on her nose. She watched the thing flutter away for a few moments before realizing even what she's done. She turned back to the mottled female, face hot with embarrassment. Im so sorry! I did not mean to hit you at all I was trying to get the butterfly. Sorry. It was sincere but also came out as a sort of giggle, because it had been pretty funny.

RE: What a perfect day to relax and... ooh a butterfly! - Shikoba - February 24, 2016

Shikoba was first giggling like a child with a butterfly, the next Haven's paw bopped her nose and swatted the butterfly away into the air. At first, the druid looked at Haven and cocked a brow. What was she thinking? But the girl quickly apologized for her actions, stating that it was all out of want to capture the small insect. The native smiled and shook her head softly, looking towards Haven.

"Its okay. But Haven should respect butterfly" She started off, remembering her old teachings. "Even if butterfly small, butterfly is life. Life is life, should not take. Bad things can be take, small and good things stay."

Shikoba was never one to kill anything out of spite. Even with her family murderers engraved into her head, she would not kill them. It was not her place, it was an act of evilness to her. All life was precious, no matter what unless known to be evil.

RE: What a perfect day to relax and... ooh a butterfly! - Haven - February 24, 2016

Haven listened to Shikoba, at first confused, but then she got it. Life was important to Haven too, but sometimes she forgot how truly special it was. I suppose that butterfly could have a wife and children at home. She thought inquisitively, as if this were a true observation. She turned back from staring off into space to look at Shikoba again. I understand, I should've thought about that. I'm sorry. She watched the butterfly flutter past again, this time just to watch it and enjoy it's beauty. Haven learned something new everyday.

She smiled at Shikoba, and hoped that the other female wouldn't think poorly of her now. But she doubted that would be the case. Instead she decided to press Shikoba for more information. Getting to know your peers is a very important part of the integration process. So where did you come from before you came here? Somewhere very in tune with life I'm presuming? She joked cheerfully, tail wagging across the forest floor, sweeping the dust like a broom.

RE: What a perfect day to relax and... ooh a butterfly! - Shikoba - February 27, 2016

Shikoba's words had taken effect, she was surprised how well Haven took to understand it. The druid smiled towards her and saw that the butterfly began to flutter away with peace. Her tail wagged slowly, her ears turned their attention towards Haven again when she asked a question. Where was she from, was it really in tune with life? 

She nodded her head towards the earthy girl. "Homeland far away, lived on plains with family. Other packs friendly, never war." She replied, thinking back to those great plains she called home with her family. Rolling hills filled with winds that blew the grass, sunny days with blue skies. She would do anything to take back her place with her family, but the woman thought that maybe the spirits were giving her a sign. Was it destiny her family was to fall and she was to push on? What did it mean?

Well, the would dwell on it later, she was more focused on Haven at the moment. "However, family was taken away with home by other animals. Shikoba only survive and leave to find Hollow." Her past was scary and filled with darkness, but Shikoba had to accept that it happened and she could not change it. She never really mentioned those weird animals that took her home to anyone, it was like it was a secret almost. Weird, two legged animals....

RE: What a perfect day to relax and... ooh a butterfly! - Haven - February 28, 2016

A place where packs never warred? That would be wonderful, but honestly not realistic here in Teekon. It seemed everywhere she went there was someone trying to kill someone. That was just how it was. She wished that she could go home, to before the fire at Ivory Falls, and continue living with her family. But she couldn't, that life was behind her now. This was her life. Then Shikoba said something about other animals. What other animals? Did cougars attack and take her pack, or bears? But she probably would've said cougars or bears if she had indeed meant that. Curiosity over took her then.

What other animals? The grey and golden female asked, brow furrowing as she tried to imagine what Shikoba meant.

RE: What a perfect day to relax and... ooh a butterfly! - Shikoba - February 28, 2016

Haven questioned Shikoba about the animals that claimed her home on the plains, the Druid looked at her paws trying to think of a clear description. She wasn't aware that the animals had a name of humans, but she knew they were as bad as bears or warring packs.

"Walked on two legs. Pelts shine silver, wood spout fire and smoke. Wore Shikoba's family on their backs. Evil thieves." She replied, a bit of a metallic tongue fairing for her.