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Blackfeather Woods Paper Planes - Printable Version

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Paper Planes - Kove - February 21, 2016

Throwing this out quick~ @Nemesis

Desna's visit seemed like a distant memory, despite just how recently it'd occurred. He had been unable to think of little besides the message she'd delivered since then, replaying the words over in his head time and time again. It had come as a shock at first, but was then quick to sink in. He understood what had happened, but didn't necessarily see it as a terrible thing—as bad as that might sound. He worried more for his children and how they were dealing with it, rather than the death itself. To Kove, death was a regular thing. His parents had died early on, he was exposed to it quickly. It helped, too, that he blamed her for it. For being foolish enough to go off and leave the valley in the first place, to abandon him and her son. The stages of grief had been very, very brief for him, serving more as encouragement than anything else. Scarlett was in the past, entirely so now, and no longer would he allow for memories of the past to haunt him. His heart resided elsewhere, and he was ready to make things with her official.

Rather than patrolling along the borders and leaving it up to chance to decide whether or not he saw her, Kove moved towards the Garden of Blood and lingered on it's outer edges. There was no need to work up any courage, for he had already decided exactly what he would do. Nemesis had earned his affections, and he wanted to ensure everyone knew she was not to be touched. So, wishing not to put it off any longer, the Inuit tilted his head back and let loose a howl, requesting her sole presence.

RE: Paper Planes - Nemesis - February 23, 2016

The howl of her significant other sent a shock through her system, traveling just a few feet to meet him at the Garden. Looking at him now, she couldn't define what they were nor pinpoint the origin of their feelings, but as life commanded, she flowed with it. Placing a lick upon his muzzle, she was surprised to see him so soon since their last encounter a day before. These visits became more frequent and compelling as they progressed, much to her delight. She had already stake her claim on him, although not offically, no other woman would dare to look at him the wrong way. "What's up?" She quipped, her voice unusually cheery, although the question was genuine. 

It had come to her attention that one of Kove's previous spawn had made their way to their borders, though she couldn't be bothered by it. It was the scent that had caused her to notice, although the reasoning was over her head. Kove wouldn't be leaving the dark woods again, she was sure. 

RE: Paper Planes - Kove - February 25, 2016

And on today's episode of "How Cheesy Can Kuro Get?" lmao

The male's time alone was made short by the arrival of his lover—that's what she was, wasn't she? The line of their relationship was hard to see more often than not, but even still he felt confident in his choice of titles. Though, he hoped he could call her something else within the next few moments. His certainty in what he was about to do only increased as she placed a lick upon his muzzle, which he was quick to return. Following the gesture came a smile, though it teetered dangerously on a thin wire between a genuine smile and an eager grin. He said nothing in regards to her query, however, but rather stood there in silence. While his mind had already been set, that didn't mean he couldn't drag it out a little bit. As immature as the notion was, he couldn't help it.

"Well," he began, drawling the word out slightly. "I have a question for you." Kove saw no issue in taking his time, believing himself to have the element of surprise on his side anyways. Besides, things like this simply couldn't be rushed, they had to be thought out well and given a great deal of care. "I admitted already that I have feelings for you. At first, I'd fought them every step of the way, telling myself I had no heart to give. And that was true..." He moved closer, his voice dropping down to a whisper. "Because you had already stolen it before I could offer it to you." The words were meant solely for her ears and no one else's. Not because he was embarrassed by them, but because no one else was deserving of them. "Nemesis, will you be my mate?"

RE: Paper Planes - Nemesis - February 26, 2016

Mate. Mates, plural. Somehow she had always known that they would end up at this point. It seemed that time had slowed, that her next answer would ultimately affect the rest of her life. Oh. 


She opened her mouth to speak, yet air rushed out. Her eyes closed, breathing in to replace the shortness of breath. It calmed her although the decision was set in her mind. "Yes," She let out, not second guessing it. No hesitance, no stammering. Just the truth. And it was final, no turn backs from there. She knew what went down with Kove and Scarlet, or inferred so that they had grown apart. But she refused to let that ever happen, and if he walked across that border without her, she would drag his ass right back. Some things still terrified her, like the concept of children and technically being Xan's.. step mother. The thought that she never got around to telling Xan pained her. She had no idea how he would react to it, but it wouldn't be positive, could it? Pushing it to the back of her mind, her expression accounted for the genuine happiness she was feeling, content. What others felt was the least of her worries, and she had no worries to give.

She lunged forward, tackling him playfully while driven from the pure euphoria she was feeling. It wasn't enough to knock him over, nor actually hurt him but a friendly use of excitement she couldn't contain. It was better than standing stoic while they awkwardly made eye contact, the memory making her laugh out loud. It was rare, but it did happen, the only time when she had forgotten to keep a straight face and no emotional attachment. Kove was the only exception, besides Kendra although the two held very different spot's in her heart. Either way, she was much different than when she had first arrived at Blackfeather Woods, and much better for it.

eep sucky post, ik. my attempt at cute pp, lol. let me know if you want me to change it :D

RE: Paper Planes - Kove - March 08, 2016

Silence arrived first, a breath and closing of her eyes. He could not predict what her answer would be, no matter how much he tried to do so. His nerves were like live wires, sending through him shocks of anticipation. When her voice had finally made it's way to his ears, it'd taken a moment or two for the word to register. It was so simply, a single syllable, and yet it's meaning managed to reach onward indefinitely. His tail began to sway, a genuine smile easing it's way across his lips. She had said yes. She'd agreed to take him on as her partner in life, in love, and that was enough to wash his mind of all negative memories. It felt different this time around, entirely so, like nothing could ever pull them apart. It was what he'd witnessed in his homeland, the feeling he'd wished to have for himself—and, finally, he'd received it.

When she'd lunged toward him, the male had shifted his weight just enough to soften the impact, smiling all the while. He'd not been expecting such a seemingly grand gesture, which made it all the better. "You know, I don't think this feeling is exactly like any other I've felt before," Kove commented, eyeing her curiously before using the moment as an opportunity to nose through the fur covering her nape. He wanted to stay near to her, to ensure neither left without a hint of the other's scent intermixed within their coats. In a way, he wanted everyone to know that they belonged to one another, that acts against one were acts against them both, but to shout out such words was something he'd never do. It was a private matter, in some aspect, and he'd much rather keep the words of affection between himself and her. It was, to him, better that way.

Psst... @Nemesis

RE: Paper Planes - Nemesis - March 26, 2016

eep sorry! thanks for nudging this though, we should probably start a new thread soon.

She nodded dutifully at Kove's confession, as she had never experienced something that they shared the same way with anyone or anything before. It was curious that he did so, as she would have expected him to feel the same with Scarlett, after all, he had fathered children with her too. Why was their thing, anything different? She pulled back, although it wasn't abrupt, it was her dire need to engulf herself in him that made her mentally restrain. "How do you mean?" She was innocent to the workings of love, nor its following affections. Admittedly, it was something she lacked skill, even though she thought herself capable of mastering anything thrust her way. It was a different field entirely, and she wasn't sure what else she could do to show her affection than saying so.

 In her mind, a mate's sole purpose was to pro-create, something she was not nearly as ready for as she let on. Eventually, the both of them would not be enough and she would not subject Kove to disappointment because of her lack of knowledge and understanding. But that was not required of them as of now, as they silently could both understand. So if not for children, what else was the purpose? That would have been her idealism before she felt what she did, but now everything was confusing and it didn't make sense, a thrill. It was something she only felt with him, and only him. And it was good. 

RE: Paper Planes - Kove - April 02, 2016

We should! o:

The close proximity between the two of them was something he rather enjoyed, wishing never to leave her side. In a sense, he'd felt a similar pull before, but in the end he had left. His family up north had taken priority, and he'd gone away to visit them. This time around, however, he felt as if he could never do that. It was made all the more strange, too, for the desire he'd felt to travel was no longer present within his being. It'd abandoned him, but he was not sad to see it go. For with it gone, his confidence grew, ensuring him that he would live out the rest of his life with Nemesis. And so, when she'd pulled away, he'd grown concerned almost immediately, wondering if she was okay or if he'd said something she hadn't appreciated. Luckily, the reasoning was soon revealed to him, and he couldn't help but smile.

"How I feel when I'm around you is different," he'd began. "With Scarlett, I had wanted to be there, but was still capable of leaving whenever I wanted. With you..." He paused, taking the opportunity to close whatever distance she'd placed between them. "I feel like I could never leave. Even if one of my family members came to drag me back to the north, I know that I would choose you over them any day. These feelings are stronger than any others I've ever had for anybody." In other words, he never wanted for her to worry about his place there. No matter the circumstances, he would never leave her, for already she had become his world.