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Sleeping Dragon this world was built on blood and battles (just like you) - Printable Version

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this world was built on blood and battles (just like you) - Antumbra - February 29, 2016

This meeting is mandatory. You have until Thursday, March 3 to reply. I've already PP'd everyone here to get it moved along and it shouldn't need but a handful of rounds. I just need 3-4 wolves to volunteer to go (more is welcome but Thuringwethil may choose from the volunteers or alter the plan to stagger their approach). Sometime this upcoming weekend, as long as we get everything together, I can begin the thread. @Gyda @Lucani @Hush @Lorne @Snacha @Dio @Belle Blue Wolf @Scythia @Magpie. In regards to @Cirrus, no need to reply unless you want a cameo of the howl. Also if someone chooses to remain guarding him (not necessary), make a cameo post informing that and assume Thuringwethil approaches them later. The expedition thread can be used for a mercenary trade for anyone going after it. 

The rest of the trip back to Drageda is in silence Jim isn't there to big her, gone off somewhere not bothering her. It gives her time to sort through her thoughts and the course of action she'll take on the wolves trying to settle too close to her home. The way they ended their meeting seems enough to indicate they'll relocate but on the safe she, she brews together a plan for the next several days to insure their departure.

When she reaches the borders, she calls for them, informing everyone to meet at the ledge Thuringwethil declared they meet. She makes her way up the mountain toward the ledge that overlooks bitterroot valley to the south, where you can see the ends of the river meet the mountainous terrain.

Her own ascent takes time and they have all gathered with Gyda nearest the ledge, next to the tree barely hanging on by its root. She doesn't silence her approach and when a gap forms between the wolves, she easily strides in to take her place in front of them with her queen by her side.

"After discovering something a little weird near the bolder to the north of us, I did a little more scouting while I was out and discovered a pack trying to form," she begins, her voice flowing easy over the group laid out before her. "With the Phoenix below us, a pack to the north is asking for trouble. I told them it was a bad idea to settle where they were and after speaking with them, I believe they'll be moving on. On the off chance they do not heed my warning, I will take a small group to the north and make sure they've cleared out. I'll give them a few a few days to get their things together and get out but if they remain, be prepared to fight."

Thuringwethil lets a moment pass, glancing toward Gyda. She knows the woman would enjoy the expedition but she silently hopes she offers to stay home and guard their home. With the wolves Thuringwethil wishes to take, their defenses would be limited. She doesn't put it past a band of wolves to attempt to harass her borders when she's away. Heda looks away, at the rest of them, wondering whom might volunteer for the adventure ahead of them.

RE: this world was built on blood and battles (just like you) - Lorne - February 29, 2016

I volunteer as tribute!

Lorne glanced around the clearing, looking to see the responses of her comrades. Her own face remained stoic and indifferent. Within she understood the need to rid the Drageda of the outsiders but she was not angry with them yet. It was fertile land, and it was possible they hadn't known about Sleeping Dragon's claim on the land.

Stepping forward solemnly, she raised her head proudly. It wasn't high enough for a lack of respect to her Alphas but high enough to display her will to go on this mission. 

"I volunteer,"she pitched her voice so it was heard by all the pack. She glanced around once more wondering the effect her words might have on others, if they might step forward as well.

RE: this world was built on blood and battles (just like you) - Dio - February 29, 2016

He sat simply among the group, never too close or too far away from any of the other wolves, but he readily gave his attention to the leaders -- Thuringwethil specifically. She gave him the impression that this whole matter was largely hers to handle since she had the details and a plan. He did keep an eye on the silvered queen as well, for her thoughts on this would matter just as much.

While his expression may have seemed outright impassive as he glanced around the group assembled, he was curious enough to find interest in this. He was adaptable enough to fill roles wherever needed, be them defensive or offensive, but he was admittedly lure by the potential for excitement in going abroad to oust the others. Since he had been taking it relatively easy since joining the Dragon, he had managed to rest and repair his condition a bit in the meantime, so he saw no fault in volunteering -- especially after the little red wolf spoke up with the first affirmation.

His display was not nearly so noble as hers, since he stayed with his rump on the ground with his tail curled neatly around his paws, but he was straightforward. "I can go too, if needed." he tossed in after Lorne finished. Dio would be understanding if the leaders saw more fit to opt for wolves they knew (and trusted) better, so he wouldn't be offended if he wasn't accepted to go for whatever reason.

RE: this world was built on blood and battles (just like you) - Gyda - February 29, 2016

lmao i got a hunger games flash back. :P

Thuringwethil's call rose into the chilled air and curious as she was Gyda wasted no time making her way to the area that Heda had declared they were to gather for meetings. She did not know why it was that Heda was calling them, though Gyda was left to assume that it was far too urgent of a matter to wait until they had a chance to discuss it in private between the two of them. Upon reaching the designated area she arranged herself on the ledge, close to the hanging tree, watching as the pack gathered before her. The shield-maiden held herself tall and regal, her icy caribbean gaze touching each of them in turn, offering a small gesture of acknowledgment to their arrival, though it was Heda's arrival she found she was anticipating the most.

It took some time for Thuringwethil to arrive but eventually she did, stepping through the part of their subordinates as they made a passage for her to move through. Gyda's gaze was steady upon Heda as the ebony cloaked woman approached her, moving to her place at the shield-maiden's side. Gyda's attention settled upon Thurin when she spoke, her expression stoic and contemplative as she processed the other woman's words. A pack was looking to settle North of them. Subtly, the hackles along the nape of her neck began to prick as they bristled with disapproval. No. The North was their hunting grounds and she would not have them cut off and pushed in between a rock and a hard place.

She did not want to be trapped by Phoenix Maplewood or this unknown pack that wished to claim the North. Thurin spoke that she had addressed them and given them a chance to move but was looking to investigate, to make sure they made good on their promise by going with a small escort of wolves to chase them out in case they did not listen. Gyda was tempted to volunteer, sorely so. She was a shield-maiden and fighting was in her blood but if Thuringwethil intended to go then one of them had to stay behind; besides, if she wished to become with child when she hit her maturity within the next month then she would have to be conscious about her well being. She could not go into battle like a valkyrie with no fear of death when she wished to give life. “Then I will stay behind with the others. We will tighten our patrols and await your return.” She would ensure they were not idle while Heda and her group of volunteers made the venture North.

Lorne volunteered to go with Thuringwethil, the first to speak out of those gathered. Gyda gave a small nod of her acknowledgment, glad for the woman's eagerness. A male she vaguely recognized spoke that he would go if he was needed, but she remained silent. The group travelling north was Thurin's and thus was Heda's to choose. She cast her gaze upon the others then, waiting to see who would join their Heda and who would chose to stay with her to man the borders.

RE: this world was built on blood and battles (just like you) - OG Magpie - February 29, 2016

Magpie had spent the last few weeks growing accustomed to both her new surroundings and observing the pack's culture-- but if she were honest with herself, she had been focused on the territory rather than social calls. She was flighty and guided by whim. Logic told her that interacting with the rest of the pack was in her best interests, and even something the extrovert longed to do. But she didn't quite trust herself to play nicely, for ambition and the desire to breed grew stronger each day. As much as she wanted to make friends, she also wanted to assert herself over the others. But sparking internal unrest would do her no favors in the Commander's eyes.

And why did she need to prove herself to one half her age, anyway? One that could not even breed. Magpie struggled with that, too. Stay and learn of new cultures, position herself at the head of the pack-- or leave, seeking her desires elsewhere, possibly dying before they were ever achieved.

Still, the Corvidae settled with the rest when the meeting was called. She positioned herself near the Commander, though not close enough to cause much offense. Her posture became statuesque, eyes and ears focused upon the dark youth as she spoke. This would be it; if there were ever a time to prove herself, it would be now, with a meeting's call. Others answered first, but when Magpie found an opening, she took it: to the pair of leading women, she said, "I will serve in whatever way is needed." And while she spoke to both, the woman's green eyes never left the commander.

RE: this world was built on blood and battles (just like you) - Hush - February 29, 2016

Hush answered his Queen's call without a moment's hesitation, already so close to the meeting ground when his Warrior Queen beckoned not only him but the whole entire pack for a meeting of the utmost importance. Hush already had a sense of what was to occur: she was going to talk about the pack to the north, the one he had smelled during his northernly wanderings. When he arrived, pale eyes focused on Thurin as she spoke to the gathering wolves, Hush nodded grimly with understanding. The wolves would have to leave. Their presence would not be tolerated, not when they were so close.

But, seeing the amount of wolves that leapt forward to join Thurin, Hush held back on that deep urge to defend his pack's hunting ground with fangs and claws in the offensive. No one had yet offered to stay behind, to man the borders, only Gyda. Knowing that if he wished to become a Guardian of his pack he would have to become used to such sacrifices, Hush walked over to Gyda and barked, his way of saying that he would stay behind with her, defending his pack (and unwittingly the life that would - perhaps -  soon blossom within his Queen).

RE: this world was built on blood and battles (just like you) - Lucani - March 01, 2016

The tall grey wolf ascended to the ridge with the others, cool yellow eyes gazing out over the landscape before resting respectfully on her Queens. Lucani listened in silence, and, to determine her part to play in all this, waited until the initial wave of volunteering had passed. First spoke a small, quick-looking female, followed by a big male in his prime, and then a magpie-marked female who was willing to go where she was placed. Gyda and the mute would remain behind, and Lucani was tempted to suggest she do likewise — as far as she knew, she was the most active healer in Sleeping Dragon and would therefore need to be uninjured and available if a fight were to break out.

I can join the warriors if you wish, my Queens, she said to Thuringwethil and Gyda. After all, some may feel that a party mostly comprised of such little wolves would not be very intimidating. (Lucani knew better, of course, and did not judge the females' skills by their sizes.) But I would only be comfortable in doing so if another Healer is on paw to replace me should I be injured... her eyes lingered on Gyda.

RE: this world was built on blood and battles (just like you) - Cirrus - March 01, 2016

Storm, as he had come to think of himself, heard the cry on the air. Heda’s voice thrilled through him and he caught her sound waves with highly-cupped ears. He felt an urge to answer the call, but the only way he knew he could was to echo it from his cave against the mountain, which he had come to call home. He had never before had a home, he had only ever travelled continually. The thought of belonging somewhere (even as Omega) was slowly brainwashing him into feeling that this must be all he could amount to.
They had no need for a cripple amongst their meeting. Perhaps one day, when he was not crippled, he could help Heda. For now Storm hobbled to the edge of his cave and lifted his long, thin muzzle to the sky to reply to her summons with a light, baying howl.

Whether or not Heda left a guard, he would not budge. Storm wished to serve her as promised in exchange for his life; if she wished he stay in his cave, that is what he would do.

RE: this world was built on blood and battles (just like you) - Scythia - March 02, 2016

Scythia -whose position was neither center nor withdrawn- listened to the others with her usual sense of eager judgement. As others answered before her one after another she decided that most of them sounded sincere and wondered if her own words would register with equal weight. "I think my purpose would be best served here with Gyda," she informed on an even tone. "I am not yet accustomed to the land so I could maintain the boarders both as a duty and study." Naturally her gaze wandered to see what others might make of her interjection -given that she was the first to oppose the idea of joining the operation. However, they ultimately settled on Gyda whose approval she desired above the others.

RE: this world was built on blood and battles (just like you) - Snacha - March 04, 2016

Having scouted for Thurinwethil, Snacha barely made it back in time to hear the heda speak of the group to their north. Snacha had been watching the area for them, keeping an eye on the neutral lands between Drageda and the unwelcome group, in case anything went awry. If it did happen, then she'd call for Thurin or Gyda, and reinforcements would arrive promptly. However, that wasn't the case. Nothing happened at all. A few deer roamed the land, and she saw a few hawks circle the blue skies above, but no wolves showed. Nothing unusual happened that might require the leaders' attention.

So when Thurin called for the Drageda clan to come forth and meet with her, Snacha left her outpost and trekked across the land, quiet as ever. She sat near Thurin, ears and eyes turned toward her, though she noted who was there - and who was not. Though it was almost laughable to say so aloud, Snacha volunteered herself verbally for the benefit of the others. "I volunteer myself, Heda." Then she looked toward Lucani, nodding to show she understood her reservations. "But if my limited healing skills are needed here, I will remain. Whatever the heda wishes."

RE: this world was built on blood and battles (just like you) - Antumbra - March 05, 2016

Sorry I am a little late, kinda rough few days. Essentially everyone is dismissed after this round but Lorne, Dio, Lucani, +/- Gyda. You have until Wednesday, March 9 to reply.

It's once she's finished speaking that she's able to get a good look around to see who had shown up. She takes note, and listens to each one after their declaration of duty. They didn't all volunteer to go and that alone filled her of pride; they knew how to take care of their pack. She shifts her glance from one to the next as they speak. Even when Lucani glances at Gyda as she speaks, Thuringwethil can't help the pointed look she gives to her queen.

It doesn't stay long and she looks back over the crowd. The wolf that hasn't shown up, for a moment, assumes to be watching Storm. It didn't quite suit her but she ignores it and will search for her later.

"Lorne, Dio, and Lucani," she decides, glancing at Magpie as if in debate on whether or not she'd go. The woman claims to be an advisor but without proving herself yet, Thuringwethil decides against her presence for now. "We will leave in a few days. In the meantime, we will increase the patrols for security." Thuringwethil doesn't know what the others will do, even if they'd made their decision before she left but the necessity of protection is called to keep her wolves safe from the unknown.

It is then, if no one else had anything to offer, she dismisses them to speak to those she's chosen.

RE: this world was built on blood and battles (just like you) - Lucani - March 05, 2016

As a healthy wolf in her prime, Lucani had a sundry plethora of skills that could be put to good use, from hunting and fighting to tracking and babysitting. But this did not mean she was highly skilled at all of them — giving advice and medical care were her key abilities, while her weaknesses included fishing, unquestioning obedience, and maintaining any semblance of humour. But fighting was not one of her weaknesses. She was a tall, strong wolf, and although she did not necessarily like fighting she was slightly above average when it came to using tooth and weight as weapons. And so she was content to go along with the expedition, for what could be either mediation or aggression. Lucani stepped forward with the brawny Dio and the pretty Lorne, prepared to do her duty.

RE: this world was built on blood and battles (just like you) - Lorne - March 05, 2016

She moved forward with the others, nodding her head in ascension to Thuring's words. She had little to say on the matter, she would be going with their group in a few days to possibly fight with them. Fighting was something she was good at. 

She may be slender and not as strong as others but she was fast. She was mostly lean, wiry muscles. She could move quicker than those with bulk so she wasn't completely defenseless.

RE: this world was built on blood and battles (just like you) - Dio - March 06, 2016

Some volunteered to go, some preferred to stay, and to him, it sounded as if it was lining up nicely and smoothly. When Thuringwethil made her choice with him among it, he felt a rush of smug pride, but allowed it only in moderation; this wasn't the time or the place for it. However, he knew he would be useful to them. He's bold, big, and not a stranger to fighting and defending because it had been his job to do it in his last pack. When he glances at the others chosen, he suspects they may make for a well-rounded and effective group for the cause. He is satisfied.

So, Dio stays put when others are seemingly dismissed. He'll listen to whatever details they will share.

RE: this world was built on blood and battles (just like you) - Hush - March 06, 2016

Hush, looking at the three candidates, nodded at Thurin's choice. This wasn't an all out war (not yet, he hoped), simply a scare mission if you will. They wanted to warn the intruders, for that was what they were, away from their pack's land, not to cull them entirely. Hush chuffed, content, then nodded to both Gyda and Thurin and left the meeting, confident that Thurin and her chosen three would do their jobs well.

Exit hush

RE: this world was built on blood and battles (just like you) - Snacha - March 06, 2016

Snacha's disappointment flickered briefly on her masked face, but she smothered it as quickly as it came. She didn't want heda to see her disappointment at not being chosen, but surely there was a reason she had chosen the others over her. Whatever it was, Snacha would obey. She bowed to heda and Gyda before turning to follow Hush from the scene, wanting to spend a few moments with him before going back to guarding their prisoner.

RE: this world was built on blood and battles (just like you) - Gyda - March 09, 2016

Thuringwethil had made her choice out of those whom had volunteered to join her, and only slightly did Gyda feel a swell of jealousy within her breast for she very much desired to join them. She belonged on the battlefield, both the fear and desire of men and women as the great valkyries Ragnar had told her stories of as a child; but not this time. Perhaps next time, or after her children were born ...if she could even conceive at all. These Wilds had seen quite a massive influx of wolves since her birth and Gyda was not so ignorant to believe that this would be the last time a loner decided to park their merry band on their doorstep or their hunting grounds. So, she spared Thuringwethil a parting look over a dainty shoulder, after she had moved past her subordinates, partally sly and partially yearning before she gave an errant flick of her silver dappled tail and joined those whom had departed before her.

The others were her's and while Thuringwethil and her chosen three were away Gyda would tend to them, aid them with their work, and wait with them for Heda and the other's return and for the news they would bear.

RE: this world was built on blood and battles (just like you) - Antumbra - March 12, 2016

I apologize for the delay, my brother came into town for a few days and it's been hectic. I'll leave this up a few days and you're more than welcome to reply once more but I'll archive by Monday.

The wolves depart and she watches as those she didn't call disappear. Some quicker than others, some not, but either way those she called upon remain behind. If the other wolves are as passive as they seemed when she met them, she wouldn't even need this many to go along. They needed to at least cover the territory for new scents. "We will leave in four days, I will call upon you that morning and we will begin the trek across the valley. It's not too long of a trip and I do expect them to be gone. In case they are not, we will deal with it as we come to it. For now, address the borders and get some rest the night before."

Without much more to say, the young leader dismisses them unless they have something to add. She doesn't push them into it and she begins to feel the excitement of looking forward to facing their first major issue together.

RE: this world was built on blood and battles (just like you) - Dio - March 13, 2016

He watched as some left the scene without a word and Thuringwethil's explanation followed soon after. Nothing in it was very unexpected. In four days, he'd await the call. Until then, it would be typical of him -- patrol and rest in preparation That, he could handle, and if that was what the pack needed, then all the better. Dio was already beginning to feel quite confident about what would follow.

When it was all said and done, he too turned to go his own way.

RE: this world was built on blood and battles (just like you) - Lucani - March 13, 2016

When they were dismissed, the first thing Lucani did was move to replenish the various medical caches around Sleeping Dragon. Many of her packmates knew where they were, and others still could find them by nose, so in her absence they would be able to use some handy plantlife if they had any ailments. And if Lucani herself were to be injured... well, they'd cross that bridge if they came to it.