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Broken Boulder I Wash My Hands of This Weirdness - Printable Version

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I Wash My Hands of This Weirdness - Depp - February 29, 2016

@Sen time to push some buttons!

Depp had left the two wolves alone, and it had been awhile since then. He had his mind racing, there was no way he was actually jealous when another wolf complimented Sen in such ways, the idea was preposterous, horrible, disgusting! He was suppose to be a laidback, not-like-I-care wolf, dammit he cared. No! No he didn't, this was simply the new pack and the stress carried with it affecting him, that's all. Not the beautiful, alluringsimple girl who he absolutely have no feelings for, at all. Sure she was a pretty face, but that meant nothing of love or romance to him, just another thing to bang, which he didn't expect her to do in first place, but he was to find prepossessing things eye candy, and maybe a bit more, but never something to get attached to. Maybe this was all a bad idea? Of course not! He wouldn't let some strange thoughts affect his lifelong dream of holding a pack as an alpha himself. Why did it have to be winter? Taking away his precious alcohol, making him think somewhat normally towards  than his usual attitude. 

By this time he would usually seek out Sen, and tease her mercilessly from her admirer's words, but truthfully he was afraid too. Hah, he could only imagine how'd she'd respond if she knew he was actually afraid to be around her, likely laugh in his face for him being pathetic. For now he was on his own, consumed in his own thoughts which he dreaded gratefully. He decided he must do something with his time, and searched for something, anything, to keep him from delving into his own thoughts once more. He had discovered a small squirrel running through the frozen tundra, it was weak and likely to die off soon. He easily caught it with a simple step of its tail, and bite to its neck. It seemed boredom was overtaking him once more, he hoped it wouldn't be so difficult to stay in one area, him being a traveller his whole life kept him always on the lookout for adventure and it usually game his way, but with responsibility and a stay put pack,perhaps it wouldn't be as glorious as he had once anticipated. 

Blowing out an annoyed breath of air from his nostrils, he groaned loudly and only wished more for an alcohol filled relief, he hated the idea of another wolf occupying his thoughts so often, and especially bothersome knowing the same wasn't happening to her. Of course, he could never tell, because of her seemingly emotionless demeanor, but he had been proposed a challenge to uncover her ways and he was still to do so, but it was unlikely to believe she could possible be experiencing what he was, even if she were to say it aloud. She also wasn't going through the tough time of an alcoholic, going without what calmed them in most stressful times, increasing the stress levels five times as much. That was it, it had to be the lack of being relaxed, forcing him to go through such thoughts.

RE: I Wash My Hands of This Weirdness - Sen - February 29, 2016


With the clouds that hung overhead, the day had grown quite chilly. She did not mind, in all honesty, viewing it as nothing more than the course of nature. It was not her first winter, nor would it be her last, but it was the first one that she was spending seeking out other wandering souls. The task had been fruitful thus far, their numbers nearly enough to stake an official claim somewhere. Alas, Sen knew not how long yet they'd have to wait, for recently they'd also been assigned the endeavor that was finding a new territory to settle within. It would be their second time moving, technically, even if the ridge was not often counted; it'd been far too worn for wear to be a proper place of settlement, and had deterred her interest almost immediately. She was not exactly thrilled by their need to relocate but, being a creature of rationality, she understood that it would be necessary if they wished to survive.

Sen knew not when their followers would be alerted of their need to move, as she'd yet to even discuss with Depp where they would end up going. In truth, she was avoiding him, wishing to hold off on his taunts for as long as possible. She knew that they would come for her soon, perhaps even the second she was within his line of sight. That bothered the Gorgon greatly, for rare had it once been that another being would dare to tease her. It had always been the other way around, with the serpentine woman crawling beneath others' skins, and them wishing to avoid her because of it. Somehow, someway, the man had managed to steal what had previously been her role in life, and she could safely say it was absolute shit being on the receiving end of such antics. Now, one might assume that meant she would change her ways, but that was far from the case. No, it was actually quite the opposite, for the female found herself needing to retrieve the title that was previously hers.

In spite of her mind having been set, she did not seek out her companion's company. She was reluctant to do so even with her resolve, the only thing she'd been capable of doing was preventing herself from avoiding him entirely. To do so had taken a great deal of effort, but it was soon proven to have been worth it for she'd spotted the man's familiar form a short ways off. There were momentary thoughts of a planned retreat, but they had been suppressed long enough to have her walking towards Depp, rather than away from him. Instead of stopping once the other had been reached, however, she'd continued on past him. To speak with him still bothered her slightly, but, of course, she didn't want for him to know that. Sen had felt it time she showed that she did not fear his taunting, nor that she was avoiding him (even though she had been).

RE: I Wash My Hands of This Weirdness - Depp - March 01, 2016

When Sen approached, he didn't change his body language much until she grew closer. A mischievous grin presented itself on his maw, his tail thumped at bit, not at her presence still frustrated with his earlier thoughts, but because this was his chance to jest of Coeus being intimidated and allured by her. His eyes narrowed, there was no way she didn't know what was coming her way, he was surprised she would even go up to him at all. The brute hadn't ever truly made fun of her, and was excited—even if it meant getting his head ripped off in the process. "Where's your admirer?" He asked, tilting his head and pretending as though he was actually curious of Coeus' wanders. The pirate picked himself up, and began to circle her. "Off picking flowers for you?" The Sparrow quipped, his eyes twinkled with anticipation of what she might say back.

It was strange, but interacting with Sen kept his mind off of thinking about her, if that made much sense. He wasn't now scared of his possible  non existent feelings towards her, but more interested with what they were speaking about, maybe he was just going a little insane. A common occurrence for him, well her preferred the word "mad".  It wasn't hard to assume she had expected this out of him, and she had to have been brave enough to deal with his harassment, or maybe it was vice versus. Depp knew she would practically eat him up because of his comments, but tried to ignore the bad part, and focus on the fun; making fun of her. 

"Oh!" His ears perked, "Perhaps he's naming your future children?" Head gesturing to the side, as his walked with broad saunter. In truth, he wasn't aware of her thoughts on children, but he assumed them to be less than neutral, her not seeming to be a nurturer, which was a needed trait to be a successful mother, then again he still hadn't completely ripped off Sen's sheet and reveal her true self, she could just as well be the best mother around, but for now he was set on thinking her idea of pups were undesirable.

RE: I Wash My Hands of This Weirdness - Sen - March 03, 2016

It'd taken no more than her arrival for a mischievous grin to plaster itself across the male's maw, a forewarning for what was to come. It did not strike her as odd, nor had it taken her off guard, for she'd been expecting nothing less. In most ways, Depp was the unpredictable sort. His behavior was eccentric and wild, making it difficult to read him accurately. At times, however, his intentions were made painfully clear. So much so, even, that a newborn could probably bear witness to the antics in his eyes, even if their own were still sealed shut. It was that readiness, the anticipation towards what was to hit her, that gave her the chance to strike back just as quickly, like a viper on the hunt. "I'm sure he's around here somewhere..." the woman began, drawling out her last word before her voice had faded away. "If he is, I sure hope they're pretty—ah, maybe some chrysanthemums? I could use a cluster of those." While she would never actually poison the man, the idea of slipping some of the flower into a meal of his was, without a doubt, tempting.

Sen had to fight off a scowl when children were brought up, the topic one that she was unsure of. No matter, she rolled with it, the corners of her maw twisting upwards as a smirk overtook her features. "I hope so." There came a pause, a chance for her words to sink in. If he wanted to play that game, then she would meet him head-on. "The seed has already been planted, so we're going to need to start thinking of names anyways." Of course, it was a lie. She'd yet to even go into heat for the season, making conception impossible, but she hoped her words might shock him just enough for that bit of information to slip by unnoticed. "After you left us alone, I just couldn't help myself. Did you see him? He was quite the suitor." Her tail moved about behind her, mimicking that of a cat who wished to play.

In truth, the Gorgon held no romantic interest in her supposed admirer. He was just another male that found her appearance appealing, it was no big deal. But she'd spotted something in Depp's eyes back when she'd been complimented, when she'd been speaking to Coeus. It was a look she'd recognized as jealousy, and was an emotion she wished to play around with. She'd taken to watching her companion after her words had reached their end because of such, waiting to see what emotions could be caught within his gaze. To Sen, it was merely a game, the potential consequences of her actions seeming like nothing more than a gentle swat to the wrist.

RE: I Wash My Hands of This Weirdness - Depp - March 05, 2016

Depp was surprised but not with Sen's response. He knew she would come back with some comment quick, but expected a threatening one, or something said about how she could never be with someone such as Coeus because she was too good for anyone, but definitely  not a supportive word. He was devoured with disgust, just the thought of a man being so allured to collect something as meaningless as flowers made him roll his eyes, but hearing that to happen to Sen—he wanted to puke. He believed that it was all a play, while the back of his mind filled with what ifs? Depp hoped if he were collecting plants, it would be  something far from flattering. His tail flicked side to side with annoyance, but he shifted that to pride, so she wished to push some buttons too? Of course, he was excited for the act, but terrified if she was only doing this because his flash of jealousy earlier.

When she lingered on his second proposal, he was in shock, but of course hid it well with a tilt of the head and a lingering smirk, only seeming interested instead of sickened. For a split second he considered to believe her scam, but realized she wasn't in heat at the moment, and them conceiving pups would be impossible, he  felt his mind relax when coming to the realization. Her small amount of body language helped him come to the conclusion that this was all a play, all in all, the idea did bother him. "Oh, really?" he asked, ears lifting with curiosity. "I wouldn't think you to give up freedom for a small jolt of pleasure," her giving up freedom referred to her being forced to take care of pups. All this was the build up to what he knew would take her aback, insulting her intelligence. "I expected you to make a smarter decision."

For the time being he held his shock and disgust pretty well, but to the trained eye it could show up in the slightest way possible.

RE: I Wash My Hands of This Weirdness - Sen - March 07, 2016

There were little words Sen wouldn't say, few acts she wouldn't play along with. The bigger the reaction, the more satisfied she'd feel at the end of the day. Depp, however, was stingy. He would not share with her anything juicy enough to incite a maddening grin, nor would he give in to her ploy. While she could admit to herself that he did well with handling himself, it was at such a time in which she did not appreciate such controlled behavior. Her intentions were to inspire a spark of jealousy, but for why she could not yet determine. Amusement, most likely, though a nagging voice in the far reaches of her mind begged to differ. No matter, for such a quiet sound was ignored with ease, giving her the ability to focus all of her attention on the art of her act.

Sen was beginning to find little joy in tampering with his emotions, for he seemed loath to react in the same manner she was driven to provoke. "I do value my freedom," the woman noted, her expression seemingly thoughtful. "But I also value my blood. I will have to bring into the world a new generation of Gorgon women someday soon, there's no avoiding it." In truth, her siblings could do the very same, but there was some sort of hidden meaning behind it all that had her eager to do so on her own. It was her responsibility, and one that she would honour in due time. Presently, however, her mind was lured away from such matters, all thanks to the Sparrow's few words.

"Do you think it's wise to insult my intelligence?" the serpent questioned, ditching her act entirely as an expression of aversion overtook her features. Behind her, the woman's tail lashed about, mimicking that of an angered feline's. "Take back your words, or I swear, I will leave and never look back." By then her gaze had narrowed, connecting directly with the male's. Just like she'd done back on the ridge, she was challenging him. This time, however, it was far less playful as she awaited to hear what his decision might be. "Going by the way you reacted to another man complimenting me, I doubt that you want me to leave. So speak quick, and maybe I'll forgive you." Sen's arrogance was, clearly, on full display, but she didn't care enough to shelter it from view once more. No, her attention lingered elsewhere, anticipating the choice Depp would make.

RE: I Wash My Hands of This Weirdness - Depp - March 07, 2016

A sinking feeling overcome him, but he played it off and lifted an imaginary eyebrow at her comment of leaving. That was the absolute last  thing he would want, even if Seadog was to pile over on itself and be another one of his failed packs, the thought of losing Sen made his stomach turn. Should wouldn't do that would she? He thought, but part of him knew it was entirely possible. It was rare when he was playing his games to come across such odds, and he grew uncomfortable. It seemed she had the upper hand at the moment, only making him want to run away from the situation even more. Depp was well aware he had put himself in this, and would make sure to get himself out of it in the slyest way possible. Taking a step closer to her, he managed to look her in the eye for a split second—by accident—revealing the part of him afraid of the possibility of her departure. It soon being recovered with him looking towards the sky, as though he was thinking.

This was starting to seem like a bad decision, but either way he would end it well. He had  to make it end well, or else he could  be left alone to fend for Seadog. She had spoken of the Gorgon family, and he grew curious of its backstory, another reason to make this work, he was now eager to know of her bloodline. Him being very short, to his knowledge that is, only knowing his father—who he never believed to be his real father. His mother was an unknown women, being strange since she had given birth to him. 

Returning his gaze upon Sen he held a straight head, instead of his usual gestures. This was now becoming serious, to him that is, and he would treat that way at least a little bit. "I was only insulting decisions you never made," He pointed out. "But seeing you may leave without my word being taken back, I'll do that exact thing." Depp wasn't afraid to share that her leaving would leave some damage, but never reveal as much beyond the packs needs. "It's safe to say I don't want or need you to walk away." 

RE: I Wash My Hands of This Weirdness - Sen - March 22, 2016

Sen had acquired the upper hand, and she knew it. It was not her first time playing such games, nor would it be her last, and she'd grown capable of knowing when she was in the winning circle. Any other time, perhaps she would have celebrated such a victory, inwardly, but presently she could do no such thing. Her mind remained focused upon the fact that he'd had the audacity to insult her, even if it was rather indirectly. It mattered naught, however, how straightforward he'd been with his words, for the underlying meaning had been caught with swift precision. She could not allow for him to get away with it, nor would she, as had already been demonstrated. To the woman, it had become a matter of honour, and she'd be quicker to throw herself into the ocean than she'd be to let him slip by unpunished.

She had observed him closely as he stepped forward, catching the glint of emotion that had flickered through his gaze. Of course, she wrote it off as quickly as it'd disappeared, not wishing to give her mind the opportunity to think any further into it. When he'd looked away, directing his attention to the sky overhead, it had been made far more easy to look past. She could not let herself ease up on him simply because he feared losing her, for it was that very fear that she could use to her advantage. She would claim a good life for herself, one of little worries. As long as she kept the man squashed beneath her paws, she hoped that would mean for her a life of small troubles. Little did she know that, come the future, it would lead to something she'd initially believe to be quite the opposite.

When he had finally opened his mouth, his eyes were returned to her. She'd met them, carefully, making sure the annoyance she felt was obvious within her own. "You talk about taking it back, but in all that, I didn't hear an actual apology," Sen stated, tone cool. "Give me a true apology, or this will be the last time you ever see me." Just to add extra emphasis, she moved several paces away, steps slow and dragged out. She would only wait for so long.

RE: I Wash My Hands of This Weirdness - Depp - March 29, 2016

He furrowed his brow, apologizes wasn't common for the wolf, and when he did it was usually sarcastic or a lie. She hadn't asked for an apology at first, but it was obvious that's what she had been looking for, and he would never apologize without it being forced upon him, even if he were actually sorry. Depp held onto silence a moment, before taking a couple of steps towards her, stretching out his neck and cocking his head to the side. "I'm sorry," He spoke, before moving back to his original position. "I hope you can forgive me." Of course he wanted to be forgiven, but he would never beg for it...at least not in this situation. "I find you a rather...intellectual wolf, my words were simply for play." 

Moments of pause would be taken between his comments, thinking for the right words to say to jump out of the problem he made himself. Though his facial expression held a relaxed look, he would much rather her accept his apology than leave his pack. Well, their pack. Sen had played a valuable part in his building of Seadog, and knew her to be resourceful in the future. His reasoning was focused that she would be an advantage, even with part of him knowing him wanting her to stay ran much deeper than that. His fear was dissipating though, finding his answer rather fitting for what she asked for. The pirate hated she had control over him in the moment, if she knew this would make him apologize, he feared what else she might know of him.

Her few steps backward had been wasteful as he closed the space she had given when presenting his apology, them being rather useless, he would have said it steps or not.

RE: I Wash My Hands of This Weirdness - Sen - March 29, 2016

You can go ahead and wrap this up with your post, since it's kinda old. ^^

For hardly a moment after was she forced to wait. He had played right into her hand, giving to her exactly what she'd wanted from him—and then some. Not only had he apologized, but he'd went so far as to deliver something she'd easily taken as a compliment. "I guess I can accept your apology," she began, glancing him over as a smirk played across her lips. It was clear she was quite proud of her work, and perhaps even made glad by the fact that he'd listened to her. "Flattery will always get you anywhere you want to go." She'd said something similar before, as her opinion on the matter had never changed. Compliments, words that fed her ego, would always earn someone her favour. Well, usually, is more like it. It helped if she held some sort of interest in the one delivering such words, for those that disgusted her would be ignored no matter what.

Sen had noticed how he'd moved closer, and she'd mimicked his actions, further lessening the space between them. "Next time, remember to think before making similar comments," the woman has stated, her muzzle moving so close that it was only a mere inch or so from his own. She'd pulled away quickly, though, the action having been completed for the sole purpose of teasing him. Thereafter, several steps were taken away from him, putting between the two a meter or so of distance. "I'll be leaving first. Plan your next move carefully." With that, she'd left him in order to manage her own affairs.