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Noctisardor Bypass A home away from home? - Printable Version

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A home away from home? - Coeus - March 01, 2016

@Tavi is location ok?I'm sorry if this is a little short.

Coeus was feeling a tad lonesome, no pack, no companions, nothing, just a titanic wolf with no howl. Though he would have to admit, solitude was peaceful for him, but even serene peace could drive a man mad. Did he need a pack off of the bat? Perhaps not, but someone to talk to would be nice, even if Coeus himself was soft spoken, he wouldn't mind listening for once. 

In a sense it was like he had never left Yachat, he was isolated and hungry practically a home away from home.

RE: A home away from home? - RIP Tavi - March 01, 2016

All good!

Fresh from a foray through the forest, Tavi held a plump (if a bit small) pheasant hen in her jaws. She was hungry, having spent most of the morning tracking the birds as they migrated through the thick foliage across the maplewood's floor; and now that she had one to herself, she sought out a place to chow down. It did not take long for her to pluck the feathers and tear the meat away, leaving a red stain on the ground where there once was a bird. Bits of the carcass remained, but she made sure to bury them.

After this, Tavi was revitalized. She felt the urge to find some fresh water and have a bath - her mouth and throat covered in fresh blood, with some feathers still stuck to her matted fur - but she had tucked in to her meal on the eastern edge of the territory, and her attention was diverted by the majestic mountains in the distance. This was one direction she hadn't really explored; thus far, Tavi's wandering had taken her in to the valley, but not much further east than the edge of the maplewood. With that thought, she decided to take the chance right now.

She wandered for some time, and the warm blood had cooled by the time she reached the distant mountain range. Maybe there was some sort of river this way? Or a lake, or something. The feeling of blood was a bit weird, and she decided while marching along that she wasn't too fond of it. Mud was fine, and dirt she could handle - but this much mess just made her really want a bath.

RE: A home away from home? - Coeus - March 01, 2016

Coeus continued his journey through the mountain; his limbs felt heavy, his head spinning, hunger had never gotten to him like this. There was a time he could go months without eating, but ever since he trailed his way into this general area, he was starving. Anything would do, a bird, a snake, even grubs would do. 

He continued his way ignoring the urge to hunt; he needed to practice decorum under extreme moments of duress. That was when a particular scent hit his nose, an aroma that always tantalized him no matter where he was, blood... He took in a whiff and followed the smell either something was hurt, or another wolf left a corpse unattended. He followed the scent, but it didn't seem anywhere near. 

He scanned the ground as he ran, his nose was leading somewhere, but his eyes had found nothing indicating a dead or even dying potential meal. The sounds of his paws thumping on the ground wasn't doing him any favors ground was an injured being nearby.

RE: A home away from home? - RIP Tavi - March 01, 2016

While she sought a source of water, Tavi wasn't so mindful of her surroundings. So when she crested a ridge on the way up the mountainside and a giant bear of a wolf came careening out of nowhere at her, she almost tripped over her own feet. Somehow, with some damn good reflexes maybe (or just a lot of luck), she managed to side-step around his beastly figure and stumble off the path, nearly colliding with a tree. The girl went sliding in to a dense bush, thumping against the ground and snapping branches. When she lifted her head again, there were bits of bramble knotted in the fur of her cheeks and her extremities; she was dazed, but pulled herself free.

What the crap - she half-slurred, prior to shaking the debris from her coat. Once the world stopped spinning, she stared right at the lump of wolf in front of her (or was it a bear?). You nearly ran me off the mountain, dude. She wasn't mad though, oddly enough. Maybe it was the fact this guy was so much bigger than her, or because she'd just conked her head on the ground and become part bush, but... Her tone was hardly antagonistic. He seemed no worse for wear, but still, Tavi was curious: You okay?

RE: A home away from home? - Coeus - March 01, 2016

He hadn't noticed the wolf in front of him, luckily she had managed to avoid his war path and landed safe-...Err... Landed in one piece into a thicket of foliage. Coeus turned around; it was a another wolf, perhaps the hunger was playing tricks on his mind, he could have swore the coppery-iron aroma was coming from something hurt or dying. He took in a deep breath, it was this female alright. His look of hunger and determination turned into one of frantic sorrow, once he got a full look at her, blood, hints and pieces of debris and dirt in her fur. Did he do this? Oh goodness!

"I'm so sorry!" He bellowed, bowing his head, "I..I was following the scent of blood and...and..and... Are you hurt? Did I hurt you?" He stumbled towards her looking her over, "I'm such a bumbling oath, I-" she had blood on her fur! "Did I do that? Are you bleeding? Are you okay? Do you have a pack? Should we call..uh... howl for them?"

RE: A home away from home? - RIP Tavi - March 02, 2016

Not knowing what to expect from the behemoth of a wolf, she was quite surprised (and a little flummoxed) by his subservience. No, wait, it wasn't subservience -- it was just good manners, but they seemed so out of place that, for a moment, Tavi didn't know what was happening. He seemed genuinely concerned upon sighting the blood on her breast, and she had to try to contain a little laughter when he rambled.

When she managed to get a word in, Tavi explained as quickly as she could: No no, I'm fine! Really, I'm --" he wanted to call for help though, which was sweet, and she had to let him finish before adding, I'm just a messy eater. Really, I'm alright. This isn't my blood. It was bird blood, but the mistake could easily be made. Blood all smelled the same. 

To prove how fit and able she was, Tavi gave a little pirouette on the spot, and bounced around him in a crescent path; then she settled in beside him, curious and not at all afraid for some reason. Are you from around here? she asked next, wondering if he was living in the mountains or just passing through. He seemed strong - a bit meek, maybe - but intimidating otherwise.

RE: A home away from home? - Coeus - March 02, 2016

Coeus sighed in relief; the female was unscathed and unharmed by his barreling past her. If he had hurt her, who knows the torment, he would of put himself through, he wasn't the violent type, which was strange for a wolf of his size of course. Who would have imagined a pacifist giant? No one in this region no doubt. 

"I was so worried," he sighed once more, his heart was pounding against his chest. He watched as she bounced around him he chuckled, she was by far the most lively wolf he had met thus far. Though how messy could her meal have been for her to have been covered in blood... Another wolf? He cleared his throat at the thought... It'd be best not to anger her.

When she had settled beside him, she asked if he was from around here... "Oh! Where are my manners!
He hopped in front of her and bowed his head. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance; I am Coeus, eight son of Gaia, of the Yachat wolf pack. I am not from here, my apologies for my rudeness."

RE: A home away from home? - RIP Tavi - March 02, 2016

Coeus, an odd name, but the entire spiel sounded like quite the title. Once introduced, Tavi's smile became a silly grin, and she had to hold back a laugh - attempting to be courteous and polite for a change - before going ahead to introduce herself. I'm Octavia Vardo, Gamma of the Phoenix Maplewood, which is... Not around here, but more to the uh, she turned away from him briefly to try and orient herself, but without some sort of navigation skill, she couldn't really say for sure. North. Back that way, I think, she motioned with her snout, and then returned her attention to the large man. You can call me Tavi though. Nobody calls me anything else around here, haha. The last time someone had used her full name had been quite a while ago; it had probably been her mom or dad.

I dunno why you think you're being rude, you're not, like, at all. she chimed in next, resuming her pacing so that she could get a better look at him. He was unscathed; he didn't even have a single scar on his body, indicating he never used his size to his advantage. A pity, since he could probably overpower a bear or two - or at the very least, intimidate them. Are you hungry? Is that why you thought I was food? Her grin lessened a little, more because her cheeks hurt than anything else, and Tavi began to figure out a way to help this giant out. Maybe she could convince him to join the Maplewood with the promise of food?

RE: A home away from home? - Coeus - March 02, 2016

"It's an honor Octavia...I'm sorry... Madam Tavi," he smiled, though he could recognize her attempt to hold back her laughter, at first, he gave her a smile. He had made the assertion that his mannerisms weren't exactly common in these parts, they were second nature to him, after all when he was younger, the had been burned into his mind by his betters. "I do sorely apologize, I had disturbed you and did not have the right.

She had then asked if he was hungry, was it that obvious? His introduction was incredibly sloppy... "Hungry? Yes, mam, I'm afraid I have not eaten in what would be three nights. I do apologize once more for my intrusion of your stroll had I been thinking with my head and not my stomach you would not be... " He saw the bits of dirt and foliage in her fur. "Dirty..."

He bowed his head again, "I am so sorry! Is there any way I can make it up to you? Anything at all you name it." He tried to show her as much sorrow as he could in his bellowing voice.

RE: A home away from home? - RIP Tavi - March 03, 2016

He seemed put off by her appearance, which made Tavi want to laugh all over again. Oh, this isn't because of you, she looks down at the blood on her chest, the dirt on her paws and bits and pieces of plant matter tangled in her fur. Not all of it was because of him, rather. I don't mind getting dirty. In fact, recently, she'd come to appreciate a certain level of mess.

Coeus seemed adamant on restoring the peace, or something. Tavi wasn't perturbed by this situation at all, yet the behemoth of a man looked positively out of sorts. He didn't owe her anything - but maybe she could help him out. Well how about this, she piped up when given the opportunity, I'm sure you don't know this area too well, and I do. There are a number of larger game we could probably go after since you're so strong, and I'm so smart, she had to pause to keep a straight face on that line, So lets share a meal, and call it even, okay?

RE: A home away from home? - Coeus - March 03, 2016

Well this was interesting, no invitation to join a pack? Heck the last couple wolves he met tried to recruit him into one. Maybe her pack was special or something... An exclusive pack? Maybe he could get in on it, he still needed a home and this lass Tavi seemed fair and kind. Though if he did join finding a spot would be hard... He wasn't much of a hunter at heart, but he could fight! He could eat tons! He could even lay claim to having taken down a black bear alone. "Hmm, didn't you say you had a pack err..." He looked around and pointed in a random direction, lifting a paw, "North of here? I still of course want to make it up to you, but i was wondering if you could take me to your pack?" This was perhaps the boldest statement he had ever made, most wolves would be invited into a pack, but this time he initiated himself into a possible recruitment. 

"I... Am alone... And though I have size, and I can take down some large game, I lack companionship and any sort of support. After we hunt, I would like to see your pack's land holdings.. If that's ok with you, I mean,  I have no right to even propose that.. I'm sorry... Please forget I said anything.. I'm sorry.."

An idea came to mind, she would probably think it was stupid, but he had done it once. "What if we were to nab a bear? Then I could supply you with a vast amount of food and surely make it up to you! And then I could prove myself worthy of joining your pack."

RE: A home away from home? - RIP Tavi - March 03, 2016

His next comments made Tavi's mouth slowly open, and then hang agape for a moment. She realized she was staring with quite the expression on her face, and hastily corrected herself. You want to fight a bear? Are you crazy? Nobody could fight a bear one-on-one, and she wasn't particularly fond of the idea of facing one either. Then again, he was huge, and maybe with enough support he could do it. But, I'll do it. It sounded crazy but why not?

I'll take you to my pack first, and if my Alpha accepts you - which I'm sure they will, who would give up the chance of having such a scary looking wolf on their side? It didn't matter that he was a softie; he would fit in well with the Maplewood wolves. At least, she thought so. If you're accepted, we'll get a group together and find you a bear. Heck, maybe Reek would make him do it just to prove his mettle. That'd be a great sight. And if it matters, I think you're a perfect fit.

RE: A home away from home? - Coeus - March 03, 2016

He didn't think she'd agree, and she was right it was a crazy idea to hunt down a bear... "Well... I didn't think that you'd say yes. But surely we could do it if we plan it out correctly." He gulped... Okay, maybe he should have said a large buck... "If a bear is however too... Hard...? To capture, I could bring in several caribou perhaps?" He hadn't seen a caribou just yet, but surely there had to be some large herbivores in these parts. 

"Ah!" He peeked with bewilderment, "Maybe I can be a guard in your pack! Perhaps we should save the hunting for another time maybe..." He was acting pretty cowardly, backing away, but he had to think this over, he had zero younglings of his own, zero mates, and had much to do before engaging in big game hunts. 

"You see, I would like to establish maybe a young before I.. Engage in another bear hunt. But hey, let's see your pack! I bet you'd get a reward for bringing me in..."

RE: A home away from home? - RIP Tavi - March 03, 2016

Want to fade? I can get the next one up closer to PHX if you want?

Tavi had to laugh now, she couldn't contain the sound. It wasn't a derisive laugh though. Bring you in -- you make it sound like I'm bringing a criminal to justice. But really she was bringing a potential new friend to the group. Reek would get a laugh out of this guy for sure. Saena might be impressed too, since he was so big and scary looking; he seemed like a nice enough individual, and was at least better than Esaro. Lets go then. I'll lead the way.

Having said this, Tavi gave Coeus a friendly shoulder-bump and then began traipsing away. He'd probably be able to keep up easily, so she didn't keep in mind the speed with which she traveled. They'd be back on the outskirts of the pack in a few hours, and then she'd call for someone.

RE: A home away from home? - Coeus - March 03, 2016

You read my mind, I'll fade c:

Coeus laughed with her though his was forced and came off as more of an awkward chuckle. "Yes, it is sort of silly isn't it?" he chuckled at his own foolishness hopefully, this pack would be just as friendly as Tavi. 

Before Coeus could say anything else, she had began going on her way. "Right behind you!" he chimed, trotting along. This had to be his lucky break, Tavi was obviously going to be his saving grace in this unknown land. He trailed  her closely, making sure to keep a steady pace. This was going ot be a major boom or bust situation, but regardless, this initiation was going to happen and only time would tell if this pack would work out.