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Phoenix Maplewood Something is Different - Printable Version

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Something is Different - Esaro - March 04, 2016

It was noon, he figured he should do what Spring asked of him. His injuries did look like they were getting better, if he had avoided Spring it would be different. Today he figured he was going to go around and find herbs he didn't know and bring it to Spring. Before starting he rolled his right shoulder, she told him it would help but he wasn't quite her how it does. He was able to put a little weight on his injured front right paw so as he walked he was still half limping.

He came across some moss next and onto a tree. Was this the same she used to clean up his injury? He thought about taking some with him but ended up deciding to leave it alone. He's going to look for something new instead.

Sudden thoughts of danger came into his mind and his heart rate rose quickly. Was he doing something wrong for being here? Esaro realized that something was wrong with wrong with him for a while now. This wasn't normal, he was within pack grounds. There can't be any danger here. He had friends that are willing to help him. Holding on to that thought he was able to calm back down but this was happening often. Maybe he should talk about it with Spring.