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Phantom Hollow No no, that's a bad thing to do - Printable Version

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No no, that's a bad thing to do - Silver - March 05, 2016

Random thread, feel free to jump in :D

Silver was becoming adjusted to the pack, she was quite happy with it. There was less drama, her head was often rummaging around with good ideas to pull her weight rather than lag behind and plot vengeance on her sister. Fawn could be killed another day, but right now, Silver needed to tune in. Sitting in a slouched position, the lanky she-wolf looked around the territory with a flat face.

She wasn't sure what to do with herself today, whether to explore or try for the mercenary trade. She was almost... useless in a sense. Thinking about that, she sprang off of her feet and trotted quickly into the deep woodland. She was going to pull her weight, that was for damn sure!

Sensing that life was near, Silver slinked quietly through the wood, her body elegantly twisting and turning, paws barely touching the ground. However, the feeling was gone, and Silver lifted up her head to look around. There was an eeriness in the air, whether it was the pure darkness of the land around her or the lack of sound. Her paws crushing twigs seemed to be the only noise provided.

The feeling of breathing almost seemed like it was a sin to the forest, Silver flattened her ears and slowly stepped out of the forest. Her tail was tucked into her legs as she walked along before bolting out. Something in the forest was wrong and it creeped her out. Could she try to go in there?

RE: No no, that's a bad thing to do - Sage - March 06, 2016

Sage had been patrolling once again, this becoming part of her schedule now, it did bother her that she was now always on her toes wary of her surroundings, versus when she was a lone wolf without much responsibility, she just walked around freely not minding whether or not she would barge into trouble—in fact she searched for trouble, but now she was changing a bit, and truthfully she didn't like it at all. 

She was just about to enter the eerie forest, knowing she would be alone to her thoughts, but when catching another scent her ears lifted. Pausing her movement, she was decided whether or not to go towards the smell, while doing this she realized it belong to Silver, a wolf she had witnessed being accepted into Moonlit, they haven't really interacted much since, so she began to head her way. 

What was she doing out here? Patrolling? Or maybe just searching for sometime alone. She hoped she wouldn't interrupt anything, but before she could back out she saw Silver not to far away. Slowing her pace a bit, she came to a complete stop leaving enough room in case she wouldn't be comfortable with her being too close.

"Hello," She gave a simple smirk.

RE: No no, that's a bad thing to do - Silver - March 06, 2016

Silver was still a bit stirred about the eerie forest, however her thoughts vanished when someone greeted her. Swiftly, she turned her head and saw that the wolf was the pack's new beta, Sage was it? As much as Silver would've liked to bark her off and tell her to leave, she didn't mind her presence. It made the forest less intimidating.

Turning towards her, she returned the smirk with a small smile. "Hello there Sage, what brings you over?" She asked curiously, taking a few walk steps over towards her. She seemed level-headed and neutral, no wrong in getting closer to her.

RE: No no, that's a bad thing to do - Sage - March 13, 2016

"Just patrolling, and you?" The dark fae tilted her head to the side in curiosity. She didn't know Silver very well, hah, she didn't know any of the wolves very well. Even her closest friends here were mysteries to her, the thought made her stomach churn. She would make sure to be more interactive with her pack members, it would be strange to not.

Her tail flicked back and forth, not intimidatingly, just more in interest of the girl in front of her.

RE: No no, that's a bad thing to do - Silver - March 16, 2016

The beta was merely patrolling, the zeta wolf nodded her head. It was the beta's job to do so, she couldn't disagree with Sage's actions. Soon, the silhouette was questioned about her own actions, she motioned her muzzle to the dark forest. "I was exploring the land, though the forest is.... eerie in a way" she started off, looking to the dark one once more.

"It almost feels as if breathing is a sin..." she practically whispered, her head lowering a bit at the sight of the forest. She would get used to her new home, though she couldn't shake off the spooky feelings.

RE: No no, that's a bad thing to do - Sage - March 22, 2016

Silver spoke poetically, and Sage tilted her head with interest in her way of putting Phantom Hollow. She could definitely relate to her words and nodded with recognition. "I understand why you'd feel that way." Although understanding, the dark wolf preferred the depths of the hollow, finding the mysterious ground comfortable and fitting for herself. 

"Do you not like it?" She would dread it if one of her wolves disliked their home for its looks, not wanting her to be uncomfortable with its eerie aroma.

RE: No no, that's a bad thing to do - Silver - March 22, 2016

The beta's head tilted itself in a manner, it looked as if Silver had said something wrong. However, the thought flew away, for Sage shared the same feeling with Silver (somewhat). She understood why Silver felt that way, but wouldn't anyone? The forest was dark no doubt, a bit spooky yes, but she could adjust fine to it!

When she was questioned about liking it, silver quickly piped up. "Oh! No, I do like this home!" she replied, hoping to not come off as ungrateful. "I'm just new is all, and getting used to everything." That was a reasonable answer, right? She'd get used to it sooner or later, just hopefully on the sooner side.

RE: No no, that's a bad thing to do - Sage - March 24, 2016

Sage once again nodded in understanding, she once found the hollows a bit difficult to roam, but learned to embrace the creepy forest, knowing nothing to fear from it. "I was off put by it when first stepping on the land, I'm sure you'll love it soon enough." It had only taken the Beta a day, perhaps that could have come from the help of Issun, but either way it had happened.

Eh, short post is short ><

RE: No no, that's a bad thing to do - Silver - March 24, 2016

Not to worry ('-')b

The beta seem to understand what the winter-pelted girl was getting at. New place, new feelings, new stress. The dark duchess at least assured Silver with her calming words, the silhouette felt a bit less frazzled. She gave a soft smile towards her, her eyes again casting themselves outward towards the dark forest. The phantoms lurked no doubt, but her fear was less evident.

"Thanks for understanding" she said kindly, her ears pricked forward.

RE: No no, that's a bad thing to do - Sage - March 27, 2016

She looked around the hollow's once more before landing her gaze upon Silver. "I best be continuing my patrol, it was nice talking to you though." Sage gave a gentle smile and a simple nod before making her departure into the eerie depths of the forest. Hopefully the two would speak again sometime soon, she found the ivory girl rather compelling, and urged to know her past. It wasn't often where a wolves past was boring, everyone went through something rather spectacular;good or bad.

She believed it not to be long till she felt the forest more welcoming than unsettling.

I'll go ahead and archive this! ^^