Wolf RPG
Firefly Ravine Leaving no stone unturned. - Printable Version

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Leaving no stone unturned. - Rain Willow - March 07, 2016

Awoken by the sliver of sun through the the clouds, Rain turned over on her back drowsily. Her odd coloured eye's scanned the sky above her, analysing everything. 
  • That cloud looked like a fish.
  • The sky was the same colour as her one eye.
  • And she smelt people nearby... 
    Upon smelling the odd scent, she quickly rolled over on her feet, ears perking upwards alarmingly.
She had forgotten! She was in a pack now and she still hadn't fully met the other members!
Rain Rushed over to her mother to rouse her but then hesitated, her Mom never really got that much sleep, perhaps it'll be better to let her doze for a while longer? 
Tail batting back and forth, she followed the scent the best she could but was distracted by a bush of lingonberries. Rustling through the bush she ripped off a stem of berries, holding it in her mouth as if it were a bouquet. Continuing on her small adventure, she encountered a dark black wolf with very pretty eyes. Still hesitant of the darker wolves due with her encounter with Reek a week back, she pushed it aside and approached her. 
'Hello, I'm Rain. I, um, brought breakfast.' 

RE: Leaving no stone unturned. - Dura - March 07, 2016

She was sitting by the stream, enjoying the early morning air when she was interrupted by a high, tentative voice. She turned to face it, finding that it belonged to the oddest little wolf she had ever seen.

It was a child, undoubtedly so. She had wavy fur that was longer than most wolves and not as coarse. It was patterned a reddish hue mixed with white. She had floppy little ears and two different colored eyes, one being blue and the other brown. She was an odd looking one, but beautiful none the less and unique too.

Dura rose to her full height, padding over to the pup. She moved in to smell her, not realizing how intimidating she might seem to the young girl. 

Her fur was dark as night and her body was toughened in the ways that being a loner made one. She was muscle and strength embodied. Her body was crisscrossed with scars, some visible as hair had never grown back over them. There was a particular one that went across her face just missing her left eye.

It was entirely possible that she had terrified the poor pup, but she wasn't aware of it. Her yellow eyes sparkled with kindness and intrigue in the little one. "Hello." She sat back after familiarizing herself with the girl's scent, cocking her head to the side as she waited for a response from the puppy.

RE: Leaving no stone unturned. - Rain Willow - March 08, 2016

Rain instantly took a liking to this new wolf, and started to wag her tail to express her feelings towards the dark female. 
Spitting the branch of berries to the ground, the young one gently pushed the lingonberries towards the her. 
'Here, it's not much, I know. My Mom said she'll go out hunting today. She's Lyric, the pretty orange wolf. '  
Rain stared down at the stream, watching a cloud of small fish slithering across the water.
Suddenly Rain's tufty ears perked up as she pounces into the stream, spraying water all over the poor female's sleek fur. Jaws snapping blindly in the water, all the fish scattered across the stream in terror. Once she caught the tail of one the minnows, she flipped her head upwards, a small squirming fish sticking out her lips comically before wriggling out and splashing back into the river. It was such a silly awkward situation, Rain faced the older one and burst into a fit of giggles.
'Sorry about that! Also I never got your name?'

RE: Leaving no stone unturned. - Dura - March 08, 2016

She watched in amusement as the pup splashed into the river, spraying her with water. She didn't mind, not really. Her dark fur attracted heat and sunlight like a magnet. Now that it was spring and warmer than before she sometimes swam to keep cool.

"Your mother does not have to hunt for me, I'm quite capable of catching my own. Thank you though," she told the pup sincerely as she shook out her damp fur. She didn't want to burden the young mother who she had met at the claiming howl. 

"I am Dura," she introduced with a play bow. She wondered where the young one's mother was and if she even knew her pup had wandered about, speaking to people who might not be as kind to the hybrid as she.

RE: Leaving no stone unturned. - Rain Willow - March 09, 2016

Witnessing the play bow, Rain immediately lunged at the wolf excitedly, biting her face and wrestling. This was the first wolf who wasn't her mother she ever played with, she liked it, it was fun. Continuing to wrestle Dura, she lost her footing and slipped into the water, dragging Dura in as well as her. Drenching them both as they both hit the water, the force of their weight sent a passing fish in the stream to be shot out of the water before landing on Rain's sopping mess of fur.  
'CAUGHT ONE!' She shouted, quickly grabbing the fish in her jaws, shaking the beads of water out of her mane. Nuzzling into the female's now wet fur, she decided she like her a lot.
'Wanna be friends?'

RE: Leaving no stone unturned. - Dura - March 09, 2016

She laughed as the pup began to paw at her in play, she hadn't played since she was a child herself. Her only playmate growing up had been her mother and while she may have seemed mature it was only due to the fact that she had to grow up rather quickly. In reality she was a teen who still liked to play.

A yelp of surprise was heard as they splashed into the river, leaving both soaked to the bone. She soon clamored out of the river checking to see that her new companion was alright. Seeing that she was and that she had even caught a fish, the dark female smiled.

She gently scooped the pup up by the scruff before removing her from the river. She set her down before shaking out her wet fur. She caught Rain's question and smiled brightly. "I would very much like to be friends."

RE: Leaving no stone unturned. - Lyric Willow - March 09, 2016

It was a beautiful morning, the air was fresh and warm. It took Lyric a few moments to even notice that the her warm lump of fur was no longer there. Standing up in fright, Lyric quickly exited the den, before catching her pup's scent.  Rain was known to wander off, she was naturally curious pup. 
She then found herself at Firefly's stream watching Rain nuzzle into the dark wolf she had seen the night before. They were both soaking wet, with Rain holding a comically large fish in her small jaws.
She approached the two, laughing at the odd sight. 
'Well, look who's making friends already?' 

RE: Leaving no stone unturned. - Dura - March 09, 2016

not sure if I was supposed to wait for rain or not since they're both your characters

She smiled at the orange female as she approached, it was true the two had gotten along well despite their age difference. "Your daughter is one of a kind," she complimented Lyric genuinely.

The little pup was quite a character and one she enjoyed being around immensely. She hoped her mother and herself could get along as well as the two younger females had.

RE: Leaving no stone unturned. - Rain Willow - March 09, 2016

Dropping her fish onto the grass, Rain waddled over to her mother, licking her face lovingly. 
'Morning Mom.'
She then walked pack to her fish happily, to then pick it up and plop it between the three. 
'Welp, I got breakfast sorted, tuck in!' Looking at both the wolves hopefully, waiting for a response.

RE: Leaving no stone unturned. - Dura - March 09, 2016

Dura was too polite to take their food, she had always put others before herself and the pair before her were no exception. "You two ladies share it. I believe I have something cached away somewhere, it was nice to meet the both of you." 

Technically she had already met Lyric but not officially. She gave the pup a small nudge before nodding to her mother. With that she stood and began to make her way back into the woods.

RE: Leaving no stone unturned. - Lyric Willow - March 09, 2016

Watching as the dark wolf exit into the woods, Lyric couldn't help but feel a connection between them. She felt as if she could trust her, even though they had only experienced brief words between them. Turning to Rain, she picked up the salmon, turning away back to where they came from. Her little one by her side.
'Let's eat at the den child, Mama still needs her beauty sleep.'