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Hoshor Plains I've Chosen My Side - Printable Version

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I've Chosen My Side - Judas - March 12, 2016

For any coyote or half-coyote characters

The sneaky trickster had managed to sneak out over the borders, venturing back out to the plains he had been found in. Though he did not stray too far. Judas still had plans to finish up here, and he was not going to let one little mistake of going too far mess that up. 

But the reason for his venture was not for any type of tactical adventure. It was the company he shared. Wolves. Their very name left a bad taste in his mouth. Even if he did look like one from the front, he rathered his other half. He considered the half that showed it's ugly face his worse half, and his coyote side his better half. All he wanted was to meet someone that felt the same. Share these feelings. At least get away from all the wolfish company.

RE: I've Chosen My Side - Lumar - March 17, 2016

The scent of a wolf and coyote smell seemly combined, intrigued and confused Lumar as the explorer caught scent of... a creature.  It looked like a coyote and wolf in one, just as it smelled.  It also smelled of a Pack.  Of wolves.  Lumar shuddered. She didn’t like wolves, they were just to vicious and territorial in her opinion.  Very savage.  She bet they thought the same of her own race, but she knew they were the true savages.  She had to live this way because of them.  The thought of those creatures disgusted her, so she pushed that thought to the back of her mind.  This wolf/coyote creature intrigued her.  She was now determined to find out who he was, entirely ignoring her gut which told her to stay away from the wolflike creature. She padded closer, wondering if the male had noticed her yet.

“Hallo.  Who er yu?  Wat ise your porpoise here?”  (Translating to: Hello.  Who are you?  What is your purpose here?)  She found herself glancing down a little embaress at her very rough English.  “Plese excuse my spek.  My min language is Français or French a yu may beater know it.”  (Translating to:  Please excuse my speak.  My main language is Français or French as you may better know it.)  Lumar apologized to the male.  Then her ears perked up and her eyes shinned curiously, wondering who he was and if he was able to perfectly or almost perfectly decipher her rough English.  “I’m Lumar by th wi.”  (Translating to:  I’m Lumar by the way.)  She added.

RE: I've Chosen My Side - Judas - March 18, 2016

Judas' ear flicked as a scent reached his nose. One the coywolf welcomed and accepted with grace. He in fact was too late to address them before they addressed him. The tan half-breed whipped his head around, a smile growing across his muzzle. A coyote. To him, she was a sight to behold, having not seen another coyote in months. He listened, caught a little off guard by the accent. He tried his best to make sense of it, making out some of the words. 

He cleared his throat, turning his body to face her. "Greetings, Miss Lumar. I am Judas. And no, I have not heard of this 'French'" he dipped his head in welcome. Something most wolves did not do towards her kind, no doubt. "Need not worry about me, for I have been longing to meet with another of my kind since I joined up with this pack of 'fleabags'" he stated, turning an eye at the pack's lands. He shook his fur out as if he himself had fleas. "It's been horrible, living with them." Finally, he could let out all his feelings to someone.

RE: I've Chosen My Side - Lumar - March 18, 2016

The young coyote was surprised that this fellow, who called himself, was so... friendly.  What startled her even more was when Judas claimed himself to be of her kind.  Maybe this wolf coyote was part coyote, but he had something else in him, he was larger than her and slightly different looking.  Yet he carried the same coat color and a few other things of a coyote.  Lumar continued to listen as Judas talked badly of this pack of ‘fleabags,’ as he called them.  Questions bubbled in her mind.  If he didn’t like the pack, why didn’t he just leave?  And even though he claimed to be of her kind, a coyote.  Why didn’t he look like one?

Lumar took a deep breath and began her words slowly this time, doing her best to pronounce everything correctly.  “So vu are a coyote than.   I donut men to be rood, but vu do not look like oon, no?”  (Translating to:  So you are a coyote then.  I do not mean to be rude, but you do not look like one, no?)  Lumar questioned Judas, in a shyer quieter tone.  Hoping she didn’t hurt the wolf emotionally in any way.  “And why don vu juse leve your pack if vu no like?”  (Translating to:  And why don’t you just leave you pack if you no like?)  Lumar then asked Judas, slightly confused about why he didn’t leave his pack of 'fleabags.'

RE: I've Chosen My Side - Judas - March 19, 2016

Judas chuckled lightly. Finally, with his plan stocked in his mind, he could let it out to lift some weight off his mind. Someone he knew he could share to without ruining things. He trusted coyotes and foxes far more than any wolf. The half-breed started doing stretches as he began to talk, trying to decipher her words as much as he could. 

"On the outside, I may appear as one of them. But I hate them with a fiery passion...But I may as well put this 'skin' of mine to use. So why not against them? I always say that the best way to kill something is from the inside." He finished his stretches, then turned to show his more coyote-looking flank, covered in scars. "This is what I have suffered from them." He turned back to have his front facing her, casting a smile. "If you wish, I could tell you why I wage this personal vendetta of mine."

RE: I've Chosen My Side - Lumar - March 25, 2016

Hover For Translation

Lumar was interested in this Judas... so of course she wanted to know why.  It was always due to a story of someone's background.  Still... she found herself starting to get a little nervous.  Although Judas was part her kind.  He had wolf in him.  Sooner or later that side could emerge.  It scared the young adult to think about it, so she banished the thought and instinctual warnings to the back of her mind.

"Yes.  Vi wood louvre to noo."  The female coyote responded.  Wolves were bad.  Nothing more.  Nothing less.  They took and they stole, then blamed it on their smaller, faster, quicker, sneaker, leaner, braver cousins.  The coyote.  She knew that they were the true evils.  Just new it!  They were cowards too.  She could live all by herself for her whole life, but they.  The things needed a pack to stay organized, tough and strong.  They were beyond cowardly, they were.  Her ears perked up, in anticipation for a story from Judas.

RE: I've Chosen My Side - Judas - March 25, 2016

He grinned in satisfaction at her answer. "I was the result of my mother being forced upon. Several months after our birth, when we believed we could be safe, my 'father' came." He said the word 'father' with distaste and hatred. "I was the only one who survived, because he wanted to raise me to be like him." His ears drooped at those memories. "How I longed to be back with my family. I was naive at the time. Until I saw him do it again..." A grin appeared, his ears perking up once more. "That was the last straw...How I savored my revenge" he added, a glint of sadistic satisfaction in his eyes. 

"She still lives, that coyote. But she never thanked me, for I never sought her out. Thanks to this appearance, this curse I was born with, she wouldn't even see me as one of us. But you, you are different, I assume? You do not run. Why?" He asked, overcome with a sudden hopeful curiosity. His expression went back to friendly. He wished to know why this one did not fear him. Why she believed him right away. It made him feel happy that she did not run.

RE: I've Chosen My Side - Lumar - March 27, 2016

Judas’s story sounded similar to hers in a way, but his question really got her thinking.  Why?  Why didn’t she run?  The question made her brain think hard for a few moments, but suddenly she knew why.  It was pretty obvious really.  This Coyote Wolf or whatever he wanted to call his breed seemed... different.  He did not strike her as Coyotelike.  Yet he did not strike her as Wolflike.  He was different... special even maybe.  The thing was, no matter what breed that this male was, he was an asset.  She could use him.

Lumar lied for her response, although she did not normally lie, she just suddenly had the urge to.  She needed this animal to help her take out the packs, to get rid of the wolves.  She flashed him a friendly smile.  “Because, I see something amazing within you.  You are wonderful, the wolves must die and face that.”  Lumar focused extremely hard on her words, so she got them all out right, but her accent was slurred.  “Will vu help me vak thy volves and packs out?”  She asked him.  Then for clarification she finished her words with a few more.  “Vor good.”

RE: I've Chosen My Side - Judas - March 28, 2016

Well, things certainly have changed since his latest thread

Judas flashed a grin of his own, his white teeth gleaming and his eyes holding joy at the request. His tail joined in on the fun, swaying from time to time just above the ground. "It would be a pleasure." He chuckled to himself. Finally, he gained an ally worth keeping. She needed an inside man, and what better man than one with the looks to do so without them even knowing. "To our new...acquaintance-ship" he said with a grin, and bowed his head. Little did either know that things were going to take a turn for the worst in their plan.

RE: I've Chosen My Side - Lumar - March 28, 2016

Yes, a lot has happened.  xD

Lumar nodded, but did not bow in return her face had now a look a deep seriousness masking it.  Hmm... maybe she could start a rebellion.  Despite her age, Lumar felt like she would love to do this.  This wolf coyote thing hadn’t even noticed her lie.  Maybe she could manipulate more.  That sure would be lovely.  Although a rebellion probably would not happen, she could maybe take out some wolves with some stronger, more muscular, animals, such as this wolf coyote.  Her plans were all clicking into place... perfectly.

“Howl for me iv vu neeve me Judas.  Vu shuld make your move vun.”  Lumar told him, then turned around and pelted away.  Off on her search for someone else that she could possibly get to turn against their pack.  Hopefully willingly like Judas... but hey she was always up for a challenge.  Maybe Judas could even do all the dirty work for her eventually.  It was always a possibility.

RE: I've Chosen My Side - Judas - March 28, 2016

Judas nodded to the coyote. "I will get it done, and you shall hear back from me once I have. You will be presented with many heads" he said with a sadistic grin. With that, he turned away and back to the place he infiltrated, humbled by the presence of such a being. He made this promise, but was it one he could keep? That was something to be judged upon, and he planned on getting his scheme to the tipping point very soon.