Wolf RPG
Duskfire Glacier I am the bold, that fortune favors - Printable Version

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I am the bold, that fortune favors - Sangilak - March 15, 2016

It was the white that caught her eye from Nova Peak. Snow.

Sangilak would head here to immerse herself in the cold realm tucked away from Spring, which had come but which she sought to avoid. Most wolves were eager for the upcoming season. Spring meant more warmth, and it led into the bountiful season of Summer. But for the behemoth, Spring meant the need for downtime. Each wolf within her gene pool were fortunate to be bestowed with thick furs perfect for the place they were born within. But the world here was warmer. Not yet unbearable... but it could become that way. Tonravik had never spoken of this place, and so Sangilak was eager to find it for herself.

Night had fallen but two hours ago, and the sky settled into its deep, dark blue for the night. Sangilak had climbed over Duskfire's peaks to arrive upon an icefield covered in snow. It was thick and supportive of her weight... and judging by the tracks she scouted, the weight of other hefty, cloven-footed, mammals too. Nudging aside snow with her thick snout Sangilak judged where she stood and saw that nothing risked breaking, here. The land was bumpy and proved good purchase with the present temperatures, but as the days warm they might grow more slick and thus difficult to traverse. Still... for now, things kept in her favor. And up ahead Sangilak noted movement... ravens. The scavengers would lead her to her next meal.

So it was toward them she headed. The scent of meat drifted toward her nose on the wind, and one ear turned backward to listen to her surroundings. Thus far all she heard was the dull crunch of her footfalls, but she was alert and observant as she neared the carcass. When she arrived to it, not much was left... but enough to give her sustenance. Possessively she draped a paw over it, and the ravens gave her berth. First she sniffed at it to sense the age, not desiring to get sick from rot, and then nosed it to check and see if the thing was laced with poisons. Once satisfied that neither was the case, she began to eat. Still she remained alert, her ears perked atop her head and her eyes warily looking around. Intermittently she would pause between bites to look 'round and survey her surroundings.

RE: I am the bold, that fortune favors - Ditty - March 16, 2016

Oh boy! Food! Oh boy oh boy oh boy! Ditty practically raced along, nearly losing balance a couple of times, while he followed the ravens' caws. It'd been too long since he had eaten and the loner wanted nothing more than a solid meal. Well, okay, a meal. Sort of a meal. Half a meal? He reached the stage of negotiation even before reaching the carcass, only to find some other wolf eating what was left.

As he skirted into sight and saw the other wolf and her possessive appearance and dominant attitude, Ditty skidded to a halt. He stopped a couple wolf's lengths away from the carcass, large coyote-like ears flopped forward and head lifted in surprise, and his tail drooped to acknowledge that she was the food's lucky first finder and he didn't intend to challenge for it. He lowered his head and looked at her from the corners of his eyes, licking his lips hungrily as though to ask silently for a scrap if she had any to spare.

RE: I am the bold, that fortune favors - Sangilak - March 16, 2016

Another approached, but by that time Sangilak had finished. The tyrannosaurus eyed the other for a moment, disdain evident on her visage. He wore the color of a fox, a true bright, heinous orange. She thought of taking him out for that alone, but Sangilak had energy she needed to save and more things she needed to do. Only a clipped snarl was offered to him as her plume lashed, whiplike, behind her: keep away from me

Sangilak had decided that she was finished here. Whatever was left was his for the taking; the good stuff had been picked out by the first to take the thing down, and if anything decent had been on the carcass Sangilak had eaten it without thought. While she was not filled to the brim, she was filled enough to keep her journey going. But the she-wolf liked this place of ice. Already, she had decided she would return here. But for the moment, she was done, and prepared to move on to find a place to settle for the night. 

RE: I am the bold, that fortune favors - Ditty - March 17, 2016

There wasn't much left, but maybe he could still scrap a piece or two off the bare bones? Ditty licked his lips submissively as she made way, though she just looked like she intended to leave. "Uh, thanks," Ditty said while he watched her move. He moved up to the carcass and sniffed it. Not much left, but he wasn't gonna be pciky right abou now.

"Hey, you wanna chat a — oh, you're leaving?" Ditty called out when she started to depart. "Bye, I guess." She was obviously not the chatty type and so perhaps it would be best to let her go for the moment, even though Ditty ached for a conversation. If she didn't mirror the feeling he'd leave her be.