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Blackfeather Woods i'm never changing who i am - Printable Version

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i'm never changing who i am - Cicero - March 16, 2016

There was still a limp to his step as Cicero finally crossed Blackfeather Woods' borders, his right front leg marred with scabs that betrayed his scuffle. They would heal, he was certain, but something inside of the leg hadn't taken the beating very well and it might need some more time until it was fixed entirely. The left side of his neck and shoulder was littered with scabs and missing patches of fur too but Cicero was sure it would heal in due time; the wounds there weren't so deep that they would leave permanent damage. The wounds to his face caused by the white wolf had actually healed rather well, leaving no scars but the internal ones, though the one in his neck had reopened now after his scuffle with the ruddy wolf at the summit.

Cicero returned home with lots of information and so he did not keep to himself this time around. He wasted no time lifting his nose to call for @Burke and inform him of the mission regarding Blacktail Deer Plateau. A calm washed over Cicero in the confines of the dark forest, and he felt like he could finally rest easy and relax again. Though he loved his travels Cicero was always glad to be able to return to his home.

RE: i'm never changing who i am - Burke - March 16, 2016

Burke trotted forward at the howl for him. He knew it was Cicero by its tone. The alpha male hoped he would find something out for him. Burke kept a fast pace, howling back to the male that he was coming. Burke eventually met up with Cicero. He was surprised by his sight. Cicero looked quite badly beaten up... again. Burke nudged him and then nosed over his wounds. Not acting very alpha like because he was rather worried about his spy.

The large male looked at the other. Secretly he did care for the ones he was close with, he counted Cicero as one of them. "Are you alright? What happened?," he questioned. Burke had not expected Cicero to return like this.

RE: i'm never changing who i am - Cicero - March 17, 2016

Cicero squinted his eyes when Burke nudged him with a worried look on his face. He didn't enjoy having this talk again, but he could hardly say that he had forced a girl into agression to make her feel better. Well, as a therapist, maybe Burke would understand, but he'd unlikely have understood why Cicero would help a random girl he didn't even know the name of. To his question, Cicero said, "A scuffle on the road." It wasn't a lie, like last time he had come home wounded. It'd been a scuffle, albeit Cicero-induced.

Getting down to business, Cicero said, "Cicero has met many wolves of packs in the west. He has found many are suspicious of Blackfeather Woods." Perhaps not a surprise to Burke, but it needed to be said. It had made his work both as a spy and an ambassador rather difficult. "A wolf named Caiaphas, an entertaining and witty sort, of a coastal pack, who had a broken deal with Meldresi. A pack at Silvertip Mountain, whose subordinates are very suspicious and unwelcoming. At least the one Cicero met, Atari, was. A pack at Neverwinter Forest where Cicero met Scimitar, who claims to be new here." Claims to be because there had been something off about the way he acted, and Cicero suspected his motivations same as Caiaphas'. "There is a pack at the Moonspear also," said Cicero, though he hadn't visited it first hand, "And a pack north of the Spear. Close to it Cicero met a defensive man who was tense at the mention of Blacktail Deer Plateau. Cicero did not go to the pack borders, for the man was already very defensive half a territory away from it." A lot had been said, but there was also a lot that had not yet been said. Specifically, the question hung in the air where Blacktail Deer Plateau'd gone.

"Cicero also met a loner called Inari who lives on the Sunspire. Cicero recruited him as a spy. He is the meek sort, won't be suspected. Cicero told him to come to the Forest in two months' time from when we met with whatever information he has gathered for us." Perhaps it was nothing, perhaps something valuable. "And traded information with a wolf named Goober, who promised to look into the Plateau matter and come to the Forest were he to find out where the Plateau pack went."

Cicero felt as though he'd never spoken so much in his life. The big question still lingered the air, but Cicero had his suspicions. He did not like building answers upon suspicions, but he had little choice here.

RE: i'm never changing who i am - Burke - March 17, 2016

Burke slowly nodded and stepped back when Cicero was cryptic again. The alpha male was starting to think that he was never going to get past Cicero's build wall. At least that is what Burke thought that Cicero was having, as a therapist. The large male frowned lightly but was ready to listen. He sat down and nodded as Cicero started. He was pleased to hear that Cicero had met so many people. The first name he dropped sounded familiar, yet, then he hadn't been in a leaderships position yet. He talked about Silvertip who he did not know or knew where it was... But then... Then Cicero mentioned that name. Burke instantly let out a growl. He never met the man but he definitely knew that name.

Yet, he let Cicero finish his story. Slowly his story came to an end. Burke was pleased. "You did a good job talking to so many people," he spoke. Yet, all he could think about was Scimitar and his pack close to them. He was an enemy to this forest and he was the one that ripped a chuck out of her ear, and scarred her left side. It had been the reasons he had been gone for so long because he attack her. Burke almost felt a bit unwell with the pure hatred that flowed through him. Maybe it was his grief that was still unprocessed that made him latch on to this but Burke wanted to see them suffer. Instantly his mind started to work out a plan. He could not use Cicero, but he could use someone else. A perfect idea came to mind, yet, also a back up for if that one didn't work. But would he be prepared to go such lengths....

His want to find out about Blacktail Deer Plateau was vanished with hearing that news. Burke was brought back with the thought of Meldresi. More things were starting to latch on, he would need for his plan. Preparations. Burke knew he was very cryptic with his thinking but he didn't want to bestow his plans with anyone just yet. Burke was not a vicious wolf but towards these enemies he was, and he needed to eliminate them. He realized he had been quiet for all this time, his pale eyes turning focussed instead of being in thought and staring at nothing. "Forget about the plateau pack, we need to focus on Neverwinter. I am going to need to prepare."

RE: i'm never changing who i am - Cicero - March 17, 2016

There was a growl when Scimitar was mentioned, and Cicero knew right away that he had hit the jackpot. It was clear that Blacktail Deer Plateau had been a personal matter unrelated to Blackfeather Woods and unrelated to any hatred Burke carried (for Cicero liked to think he would've been warned otherwise, had his mission been dangerous). Scimitar, however, was apparently a different case altogether. Cicero smirked, glad that he had brought home some good information. His wounds were momentarily forgotten, though the pain thrummed in the back of his mind. It wasn't so much that he didn't want to talk about it, it was mostly that he had more important things to talk about — this — and besides, he didn't think that anyone would ever truly be able to understand his reasonings. They would try to stop him or look down upon him when he would return home with injuries next. Perhaps they would even refuse to believe him if ever he had gotten into a serious scuffle. Neither could he explain to anyone what had happened with the white wolf, because he didn't even know himself. And if he did tell his side of things, he'd have to tell about Sheogorath, too, and he couldn't bring himself to do that.

And so Cicero easily focussed on the present, and a playful smirk danced across his face as Burke mentioned preparations to move against Scimitar and his Neverwinter Forest. "Interesting. Scimitar said he and his pack were new to the Wilds, arrived from the west." It had been a ruse, and though Cicero had thought it so at the time because of the man's curt demeanour, he enjoyed having his suspicions confirmed. "What history lies between Blackfeather Woods and this Scimitar?" asked Cicero, curious to know. The man had stiffened when Cicero had mentioned his pack (though at the time Cicero hadn't been sure if he had seen correct), so he had drawn the conclusion that perhaps there was something between their packs.

RE: i'm never changing who i am - Burke - March 17, 2016

Burke scowled lightly, mostly because he was half in thought and thinking of things was he would do to his male and his pack. Burke inhaled sharply trying to calm himself down, because he was after all one that would keep his anger at bay. cicero asked valid questions. "He was lying. He was the alpha of Swift Current Creek. If I am really honest I never knew why he was an enemy to our pack, but he made it personal later. They moved to the North, I do not know that exact location, but they moved away," Burke spoke from memory.

His pale eyes blazed, quite some fire back in them, most of the time they were calm. But now they looked more alive, ever since Meldresi died they had lost their fire for awhile. His docked tail up and proud. "That time when you were at Barclay Valley with your siblings? Your mother was attacked in the North by this Scimitar. I heard a lot about him from Meldresi. He hates Black Feather Woods. Luckily he does not know about the Dark Brotherhood and what kind of assassins and spies we are training here," Burke spoke with a hint of mystery. He looked at Cicero, smirking back at him. "I will have to talk with Malice. She might be useful after all..."

RE: i'm never changing who i am - Cicero - March 17, 2016

There was a rich history between Blackfeather Woods and Scimitar indeed, it turned out. Cicero wondered what Burke was planning, but whatever it was, they would not get off easily. Cicero did not remember ever seeing Burke scornful or filled with anger like this, really; he had always considered Burke a fairly mild wolf with soft morals at times (not that he minded; Cicero's own morals were often skewered and soft, after all). This was a whole different Burke.

The mention of Malice made Cicero remember that he had met her, too. "Cicero saw her on his way back," he mused. He only noted it because he liked her and was certain that she would help, because somehow she had taken a strong liking to him. "Malice will likely help when asked." She had been very friendly towards him and just like their first meeting, had seemed very receptive towards getting better relations with Blackfeather Woods. Well, this was her lucky moment.

He also noted, "Cicero has heard some others mention the Dark Brotherhood — outsiders. It would do Blackfeather Woods good to keep it down low and inform its members only to whisper of its name in the right company." Cicero had never used the Dark Brotherhood as a name for his pack. To him, Blackfeather Woods was his pack, and the Dark Brotherhood, well, it was just something deeper, different, even if every wolf in their pack was part of the Brotherhood.

RE: i'm never changing who i am - Burke - March 17, 2016

Omfg. If Burke hears about Sebastian's pack I am not sure what he will do. xD So much happening.

Burke was surprised to hear that Cicero saw her too. But that meant probably that she thanked Cicero for helping her and giving her message. Burke thought she would probably be willing to help them. She seemed intimidated at least, and if a war would break out her territory was in the middle of Neverwinter and Black Feather Woods. "I thinks so too. At least, I am going to talk to her first, feel her out, etc." Burke was still thinking of his tactics. There were so many ways of getting what he wanted and he was not sure which one was the right way.

Burke squinted his eyes. "Strange. But you are right. I will make sure it is known amongst our members in our pack," he nodded to Cicero. This was something minor compared to the news that motherfucking Scimitar had basically moved on their lawn. If only Meldresi was here. They were stranger together. Burke did not want to dread too much on her being gone. He was going to avenge her. He was going to make Scimitar pay for what he did to his wife, and the male would not know what was coming to him. "Silvertip mountain you say?," he spoke slowly. "Do you think it is worth it for me to go talk to their alpha?"

RE: i'm never changing who i am - Cicero - March 18, 2016

"If Burke needs help, Cicero will hear of it," Cicero said, offering his help with Malice in his own manner. "Malice has offered to do something for Cicero in return for his ambassador efforts." He knew that Malice liked him and so he would be willing to help if it were needed. Whatever he would ask of her, Cicero was determined that she would easily give it to him, if the cost was not too high. She feared Blackfeather Woods and though she liked Cicero, she would likely go far to get into the pack's good graces, as well as, for some reason or another, Cicero's. Cicero enjoyed spending time with Malice, although he did not carry the same ambition to please Malice; his loyalties lay solidly with his own pack and, ultimately, himself and Damien.

On the matter of Silvertip, Cicero tilted his head in thought. "Cicero is not sure. The subordinate that greeted him was very guarded, but their leaders may be better. However, Silvertip Mountain and Neverwinter Forest have only a few wolves' lengths of borders between them, truthfully, and Cicero could imagine that they either get along very well with their neighbours, to live so close upon another, or dislike their presence there." There was a lingering hidden message in his words that Cicero was certain Burke would get. He looked into his Alpha's eyes for a moment to make sure that he did, for otherwise he would explain.

There was more, however, that he needed to tell about his trip. "Cicero also ran into a lone wolf named Crius who was very lacking of proper respect. If he ever comes to Blackfeather's borders, turn him away." Cicero did not often give his advice so forcingly, but Cicero would not feel safe living in a pack with the brute after he had up and stalked him the way he did. "And Burke's son is also settling in the west. Cicero went to his borders after removing his Blackfeather scent. He is starting a pack there, to rule as Alpha." It was a bit further away than Neverwinter Forest, at least, but Burke would unlikely be pleased his son was still hanging around. Cicero didn't know what had gone down between them but it had probably not been any good.

RE: i'm never changing who i am - Burke - March 20, 2016

Burke nodded shortly knowing that he could count on Cicero. He was first going to try and convince Malice on his own, and maybe later have Cicero give her another nudge in the right direction if she was not willing to listen to the alpha. Burke liked to keep some things as a back up. The other pack, this silvertip, could also play one essential role in this whole plot he was planning. He would need packs to back him up. They had the warriors but if they had three packs against one then they could chase away Scimitar's pack, and hopefully even kill him in the process. Burke grinned evilly for a moment before he focussed on what Cicero had to say. "I see," he spoke slowly. "Well we would have to find out on which side they would be on. If they are on the side of Neverwinter then we will have more wolves to deal with,' he spoke slowly, thinking what other packs he could rally, not many...

More information came to him, a wolf named Crius. If Cicero thought he was rude then Burke was most definitely going to take that in account. But then as the cherry on top there was some more news. Burke instantly growled. "What?!," he snapped, not meaning to but really, this Sebastian always had a way of getting on his nerves. Burke inhaled sharply and forced himself to calm down. "He has no spine or back bone, soon he will be overthrown, and if he isn't then the ones that follow him are even weaker minded that the most average loner," he let out. "Although if there would be war in the end... I might as well pretend I can be a forgiving father," he spoke his thoughts out loud. Like Cicero said before about Malice, he could do the same to Sebastian. Use him.

RE: i'm never changing who i am - Cicero - March 20, 2016

As Burke said they would need to find out what side the Silvertip wolves were on, Cicero offered: "Cicero can return and call to speak to their Alpha about this?" He enjoyed ambassador missions as much as spy ones — in a way, being an ambassador was a lot like being a spy. It meant you needed to be smart and clever and manipulate others, in a way; make them like you, even if your efforts and motives were directed towards your pack. He would not mind returning, but he would make sure to howl rather than risk running into the sourpuss Atari again. Cicero'd need a day or some to rest after his fight with the ruddy wolf on the summit, but after that he would be good to go on a next mission.

A smile spread across Cicero's face as Burke said that maybe he could use his son, manipulate him. Cicero wondered what he could tack onto that plan; he wanted to help, but there was little he could do, bar infiltrate the pack. Yet what good would that do? It wasn't like Burke's son would likely allow one of his newer members to advice him on matters of war, regardless. Unless Burke wanted to pull down Sebastian's pack, too; Cicero could always serve as Sebastian's adviser and then set up his wolves against him from the inside out. Yet Cicero was not sure if it was a wise plan, and so he did not share it right away. He felt that maybe it was better for Burke not to focus too much on his wayward son, for it seemed to cause more distraction than benefit most of the time. And so Cicero merely nodded.

RE: i'm never changing who i am - Burke - March 20, 2016

Burke would send Cicero to talk to their alpha's but seeing how Cicero's physical shape was Burke decided against it. "Not yet, I shall talk to Malice first before deciding anything else," he spoke to the young male what was becoming more of his advisor each day. The large male wanted Cicero to rest too, and as promised they had to have his ritual. He knew Damien was out on a mission too, but he did not want to wait any longer. Cicero deserved this title and to be in the brotherhood and he didn't want to delay it any longer. "You will need some rest too, Cicero. That is another mission for you. Get your wounds healed, have a good night's rest. Be there for your younger siblings. We will see about that mission in the next few days. As promised you will also get your brotherhood mark. I did not forget," he spoke to the black and white male.

Burke licked his lips, needing to think and process all this information. The male was going to need a few days to fully think out a plan and as said before travel to Malice her lands to speak to her about this matter. He would have to test the waters how she felt about them, which could be a plot turner. "Lets get you something to eat," he then spoke, dropping a bit of the alpha role. He did not want to over work Cicero with all his traveling, and lately it felt as if the male was always running around delivering messages.

RE: i'm never changing who i am - Cicero - March 20, 2016

Though it had been hard days' work of late, Cicero did not mind; he enjoyed working for his pack, and he enjoyed practising and refining the techniques of manipulation. Besides, he had had some interesting encounters and the pain from his wounds made him feel alive. Cicero wondered idly what poisons would do in his present state. What would they do if they were rubbed across an open wound, if he peeled off the scabs? And would ingesting poisons make his pain worse in his present state, or would it be the same?

He was distracted by Burke commanding him to rest, and he nodded. A smile tugged at his lips as Burke mentioned his ascention into the brotherhood; though this particular goal was more one of Sheogorath's than his own, Cicero was glad for it anyway. He longed to see Damien again, yet he did not ask for his brother. He hoped that the time Damien needed would soon be over, that they would be able to sleep side by side once more with intermingled furs and noses gingerly touching. Ah, another might have thought it unwise to have ever told Damien of his love, to ever have enticed him into the game of lust that they were playing now, but Cicero did not think it so. He would have forever regretted it had he not made his move and had he not engulfed Damien in the storm that his brother was battling right now. Eventually he would come afloat, whether it was with or without Cicero, but regardless of his choices, Cicero would be by his side. Always.

"Yes," Cicero said when Burke suggested something to eat. Silvertip would have to wait, for now. Cicero would follow Burke to a nearby cache, so he presumed, while he asked, "How has Damien been?" It sounded like an offhanded question, but there was an edge to his voice that betrayed the depth of his care for his brother and the fact that this was not just an offhanded question, though he tried to cleverly cloak it as one.

RE: i'm never changing who i am - Burke - March 20, 2016

Burke walked with Cicero and stayed in the same pace as him. Burke started digging when they came to a near cache. He let Cicero do his pickings as he himself sat down next to the hole in the ground. The large male slowly cleared his throat when asked about Damien. "I have not seen him after he asked about having his Dark Brotherhood Initiation," he spoke honestly. "I believe I heard a howl that @Damien was going out for awhile, on his own mission. But I hear so many howls in one day I have to admit I do not know is exact whereabouts."

Burke looked over Cicero. Once again her started about his brother, and every time he had to think about how Damien had spoken about being in love with his brother. Now he thought about it... After Cicero's last mission he also asked about Damien right? "It seems you keep missing your brother huh?," he spoke, his voice kind of hinting, like he was asking for Cicero to tell more about it. The hint could easily be ignored but Burke could always try.

RE: i'm never changing who i am - Cicero - March 21, 2016

It was a curious thing that Damien had been unseen for a while, and it made Cicero wonder if he had still not come to terms with things just yet. Yet sooner or later he would pop up again, and time would tell where life would carry the two of them.

As they reached the caches Cicero was forced to focus momentarily on more tangible things as he picked a leg of something or other and started to tear off pieces of flesh.

Another curious thing happened when Burke asked him about missing his brother. Cicero had not spoken of Damien last time he had returned home, he was fairly sure; he'd been too ashamed about what happened at the time and even thinking of Damien had made him feel disgusted with himself then. The only conclusion that Cicero could draw from these facts was that it must have been Damien who had said something about him; whether it was a confession that lead Burke to his soft-spoken inquiry or simply a notation that he had missed Cicero or a question how Cicero had been.

A small smile played at Cicero's lips as he noted this and he answered, "Damien is the light of Cicero's life." Metaphorically, of course, for Damien's soul had many black spots. Yet he was Cicero's anchor and so much more than just his brother.

RE: i'm never changing who i am - Burke - March 21, 2016

There was not much Burke could say to Cicero's words. He still did not have a direct answer to what the two brothers were feeling for each other but he had his suspicion. Burke would let it be. He was still staying with his point that if Damien and Cicero were both happy he would not complain. "Well then I hope you see him soon," he replied to his son. He was about to stop this conversation here when Burke was starting to doubt himself. The large male thought about what Cicero said and slowly started to retrace his steps. "Cicero... What was his name again? The one of Neverwinter?," he questioned. He felt a bit irritated with himself that he could forget, maybe he was getting old.

Now he thought about it. Maybe this wasn't the alpha of swift current after all. Maybe his name had not been scimitar, but another name. It was not that he could ask Meldresi what his name was again, nor old members like Keith or Slade. Burke hated to second guess himself. He thought back on the day Meldresi returned. Her ear had been ripped off, she had told him she was ambushed. Swift current creek was mentioned, but what was the name of the alpha again? Burke frowned. "I think... I forgot the name of the alpha that led our enemy pack," he softly, frowning more deeply. "I know it start with.... It has to be... But... I don't know it for 100%. I was so certain but now... I am doubting. Maybe I just want revenge, want to blame someone for what happened to Meldresi," he spoke sadly then. He looked a bit sour at the same time while he was a bit upset. He never found out where Swift current went to after they moved. Maybe it wasn't them. Why oh why couldn't he remember the damn male's name that lead their enemy pack.

RE: i'm never changing who i am - Cicero - March 21, 2016

"Cicero can only hope," said Cicero, with a hint of melancholy to his voice that suggested that there was a doubt as to Damien's swift appearance in his mind. It did not matter would Damien never return the love that Cicero felt, but it made him wary of assuming his brother would return to his side so promptly.

"Scimitar," informed Cicero, and he saw the doubt upon Burke's voice. Truthfully, he did not mind overly much, for this Scimitar wolf had been friendly enough towards Cicero, albeit guarded (but considering the same had been true for Atari, Cicero thought they might be at odds with Silvertip in some form or another, for both packs were on the defensive and so near to one another), and he did not think that a war would be beneficial much for any of them. Burke admitted he might have been wrong, and Cicero said, "It is alright." He did not dwell on it further, closing the chapter of the warpath, for he was eager to finish it off. "When not sure, it seems better to stay neutral. Cicero told this Scimitar that Blackfeather Woods is a familial pack that is neutral and stays to themselves." That was what Cicero nearly always told other packs, anyway, because it was the truth to his eyes.

And anyway — "It was a long time ago, was it not? Maybe it is better to bury the hatchet." Instead of letting the wounds of the past, wounds from before Cicero's own (sentient) lifetime, fester.

RE: i'm never changing who i am - Burke - March 21, 2016

Burke slowly nodded, but he was still bothered by the fact that he was not sure about this name. He had always been very sharp mentally and now it seemed that some holes were starting to form. Although Burke was glad he made this mistake with Cicero seeing that he was understanding. The male licked his lips. "Perhaps," he spoke and nodded. Maybe a war was not really the right thing for them now. Kendra and Pietro would be influenced from it, and maybe even worse things would happen if he would start something like that. Burke exhaled slowly, almost sounding like a long sigh. "I guess we will stay neutral then," he spoke as his final decision, seeing that it was awhile ago, and once he joined that rivalry already started. They were the brotherhood now.

"Thank you Cicero," he spoke to the younger male. Burke still seemed a bit grim about what happened. He hoped that it would not happen again in the future. He liked to keep his clear mind. He glanced at Cicero. "One more thing. I've been thinking about this too, as the Dark Brotherhood we would like some missions, not only spy missions for ourselves. Some assassination missions would be very welcome. Could you think of a way to promote the brotherhood to gain missions but without having too many wolves know about us?," he spoke, if there was one wolf who would know it would be Cicero.

RE: i'm never changing who i am - Cicero - March 21, 2016

Cicero took another few bites of meat while Burke talked. He allowed the words to sink in and mulled them over in his mind while he tried to think of a good answer. Cicero did not see the necessity to kill, himself, truthfully. He remembered Caiaphas' stance on the Brotherhood, and wondered if it would do their reputation good to offer such missions. And at what price? Yet, he was the one who would experiment with poisons on himself and who would allow others to beat him up just so that he could feel alive — who was Cicero to judge others for their own perverted pleasures?

Yet how to include other packs in this without becoming too known... It would be tricky. Cicero had noted that too many wolves were speaking aloud the name of the Dark Brotherhood even though he himself had not once breathed that name to an outsider. "The Brotherhood needs rumours, gossip," Cicero decided eventually. "Wolves speak the name of the Dark Brotherhood aloud, where they should be afraid to but whisper its name. What the Brotherhood needs is to fill needs wolves do not even know they but have. Find wolves that have problems, share their problems — gossip — and we —" Cicero wriggled his nose in distaste at the use of the word, for both his speech and amibitions felt as though they were edging towards the dark beast, "— will fill their desires for violence against those who wronged them."

Now, if only Caiaphas hadn't thought the Brotherhood to have been the one to have wronged her. And if only he knew who the ruddy girl was and who had taken her as forcefully as he himself had been taken. Cicero would go after the white wolf himself, for as he thought of the red girl's assailant he realised with a start that he had one of his own to chase, but he knew nothing about the man but the pale glint of the moon on his white fur as he walked away and the bleuish colour to his pawpads, likely caused by the moon.

His scent, though, Cicero would remember, for it seemed to stay with him for ever, no matter how hard he had tried to make it go away. There were tidbits of information he had, and besides, the more often he would feel Sheogorath inside of him, the more vivid, perhaps, he would once more start dreaming of Sheogorath's violent endeavours and the encounter with the white wolf.

Yet Cicero blamed mostly Sheogorath — himself — for the white wolf encounter. Would it truly be fair to punish another being for his own pain?

Realising that he had been lost in thought, Cicero said, "Perhaps Inari will bring us news or gossip of such wolves, if he does return here upon the time Cicero gave him." It would be another month at least, but that meant he might have garnered lots of grapevine information they needed. "Cicero has forgotten to mention a pack in the east, at the forest on the other side of the mountain ridge. Rosings, they are called. It is a pack where couples are formed, arranged, chosen by its Alphas. A very interesting way of life. They seemed the peaceful sort." It wasn't all that interesting, but Cicero figured he should at least mention it to his Alpha.

RE: i'm never changing who i am - Burke - March 23, 2016

Burke nodded slowly when Cicero spoke of the suggestions. It would be a good start indeed. "Once you are rested could you spread rumors? Maybe even find those wolves that need our help?," Burke wondered, he was certain Cicero would do it. It was probably not even something that would be question. The male licked his lips and quirked his lips a bit. Because he was slowly starting to believe that Cicero would do every mission he would ask the male, and what he wouldn't ask for. He noticed that with Malice and how he already went there on his own initiative.

That alpha male slowly thought about the prospects. He still had this master plan of having a spy in each pack, but spies were difficult to produce. Hmm. Still, having Cicero watching out there for him was already a great help for the male. "Good, let me know once you hear from this Inari." Then Cicero started about a new pack, and Burke curiously listened. He was surprised by what he was hearing. Arranged mateships? That did not sound nice. Burke would not be happy with a female that was appointed to him. Although he might just use her for a pleasurable purpose seeing that she would be his 'mate'. Still he couldn't see how that would work. "Interesting," he spoke, though he did not really sound that interested.

"Okay, new plan. Instead of focusing on others we will focus on promoting us," he spoke as a final decision to Cicero. It was better anyways. A war might not be the best thing to do even though exciting. Maybe he needed some new wolves around him in his life. Who knows. His children were bigger now. He had Nemesis as a Beta, he could get outside of Black Feather too.

RE: i'm never changing who i am - Cicero - March 24, 2016

'Interesting' was the word that Cicero himself thought perfectly suited for Rosings, too. Burke still thought to promote the Brotherhood, and he asked Cicero to spread Cicero, and with a smile he said, "Cicero means to pick up rumours, of wolves who need our services — and then offer it to them in whispers." And by 'whispers' he meant without flat out telling them 'hey, we can kill that guy for you'; but instead offering their services in the most discreet of ways, so that nothing could be misinterpreted in hindsight; or rather, everything.

"Cicero will rest now," he shared with Burke, finding himself eager to lay down and catch some sleep. His journey had been long and he had his wounds to tend to; he'd washed them and licked the one on his leg, but they still had lots of healing to do, and all that he could do towards that goal was resting. And so he would, so that he could go out again once he was all healed up for his next task.

RE: i'm never changing who i am - Burke - March 24, 2016

Burke could only agree to what Cicero was saying. The older male nodded in response. With that being handled Cicero made it known that he wanted to rest. Burke was not going to stop him from doing so. The large male quirked up his lips and then nodded. "Of course, you deserved it Cicero," he spoke with a surprisingly kind tone. Most of the time his voice sounded calm and monotone but now it actually sounded quite pleased.

Burke had other things to fix too, like marking the borders and checking up on his kids. He really wanted to know how they were doing. Burke though it would be a good idea for him to check upon Kendra. The male nodded goodbye to Cicero and then left the premises, Cicero would have his quiet time without him being around.


Thank you for this! :D