Wolf RPG
Blackfoot Forest Fireworks that went off too soon - Printable Version

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Fireworks that went off too soon - Faramir - March 16, 2016

@Maja ? I detect another fob fan ;)

Faramir was slightly panicking with the mating ceremonies coming this fast. He was 99% sure Maja was the only one left to meet, so with a gathering breath he howled for her. He began wandering around that particular spot, sniffing the flowers here and there, circling the trees draped in the greenery.

RE: Fireworks that went off too soon - Maja - March 21, 2016

you're... not wrong

 Maja, who had attempted to forget about the ceremony and was failing miserably, was slightly surprised when someone called for her. She froze, deciding what to do, then began to trot towards the wolf who howled for her. 

 She arrived at the place, seeing a wolf waiting, probably for her. "Hey," she called out to the brown wolf. He was brown. And black. And cream. And slightly red? It was interesting, she had to admit. Kind of like hers.

RE: Fireworks that went off too soon - Faramir - March 22, 2016

Faramir looked up to the sound of Maja's voice, nearly taken in awe by the beautiful girl. But, as he prided himself on, he kept it hidden pretty well after a second and initiated a conversation as per usual. "Hello, my name's Faramir. I'm taking a shot in the dark and guessing you're Maja?" He said with a kind smile.

Her coat was a shimmering blend of color quite close to his, but the eyes were far from the same. There wasn't much he could tell from her yet, so he forced himself not to overthink conclusions.

RE: Fireworks that went off too soon - Maja - March 25, 2016

 "Yup, thats me," she said with a grin. "So," she said, getting closer, "how was your day?" She said, not as serious as she hoped it would be. 

 She invited him to walk with her, as movement always seemed to calm her nerves, like mediation. Her tail was lazily moving from side to side as she spoke.

RE: Fireworks that went off too soon - Faramir - March 26, 2016

"Pretty good, how goes yours?" he asked. Starting off with small talk was almost always necessary, but that didn't mean he liked it all the time. Getting to know a wolf was exciting, each one so complex, but he always wanted to know more beyond just a name to match the face.

He matched her pace and smiled at her, tail involuntarily swaying with hers. "How'd you come by this glorious grotto we call home?" he questioned, head gesturing dramatically around at the forest at an effort to humor.

RE: Fireworks that went off too soon - Maja - March 30, 2016

She simply shrugged at his question. She was okay, she guessed. "Well, its a long story," she started, and wanted to end it right there. 

 "I wanted to join the pack my brother was in, but it was full, so I came here," she said after a moment of thought. Maja summed it up pretty well, considering she left all the feelings out. "What's your backstory?" she asked curiously.

RE: Fireworks that went off too soon - Faramir - April 01, 2016

Faramir didn't intend to pry into a sensitive past, but couldn't help smiling at her. "Wow, such a long story," he said, a kindly sarcastic note to it before a chuckle. 

His backstory was somewhat similar, but more or less the normal one, no particular life-changing tragedy plaguing his past. "Well, I started off from home to find my own way, and found this place. Pretty nice, though, right?" he asked, looking around at the flowers blooming even now.