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Horizon Ridge What team? Wildcats! - Printable Version

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What team? Wildcats! - Ayashe - March 20, 2016

sorry for the cliche title but I just had to lol @Hazel

Stalking silently through the grass Ash headed for the stream. She was tired of the horrible mutts who ruled this land, they could all sod off for all she cared. They had no purpose, no reason for existence. And certainly no reason to chase her from their territory, as if she abused by the laws of the pooches. As if.

She headed to the cache where she had stored a bit of a an elderly mule deer. Pulling it out she climbed a tree, grumbling to herself in annoyance the whole time. She was too absorbed in her lunch to notice the scent of a very close by female.

RE: What team? Wildcats! - Hazel - March 20, 2016

The doe-eyed female padded softly along the ground, her silvery gaze sweeping the land. Her small, lean structure traveled quickly over the neutral territory, and she loved it. That was, until she saw the other. Another tawny female, but she had darker fur and a larger structure. She became excited and called to her with a series of chirps. (Yes, they chirp) Her soft voice carried to the dark female, sending her Hazel's location. Her whiskers twitched with excitement, as she bounded closer. She had just recently come of breeding age, and still had some cub-like qualities. She recognized every female as a role-model, as she wanted to grow up and become a large warrior. Though she knew this would never happen. She had been born with a small, curvy body. She packed a punch, but was still small and an easy target.Her mother was a victim of rape, so she had been taught to stay away from large males, especially with a girly structure like herself. Females, though, were always welcomed.

RE: What team? Wildcats! - Ayashe - March 20, 2016

Hearing the friendly chirps she glanced up from her meal, yellow eyes scanning the foliage until they landed on the adolescent bounding towards her in obvious glee. She was pretty, slightly smaller in stature than Ayashe, and paler than she. Chirping in response she grabbed her deer by the neck and hopped down gracefully from the fork in the branches where she had been eating.

Landing in a crouch she soon straightened her muscular form, eyeing the female for aggression. Seeing none she relaxed, moving towards her as she dragged the carcass between her forelegs beneath her. She stopped before the younger she cat and released her prey.

"Hello," she inclined her head serenely, calm as ever. "I am Ayashe. Known by my friends as Aya or Ash, something along those lines." She gave a delicate shrug and sat, her tail waving slightly in anticipation.

RE: What team? Wildcats! - Hazel - March 20, 2016

The pretty young girl stopped and watched as the female left her tree. "I'm Hazel, but I go by Binx, are you from here? I'm pretty new...My parents kicked me out of the den, they're weird though...They want me to find a mate. I want to become a warrior, no time for boys to weigh me down!" Although she was young and excited, her voice was thoughtful and sweet. Her tail flicked and she padded a bit closer with a small smile on her face. Her ears tilted backwards, for she had picked up the scent of a hare. "One sec''" She whispered motioning with her tail towards the sound of the rabbit. She ran a few meters, then dropped into a hunter's crouch. The little brown rabbit never had a chance,for the girl was upon it just as it began to run. She turned back to the woman in the distance, smiling with a blood-spattered muzzle. She then began to walk back, bringing her kill with her.

RE: What team? Wildcats! - Ayashe - March 20, 2016

She opened her mouth to respond only for the rambunctious child to move off and stalk through the grass. She watched, noting small errors in her stance that could easily be fixed. She offered no assitance however, the kit needed to learn for herself. As she brought back the rabbit Ash cleared her throat. "You didn't have to do that, I have enough deer for the both of us." She gestured to the slain deer.

RE: What team? Wildcats! - Hazel - March 20, 2016

"Oh-uh yah, sorry. I just gotta-um practice, you know? I'm not the best huntress." She flipped her ears back in embarrassment. Oops. She was, yes, rambunctious at times but it was only because she never met others of her kind. Binx took in a deep breath and let it out gently. Yes, she had to calm down. The pallid female then looked back to the woman, serenity pooled in her silver eyes. 

Binx had a bad habit of running off in excitement, but had been taught by her auntie Lark how to calm down. One deep breath and the thought of her birthplace. It was true, the system really did work. "Sorry, what were you saying?" She gave a light smile of apology and sat down to listen.

RE: What team? Wildcats! - Ayashe - March 21, 2016

She smiled kindly,"That's quite alright." She felt a little bad making the kit feel guilty, it wasn't her intent. She had just been surprised and stating a point. She did have enough deer for the both of them to eat. No matter now, perhaps they could take it with them and eat it some other time. If they stuck together that was.

She nodded, where was she? Ah, yes the information about her own background. "My story is similar to your own. My mother raised us simply, one goal in mind. Breeding. When we came of age she kicked us out to find out own mates and birth our own cubs. No competition with younger she cats around, you see. So here I am, with you. I quite look forward to finding a mate though," wondering about the younger girl's choices in not having a mate. 

Cougars were unlike wolves that way, they didn't form packs they formed small family units. They often roamed nomadically, meaning they had no lands to protect. Being a warrior, in her eyes, was useless when you had none to protect. This young one didn't plan to mate which meant she would no doubt be alone most of her days with little to protect as a 'warrior.' 

I just want to say Ash's opinions in no way reflect my own, I love Hazel's attitude.

RE: What team? Wildcats! - Hazel - March 26, 2016

Excited about finding a mate? Bleck! Grossssss. Who wanted a brute to follow her around and treat her like she was incapable of anything. Not hazel! NUH. UH. "Hm. I guess if you really wanted cubs I could understand that," she replied, but she couldn't. She trotted over to the deer and pulled of a chunk of meat. It was very kind of the lady to share, but Hazel wasn't sure she liked her decisions.

RE: What team? Wildcats! - Ayashe - March 26, 2016

Chuckling at the girl's obvious distate she joined her in eating the deer. She pondered the thought of cubs. She could be a good mother, couldn't she? She was cold and uncaring except for those who had gained her care. She would love her children, she knew it. If only she could find a male she liked enough, if not loved, to mate with.

RE: What team? Wildcats! - Hazel - April 03, 2016

Last post from me, then you can finish up and arkive

 Hazel nodded and stripped some meat from the bone of their kill. She had a partner now, that was until Ayashe found a mate. Maybe-just maybe- Hazel would find someone who was more of a traveling partner than a mate that she could breed with. The kits would be a problem though, so her mate would have to care for them as soon as little Hazel could get out of the den. Ahh yes, this would be fun.

RE: What team? Wildcats! - Ayashe - April 03, 2016

The two settled in contentedly, falling into amiable silence. They tucked into the fallen prey, finishing it off rather quickly. A taste felt happy to have made a friend, hopefully this one would stick around longer than the last.