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Sunbeam Lair Hmm, it is indeed spring... - Printable Version

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Hmm, it is indeed spring... - Jolon - March 24, 2016

Mostly for the wolves Jolon hasn't met yet :)

The great male walked, and walked, and walked. It was the only thing he had done this past week or so. With spring having touched the earth, he wanted a place all for himself. He wanted a den, just a bit away from the others. Yeah, he liked his fellow tribe members, but sometimes he just needed to cry alone at night. He still hadn't told anyone, not even Asterr, about his past, and it was eating him up from the inside. He needed someone, male or female, to replace the hollow place in his broken heart.

He came across a tree, a big one, with a giant root placed just right for Jolon to dig under. He looked around, not spotting any of the other tribe members' dens. Yes, this was it. This was going to be the place for him to cry at. This was going to be his sanctuary inside his sanctuary. He chuckled, a soft, sad sound, thinking about it. How had he gone from happy helper to sobby slacker? He didn't know, didn't care for now. He started digging, first slowly, but adrenaline overtook him. His paws went back and forth, sending up a cloud of dust as he did so. After only a few minutes, his legs had already gone sore from the sudden exercise. He panted lightly as he took a little break. He was like, halfway there, but his stamina was decreasing fast. He felt his eyes water, both of the dust that was still flying around, and the sadness wave that was almost drowning him. He sobbed softly, the silence around him making him sob even louder. But with the sadness, came more energy and adrenaline. He started digging once again, actually sobbing uncontrollably. He didn't care about his sore legs anymore, he wanted this to be finished. But with his own sobs and the loud sound of paws digging in the dirt, he wouldn't notice anyone sneaking up on him.  

RE: Hmm, it is indeed spring... - Noctura - April 04, 2016

May I...? :3

The day had been long. It had been a while since he'd seen an evening so late. But there it was — that darkening navy sky, deep and mellow, and already scattered with stars. Noctura sat tall and regal upon one of the Lair's ridges, looking straight up at the sky for stars he knew. He knew many of them, truth be told. In recent times he had re-discovered his love of the night's sky. He used it for noting direction, foreseeing the weather, and even tracking. Noctura belonged entirely to the night.

He finally glanced away only when he heard noises from close by. He moved down gracefully from his ridge and approached the sounds, which grew louder. Scuffling, sobbing... a wolf digging, but also weeping...? Jolon was a sorry sight, dirty and tear-stained. Come now, friend, the Gamma consoled quietly. What are you doing?

RE: Hmm, it is indeed spring... - Jolon - April 04, 2016

Hell yeah, you may! also, I really like your avatar :3

A familiar voice scared him, made him jump up almost like a cat. But he was no cat, nor was he very agile, so his jump just seemed ungraceful. It was quite the opposite of Jolon's usual formal movements, therefore he was shocked by his own movement. He was quite the opposite of the old Jolon now as a whole. He fell down in the dirt, but he may as well have fell through the earth's surface. The only reason he was still fighting was for Asterr.

He looked up, a pained, tear stained face looking at Noctura. He asked what he was doing as if it wasn't obvious already. He was digging a den to the middle of the earth to burn to ashes, all while weeping. Well, maybe not that extreem, but it got the point across in his head. He didn't feel like answering him, too broken to do anything anymore. So he let his head fall down, closed his eyes and pretended he was no longer there. Instead, he was running through fields full of flowers with her...

RE: Hmm, it is indeed spring... - Ezimette - April 04, 2016

Ezimette had been slowly but surely recovering from her emaciated state, and was growing back into the lovely woman she was. She trotted over the ground, her regular star-walk in place. It was quiet, beautiful really, but her ears picked up something that did not fit the seen. JOLON! It felt like it had been ages since she had talked to the male (whom she had a slight crush on) and was eager to see him. But these were not the sounds of a calming starwalk, it was more like a rainwalk, near silent sobs drifting across her ears. She ran towards the sound, finding Jolon and Noctura with a surprised look on her face. "Jol?"

RE: Hmm, it is indeed spring... - Noctura - April 05, 2016

Thanks Marie, I like yours too. ^__^ And hi Ezi!

The pain, the expression of torment... for one most curious second, Noctura was jealous of the man he saw before him. For never had he brought himself to weep, to let everything go, to collapse into nature and embrace the very concept of emotional destruction. He'd felt like this before, but had never been able to express it. But he didn't let his eyes linger on him... and indeed started a slow pace as if considering departure. For what could he do? He didn't know...

And then came lovely little Ezimette and her gently caring voice. Ah. Yes. She would know what to do. The Gamma, in comparison, was quite useless.

So he continued his quiet, elegant departure, believing it best to leave them to it. And as his eyes caught the night's sky again as it spilled through the canopy, he saw that one of Libra's brightest stars now shone all the brighter.

RE: Hmm, it is indeed spring... - Jolon - April 05, 2016

:P, don't know if I ever was so deep with Jolon lol.

The warrior who had gone through much opened his eye just enough to see the sky. It reminded him of the twinkles in her eyes. Everything did up there. For there she was, and there she'd stay. She was no longer here, no longer touchable, no longer with him. Maybe she was, as a spirit, but Jolon didn't believe she would even want to stay. Why should she? He had thrown her in the river. He had mourned for days at her carcass before he stumbled upon the Dome. Asterr was his new hope, but even that light felt dull now surrounded by the darkness.

He heard footsteps, but didn't dare to look up. What if it was his dull light? If Asterr was to see him like this, what would she say? But it wasn't her. He could hear, he could feel the air around him dancing with this presence. It was Ezimette, wasn't it? The flowery scent, the air simply moving away, dancing around as it departed with her. E-Ezi?... He could manage to say, a low voice at the brink of breaking. Light footsteps next told him Noctura didn't know what to do with him. Neither did he. He couldn't blame him for doing so, he could only hope he wouldn't tell his dull light.

RE: Hmm, it is indeed spring... - Ezimette - April 05, 2016


 Ezimette moved forwards in a rush, joining his side as Nocturra padded away. "Yes, its me. W-what's happening? I know you're not alright, I'm not so stupid as to ask that, but why?" She pressed her nose into his fur in a comforting way and began to groom away the dirt. It felt good to see him again, as it felt like it had been a while. She was tender, not wanting to come on to strong or frighten him. he seemed to be in a state of pain, and she wanted nothing more than to cure it. Apparently Asterr had invited her back to the tribe, so she needed to sew the connections of their members back together. She swiped her tongue over his ear a few times, then went back to work on his coat. She admired him, now even more that he was able to express emotion. Waiting for the answer, she continued, hoping he would start to speak soon. She knew that his words had to come on his own time to be honest though, so she respected that.

RE: Hmm, it is indeed spring... - Noctura - April 06, 2016

I think Noc had better leave them to it. :) Last post from me!

He would have liked to be there for Jolon and strengthen their bond, but, by being one who softened Jolon's eyes when he looked at her, Ezimette was far better qualified. And so the recluse went back to being exactly that, moving away from company and back into the woodland. But before he left the scene entirely, he looked over his shoulder and said — Jolon, if ever you're at a loss for light, look to your friends. And to the stars.

With that, the star-gazer was on his way, thinking of the pair and applying them to the constellations.

RE: Hmm, it is indeed spring... - Jolon - April 06, 2016

From this day on, I'm an Ezon shipper!

Ezimette's caring voice brought him to open his eyes fully, now looking around in the dark. The night always made him feel calm, maybe that's why he didn't flinch when he felt the white wolf's touch. Or maybe he was too tired to defend himself against unwanted touch. But as she progressed, it wasn't an unwanted touch anymore. It actually gave him the courage to speak, but not before he let Noctura's words sink in. He was right. Asterr, Noctura, Ezimette and even Winter were his new lights, as well as whoever else followed Asterr.

I'm afraid I haven't told you my whole story yet, Ezimette... He confessed as soon as he didn't hear the thumps of paws from the other dark brute. It's quite a long one... He said, letting her know that if she wanted to hear it, they'd be here for a while. But he wouldn't tell her before she said she wanted to hear. There was nothing as worthless as telling a story to one who didn't want to listen. Her gentle touches made him believe though that she cared, and he cared about her too.

RE: Hmm, it is indeed spring... - Ezimette - April 06, 2016

I have been an Ezon shipper since he greeted her with "all that matters is that you're here now XD

Ezimette paused and looked him deeply in the eyes. "I have time, Jolon, and a lot of it. Please, speak to me freely." She gazed up at the stars. Jolon...Wait, why did she think of him? It was just the stars, not nearly important as he was. Inside, she exploded with confusion. what were these thoughts. She had never felt so strongly about someone, not even her mother-figure Eximurra. She looked over at him with a reassuring smile and listened closely, awaiting to hear his words. laying her head close to his paws and flopping onto her side, she listened, relishing every moment of her time with him.

RE: Hmm, it is indeed spring... - Jolon - April 08, 2016

Meep, this got long XD

Jolon sighed and got up. His whole body was soar and he felt heavier than ever before. But knowing that the white female wanted to hear his story was enough. He took a deep breath, not sure if he really wanted the other to know. But, he had already given her too much to not tell her.

When I was born, I had the best life anyone could have. A nice family, a pack full of friends, sisters, brothers, the whole lot. He started. But, one day, our neighbors decided to expand their home. We were in the way, and my father didn't want to leave. It was our home after all, and you can't give it up without a fight. Tears began to form in his gray eyes again, but he held his voice strong and steady. The enemy got in and murdered almost everyone. I saw my own father get ripped to shreds, right in front of me. I fought back the best I could, but I was only a yearling. He took another deep breath. What I did was enough to impress the invading pack, and the alpha took me in. I wasn't planning on staying of course, but it was amazing how they believed and respected me. Once my wounds were healed, I left in the darkest night, when the moon was only a small grin.

However, I was followed by a peculiar little female, and when I discovered her, I let her tag along. She was probably my best friend and a great hunter too. For a few weeks, we were inseparable. Tears now fell down to the ground, hitting it like bombs. We went hunting together and rested near a stream. We were playing, but I forgot my strength. I...I... His voice broke, but he was determined to tell the whole tale. I accidentally threw her in the river, and as she screamed for help, the water had already pulled her under. I couldn't do anything for her. She... She was taken away by the river, and I followed it. He had killed her, it was all his fault. I stumbled upon a lifeless body, her eyes closed, almost as if she were sleeping... I tried to wake her for days, I tried even though all hope was gone. I had to accept the fact that I killed her, her best friend, and now I live with this guilt.

If I had only stayed in that pack, she would still be alive... He said, closing his eyes to control his sobs. It was only days after that I met Asterr, and I've been trying to be strong for her, for you all...  

RE: Hmm, it is indeed spring... - Ezimette - April 09, 2016

His words were true, honest, exactly what Ezimette had wanted to hear. She pressed her nose into his fur. "It's ok Jolon. It's not your fault. I-I know how you feel. Honestly. My-my mentor, she died training me. I-I brought the deer down in the wrong place, it fell on top of her. Her dying words were that everything is meant to happen, all of it is fate. It wasn't your fault Jolon. You cannot go into that mindset. It'll kill your hope. I was like that once, Ryujin was my only hope. Don't guilt yourself Jol,and don't think you have to be tough for everybody else. Even if you didn't have Asterr and the others...You have me." Her eyes sparkled with tears and she laid there, her white pelt mingling with his midnight-black one. They were there, underneath the stars, a perfect moment. No one else's, just theirs. She loved him, and hoped he felt the same way. Looking back at him, she placed what could only be a wolf's kiss on his nose, and closed her eyes."You will always have me Jolon." With those words, she laid her head under his, waiting for a response if he felt the need to talk, and closed her eyes.

RE: Hmm, it is indeed spring... - Jolon - April 09, 2016

The sudden touches, he didn't mind. He had accepted her in, into his weird life that was filled with sorrow and guilt. She was not your average girl, especially not to Jolon. He had first thought his admiration for Asterr to be love, but now he thought different. The dragoness had only been kind, perhaps the only thing he needed back then. He liked her, for sure, and respected her as the tribe leader, but to call it love was not right. They had hardly spoken since they had arrived in the new territory, plus, he thought Noctura was doing a fine job with her.

Jolon's eyes opened to stare at her as she told her tale. I-I'm sorry for your loss... Were the only words he could utter. Whoever her mentor must have been, it had to be a wise one. Perhaps fate was the only explanation for all that happened to anyone. Some were born to fail, some were born to succeed, because without negative there would be no positive. But there had to be a way to change that fate, right? Would he forever be a worthless slacker, a bastard, a disgrace to his pack? No, he wouldn't let that happen. 

He was pulled away from his thoughts by a kiss, the most gentle one he had ever received. Well, it was the only kiss he had ever received besides those of his mother, but this was a different one. The thought of how she may love him didn't cross his mind, though. He felt something for her, but thought she would never like a man that wasn't impressive. He needed to prove himself, prove himself worthy of her presence. And you will always have me, my lady... He said as he placed his head on her neck so he didn't crush her head. There, he felt at peace, and he gave one last glance at the stars before closing his eyes. He hoped she would stay for the night, so he didn't have to sleep alone on the cold ground anymore.

RE: Hmm, it is indeed spring... - Ezimette - April 09, 2016

Last post from me, but I don't know how to archive, heh.SorryX3

Ezimette finally slept, aware of his presence even in her dreams. He was the one she wanted to be with, she knew. His words, You will always have me, my lady, left her feeling warm. He was what she needed in her world, and what she wanted. Asterr had invited her back into the pack, and her first meeting was the most wonderful thing ever(the thread isn't finished yet, aha, but Ezi accepted) to greet her. She let out a long breath, and in her mind, that breath would carry the story of tonight to the moon and stars. Maybe this world would let her have love.Maybe they would become mates, but more, loves. True loves.