Wolf RPG
Silvertip Mountain Have I seen you before? - Printable Version

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Have I seen you before? - Chaska - April 04, 2016

Preferrably someone he hasn't met. But anyone else is fine. Maybe @Atari Silver?

Chaska had taken this day to venture up the path he once took. He remembered so clearly now. The entire ordeal. The fall, how he acted after and everything from the fall till his full recovery. It had been some time ago by now, but he only recently gained full memory back. And it somewhat worried him about how he acted toward Krypton, the one that saved him. He still owed her, or so he believed. But that was for another time. While going up, he stopped at a small point he found overlooking the landscape. "I wish you were here" Chaska murmured quietly to himself, closing his eyes and sighing deeply.