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Sunbeam Lair A New Day Rises, So A New Believer I Will Be - Printable Version

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A New Day Rises, So A New Believer I Will Be - Jolon - April 09, 2016

Smallgame hunting thread for Jolon to get his trade goin'. Anyone is free to jump in :P

The brute awoke when the sun painted the earth a beautiful orange. It wasn't the hard, fiery orange one could see in a sinner's eyes, nor was it so faint that you could barely feel the heat of it. It was not like the fires in hell, nor the sunlight in heaven. It was the perfect color for this planet, and if you could see this sight, you knew you were alive. And Jolon could, he could feel the power of the sun penetrate his body and mind, and for once in many weeks, he had a plan.

He would impress both the pack and it's leader, and that was fine and all, but he was mostly doing it for the white beauty. She had given him new hope, and now he wanted her to see this hope she had so generously given bloom to be power. He would reclaim his title as gamma, and there he would stop. Maybe then she would see something in him and would allow him by her side forever more. So, the brute got up from the stone ground he had slept on, his muscles weary, yet he felt nothing of it. He finally had a new goal to work to, and that would power him to do the impossible.

For today, his plan was to hunt after he had marked the borders. He knew this wasn't his job, he knew it was maybe a little unnecessary, but he did it anyway. After the hunt with whoever he would come across, he would patrol till the sun went down and would wait till that same power would rise again.

With that in mind, he set out, wandering at the borders, but this time not aimlessly. He marked here and there, making sure his scent, and with that the pack's scent, was all over the invisible line. Jolon did not know who he would come across, though a part of him hoped Noctura would be around. Just to show him that Jolon was back and ready to do whatever it would take to impress his crush.

RE: A New Day Rises, So A New Believer I Will Be - Sorrel - April 11, 2016

Sorrel stood deathly still, absolutely silent. She had no sense of smell, so Sorrel could not tell whether or not the ginormous male before her was Ryujin or not. She could not contain a tiny whimper, dropping the sage that had been in her mouth and hiding behind the nearest rock. She shivered with fear and bristled with fear. Oh no!No, no, no! It was bad enough that she had left behind the sage bundle, but now her tall red frame was sticking out from behind a rock half her size. The living Ember cried out for @Asterr in fear and high-tailed for the trees.

RE: A New Day Rises, So A New Believer I Will Be - Jolon - April 12, 2016

A disturbance in the wind, a faint smell making it's way to the brute. Someone was around, someone he didn't know. His mind immediately told him it was an intruder, so his hackles raised, looking around him in fear and anger. No one came into his homeland uninvited. No one. He turned, looking around there, and there he spotted it.

A young female, a bright fiery color lightly sprinkled with white. She seemed scared, and he raised an eyebrow when she called for Asterr. Did they have a new young'un in the pack? He knew of Leo, the strange boy with the scars, but this female was new. Her scent wasn't even all that familiar. But before he could say something, she turned and ran. Jolon snorted and followed suit. 

Young'un, what is your purpose here? He asked, his voice soft, knowing younger ones were a little sensitive to weird, huge males. He flashed a smile to her. Don't fret me, I am of this land. Jolon is my name, can you give me yours? 

RE: A New Day Rises, So A New Believer I Will Be - Sorrel - April 12, 2016

"U-uh m'name is Sorrel. I-uh I was looking for herbs, but..." She tapped her nose against the rock. "I- uh can't smell. Sorry, didn't know you were here." she gulped and shuffled her paws, having picked up the feature from Ezimette. She shook out her thick red mane of fur. "So, um what are you doing?"
sorry it's short ahah.

RE: A New Day Rises, So A New Believer I Will Be - Asterr - April 13, 2016

Cameo, maybe, but tag me if she's noticed and/or addressed before having departed. ^^

It was the panicked call of the young ember that had roused the girl from her light nap, and had, in turn, caused her senses to go into overdrive. She was protective of her tribe mates, some more than others. Sorrel happened to be one of the ones she felt more responsible for, as the girl's disability could lead her into the crippling grip of danger within a moment's notice. The fear that had resonated throughout her voice was enough to have the chieftess going off and seeking the other out, only to find then later on that she'd never been in any true danger at all. It was with silence that the yearling had moved, and with that very same silence that she'd observed the other two from a decent ways off. Jolon's size alone had probably been the cause of the younger's fear, but it seemed as if things were well enough for the time being. The situation as a whole offered to her an idea, but it was one she'd yet to decide if she'd act upon. Time would tell, perhaps.

As the encounter posed naught a threat to either of them, Asterr had given the sight a final, lingering glance, before turning to take her leave. If noticed, the girl would remain there, but anything otherwise and she'd depart from the scene in favour of beginning her chores for the day.

RE: A New Day Rises, So A New Believer I Will Be - Jolon - April 13, 2016

Short post is short, sorry <3

He raised an eyebrow at her. Can't smell? Well, that wasn't very handy while looking for plants and stuff. Jolon had no knowledge on herbs, so he couldn't really help her here. That's unfortunate. He said, still a bit confused. I was marking the borders, after that I will probably go hunting. He informed her.

In the corner of his eye he saw Asterr. It had been a while since the two had spoken, but he had this under control. He flashed a quick smile to her and nodded, saying that help wasn't needed. Somewhere deep down, he hoped that she had heard him saying he was actually doing stuff for the tribe. Not to brag, but just to show that the old Jolon was back into business.

RE: A New Day Rises, So A New Believer I Will Be - Sorrel - April 16, 2016

Sorrel's eyes watched as Jolon smiled and nodded off a wolf behind her, guessing that it was Asterr, she had no reason to worry and swished her tail. "I can hunt if you help me find the prey!" She gave a full grin and play-bowed with excitement. This would be so fun! If he let her come, that was, because she needed help finding the prey. She had learned to identify plants, but animals were not so easy. Yes, there was a bird here and there, but she truly did not hunt much.

RE: A New Day Rises, So A New Believer I Will Be - Jolon - April 18, 2016

Ah great, a babysitter job. Well, sure, she wasn't exactly that young, but to call her an adult would be a long shot. He snorted, a thing he found himself doing rather much the past few days. He would much more like it to hunt alone, bring a baby deer home and show it to the rest with proud. But no, they couldn't possibly do that. She was waaaay too small to catch anything bigger than a bird. Wow, that sounded mean. I think I'd rather go alone. He said, and flashed a smile at the little happy thing.

RE: A New Day Rises, So A New Believer I Will Be - Sorrel - April 25, 2016

Sorrel frowned for half a second before pasting on a neutral look. "Ok." She said simply and turned away, stump drooping. She galloped off into the forest, spritely spirit undimmed by his rejection. She was a little ember after all, and she would become the greatest flame.

RE: A New Day Rises, So A New Believer I Will Be - Jolon - April 29, 2016

With a soft sigh, almost as a sorry, Jolon watched the little ember make it's way to wherever the little girl was going. Okay, back to chores. The dark male went back to the borders that he had almost finished marking.

After an hour, he was done. He had hunted -two little, blood-dripping hares in his mouth- and he was back home. He dropped them on the floor and tossed his head back to howl for @Sorrel. He had caught the second one for the little ember. Damn, why was he such a sweetheart? He just felt bad for the little thing, really. Not being able to smell was quite the curse, he thought.

RE: A New Day Rises, So A New Believer I Will Be - Sorrel - April 29, 2016

Hah! Sorrel could prove herself to that male later, as she had caught a broken-winged pheasant, but she did not have to mention that. When she heard his howl, she took it as a chance to show off her prize. She trotted up to him, or the nearest he was, for she could not smell and had to rely on sight, but made her way easily. "Hey, Jolon." She said proudly, dropping the pheasant at his feet with a grin.

RE: A New Day Rises, So A New Believer I Will Be - Jolon - April 30, 2016

Jolon sat down, made himself comfortable as he waited to share a meal with the foxy girl. Perhaps he would make a good father. I mean, if he would ever get the chance at having children that is. If he were lucky enough to catch the flare full of hope, his little Ezi... He chuckled softly to himself, a thing he found himself doing way too often since the night he had spent with the white ghost. 

Finally, the petite frame of the red hunter came in sight and he couldn't help but smile. She was carrying with her, a fat, quite large animal, hanging loosely between her teeth. Huh, guess he didn't have to look out for her food-wise. Hello again, Sorrel. He greeted, glancing at the rabbits he had caught. He shoved one of them her way with his paw, not knowing what she was going to do with the bird creature. Thought you might be hungry. Now he stared at the dead animal, now laying on the ground near her front paws. Guess I didn't have to worry. He added with a foolish grin.   

RE: A New Day Rises, So A New Believer I Will Be - Sorrel - April 30, 2016

"Thank you, Jolon, you may have the pheasant if you please, otherwise it will be given to Asterr. Or Leo..." She said, cheeks growing a bit warm when she realized she had spoken those words aloud. She shoved it his way encouragingly and pulled the rabbit towards her, sinking her sharp, still a bit immature, fangs into it and began to eat. She enjoyed the company of Jolon, but felt he had unfairly underestimated her.

RE: A New Day Rises, So A New Believer I Will Be - Jolon - May 01, 2016

Thank you very much, but I think it will be of more use for Leo. He's still a growing boy after all, needs his strength. Jolon replied, smiling. He didn't think Leo was weak or anything, he just really thought he could use a good meal. Jolon himself, after all, had his own rabbit. Speaking about the dead animal, he glanced over at the bunny near his paws. He lowered his muzzle and gently stripped the creature of his fur, blood now covering the brute's muzzle. With eyes glancing up at the fox-like wolf, he seemed to be silently asking; are you going to eat?