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Haunted Wood It's Madness - Printable Version

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It's Madness - Trick - April 10, 2016

Anyone welcome to join. Preferable someone really naive who will believe him easier :)

The slim man had traveled a long way to get here. Around 3 weeks, he would say, but to be honest he had not kept track. He didn't even feel weary, he had only felt empty after his banishment. Their pack had been ambushed, and he was to blame. He didn't even feel bad. It was just for fun, he couldn't help it that they didn't have the same view on things. He had watched them all from the hill that gave a perfect view of how everything went to hell under him. He had laughed at them, a wicked laugh of someone clearly not totally there. All he wanted was the poison of the invading pack, and so he had started a war. It made perfect sense.

But alas, his fun couldn't last forever. His brother had survived and had banished him. It was all fine by him, and so he left with a smirk on his face. And now he was here, somewhere with lots of naive wolves. He would make them all suffer, that was for sure. He wandered through the woods, some of the orange glow of the sun shining upon his dark coat. 

RE: It's Madness - Feral - April 10, 2016

The wild woman had ran across the wilderness for her entire life, but there was something off about this place. It smelled of other wolves, something shew was not used to. When she did come across a wolf, they didn't understand her tongue, but she refused to speak the English language. Her mother had told her that her auntie Ezimette had come to through this place to get t a "pack" and that was the last her mother had seen of her aunt. Apparently her mother had realized the scent of her long lost sibling, but she left quickly. Whatever, it wasn't that big a deal to the wild one.

   Her head whipped around, near-indigo eyes grazing the area. She had been lost in thoughts of what her life would be like had she been raised pack-tamed. She had completely ignored the scent of a male, in which her interest slowly grew. The white blaze turned her body around with a sharp swivel. An obsidian figure stood before her now. She pulled her lips up, revealing teeth stained with rabbit-blood. Her eyes were wild with excitement.

RE: It's Madness - Trick - April 10, 2016

What first was a nice and quiet day full of sunshine, rainbows and murder, was unfortunately disturbed. Trick wasn't particularly fond of others, nor were they of him. He had always been an outcast, and part of him loved that. Nobody gave a shit about him, and that was perfectly fine. However, all of them had something in common. They had been tricked by the greatest Trickster in the world, and were now rotting bodies. No one played this game better than Trick did, and he was proud of it. He was proud of the wars he had started and the many wolves he had made to kill each other.

He stopped in his tracks, fiery eyes already looking to the side. His back was turned to the other who smelled female. He chuckled lightly. This was going to be one fun day today.

Tis not wise to beest in mine presence, my lady. He warned, his wicked tone of voice filling the air with discomfort. He flicked his tail, not in anger, but in delight.

RE: It's Madness - Feral - April 10, 2016

"Dare jigoku anata wa aru to omoimasu ka?[size=medium]" [/size]She hissed, eyes blazing. Screw off, he should, as she wasn't in the mood for snarky males right now. Her eyes narrowed, neck fur bristling."Hese Rodorigesu, zan'nen misutā. Takai, anata o midasu tame no kyōryokuna, soreha yasei no mono no sonzai-ka de no jākudearu koto ga kenmeide wa arimasen." Her ears laid back flat against her head, not aware of the power of this male.
Use google translate

RE: It's Madness - Trick - April 10, 2016

It doesn't want to translate it :/ Oh well, guess he'll only understand the first part.

He chuckled again, this time just laughing at her. This bitch was so serious, it was hilarious. He didn't understand why she was talking Japanese, and yes, Loki knew many languages, nor did he understand why she was so angry. Daddy problems? He laughed out loud again.

Watashi wa Trick, Ojōsama. He said, keeping his cool. This had always been one of his best traits. Just keep calm, never get angry, for you might need them in the future. Whether this female wanted to be tricked or not didn't matter. She had dared to talk rudely, and therefore she'll pay.

Sono orokamono no anata no nite imasu.

RE: It's Madness - Feral - April 10, 2016

Dang it google translate!!! Just put in parenthesis what your saying when we speak Japanese, aha.
She stared, jaws agape. He understood her..."Y-you speak my tongue." Her jaws snapped shut, how could this be? Was he a descendant of the Moondragon as well? Her eyes widened, she was taken out of her feral state for now, and into her moonspirit one. "Who might you be then, trickester?" She was calm, watching, listening. Miles away from her personality she was. He had taken away her wildness, and replaced it with a fierce curiosity. The silken-furred woman watched now, unable to take her eyes off of him. She had urged herself never to speak the English language, but now was an exception, as she may have found her brethren.

RE: It's Madness - Trick - April 10, 2016

I have such a good idea XD I want Trick/Wylie to meet the wolves of Dark Brotherhood and take Feral with him. There he will just leave her as a sacrifice to save his own butt. That'd make for some pretty amazing drama :))

Aww, she wasn't angry anymore... What fun was she now? Now he was just an annoying kid poking a dead bird, seeing if it would still move. He sighed. She clearly hadn't taken his advice. He had been so kind to say it wouldn't be good for her to stick around.

Barely. He snorted. He only knew how to say hi and goodbye and some insults in Japanese. He found it handy to know as many languages as possible for if a foreigner was worthy enough from him to use. And here it had proved itself handy once again. I am Trick, of the mountain, and I am burdened with glorious purpose. He said with a little flair and a lot of pride. But it was only for that moment he was open, because as soon as his line was spoken, his serious face turned back into a smirk.

Thee don't hark very well, doth thee? He asked, finally turning around to face her.

RE: It's Madness - Feral - April 10, 2016

"Watashi wa, jāku o umaku kansha no i o kiku koto ga dekimasu. Soshite, eikō no mokuteki to shite wa, sono yōna mono wa arimasen. Yuiitsu no orokamono wa sore o iudarou, to watashi wa anata to chigatte, 1 o shite imasen. Sotchoku ni itte, watashi wa sore ga watashi no kenen wa nai to shite anata wa, watashi o rikai shite iru ka hi ka o ki ni suru koto wa okorimasen. Watashi wa anata ga keikoku sa rete iru yō ni anata wa, ima no mama o shisa shite imasu. Anata ga takaku, kyōdaidearu koto o kangaeru kamo shiremasenga, zan'nen'nagara, anata wa arimasen. Dakara seikō. Ofu." (I can hear just fine thankyou, jerk. And as for a glorious purpose, there is no such thing. Only a fool would say that, and I am not one, unlike you. Frankly, I do not happen to care whether or not you understand me, as it is not of my concern. I suggest you leave now, as you have been warned. You may think that you are high and mighty, but alas, you are not. So fuck. off.) She snarled, eyes blazing. Her scruff was pricked and she took a step towards him now, returning once again to her feral state. Though she thought that they might have had something in common, she was wrong...Very wrong.

RE: It's Madness - Trick - April 11, 2016

What he is saying in English now is actually Japanese, but I'm too lazy to translate :/

What she was saying, Trick didn't care. He could understand bits and pieces of it, mostly the curse words, and given her body language she was probably just mad at him. He snorted and laughter followed. He wasn't impressed. If she was truly such a beast she would've killed him already.

You approached me, darling. He responded bluntly with a charming smile in his best Japanese. He had met this kind before. All bark but no bite. She was just a pain in the neck for now. He sniffed in her scent, he memorized it. As soon as he had some "friends" in higher places, perhaps he would spread rumors about the bitchy girl that is so blind and deaf that even a just born pup would do better. At least they kept quiet.

These are my woods now, but you are welcome here as long as you don't bother me with your endless talking. He said, already turning to leave. If she wouldn't leave, he would.

RE: It's Madness - Feral - April 11, 2016

The wild one may have been a spitting image of her aunt, but she was no Ezimette. She let out an angry snarl as the man turned and, without thinking, launched herself at him, aiming to shred the tail on his worthless ass. Her elegant body surged forwards, muscles rippling underneath her shiny pelt. Now...now he would learn....He would learn.

RE: It's Madness - Trick - April 11, 2016

While the other was big and strong, she stood no chance against his speed, agility, and wit. As soon as he heard the thundering of paws behind him, He began running. He was laughing, insane as he indeed was. He always liked a nice little chase game, and this was no exception. The only thing he lacked in fighting ability was strength, but he had a lot of stamina. As soon as she would get tired, he would turn around and maybe even try to fight her. Oh well, she started it.

At least you're quiet now! He yelled as he ran. 

RE: It's Madness - Feral - April 11, 2016

Btw I saw that post Jolon made about hunting, warmed my heart. Eheh.
Lucky for the woman, she was graceful, though not fast. She leapt behind him, coming closer and falling behind again. The process repeated again and again until she could no longer stress her legs and stopped. Her eyes were ablaze with anger. Wily,spindly,creepy little thing he was, that trickster. She muttered several cusses under her breath, turning on him with an angered stare. 

He laughed like a maniac, absolutely off his meds. UGHHH.

RE: It's Madness - Trick - April 11, 2016

I really liked that post, actually XD Just hope it wasn't too cheesy. Also: SASSYNESS IS A WORD YOU DUMB SPELLING CHECKER!

He panted lightly, but he could keep going until the woman was out of sight. Though, he didn't. The chase game they were playing had been way too fun to just leave her here. He stopped, taking a moment to breath, a wicked grin on his face. Running filled him with joy, but that joy wouldn't want to stay. He turned to look at her, hearing faint mumbles. Probably foul words, but they did nothing to his pride. Her eyes were spitting fire, just like his while he wasn't even angry. Amateur.

Giving up so soon, mine lady? He panted, but that didn't take away his sassyness.

RE: It's Madness - Feral - April 11, 2016

Feral gave a screech and with adrenaline-fueled speed, unexpectedly shot up, aiming straight for the stranger. So much power there was behind her legs, she was a bullet at this moment. Her white pelt painted the air, her eyes like blazing fires. If she were to land on him, she would put a paw to his throat, giving a terribly angry growl. If not, she would pursue until she caught and killed the damned trickster. She believed that if she caught him and he submitted, she would allow him to live, but not without tearing one ear of his. She would not give this one up. she would catch and scar him or pursue and kill him, hopefully she wouldn't have to pursue him, though she would not give up. She was not as fast, but still sleek. Her maw dripped with saliva, and her fur double her size in these moments. These moments would determine if she crossed the region chasing a mongrel or was left in PEACE. FUCKING PEACE.
"Moondragon no pawā wa ima watashi to issho kamo shiremasen!"(May the power of the moondragon be with me now!) She screamed, jaws open wide, eyes locked onto her prey. Now he would learn...

RE: It's Madness - Trick - April 12, 2016

He watched as the woman panted, but he could see her legs shaking, adrenaline filled blood pumping through her veins. Why was she so angry with him? She had come to him, not the other way around. She could have avoided all this struggle, he had even warned the darn girl! He knew he was bad, but he was perfectly good at it. A trickster he was, and a trickster he'd stay, an annoying little prick with the speed and agility of a rabbit.

He smirked, already knowing what would come. Anger would drive her further, so as soon as her front paws left the earth to sprint, he turned and ran to her left, passing her and sprinting as fast as he could back in the way they had come here. God, this was fun, yet even his feet felt hot now. He hadn't ran like this in a while, like a rabbit fleeing from a hungry fox. What a peculiar woman she was. So mad, such a free spirit, so... Breakable. Beatable. Fragile. She couldn't accept the fact that freedom was the world's biggest lie. As soon as she would discover that, she'd be at peace.

RE: It's Madness - Feral - April 16, 2016

Feral flashed her Ivory teeth and continued to run, unwilling to give up pursuit for a moment. she wanted his throat between her teeth, the taste of his blood to run down her throat...yet, she felt uneasy, like there was something wrong in chasing him. Something very--very--wrong. She let out a string of barks in anger and turned tail, hungry and upset. The cause of her anger? He had brought out her tame side...
--End For Me--