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Redhawk Caldera I'm two quarters and a heart down - Printable Version

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I'm two quarters and a heart down - Maja - April 21, 2016

@Faramir (some pp, they finally reached, pm if you want to change it ^-^!) 

 Maja was looking forward to it. A lot. The familiar ground was reassuring that she was going in the right place. But, a small wistful feeling had settled in the depths of her mind. Haven, her best friend/sister. After finding out that she was in Lost Creek Hollow, her sister was only one walk away. But, for some reason, Maja didn't visit after the encounter. Busy, I guess... But, honestly, she had to look over that little fact, as she was going to see her brother. 

 She softly nudged her mate, as in a thank you. "Thanks," she mumbled to him, voicing her actions. They were getting near the borders now.

 @Fox @Peregrine @Finley @Elwood (after Faramir answers, if possible)

RE: I'm two quarters and a heart down - Faramir - April 21, 2016

While the trip had been relatively uneventful, Faramir was more than happy to spend this time getting to know his new mate. Truthfully, he had no clue where they were headed and how far they were, at this point he was just following Maja. She nudged him in thanks, putting a smile on his face, probably a signal they were getting close. 

"No problem," he said, nudging her in return. He wondered what this pack would be like, and if her brother was still there.

RE: I'm two quarters and a heart down - Peregrine Redhawk - April 21, 2016

Peregrine was making his way back home from Bramblepoint, his mood light despite the tripod status that made this journey so much more wearying than usual. Said good mood flew right out the window when he spotted two strangers straddling his borders. He wanted to rush them, snarl and snap and tell them to piss off and die. But he was essentially a cripple. All he could do was speed up and arc around them, moving like some sort of weird, tipsy, grunting pirate as he placed himself between them and the caldera.

"—the fuck are you?" he panted, leveling the pair of them with a death glare even as his ears and tail arched severely.

RE: I'm two quarters and a heart down - Maja - April 22, 2016

The red wolf blinked, then took a step back. Because hey, no one wants to get eaten here. Assuming Faramir copied her moves, she lowered her tail a bit, submissively. He looked all Alpha-ly and her Beta-niss wasn't valid here. Deciding she would speak first, she cleared her throat quietly. 

 "Um- Hello, sir. I am Maja, and this is Faramir. We come from the pack Rosings," she stopped here, giving the angry old man a chance to reply.

short post is short (sorry)

RE: I'm two quarters and a heart down - Faramir - April 24, 2016

Faramir watched the apparent Alpha of these lands with some concealed amusement as he huffed over to the duo. He followed suit in appearing submissive, but he had to get a few words in before the other male responded. "She is a sister to Aduin, a member here?" he interjected a moment after Maja had spoken. His voice was clear and confident, and much resembled the deep richness of honey. It took much will power to not start laughing at the man, who while older, the rest of the pack would not be.

RE: I'm two quarters and a heart down - Peregrine Redhawk - April 24, 2016

The she-wolf responded first, introducing herself and her companion, who added a little bit of extra to the introduction. Peregrine's eyes narrowed more, if that was even possible. He didn't make any effort to stem the growl that vibrated in his chest and slithered up his throat to burst from his muzzle. If they had been possible recruits, that would have been one thing. But they were a couple of randoms from some other pack he had never heard of. It could be said Peregrine didn't have any fucks to give.

"Never heard of him," Peregrine snapped before taking a bouncy, three-legged step toward the pair. "Now fuck off."

RE: I'm two quarters and a heart down - Maja - April 24, 2016

Now Maja was confused. Aduin had been in the pack, she saw herself. So was she in the wrong pack? Nope, it smelled quite the same. The red wolf was not going to be put down that easily. After Mr. Pissed Off declared that he hadn't heard of the name, she licked her lips, ready to fully check if he knew anything that would help. 

 And that meant Sebastian (if he had come back from his family stuff). "Do you happen to know someone named Sebastian? And do you know where he is, sir?" she asked, nonetheless of his attempts to get rid of them.

RE: I'm two quarters and a heart down - Faramir - April 26, 2016

Faramir was not in the least surprised when the grump of a man feigned no recognition of the name, expecting the attempt to get the pair out of range of his territory. The man began to limp forward and appear threatening, but Faramir stood his ground, eyes narrowing and lip threatening to curl. If the elder chose to harm Maja, then he would feel the wrath of a thousand suns and be felled by the might of his ancestors.

RE: I'm two quarters and a heart down - RIP Fox - April 26, 2016

Having left the children in the care of Elwood and Finley (probably a terrible idea, if Fox had thought about it for more than half a second), the Redhawk wolf headed out toward the boundaries of her home. Peregrine would be home soon, she thought, and she intended to steal him away for some special time while their betas were looking after the children. It had been far too long since their last private moment.

She picked up a whiff of his scent, and bounded toward it with a bounce in her step and fire in her eyes. Instead of finding him relaxed and limping his way home, she saw him facing off against two strangers. Fox's hackles immediately stood on end, and she burst into a sprint, fully intending to run off the intruders. If they did not run, she would aim for the female's rump. They had a choice to make, and they would need to make that choice quickly.

RE: I'm two quarters and a heart down - Peregrine Redhawk - April 26, 2016

Before Maja could say more than three words, Peregrine talked right over her. "Did you hear what I said, bitch, or are you deaf?" he snapped, punctuating the epithet with a snarl. "Get the fuck out of m—" His voice cut off abruptly when something red blurred past him. The Alpha male blinked, then smiled sardonically, feeling a flutter in his chest as he watched his mate go right in for the kill butt.

"Go get 'er, babe!" he cheered her on before his leering gaze flicked to her mate. Peregrine's lip curled in a sneer. Ignoring his broken leg and his awkward hopping gait, he moved toward him, prepared to give chase if the stubborn fucker didn't start moving.

RE: I'm two quarters and a heart down - Maja - April 27, 2016

ok bye (cmon @Faramir )
[Image: anigif_enhanced-buzz-18454-1427429989-9.gif?no-auto]
 Something went right into her butt, and a momentarily expression of half pain and half confusion filled her face. Settling with pain, she instinctively pulled back from the pain-maker. "Faramir," was her reaction. It was 'Faramir' as in 'lets go'. That will definitely scar, but right now, she had to skedaddle. 

 Four confused paws began to make distance from the angry old couple who decided to grace the two wolves with their wrath. Assuming her own mate would follow her, she retreated, quite quickly, at that.

RE: I'm two quarters and a heart down - Faramir - April 30, 2016

Faramir watched with narrowed eyes and a start of confusion when a red blur made its arrival onto the flank of his mate in the form of teeth. He snarled at the wolf, primed for attack, when he saw Maja retreat quite hastily. He threw back a look of rage at the couple along with a snarl, then took off running after his mate.

RE: I'm two quarters and a heart down - RIP Fox - May 02, 2016

Fox got a tuft of fur for her efforts (and a taste of blood) along with a seething glance from the tough-guy male who had come along for the ride. "Yeah, fuck right off!" she yelled at them, adrenaline still pumping and fur still hanging from her mouth when she turned back to Peregrine.

Maybe it was the extra blood flowing through her. Maybe it was the excitement of teamwork. Maybe it was just because she hadn't been laid since before the kids were born. "Let me come over there so we can do the dirty," she grinned, prancing up to her partner and giving him a lick on the cheek. Even with his injured leg, she had a feeling they could make it work.

RE: I'm two quarters and a heart down - Peregrine Redhawk - May 03, 2016

Peregrine met the other male's snarl with one of his own, his head and tail arched. He did not bother adding anything to Fox's parting words, feeling they sufficed. He wished his leg wasn't out of commission because he had half a mind to heckle them until they were well outside the territory. Instead, he hung back, anger simmering quietly, until Fox's words snapped him out of it.

"I didn't know power trips turned you on," the Alpha teased, swiping his own tongue over her muzzle. He glanced down at his foreleg, wondering how this would work, then back up at her. They would make it work. "C'mere," he growled in a sultry voice, motioning her closer with his head before quickly claiming her right there in plain sight of the borders.