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Hushed Willows i found a girl who's in love with a girl - Printable Version

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i found a girl who's in love with a girl - Teagan - April 22, 2016

Black socks peeked out from the entrance of a cave. It was early morning, and the early morning mist clouded almost everything from view, a transparant-white fog that hung from the sky and seeped between the trees. Wisps of pale golden sunlight streamed through the gaps between the tree branches and illuminated the dull woods with soft light. Teagan looked around, green eyes gleaming with something curious and unfathomable, then he stepped out so his entire body was bathed in yellow-white light and inhaled the wet dawn air, fur brushing against the droplets of dew on the leaves as he trudged through the trees.

The coywolf was utterly silent, or as silent as he could be as he padded through the packlands, paws leading in somewhere. Where? Even he was not so sure, but he knew that it was an important place. He moved with leonine grace, weaving between the tree trunks and padded on the soft leaf mould, lost in his thoughts, although it was clear from the bright, vibrant gleam in his viridian orbs that those thoughts were not, in any way, sad.

RE: i found a girl who's in love with a girl - Warbone - April 22, 2016


Warbone left Octavia asleep in the pale dawn, eager to tend to his duties so that he might return to her. He had also been mooching from the caches, and thought it high time he stow himself with a hunt. The sun was marginally higher when he turned up successful, and he was carrying his marmot prize when he spotted an aurelian druid gliding soundlessly beneath the conifers. Changing trajectory, the alpha made a noise over his catch and sought the affection of his gamma with a lift of his chin and a low purr in the lion's throat as he approached. He dropped the dead marmot, breathing Teagan in deeply and nicking an ear with playful teeth before taking a step back. "Everyone alright?" he asked solemnly, having lent Teagan mild rein (or at least responsibility) of the others while he spent a vast majority of his time guarding Octavia. As far as he knew, things had been quiet, but he hadn't been back at The Crook the past two days to know for sure.

RE: i found a girl who's in love with a girl - Teagan - April 24, 2016


He paid no particular attention to his surroundings, instead moved as if he was programmed to do so; a robot. Teagan had gone through this pathway so many times now that he could practically navigate this part of the packlands with closed eyes. Before the coywolf could make it to his chosen destination, however, a noise interrupted his thoughts, causing him to pause in his footsteps and look around. Teag spotted his Alpha's familiar face, and a crooked smirk tugs tantalisingly at the edge of his lips. 

He accepted the small gestures of affection with a low sound, something akin to a purr, and nudged Warbone's cheek in return, as well as a submissive lick to his chin, tail lowering. "Yep," Teag drawled in his lilting voice. "As good as it'll ever be, buddy," the hybrid said with a nonchalant lift of his shoulder, running his tongue over his teeth quickly. "What 'bout you, babe? Things going alright for ya?" He knew Warbone wasn't around in The Crook for several days now, and was wondering if he was alright.

RE: i found a girl who's in love with a girl - Warbone - April 30, 2016

Warbone was marginally concerned with himself— about why he remained unaffected by Teagan's odd chatter and (not meant to be) insulting pet-names— but he thought he might be severely fond of him; his truer affections abated only by a desire to see just how far the male's devotion to him was. He looked at him now, eyes curious for him, hungry to know everything about him. The titan blinked and the sentiment was gone, lost in the crevices of a stone facade.

"Everything is well enough, it would seem. Octavia is due soon. She will start looking to whelp any day now," he mused, his tone reserved, if not a bit tired. Warbone had had a wife, but no children, and thinking of the she-wolf that he did not love, but felt bound to protect through some otherworldly force, bearing children not his own was surprisingly unsettling. He had not known her long enough to feel this type of jealousy, but he did, the possessive wolf that he was. It was inevitable, then, that he would project his repressed urges onto another object of his avarice.

"Has it been too lonely without me?" he asked, possibly looking to feed his thinly veiled egomania.

RE: i found a girl who's in love with a girl - Teagan - May 01, 2016

Teagan's keen eyes noticed everything, so obviously, he caught the slight shift in Arkham's olive eyes for the briefest of seconds before it disappeared into the stone mask once again. He canted his head rather thoughtfully, although his eyes glittered with amusement and his lips tugged into a mischievous smirk once again. He did not bring up what he saw, preferring to solve this mystery by himself. So the hybrid listened, instead, to what the Alpha had to say and a sliver of curiosity found its way onto his angular face.

"The father is not present. So, Arkham, would you take on the role instead? I've not known many Kings who take in a pregnant lady, especially one who's pups are not their own." Teagan said thoughtfully, respectfully. He did not wish to invoke Warbone's wrath, nor was that what he meant to do. He simply wanted answers, and maybe a bit more. But at the man's next question, Teag laughed softly and his smirk grew wider.

"I've found more wolves to entertain me, and me, them," Teagan drawled cockily, a glint in his eyes. "So, not lonely, not really. But," here, he smiled and cocked his head, "I might have missed you a tiny bit."

RE: i found a girl who's in love with a girl - Warbone - May 02, 2016

"It is a role I took when I decided to become an alpha. I am father now, to all who will be born under my stead here. It matters little to me whether I provided the action that spurned their creation or not." Not that he meant for all the children of The Keep to call him Father, but he did intend for them to be raised as he would raise any pup. Thus was the rule of his arrogance. "I always thought it was foolish to punish a child for the sins of the parents. And though it is a considerably more arduous path, I find it incredibly more useful to instead take that child and bring them up yourself." Warbone was not a wolf who wished to seem obstinate or easily perturbed, as he was neither, which had spurred his wordy response in an attempt to be as open with his wolves as possible. And if what he had in mind for Teagan was to come to fruition, then he would most certainly need to be forthright with him.

At the answer to his query, Warbone's mood darkened, however. Whatever he pretended to be, the wolf was a mercurial thing at best. Violent and possessive at his core. The idea of Teagan being entertained elsewhere was righteously infuriating. He gave the curve of the male's jaw a harsh nip, even as the gamma admitted to missing him somewhat. "I presumed I had a special place in your thoughts, mister Wilde," he growled, a sultry glint in his emboldened gaze. "But perhaps I was disillusioned," he murmured, narrowing his eyes thoughtfully.

RE: i found a girl who's in love with a girl - Teagan - May 02, 2016

Teagan listened, curious, as Warbone explained that the moment he decided to be Alpha, he was going to be the father of all the children of the Keep. Teag understood that he meant that all the kids would also be raised by himself, and therefore, making him some sort of dad to them. To Teag, it was sort of noble, given the fact that he himself could not imagine himself commiting to a proper relationship however much he wanted to, so raising a kid seemed, well, absolutely horrifying to him.

Warbone nipped his jaw harshly and while Teag, at first, was surprised, a small smile soon spread over his lips and he canted his head slightly, green eyes glinting with some unknown emotion. "You do have a special place in my thoughts, Arkham," Teagan whispered back, smirking ever so slightly. "I just get bored sometimes, and well, sometimes you weren't there. Perhaps you'll care to amend that now?"