Wolf RPG
Phantom Hollow Nothing left behind - Printable Version

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Nothing left behind - Mitanni - May 06, 2016

She'd seen the ruin left behind in the wake of the locust swarm and felt the eerie aftermath like a chill down her spine. The forest, that was typically spooky all on its own, was even more so now with its trees stripped bare and the plantlife all but gone entirely. The swarm had taken everything with them, leaving next to nothing for the residents of the Phantom Hollow to work with.

As she walked through the woods, slow and observing, Mitanni felt the seed of despair inside of her grow roots, anchoring itself somewhere within. Her expression was solemn, forlorn, longing for the forest that she'd only just begun to feel at home in. Now it felt haunted and strange, empty and apparently lifeless. She knew it wasn't--the Moonlit Hills pack were stronger than to leave at this first bit of adversity thrown their way--but it sure looked like it.

Somewhere during her stroll a thought struck her. The Everfold. She hadn't been there since its discovery, and suddenly it felt very important to go. Breaking into a run, the lithe little wolf stole through the forest in the direction of the recovering section of the forest, only to arrive and feel the little shred of hope snap too.

What green had been defiantly trying to regrow here was also gone, and Mitanni sighed as she stood on the edge of the ashy remains of dead trees and stripped regrowth. "They didn't miss anything."