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Hushed Willows C'mon. Let's do something insane like save the world - Printable Version

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RE: C'mon. Let's do something insane like save the world - Grace - May 20, 2016

Grace was not one to hold a grudge: she glanced back over her shoulder with a sorry look reflecting in her golden eyes, but stayed silent for another few steps. She found a good, narrow part that would be good for just scooping fish out of the water, and turned to Kunik.
        "We'll get more if two catch and one scares, and I'm okay with going for a swim. I can herd them all down here."
 The faded female looked to Stark, next, and tipped her head. Her tone, though not quite as warm as before, was still friendly. 
                     "If that's okay with you."

RE: C'mon. Let's do something insane like save the world - Kunik - May 20, 2016

Still silent, Kunik made her way to the water where she would presumably catch the fish with Stark. She chose a flat, smooth area that was not too slippery. The water was clear and ran rather slowly, for it was a narrow part of the stream.

Glancing up, she gave them a nod to let them know she was ready when they were. Her lemon eyes scanned the water for any sign of fish, watching for the distinct glint of light off the scales.

RE: C'mon. Let's do something insane like save the world - Stark - May 21, 2016

The change of plans didn't matter much to Stark - he was fine with the input. He was thinking that with two to direct the fish towards the one waiting wolf it might have meant there would be more to potentially catch but it seemed to be the same odds. This way there were still working together, and the chances of getting anything for them to take back made him hopeful. "We can try it and if it seems like it's not working we can always change it up." Stark suggested. "Whatever works best. Not like I'm planning on doing anything else for the day." He joked with a small grin. 

He waded down further into the water, letting the cool water lap over his sides for a moment as he settled. He kept his muzzle just above the water, blue eyes fixated beneath the surface to hopefully land a kill. All he needed right then was to toss the fish onto the shore - if the fish attracted larger prey then that would be even better for them. "Ready," He murmured softly as he let out a slow breath, as if he was willing the world to calm and slow around them. He was focused, and any momentary transgressions were forgotten. It was about instinct melding with skill, about feeding themselves and their pack. 

RE: C'mon. Let's do something insane like save the world - Grace - May 21, 2016

Grace limped her way carefully upstream, letting a pool or two pass before slipping in and letting the soft current wash her towards her friends. The two were alone only a minute or two before she was again in sight, driving a school of fish forward. A few darted away here and there, but a good couple were headed right for the awaiting wolves. Ready or not, here they come.

RE: C'mon. Let's do something insane like save the world - Kunik - May 21, 2016

rolled a 1 so fishy for me!
Kunik didn't respond to anything Stark said, not because she was still sore at him but because her good ear was flattened to keep water out. His voice was muffled and she couldn't hear anything he said. 

Grace appeared moments later with a school of fish in her wake, the silvery bodies flitting past as they moved out of reach. Kunik gritted her teeth and reminded herself not to move, which would only scare the other fish away. 

One swam between her legs and Kunik smiled as it came closer. Kunik's head disappeared into the water as her jaws snapped around the fish, biting to kill it before trotting from the water triumphantly.

RE: C'mon. Let's do something insane like save the world - Stark - May 24, 2016

Was successful for one!

Stark had pinpointed the spot he was most comfortable with; his legs were planted and he didn't feel uneven on the rocks along the bottom of the river. It wasn't so deep he felt out of control, no, this was a perfect spot. He licked his lips, blue eyes briefly watching the horizon until he spotted Grace's pathway, the fish aiming to outswim her and unknowingly being stuck right in the pathway of the other wolves. 

Stark was more ambitious, snapping his jaws at a pair of fish - he missed the first two, but he was quick enough to turn his head and catch another. He made a pleased little sound as he snapped his jaws shut to ensure it was dead. Stark turned, only moving a bit out of the water to toss the fish further onto the shore before he gave a nod to Grace, moving back into position. 

RE: C'mon. Let's do something insane like save the world - Grace - May 25, 2016

The yearling tried her best to go slow, driving only a few towards her friends paws at a time as to maximize their chances of catching more. Grace herself was too preoccupied to go for any fish of yet, and would rather wait before going for her own. Kunik and Stark would surely be able to grab more than she. Warbone and Tavi should be happy with them for bringing anything back, right?

RE: C'mon. Let's do something insane like save the world - Kunik - May 25, 2016

2 this time so no fishy

Kunik moved back to the water as Stark did, treading back to her spot resolutely. A few stragglers swam by and Kunik snapped for the closest ones but they slipped away, scales shimmering respectively. With a grunt of frustration, the russet colored woman straightened as she waited to see if there were anymore to be chased in their direction.

RE: C'mon. Let's do something insane like save the world - Stark - May 29, 2016

got one of his two attempts!

Stark didn't get discouraged easily. It was more a bull headed stubbornness that drove him to continue pushing. He'd never give in, especially not when it came to something that would be so beneficial to those involved. Stark watched, this little trove smaller than the first school of fish that came towards him. It was easier to time himself properly, though the first flash and snap was a failure the second was successful. This fish soon joined his first, a small look of pride on his face before he came back to the water. There was one for each of them, at least, but, his goal was to bring back a few more if possible.

RE: C'mon. Let's do something insane like save the world - Grace - May 29, 2016

Grace stood in the pool before them, blocking the way back and driving a fish their way every few seconds. Eventually, she started to snap at them in hopes of finally catching one. The first, second, AND third bite coming back with nothing, a fourth wild lunge rewarded her with a decently sized fish. She waited for it to stop moving before tossing it onto the shore, and looked about for another fishy to prey on. Finding one was easy, but waiting for one to come near enough to catch was the hard part. The yearling glanced back up at her friends to see how they fared.

RE: C'mon. Let's do something insane like save the world - Kunik - May 29, 2016

wasn't sure if they were done fishing or not so it's kinda short.

With no fish in range for the warrior to catch, Kunik glanced up amiably at Grace. "We done here? Or are we still gonna try to catch a few stragglers?" 

RE: C'mon. Let's do something insane like save the world - Stark - May 29, 2016

Last two Stark's gonna go for!

The fish were thinning. It was understandable, they'd slipped from the wolves present as they snapped as much as they could. Survival of the fittest worked between the predators and the prey alike. Stark gave a brief nod as he saw Grace catch a fish, turning his attention one last time to the fish to try and catch a few scragglers. He thought of Trick, of Octavia, of Tamboruine - he had to try and get something for their sake's too. 

He made the first attempt, teeth sinking into a fatter fish (perhaps full of eggs, he wasn't sure) and he let out a pleased sound as he clamped down, tossing it to the shore with the other two. He wasn't fast enough though to catch the second though. His tail flicked behind him in mild irritation, but overall he couldn't be unhappy. He'd caught three himself, and both his companions had managed to catch their some fish themselves. "Do you want to stop for today? Can always try again, if you want." 

RE: C'mon. Let's do something insane like save the world - Grace - May 30, 2016

Grace shook her head to Kunik, turning and pulling herself out as Stark continued. It took her a few pulls, actually, to get herself out of the water, and she shook out her dark russet fur before turning golden eyes to the male.
          "I'm fine with one, not chasing anymore. I'll share it with Nova."

RE: C'mon. Let's do something insane like save the world - Kunik - May 30, 2016

Kunik nodded, pulling herself free of the liquid and shaking the droplets from her fur. She glanced at Stark. "I'm done too. I think we scared them all off as it is. I'll give mine to Octavia, she has a son to feed." Kunik had no one in particular to share a fish with and decided to give it to Tavi-who could probably use as much food as she could get now that she was nursing a son in the midst of a famine.

RE: C'mon. Let's do something insane like save the world - Stark - May 30, 2016

Stark pulled himself from the water, shaking his coat free. They had had plans for what they'd caught, but Stark shook his head as Kunik spoke. "Keep yours - I've got a couple extras. I'll make sure she gets one." He said with a small smile. He could spare them, maybe find Trick for the third fish. It would help keep everyone afloat a little while longer, even if it was meager amount of food. 

RE: C'mon. Let's do something insane like save the world - Grace - June 02, 2016

Last post from Grace! :3

Her companions were done fishing, and Grace was no longer interested in being here beside the river. Mouth full with her fish, the yearling gave them both a nod before limping off towards home. She did turn her golden eyes back to see who followed, but didn't slow in her retreat home. Hunger burned in her belly and she was sure Nova was no better.

RE: C'mon. Let's do something insane like save the world - Kunik - June 02, 2016

Kunik nodded, not arguing. She had tried anyways, if Stark wanted to give her a fish then that was fine with the warrior. Bidding them goodbye, Kunik scooped up her single fish and headed home to eat it. 

last from Kunik

RE: C'mon. Let's do something insane like save the world - Stark - June 02, 2016

They parted ways amicably, and he felt rather good about it. They hadn't caught too much, but, they were successful in their goals and the pack would make it a bit longer for their efforts. Stark shook his coat out, tail twitching behind him and he scooped up his fish, going to deposit them among his packmates saving the smallest for himself.