Wolf RPG
Shadewood Hello Again - Printable Version

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Hello Again - Illea - May 10, 2016

Illea had traveled far from Porcupine Ridge and even though her heart ached for her to go back to that place, she knew that she couldn't.  It would just bring back so many memories, too many memories.  After a while Illea had just given up on finding Vuk.  Her friend was gone now and she had to accept that.  Although sometimes she wished that she would've searched loner to try and find her silver and blue eyed friend.  She wondered where Vuk went... was her friend even alive?  She sure hoped so.

Ever since the Locust attack, Illea found herself a little on edge.  She feared that the Locusts would make a comeback.  That was something that no one could affored.  Already she found herself thinning on her travels as a lone wolf.  As she did not have a pack to help her out, she found that it was very hard to find prey to eat in this dire state of time.

Her travel route took her from Porcupine Ridge to Whitefish River, Firestone Hotsprings, Whitewater Gorge, Firefly Glen, Altar of Twilight, Nocturne Summit, Cassiopea's View, Bonesplinter Ravine, Hideaway Strath, Cedar Sweep, Golden Glade, Cricket Creek Bog, Sun Mote Copse, Fogspawn Swamp, Grouse Thicket, Two River's Isle and finally she was here at Shadewood.

The female's honey brown eyes swept over the area.  She liked it here, it was beautiful, very beautiful.  She smiled and stood still.  Her eyes closed and she tryed to imagine it with greenery.  Once she opened her eyes, she found herself frozen in place and once again taking in the place's beauty even without greenery.

RE: Hello Again - Spring - May 10, 2016

Spring had left the Maplewood that morning to once again go search for food.  After finding no trace of anything at Silver Creek, she found her paws leading her towards Shadewood.  She smiled warmly at the memories of exploring there with Laika.  That sure had been fun.  The female found herself kinda enthusiastic to go back so she sped up her pace, so that she could reach Shadewood faster.

When she reached Shadewood though she could scent another scent of a wolf nearby.  The scent was very familiar in fact.  Spring frowned.  Who was this?  She just couldn't place it and that was very annoying so she began to approach the scent.  Slow and steady.  After a couple moments she found that herself staring eye to eye with someone that she never thoguht she would see again.  Her sister, Illea.

RE: Hello Again - Illea - May 10, 2016

Spring.  As soon as she saw her sister's face her jaw literly dropped.  Hanging open like and unhinged door.  For a few minutes she just stared, mouth agape.  What could she say in a situation like this?  Was she dreaming?  She closed her mouth slowly.  She could say anything, anything.  She could ask about the family she left behind in Moonlit Hills, she could ask why Spring had left Moonlit Hills too after seeming so content there, she could even ask her sister what pack she had joined if she had even joined one at all.  Although Illea found herself more than sure that Spring did have a pack, because she had the scents of others on her pelt.

"Bonjour."  She whispered quite awkwardly in a hoarse voice.  Illea was surprised that her voice sounded so different.  Had she really not spoken for so long?  Especially in the tongue of French.  Suddenly she just couldn't hold back anymore.  Illea began to run and tackled her sister to the ground covering her sibling with licks.  This moment was the light to her in the dark of the Locust damage.  She was with Spring again.  Her heart warmed at that.

RE: Hello Again - Spring - May 10, 2016

Staring at her sibling in silence she stood still until her sister whispered that single French word.  "Bonjour."  French!  She and Illea hadn't spoken it in such a long time together.  Her sister was back and she was warmed by the thought.  She laughed.  Actually laughed, as Illea tackled her to the ground.  

"Tu m'as tellement manqué! Il a été si différente sans vous. Comment allez-vous? Comment étaient vos voyages! Dire! Dire!" Her tail gave a furious wag from underneath her sister.  When suddenly a horrible thought came to her mind.  Something Illea did not know.  Her sister had left too soon.  

Her eyes darkened and sadden suddenly.  "Mère et père... Starlit Hills . Ils sont partis Illea. Le groupe est mort."  She whined in the smallest whisper.  "Je suis désolé Illea.  Je suis désolé qu'ils sont partis."

RE: Hello Again - Illea - May 10, 2016

Everything was perfect at first.  Spring asked about how she was doing though and that really made her falter.  She was feeling terrible.  Her head still kinda ached from her recent stumble into a tree, which had given her a concussion.  She really regretted running into that tree.  Why couldn't she be smarter?  Then there was that mute wolf's death, the disappearance of Diane and the most mysterious disappearance of Vuk.  Wow she missed Vuk.  She really hoped that her friend was okay.  She didn't want to presure or worry Spring though, so all she said was a single, "bien."

The next news brought devastation upon her.  The skinny white wolf staggered and stumbled off of Spring.  Her family that had stayed in Moonlit Hills was dead?  Dead?  She couldn't believe it.  This was just shocking.  A small cry escaped her through a whimper and she stared at the ground, facing the fact that she would never see that pack again.  Still she knew that she and Spring did have other relations that had left Moonlit Hills, Spring knew that too.  So at least some of their family was still out there.  Alive.

A sudden relization dawned on her.  This place hadn't been her favorite.  Teekon Wilds.  Sure there had been fun times, being with Vuk, hunting with The Wolf, talking to Diane, recieving help from Terich-mir.  Even the kind Alphas that had been part of the ridge (although she probably wouldn't have liked the Alpha's all that much had she found out about them making Vuk leave) and now it was the place where she had found out about Starlit Hill's department.  "Je vais quitter le Teekon Wilds."  She stated in a haorse whisper.  She could not stay here.  No more.

RE: Hello Again - Spring - May 10, 2016

Out of everything Illea could've said, what her sister did say was the last thing that Spring had ever expected her to say in response.  She had just found Illea and now Illea was leaving.  Again.  A low whine made it's way out of Spring chest, up to her throat and out her mouth.  She switched to English.  "Why?  Why are you leaving?"  She cried out.  Starting to tremble a little.  They had just been reunited and now Illea was leaving?  It made no sense.  Especailly after the news that she had just give her sister.  Wasn't Illea sad enough to even say something about the topic?  Or maybe her sister just didn't want to think about their parents death...

She stood up, pulling herself to her paws.  Watching her sister with a sad, sullen and kind of deppressed gaze.  Spring still didn't understand.  Why would her sister leave?  Especailly right now.  It made absouletly no sense to her.  Then again, why would it.

RE: Hello Again - Illea - May 10, 2016

Illea was not surprised by how her sister responded.  "I'm sorry Spring.  I'm so very sorry.  I know that we just found each other once more but this place... the Teekon Wilds... it just holds way too many sad memories for me.  I hope you understand that I must go.  I'm sorry."  Illea approached Spring, giving her a wolf version of a hug and mumured goodbye and recieved one from her sister.  Then Illea turned and left to leave the Teekon Wilds forever.  She was sad as she did this, but this could be a new beginning for her.  The Teekon Wilds hadn't been so great, but maybe the next place would be better.  She thoguht that she would feel sad as she left, but instead she felt as though a huge wieght had been lifted from her shoulders.  She could start over, this time with knowledge of what she had left behind before.


Illea would travel for a couple weeks, leaving the Teekon Wilds, but then she would be reunited with her family and their pack.  Her siblings that had left when she and Spring had been at the ripe age of seven months.  She would tell them the sad news of her parents death and they would welcome her with open arms.  Illea would tell them of Spring and her travels and her siblings and their pups would be intrested in finding this place called Teekon Wilds.  Maybe someday they would come.  Illea probably never would though.  She was happy with this new pack and she would be for many seasons to come.