Wolf RPG
Ankyra Sound Bow your head, they're pious here - Printable Version

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Bow your head, they're pious here - Wylla - May 27, 2016

The dark and gloom of Lusca's chosen hollow was oppressive as dusk fell upon the sound, but Wylla was not aware of it. Her circadian rhythm had yet to find its bearing within her heart of hearts and her physiology was not yet slave to the rise and fall of the sun. She was as awake at the fall of dusk as she was at midnight and at dawn, and her raucous cries and joyous yelps alike were a constant chorus for the poor resting mother whose muzzle she rudely assaulted with pokes of her pugged nose.

But whether because Lusca was asleep or because she was ignoring her, Wylla's prodding went unanswered. With no sense of time, direction or privacy, the babe didn't know that doing this for five minutes on end was generally inappropriate, nor did she realize that doing it for another ten minutes was like to make Lusca snap. In fact, she didn't know it was annoying, and was merely exploring her single sense, which was touch, in a way that was unfortunately grating. The tiny dilute black wolf's tail wriggled and slapped against Lusca's wrist with all the power of a mosquito as she prodded her mother's face again and squeaked as a whisker tickled across her sealed eyelids.

RE: Bow your head, they're pious here - Caiaphas - June 02, 2016

pp of lusca if that is ok <3

caiaphas may not have shared blood with lusca or her brood, but that did not stop her from adopting the aggressive role of miserable matron. jealously she had watched as lusca nursed the trio, a sting of insecurity rising unbidden in her throat as she watched the pups seek lusca over her. caiaphas swooped in as soon as she could, placing her narrow and snipey muzzle alongside wylla as she wriggled near lusca's face. caiaphas glared dolefully at the unwilling mother, and without asking permission gingerly lipped wylla's beating body in the hopes to pull her close to her chest and groom her.

RE: Bow your head, they're pious here - Wylla - June 02, 2016

Prod, prod, prod, went the blind cub's nose against the droopy skin at the corner of Lusca's lip. She would've kept on going, but all of a sudden there was a jostle and a bump, and then she was being rolled away from her mother. Wylla didn't understand and began to wail our demands that no one could understand, but when she came to rest against the soft chest of someone else, she was no longer able to truly tell the difference. The smell was wrong, but the warmth was the same, and her consciousness was not yet shy of company.

She settled into an unsettled quiet, with intermittent grunts and whines and other newborn noises to punctuate what otherwise would've been a peaceful silence. Her lips smacked several times and she reached out her forepaws as though to stretch, with tiny toes curling, as she arched her back against Caiaphas' chest.

RE: Bow your head, they're pious here - Caiaphas - June 12, 2016

omg lil angel

lusca had not halted caiaphas' attempt to purloin the pup from her flank, and emboldened caiaphas had claimed little wylla as her own. in many ways it infuriated the salt queen that she, wishing for her own brood to care for, was incapable of the task -- while a wolf like lusca who disparaged the task was blessed with three mewling pups to care for. these thoughts festered in the silent queen's mind as she inspected the darkborn pup, wishing furiously they were of her own blood. it was that day that she swore the trio would never know lusca as their true kin; with soft laps of her tongue she caressed the child as it arched against her. perhaps now her scent and touch would be foreign, but caiaphas would see to it that they grew to love her -- or else.

RE: Bow your head, they're pious here - Wylla - June 13, 2016

The furl of Caiaphas' tongue over her small body brought the same comfort her mother's attention did, and she warbled out something incomprehensible between a growl and a grunt. Her toes flexed appreciatively, for the moment almost kitten-like, though this tendency to knead the digits would fade with time. She made an effort to crane her neck for some unknown reason, but her head was too large and her shoulders not yet strengthened, and her chin thumped to earth with a startled cry.

RE: Bow your head, they're pious here - Caiaphas - June 14, 2016

caiaphas, new to this 'foster mom' business, was delighted to witness the gentle trill of her adopted daughter. her wisplike tail beat happily in the sand as the small blob outfurled her delicate toes, a gesture that would have melted even the most steely of hearts. caiaphas expression collapsed when the little babe's head fell back and with concern she rushed her nose to the whelp's face, licking her furiously in the attempts to soothe or abate the pup's pain. while thus far her parenting left much in the way of want, she hoped her movement and cradling attempts would mollify the tiny individual.