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Blackfoot Forest Just like fire - Printable Version

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Just like fire - Leto - May 28, 2016

love conquers all <3 @Aaron @Amara

Leto found this land as barren as the rest of the Teekon Wilds, devoid of plant life and lacking a good deal of prey. Hopefully this wouldn't affect his chances of entering the pack he was quickly coming upon, especially giving the familiar smell of a certain female...

His white paws came to a stop outside the border, lowering his muzzle to sniff the scent marked line. Three stood out to him- that of the Alpha male, the Alpha female, and a third that smelled similar to his sister's. Given that it had been nearly two years that he had seen or smelt his younger sister, it could have been an entirely different wolf but he would see later. 

For now, Leto raised his head to the evening sky and howled to draw the attention of the Alphas or any other high rankers who might take it upon themselves to come speak to the pale man.

RE: Just like fire - Maevra - May 29, 2016

Feel free to skip my posts when the alphas arrive

Minna carefully replaces the dirt over the tiny seed, wondering if she should do anything to help it grow. Having found the seed in her fur, she had decided to plant it and discover what it was. So immersed she was in the plant, she did not notice the arrival of the male maybe 50 meters away. When he did howl, she jumped, the closeness frightening her. She shook herself, heart pounding,  as she reminded herself that she was a pack wolf now, and did not need to fear strangers nearly as much.

She waited for a few minutes, but seeing no Alphas arriving and deciding they must be travelling here or otherwise engaged, she lopped forward to meet the male himself. 

"Hello" she chuffed amiably as she approached him. She stopped a few metered away, still inside the border. "I'm Minna. What would your name be?" She smiled, taking a moment to admire the handsome male. "This is my pack, Rosings. I'm new, though- so I won't be able to help you too much"

RE: Just like fire - Leto - May 29, 2016

Leto grinned wolfishly as the rather beautiful female appeared, distracted from his quest to find Liri by a pretty face. She was shorter than he, with a reddish brown pelt that was frosted with grey. Her eyes were a honey brown that sparkled with intelligence and kindness.

"Hi there, pretty lady. I'm Leto, a pleasure to make your acquaintance." The pale man winked at her, blatantly obvious in his flirting. It wasn't meant to sweet talk his way into the pack, it was just the way Leto behaved around pretty girls such as Minna.

RE: Just like fire - Maevra - May 29, 2016

If wolves could blush, Minna most definitley would have. She offered him a smile, and sat, feeling that this male was non-threatening. "Well, Leto, it is certainly lovely to meet such a charmer as yourself" she chuffed, feathery tail swept over her paws. Her stance was relaxed, easygoing- she was no wolf to push rank, especially when so fresh to the pack. 
Her ears flicked backward for a second, trying to discern if any of the alpha's were approaching. She heard no one, but that didn't mean they weren't nearby. "I assume you are here to join? At least, I hope you are" she said with a wink.

RE: Just like fire - Leto - May 29, 2016

"That I am. Pretty and smart." He chuckled, glad that Minna hadn't clammed up and instead had flirted back with him. Leto didn't bother explaining that he was looking for Liri, he had a hunch that she was here and didn't want his entrance to reside solely on being related to one of the members.

"Rosings, huh? Is there roses around here in the summer or somethin'?" Leto sat as she did, head cocking to the side curiously as he glanced around intrigued.

RE: Just like fire - Maevra - May 30, 2016

Leto seemed interested in the name of the pack, and truthfully Minna was also interested in the origin of the name- however, she had never asked. She assumed, like Leto, that perhaps beautiful roses had been growing here when the pack was founded- but she really had no idea "Frankly, I don't know. You guess is as good as mine- I have yet to ask Amara." She felt most comfortable around the petit female, having not yet met the male alpha that ruled by her side. "She's the alpha, by the way. She and Aaron lead together."

*shoves @Amara*

RE: Just like fire - Amara - May 31, 2016

A summoning howl woke Amara from her slumber, and she yawned, displaying her ivory fangs. She shook her pelt, casting her gaze around the river beside which she had fallen asleep. Tiny buds and growths along the riverbank brightened Amara's hopes considerable, these small signs of renewal following the ravaging of the woods putting a smile on her muzzle.

Spinning on her heel, Amara adopted a steady lope as she headed toward the call. Soon, she met the scent trail of Minna, her newest subordinate. She had yet to formulate an opinion of the girl, having seen her only once or twice before. She had meant to ask her about her lilting accent and the odd language she had spoken the day she had joined their ranks, but could not find the time.

She stopped, puzzled, out of sight of the pair. Her ears flicked forward, catching strains of voices. Minna looked happy, at ease, as did the stranger, who's appearence seemed oddly familiar to the alpha. She listened a little while longer. Were they...flirting? Amara adopted a dominant stance, and loped quickly toward the two. She fastened her gaze on Leto, glancing quickly at Minna and chuffing softly in greeting. "What do you seek by our borders?" she asked the male in an even tone.

RE: Just like fire - Leto - June 01, 2016

Leto could tell by the way this one acted that it would be an unwise decision to speak as he had with Minna. Judging by this woman's scent, she was the Alpha and already had a mate. 

"I would like to join your pack if you deem me worthy. I can hunt and fight, but I also learned healing as a child." Leto spoke honestly, dipping his head in respect as he offered up his skills for this amber colored woman.

RE: Just like fire - Maevra - June 01, 2016

Minna offered a shy smile to the alpha female, having not seen her since her recruitment. She offered an encouraging glance to Leto, standing slightly behind her alpha as she spoke. Her ears perked with interest as he spoke of his knowledge of herbs, it seemed that everyone she met had some knowledge of them, unlike her former packs. It seemed like Rosings was a kind pack of healers, which she supposed was nice. She remained silent, watching Amara with interest. This male seemed charming, and he could contribute. She hoped Amara accepted him.

RE: Just like fire - Amara - June 01, 2016

For a moment, Amara considered. Times were hard, and yet another mouth to feed would make thing just a little harder. However, he was male, and the pack was in need of male members. Two males and five females was unmatched, how would they continue the marriages? She eyed the male in silence for a moment, weighing the pro's and con's. He could fight, which was good, she had a feeling that most of her pack were peaceful creatures, and fighting was not among their strengths. He was a burly creature, one that would most surely be a useful addition to the pack. She had made her decision.

"Very well. If you will respect your pack mates, and our laws, you may be accepted. After a while in the pack, you will be paired with a mate as per our tradition. If you accept, you may join Rosings" she smiled at the male, turning and addressing Minna. "If you would, please, show Leto around the territory, perhaps to meet a few of his packmates?" Amara turned, and with a nod at both of them, departed.

RE: Just like fire - Leto - June 02, 2016

Leto felt his brows raise in surprise at the mention of being married, the pale man made no complaint. What was to complain about, having a wife didn't seem so bad..

"Thank you." Leto replied graciously, thankful for a place amongst their ranks. Smiling at Minna, he moved to her side and waited for her to lead the way.

RE: Just like fire - Maevra - June 02, 2016

Tail wagging in excitment, Minna dipped her head at the newest member. "Welcome, Leto!" she smiled. Perhaps he would spar with her sometime? He might be able to teach her something. She brushed against his pelt as he moved to her side, briefly, before setting off at a walk. "Follow me!" She set off at a steady lope, eager to show him her home.
Would you like to archive this and start a new thread with Leto/Minna, or would you like to continue here, or say that she showed him around behind the scenes?