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Hushed Willows hammer out the details - Printable Version

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hammer out the details - RIP Tavi - May 29, 2016

For anyone she hasn't interacted with in a while! @Trick or @Teagan maybe?

With the messengers return, Tavi had a lot to process. Reek's level of knowledge was at a point that made her uncomfortable, suggesting that he could track her down all the more easily - he just needed to seek out her scent, and try to identify one of her subordinates through the trees. He'd have to do the search on his own though, as nobody else in the grotto would know what to look for. Maybe she was overthinking this? But it was all for the sake of Tambourine. The boy had to remain safe, and for that to happen Octavia would need help. She knew she couldn't rely on Nova Rose for anything anymore - and Stark was forfeit, which was why he had been delegated the task of being Tambourine's shadow.

That left... Someone else. But the names of the other wolves slipped her mind. It was frustrating to think that her time within her den had severed her connections so thoroughly, but it had. Octavia didn't know the territory as she needed to, or the wolves living within it. Today was her attempt at remedying things. She left Tambourine in the care of Stark, and then ventured out of the crook for a long overdue bit of exploration.

She avoided the fringes of the landscape where she had once slept beneath the trees. The borders did tempt her though, so briefly Octavia visited them, sniffing and searching; she noticed that they had been refreshed recently but she couldn't identify the specific wolf who had done the job. With a shift of her body she deviated along her path until a silhouette came in to view, then called out to them, Hey, got a sec? Whoever it was, she had a job for them.

RE: hammer out the details - Trick - May 29, 2016

Sneaks in

Whether or not he liked doing it, someone had to do it. Marking the borders was an easy yet time consuming activity, but what else was he supposed to do? He was too afraid to ask if he could sit the young brat he had both scented and heard about, and hunting or looking for herbs wasn't really an option anymore. Scouting was not his thing, only for looking for plants, and he wondered where the hell he would even go if he decided to leave for a short time. The mountains were scary, he didn't like being around others, and the barren land wasn't really a place of beauty to admire.

With a blank face, he pulled up his leg and marked a random tree that was in his way. He sighed. He was almost done, but without the company of Stark this was rather boring. He trotted further, increasing his speed. The faster this was done, the faster he could do nothing again. But alas, sometime he couldn't even have the silence to accompany him.

He turned around at the female voice, seeing none other than the woman he had gotten out of bed for once. She was the alpha female now, right? Oh bother, Trick only bowed to Warbone because he needed to. This female would be no different. More than one. He replied, making his way to the bigger wolf, tail neutrally following him everywhere. What's the matter, my lady? He asked, bowing down for a few seconds just as he did with Warbone every so often. 

RE: hammer out the details - RIP Tavi - May 29, 2016

It was a dark figure, which marked a third shadow within her life. The nearer they came to one another, the more Tavi could see of the stranger - and she recognized him as the wolf who had aided her during that tumultuous night ages ago. She couldn't think of his name though, which made her feel immensely guilty. Nothing particularly, she hastily corrected, because really there was nothing wrong. And since he was a healer, that was likely where his mind went first. I'm hungry like everyone else around here, but y'know, we'll all manage, ah, but then why did she call for him? Enough blathering girl, get on with it!

I was wondering about the borders. How often do you patrol them? At their mention, she turned her attention to the surroundings and looked around, her gaze sweeping across the area. Maybe we can walk them together? I need to get more familiar with this place, what with living for so long in a cave, but that wasn't the point either. She wanted to ask about border strength, whether they should build a giant wall and make Larksong pay for it, and all sorts of other things. This seemed like the best way to get to know the guard and the territory at once, and at least that way Octavia could judge if this was the right man for the job.

RE: hammer out the details - Trick - May 30, 2016

Tavi is Donald Trump 2.0 XD

Without many herbs, except the ones that were saved by Grace, there was little to heal. That was the main reason why he was now wandering the borders almost every morning. Hunting wasn't an option either, for he was bad at fishing and surely there wouldn't be any hares or anything around for a few more weeks. So that was why he wasn't disappointed on not getting another healing job. He did have to check out the new brat soon, for if he didn't, he both didn't feel like a part of the pack and perhaps the little one had some weird disease no one had yet noticed. Who could tell really. hungry you say? Why, perhaps fishing would help. I could catch one for you when I have the time. He offered, though he wasn't good at it as stated before. He had to learn somehow though, so why not now?

Every morning I walk and mark them, and I believe Nova does some borderwork too. He informed, feeling his time at the borders was not a secret at all. Uhm, sure My lady, anything that will please the new mother. He answered, kind of confused about her motives for wanting to walk the borders with him. She could explore the area from the inside much better, trick believed, but who was he to judge?

RE: hammer out the details - RIP Tavi - May 30, 2016

She smiled at his offer to fish something up for her, but she didn't say anything on the topic of food. Fish wasn't her ideal meal — then again, she'd eaten a baby so she really shouldn't complain when something like seafood was on the menu.

Octavia noticed a brief confusion welling in Trick's expression, and then he spoke. She hastily imparted some important knowledge to the guardsman: Nova Rose will not be doing patrols anymore. I'm withdrawing her from that duty, so it will be up to you, Teagan, and anyone else available. Maybe take Kunik along. That would probably just confuse Trick more, so she explained after a moment - letting him process that before plunging in to a more detailed explanation.

Nova Rose and Stark went on a mission for me recently to visit my son's father. I'd rather keep them from the borders in case he comes looking for us, because he'd recognize them. But the pack needed to be defended and the markers renewed, so it would mean more work for the others.

RE: hammer out the details - Teagan - May 31, 2016

Perhaps Teagan had been neglecting his most basic duties to the pack. He'd spent, perhaps far too much time, exploring the area around, then hunting for food, away from the packlands. It wasn't intentional, he supposed, since his main motive was to clear his head, and he couldn't seem to do it around the company of fellow wolves, despite being packmates. But it still had consequences, and Teag might have realised it far too late. It didn't matter now, the 'clearing his head' mission had not worked out anyways, so he might as well stay home and do his duty there. Patrolling, hunting, whatever they needed of him, he could do it. 

Teagan's main purpose was a diplomat; he liked to talk, he talked well, he charmed his way into people's heads and hearts and perhaps more, so why not put that tongue to use? Except, in a famine, talking wouldn't help much. So he fought and he hunted; he wasn't that bad either; he was quite good at those skills, if he did say so himself, but the purpose was fading from his life and the urge to find a new one was blossoming again. He would leave, but he had promised Warbone and he didn't like breaking promises.

Lifting a leg wearily, he pissed on the ground, mind elsewhere. Just as he began walking again, he stopped, ears twitching as he caught a sound; a familiar voice, accompanied by a familiar scent, or scents, should he say. Teagan cocked his head, before approaching them, "What'cha talking about?"

RE: hammer out the details - Trick - May 31, 2016

She didn't say yes to the offer, but also not no. It just left Trick confused- and more determined to do it anyway. Guess that's settled then. He answered, not awaiting an answer anymore. It wasn't like he was doing it all for her, but to up his skills at fishing. The sooner he got good at it, the better.

His ears twitched at the information. Why couldn't Nova do it? She was capable, even with her older body, and she seemed like she didn't even dislike the job as much as Trick did. He raised one eyebrow, and wrinkled his nose at the mention of Kunkun. Right, that was not going to happen. Kunkun was NOT going to walk the borders with him, not with her suspicious looks and bitchy attitude. Trick would rather jump off a cliff than peeing on stuff with her to protect his so called "home". He doubted Kunik even liked border work too, especially with him around. Perhaps his boy friend was a better candidate for the job, or perhaps even Stark. He was good at keeping a conversation going, and was kind of interesting. Alright, as you wish. I will try and find Teagan to tell him of this. Trick agreed, but left Kunik out of the conversation. It was Teabag and him or no one at all.

Ah, so Stark was out of the question too then. Oh well, bother. At least the reason for it was somewhat understandable, though Trick did not get why the father of the brat was not allowed to know where they were. It wasn't like he was able to sneak in or anything to eat the child, if that was the kind of man he was. Oh dear, now Trick was wondering why the Alpha female wasn't with this man anymore. Understan- He was cut-off mid sentence, and swiveled his head backwards to see a familiar fiery coat approaching. Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Trick commented with a smirk. Good to see you, Teagan. He purred just slightly sexy enough to seem natural. It wasn't like they were official or anything, but still he didn't want the alpha to think anything dirty. 

He did not answer his boy friend's question though, having no real idea what this was all about in the first place, and so placed his gaze upon Tavi.

RE: hammer out the details - RIP Tavi - June 01, 2016

No sooner had she mentioned Teagan, he did indeed surface. His demeanor remained aloof, and Tavi watched him for a moment. She did not feel the need to repeat herself in full, so she surmised by repeating only the more important bits: We're talking about you, actually. Both of you. Octavia remained oblivious to the connection the two males may have forged, as it was none of her business and she wouldn't have cared if she'd known anyway. As long as the jobs got done and her son was safe, they could do as they pleased. Carrying on with her explanation, she was curt. I'm switching things around, so it'll be up to you, Trick, and Kunik to keep the borders maintained and protected. He can fill you in on the details, she motioned to Trick; though there weren't many details, Tavi wanted to get back to her son and wasn't interested in going through it all over again. With that said, she turned and began to depart from their company - though she passed a thin smile to the both of them, neutral but friendly as she left them.

RE: hammer out the details - Teagan - June 01, 2016

A crooked smirk tugged at Teagan's lips at Trick's words, "Sounds right enough," he said, lifting a shoulder in a shrug. "I am a devil; a hot one at that." He glanced at Tavi and smiled at her, green eyes twinkling and bowed to her respectfully. "My lady," he said, duly acknowledging her presence. "Forgive me...for my," he cocked his head thoughtfully, "banter? Yeah, banter sounds right enough. It's probably wrong but...." he shrugged, smiling. 

Tavi told him that they were speaking about him, and at that, he refrained from making a smart comment about how he was flattered; he didn't think she would appreciate it, but then again, he didn't know her well. "Sounds good to me," he said with a shrug and another one of his smiles, "Trick and I'll keep the borders maintained and protected, won't we?" Teagan flashed a subtle wink at his boy friend before turning his attention back on the silver Alpha Female. She turned and made to depart from their company, giving them both a thin smile in which he returned with a crooked grin.

RE: hammer out the details - Trick - June 01, 2016

Flaming. Trick teased with a small purr. His attention returned to the reason they were gathered, something about the borders yadi yada. He was not the one to say that he was forgiven or not for intruding on their conversation, for he did not feel it was his place to do so. Teagan himself was a Gamma and the woman in front of them was the Alpha, so yeah. Sure, Trick felt like he deserved a higher rank by now after all he had done (making a herb cave, caring for Warbone's wounds, running out in the night to help the first pregnant woman, giving up most of his food for the others and walking the borders etc.) But again felt it was not his place to say it. 

Affirmative. He spoke formerly, giving a handsome side grin at Teagan. As soon as Tavi's back was turned though, he rolled his eyes. They did not need to tell Kunik of this. Two was enough, or else; he was out. When Tavi was far enough to not hear them anymore, he spoke again. We do not need Kunik's help, right? He asked, hopeful sparkling green eyes looking at the fiery coat color of his boy friend that had almost the same emerald orbs as him, that actually made a beautiful contrast with his coat.

RE: hammer out the details - Teagan - June 01, 2016

Teagan winked at Trick, he might be a bit down but he still had that sarcastic bad boy vibe with him. Nah, that was going to stick with him to his death bed. Even if he had a gray muzzle and gray hairs ruining the red of his pelt, he was still going to be that bad boy he'd always been since birth. Ain't nothing going to change that, ever. "Naughty boy," he flashed Trick a sideway smirk, keeping an eye on Tavi. He had caught Trick roll his eyes and thought it to be rather amusing for the man to be annoyed at someone.

Teagan shrugged. "We'll be a good team," he said with a boyishly charming smile. "I mean, we should probably use more wolves because of the threat of famine. But," Teag smirked, a mischievous glint entering his cunning viridian gaze. "When have we ever done something just because we should." He rolled his eyes. "I mean, I haven't. Have you?" he inquired, amusement evident in the lazy smile playing on his lips.

RE: hammer out the details - Trick - June 02, 2016

Trick was not at all as sassy as the smoldering ember was, but no one could argue about if he was a bad boy. He was not a bad boy as some might call just a fuck boy for a one night stand, oh no, he was pure evil. Or that was what he was told and what he told himself. A curse hung around him, but if he was the one cursed or the ones beside him was up to debate. He smirked, giving a cute side eyed look at his boy friend, who had still no idea what the obsidian man was up to.

For a moment, Trick was afraid Teagan wanted Kunik to come, that they had some "special friendship bond" or something. Then again, he had never smelled Kunik on him, nor had he seen them together at all. Trick's green eyes glimmered sadly at Teagan's words, though he did not show how much pain they brought him. Some things have to be done. He said with a smile. Yes, some things he just should do.

RE: hammer out the details - Teagan - June 02, 2016

Kunik. Yeah, Teagan had seen her around, but he didn't think he'd ever really had a good old conversation with her that lasted more than a few words and commands which was rather strange, to be honest, as Teag was usually the one who knew all the wolves, were good friends, or perhaps, occasionally, bad enemies with them. With that, despite the fact that his darling boy friend did not seem to like this girl, he decided that he was going to find her, when he had a chance, and get to know her. They were packmates after all.

Teag noted the sadness that flashed through Trick's eyes and bit his lip, anxious that his words may have offended his friend in some way. He didn't show his worry though, but simply smiled the same smile he always wore and lifted a shoulder in a shrug, "I suppose so," he said and looked around. "Speaking about things needing to be done, patrol with me?" he flashed the swarthy man a winning smile.

fade? :)

RE: hammer out the details - Trick - June 02, 2016

Eeyop, I'll archive :)

Emotion faded away with the seconds spent in silence, and Trick grinned. He nodded. Of course, patrolling wasn't fun at all, but perhaps with Teabag by his side things would be a little more endurable. Affirmative. Trick spoke, walking ahead toward the borders where they would patrol.

Short because I never know how to end a thread XD