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Hushed Willows would you still love me the same. - Printable Version

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would you still love me the same. - Harlyn - June 03, 2016

@Tavi only plz :) I tagged everyone throughout just for visibility <3

Harlyn left them a mile or so away from the borders of the pack she hoped would take them in. It was with a confident smile and calm reassurance that she left her children in the care of @Shikoba and @Little Voice, in spite of the battle that had ensued when she'd had to deny @Larkspur's pleas to not be left behind. But the trek from her little clan to the borders of the Keep had seen the fall of her false optimism and the loss of her ease - a sight she did not wish for her family to see. It came upon her whenever their attention was elsewhere, and she did not think that she could keep it up now when she went to beg complete strangers to help her save the lives of her loved ones.

@Mordecai was gone. Harlyn had clung desperately to the hope that he would come back to them for the first couple of weeks since the day he went off into the Wilds to hunt for them and never returned. Warbone's offer had been on their minds, and it seemed certain that they would accept after taking the time to consider. But when her mate had disappeared, Harlyn had held ground at their little camp in the Emberwood. Too terrible was the thought that they would leave and he would find them gone. It was too painful to lose him when she had already lost so much.

It was Larkspur's recent foray into the Wilds herself that drove Harlyn's paws finally towards the Keep. They were too hungry, too anxious and too exhausted to care for three growing pups, especially those that were growing too distressed to sit still while their father was missing. As Harlyn embraced her daughter when they had found her again, she had realized that she could not doom them all to waste away while they awaited Mordecai's return. They needed to move on. She needed to move on. From him, from the Hollow. From her dreams that had come true for one fleeting moment in her life. Her time was past. It was time to look to the future, but not her own.

@Silas. Lark. @Pippin.

Harlyn stood a respectful distance from the borders, her posture neutral but not without the pride that the druid exuded simply by the grace of her character. In truth, she had no reason to be proud. She had lost her home, her mate, and most of her family. But what she kept, she was devoted to entirely. They needed her to be strong. They needed her to be humble. They needed her to tilt back her head and call for the alpha of this pack and beg for shelter from the ruin their prior lives had become, which she did in spite of the pain it caused her to make such a symbolic gesture as a final close to her prior life.

RE: would you still love me the same. - RIP Tavi - June 03, 2016

Everything was going so well for the wolves of the Keep these days. The famine aside, there had been no reports of strangers on the borders or any attempts by Reek to seek out his baby boy in earnest. The restructuring that Octavia had done seemed to be accepted easily enough; they did not know if Warbone would ever come back, but until he did it was up to her to lead them. She had a support network that would help with that, and with Tambourine, so Tavi felt like her worries were at an all-time low. That she could enjoy the semblance of peace and (albeit meager) prosperity that they struggled for every day. After introducing Tambourine to the pack Octavia knew that they would love him, that he was safe with them, so she could focus on other things.

She busied herself around the territory as if imbibed by her son's own endless energy; she had a bath, patrolled the borders (without reinforcing them, which was likely an odd choice to any outsider) and was tucking in to some scraps of bone from a cache when a call rose up for her. The voice was unfamiliar, but the tone - that desperation - she knew all too well. A part of Octavia wondered if this was the Larksong calling; her fur bristled, and she dropped the well-worn bone from her grasp as she listened. If it was Reek then she'd need back-up, wouldn't she? But the voice was feminine, it was filled with an underlying pride even with the ongoing circumstances, and gradually Octavia worked her mind away from thoughts of her ex-paramour.

It did not take long for her to seek out the origin of that call, although she was just as surprised upon discovering the dusky woman so near to her pack. The silver hairs of her scruff lifted along with her head, and she advanced upon this rogue with the intent of driving her away — but when she was closer, she could detect the scents of many other wolves. There was a sweetness to some of those layered scents, the same sweetness that Tambourine held, and Octavia realized this wasn't just any rogue but a mother, and for a moment her agitation was muted.

You called for me, but how did you know we were here? Had someone been disobeying Warbone's direct orders and spreading stories about the Keep? Her words were direct but the tone hardly antagonistic, despite her feeling a touch defensive. Assuming a sense of calm that Octavia didn't naturally exude, she added, I would like to know your intentions.

RE: would you still love me the same. - Harlyn - June 03, 2016

Harlyn didn't have to wait too long for her call to be answered. She saw the woman approach at a distance and took a steadying breath. She had never before felt so anxious to meet an alpha and request room in their pack. It had never struck her as this humiliating. Perhaps it was the fact that she'd ruled over a pack of her own just a few short weeks ago. Maybe it was the fact that she had failed to keep them safe under her law. Regardless, shame crept through her blood as the stranger approached and Harlyn lowered herself to an appropriately submissive posture before her.

"Warbone," Harlyn replied when prompted, "He came upon my family and I about a month ago and offered us shelter in his pack. I've come to see if his offer still stands and if there might be a place for us amongst his ranks." She was unaware that the woman upon whose paws Harlyn's gaze was trained had taken his place as alpha. As far as she knew, Warbone was the only leader of this pack. He'd never spoken of another. But then again, he'd never warned of a pregnant female within his ranks either, but this one before her smelled too strongly of milk and young pups to have been anything but. In spite of her intentions in coming here, the smallest fraction of doubt slipped into her heart that this was actually the best course of action.

RE: would you still love me the same. - RIP Tavi - June 03, 2016

As the words spilled out from the stranger's mouth, Octavia felt her blood run cold and her heart seize. It seemed like a lie, an outright lie, that Warbone would ever offer the pack to anyone. Then again, he had welcomed her, and she had been quite desperate. Perhaps it was his way. Whether it was something she would honor now, as he was no longer among them, Octavia was not sure. She thought of her son and of the pack's limited resources; she observed this woman, this mother, and saw the desperation within her; and most importantly, she felt a great swelling of empathy that overshot any apprehension within herself. Yes, this woman was a mother, and she was in great need. Who knows how far she has traveled with her children simply to bow down before Warbone -- before Octavia -- and beg for help.

I wasn't aware of any such offer, Octavia felt herself explaining, stating a fact. Warbone had left to find food and then returned, and then vanished again, not a word passing between the two of them about this arrangement. Octavia fell silent then, thinking, watching, trying to get a feel for the woman without making any decisions yet. Finally she announced, My name is Octavia. I was Warbone's co-alpha up until recently, when he disappeared. I think he went off in search of more supplies for us, but I am uncertain. It seemed as if she was listing off the various reasons not to allow this woman entry.

Tell me, when did you last see him? She needed to know, was desperate herself for this information. A note of curiosity rose within Tavi's voice as she spoke, and she stepped towards the grovelling woman, and then idly sniffed at her, gathering scents, searching her for signs of Warbone, for clues, for anything. If... If I accept this offer, what part of this would benefit my pack? We have our own problems. The famine is a struggle for each of us. She did not list her son among the reasons for her resistance, although this stranger could probably smell him upon her; Octavia felt that such details weren't required at this point. She wanted some answers before anything could progress beyond idle talk.

RE: would you still love me the same. - Harlyn - June 04, 2016

Warbone had apparently never spoken to this female of his offer to her family. The comment further convinced her that this woman must have had some significant relationship with him, which turned out to be an accurate assessment moments later when she explained that she had in fact been alpha at his side. Harlyn's heart clenched nervously. This Octavia had not known of this arrangement, and now Warbone was no longer here to vouch for them. She really was at the mercy of fate now, and fate had been her worst enemy as of late.

"I saw him perhaps a month ago," Harlyn admitted, stilling as the woman came closer to inspect her. She debated explaining more about why it had taken her so long to arrive at their doorstep; how they had needed time to decide if they were going to remain here in the Wilds or try to find greener pasture, how Mordecai had disappeared and she'd waited for him. Had she paid more attention, she would have considered that they seemed to be in similar states. Both mothers with young to care for, their main providers vanished. They were kindred spirits it seemed.

But Harlyn's focus was elsewhere. "I am a healer," the druid responded, "I've been practicing the art since I was a child at my grandmother's side. I know much of caring for wounds, medicinal plants, and of remedies for other ailments and illnesses." Harlyn paused for a moment to think of her other wolves. "I have two other adults with me. One is an accomplished warrior, and the other is a gentle, caring soul that has been a wonderful caregiver to my children."

It was then that Harlyn's demeanor changed somewhat and emotion seeped into the fringes of her tone in spite of her attempts to keep it at bay. "I have three, nearly five months old. Two boys and a girl." She could have gone on, about how scared and exhausted they were from having been so abruptly removed from the comfort of the only life they'd ever known. How their mother had failed to keep them safe and happy. How their father had disappeared on them and broken their hearts. Harlyn swallowed hard and was quiet.

RE: would you still love me the same. - RIP Tavi - June 04, 2016

A month. He had been trying to aid the Marauders at that time. Had his hunt for food led him to this ragtag group she described? Octavia's brow furrowed as she listened, and her ears swivelled to catch the explanations. The woman looked so forlorn and so hungry - but her own family was the same. They were all hungry. Could Tavi really be expected to honor this deal when she couldn't confirm its validity? Could she do it, knowing that this woman, her followers, her children, would be taking resources away from her own bouncing bundle of joy? The Keep housed one healer and at least one, maybe two herbalists, already. They had warriors too, but not many. Tavi wasn't sure what to do — and it was clear what Warbone would've done had he been here to greet this woman instead. If what she's saying is the truth, Tavi's sceptical brain reminded her.

When the stranger mentioned her children, Octavia felt her heart swell. Her worries diminished as she listened, and instead her empathy grew immense in its place. She was silent through this segment of the exchange, letting the stranger have her time to explain and to make things known, yet when her voice shifted Octavia couldn't help but wonder, is this what I would sound like? Would I beg someone to save me and Tambourine? Warbone had done that for her. He had accepted her without question, protected her until Tambourine had been born. He must have seen something within this woman - and her wolves - to make him react the same way for them. If she told the truth (and Octavia was, oddly enough, choosing to believe her rather than do the natural thing and drive her off), then Warbone would expect Tavi to honor the deal.

We have room, she mumbled, having lost a little of her confidence when faced with such pleading, such emotion. If Octavia had chosen to leave with Tambourine at any point, she would be in the same position as this woman. Imagining that - and seeing how pained this mother appeared to be when faced with the struggles of surviving this famine - Tavi couldn't help but empathize, even if it was out of character for her to do so. I am also a mother. I cannot imagine the struggle of.. Of being alone in the wilderness. Of wandering with children and keeping them safe. We can keep them safe. A thin smile crept across her face a moment later as she asked, What am I to call you?

RE: would you still love me the same. - Harlyn - June 04, 2016

The woman was quiet for what seemed like such a long while. Harlyn began to worry. Maybe she needed to say more. Maybe she needed to lie down and beg. A terrible thought struck her then, that perhaps this woman would reject them all. Could she beg them to at least take her and her children? Could she beg this mother to take, if no one else, her children? The thought was one she had considered before, in her darkest hours. If she could not find shelter for herself, Little Voice and Shikoba, would she have the strength to leave her children with complete strangers if it meant they would be cared for?

Yes. She would.

Fortunately, the gods at long last gave the druid a break. Octavia was quiet when she spoke again, but her voice grew as she continued. Harlyn's heart throbbed at her words, and tears pricked the corners of her eyes. She had taken care of her family. She had not failed them this time. She was trembling as she breathed in relief. "You have no idea what this means to me," she murmured, but then stopped as she realized that yes, perhaps Octavia did know. Perhaps she knew exactly what it meant.

"I am Harlyn.. Ostrega," she said, faltering slightly and surprisingly at her surname. Was she an Ostrega still without Mordecai? Her children were yes, but what was she now? "Thank you, Octavia," she continued, brushing the introspective query away for a later time.

RE: would you still love me the same. - RIP Tavi - June 04, 2016

The mother's relief flooded over her, and Octavia felt so many good feelings within herself as a result. It was rare for her to be kind to strangers; but if Warbone had sent them, they must have been worthy of his kindness, so why not her own? The woman spoke her name and Octavia, smiling kindly, drawled, I'm sure you need rest - all of you. Should I send someone with you to collect your children? Do you need help with any of that? She had said there were three adults and listed off three children, so they were probably well matched. I will find someone to go with you, and they will escort you to our communal den.

She turned then, regarded the surroundings to see if anyone else had heard the call and come to investigate, but she saw nobody. If Harlyn waited just a little longer, then Tavi could summon @Stark or maybe @Teagan, as both were strong and trusted individuals within their home. But she didn't call for either of them yet, not until she heard what Harlyn wanted. How they proceeded would be up to her. Tavi turned to look at her again, study her a little more.

RE: would you still love me the same. - Harlyn - June 04, 2016

"I will go to them," Harlyn confirmed. She didn't think it wise for her wolves to be set upon by their new packmates without her, even though they all knew the reason for why she had come here. They had all been through a great deal these past few weeks and though the offer to allow her to rest was tempting, she would not do so until she knew her family was safe.

To the prospect of an escort, Harlyn simply nodded. It would not hurt to bring someone stronger and healthier with her. It would give her the opportunity to get to know a new packmate as well, which was a plus even though she was not likely to be a great conversationalist just then. She paused as the alpha called, wondering vaguely who might come. "How old are yours?" she asked after a beat. Now that she was in the pack, her mind was free to wander back to her children still out in the Wilds. They were well within calling range, so Harlyn knew it was silly to worry that they had been hurt. Still, she worried after their well-being even when she held them in her arms. It was a simple fact of being a mother.

RE: would you still love me the same. - RIP Tavi - June 04, 2016

Tavi nodded, then cast back her head and called for both of the wolves on her mind; she did not want to make anyone feel uncomfortable, but they did have more bodies to spare, and it would not take long for her wolves to meet up with Harlyn's own or to bring them back to the Keep.

When her call ended, she turned to look upon Harlyn and wait with her until someone came along. It was at this point that her question caught in Tavi's ears, and they folded back briefly. She hadn't really thought to compare this mother's family to her own, but now that she had asked this question, Octavia's mind went to her three kids, and Octavia's single boy. Only a couple of months, if that. She licked her lips, briefly glancing at the soil beneath her paws as she gathered her thoughts. I have a little boy. His name is Tambourine, and at this she finally smiled, filled with pride for her boy.

RE: would you still love me the same. - Stark - June 05, 2016

Stark had taken up near Tambourine, watching the pup chase random little flies in the Crook. He was laying on his side when he heard Octavia's call, his ears swiveling and turning to look out towards the entrance of the Crook. After finding someone to replace him Stark exited the densite, shaking his coat out before he took off to approach Octavia. 

His blue eyes swept over the woman, quickly looking towards the unknown female. She didn't smell like a pack, but, she had a similar scent to Octavia; sweet, maternal, she had young that she was around frequently. He only hoped that they still lived in the famine. He gave Octavia a nod, coming to her side to wait for more information. He knew she'd supply her request soon enough, she never took long to get to it. 

RE: would you still love me the same. - Harlyn - June 06, 2016

Octavia confirmed Harlyn's suspicions - her son was young and he was her only. She stored the facts away in her mind for safekeeping for now was not the time to start considering her place in this pack. While she had given up on rank and prestige for herself, it mattered only for the sake of her children. Would they be treated as lesser to this young boy because his mother was alpha and she was just another subordinate? Would that matter to these wolves she now lived amongst? Harlyn was not willing to take any chances, but rising in the ranks was a priority for another day. Today, her only goal was to bring her family here and get them settled. The rest would come later, and naturally.

In spite of her thoughts, Harlyn nodded and shared a smile at the woman's comments on her son. Tambourine was his name, and it struck her as a funny little name. Little did she realize that it was well-suited for the funny little boy, and so she thought it better to keep such a comment to herself, not wanting her new alpha to take it as an insult when it wasn't meant as such. For a moment, she began to wonder if he might grow into a man her own Larkspur might take fancy to. Certainly he would be meant to rise as alpha of this pack one day, and that would mean safety and honor for her own daughter if he did take her as his mate. But it would also mean there was no place for her sons if they too aspired to the rank.

It was amidst these quiet, wandering thoughts that another wolf appeared. In spite of herself, Harlyn rose slightly to face him as he came to Octavia's side. She assumed that this was one of the wolves she had summoned and so she regarded him with respectful curiosity. Meanwhile, her heart was growing anxious to return to her family and get them safely within the borders.

RE: would you still love me the same. - RIP Tavi - June 07, 2016

Once she saw the approaching shadow, Tavi smiled to him, and beckoned him to hurry up - tossing her head a little - until they were a trio onstead of a duo. Hopefully Stark wouldn't be bothered by the addition of these adults, but more importantly, Tavi hoped everyone would accept her decision to honor Warbone's promise; the alpha may have been gone a while, but she still respected him, still considered him to be the ruler of the Marauders. Perhaps Tavi was in denial about her own position (to a point), but she knew that they all respected him regardless of his presence being here, or away. In either regard Warbone was looking out for them - and for Harlyn's small family - and Octavia would make sure it worked.

With Stark among them, Octavia could get straight to the point. This is Harlyn, she announced with a kind little look towards the mother. She is here because Warbone promised to protect what remains of her pack, and I have decided to welcome them, as he would have. I need you, and now her eyes lit upon Stark's fine features, the pause only momentary, to follow her back to where her family waits. Help them, guard them, bring them to us. You can take your sister along if you think that would make things easier. There aren't many of them. She didn't think any further explanation was necessary; the fact that Warbone had allowed it, and now she allowed it, should be enough. 

Octavia then turned back to Harlyn. Her smile was tired, but it was there, and in it boasted her compassion. You will be safe and sound, all of you, and we will survive this famine together.

RE: would you still love me the same. - Stark - June 08, 2016

He sped up as Octavia nodded towards him, offering the woman a small smile. The stranger was regarded curiously, unsure of what she was doing there but there had to be reason that he was summoned to stand with them. Harlyn. An unusual name, but, he knew his own was strange too. He met Octavia's eyes, the look in his eyes nothing short of fond. "We've got resources not all other packs do," Stark supplied, looking from Octavia to Harlyn. "Hopefully your folks like the taste of fish - it's about the best we can do." At least reliably, even though there were other small little animals running about. 

"We can go as soon as you're ready." He offered to her, knowing that Octavia would probably start explaining things to the pack and then prep them for the arrival of the other wolves. Stark wouldn't allow anything to happen to the little group, even if it meant injuries to himself. He wasn't going to fail them - there was no way. 

RE: would you still love me the same. - Harlyn - June 09, 2016

Last post for me! <3

Harlyn was quiet while Tavi explained the situation to her subordinate. She had no reason to suspect that the loyalty of Octavia's followers was somewhat in question, and so she did not think to wonder if there would be any opposition from him. It would have been a pointless worry anyway as he didn't say a word, only nodded and offered her some words of comfort.

"Thank you," Harlyn replied to him, smiling warmly, "We can go now, please." She was eager to return to her family, knowing very well that they were likely all distressed at her absence. She didn't wish to keep them waiting for long as each minute simply increased their anxiety. Boldly, Harlyn slipped forward to lick her new alpha's chin and give her muzzle a grateful nudge. Words could not express how thankful she was at this opportunity, and she was reluctant to spare the additional time it would take when her family was waiting. She turned away then, facing the wasted fields where he family awaited her.

RE: would you still love me the same. - RIP Tavi - June 09, 2016

Tavi smiled, to both of them, although her eyes lingered upon Stark for a few extra seconds. As they departed she watched them, and in silence she would turn and head back to the Crook where her son lay in wait for her, given she had nothing more to say.