Wolf RPG
Bramblepoint For forever, I'll be here - Printable Version

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For forever, I'll be here - Hedda - June 05, 2016

It had been a little over a month, since Hedda had wandered back to this densely inhabited valley to fulfill her quest, before her soul was welcomed in the realm of her master. She had been balancing on the verge of death, meeting it face to face in numerous occasions, but never quite getting there. Why had she survived this long was a mystery even to her. After all she, who knew about stages of death and how to bring one upon someone, should have the answers?

Her state had improved a little, when she had by a sheer chance and turn of fate, found a very old and obviously forgotten cache. Pieces of rotten meat, dried out fur and bones, she had spent days there, eating, what she could at one take, fighting the nausea and urge to throw it all up, and guarding it fiercely. 

But there came a day, when the well was empty and she had to move on. With her gait more stable and step having more life in it, she disappeared in the forest.

RE: For forever, I'll be here - Pala - June 05, 2016

hellooo! i must apologize in advance since i'm new here and a little more on the inexperienced side of roleplaying, sorry

There was no denying the scent of death on the air. Fortunately for her, Pala knew better to distinguish the smell as the smell of rotting prey rather than rotting wolf flesh. She knew too well how dead wolf tasted on the air.

Deep in the forest, the air was thick with humidity, and cool wet air rose from the forest floor. Insect shells and pine needles were cradled beneath at her pawpads as Pala walked. There was a water source nearby, which was tempting with her parched mouth and lungs being stifled in such heat, but considering that she could smell a border to a territory close in that direction, she didn't dare wander too far that way.

Sniffing the air again, she caught the scent of carrion and bones again and her paws itched to head that way. Where there was dead prey, there may be more prey to hunt. She wasn't entirely sure if lonely carcass smells were to be avoided or not. She had never been told. I have nothing to lose.

Nevertheless, Pala quietly ambled into the undergrowth towards the source.

RE: For forever, I'll be here - Hedda - June 11, 2016

ooc: welcome to the game!

Hedda had lived in this world long enough (and spent most of her life on her own) to know, when she was being followed, even before hearing and seeing the person. Call it a sixth sense or just an experience, accumulated over the years, the rush of the adrenaline was an unmistakeable sign that she might be in trouble. 

Oh well... she stopped to ponder on her next move and, what were her chances (not great, by the way), then simply turned to the left and went towards the nearest source of the water, which happened to be a little river with fast stream. She did not have any set plan in mind, she was curious to see, what would happen, what would the invisible hunter decide to do next.

It seemed after a while though that the hunter was not following her anymore. Which was a relief, because Hedda was not quite ready to become someone's meal yet. With this knowledge she prowled towards the edge of the forest and then further.