Wolf RPG
Silvertip Mountain Resolute - Printable Version

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Resolute - Makui - June 05, 2016

The rust coloured male stepped lightly through the land of stone and rock, this setting familiar to the young wolf. He had been born to the mountains, and his paw pads were thick and rough due to the unforgiving mountain's surface. Here, he had no problem navigating the incline, for finally, he had encountered a territory much like the one of his birth. He smelled pack-scent, and the invisible lines that marked thier hunting lands.

Suddenly, an ache filled the wolf's chest, and he stopped. He so dearly wished to be part of a pack once more, but after the last few failed attempt to join packs along the way here, he doubted his pack-joining skills. The first time he had not submitted properly, and an enraged alpha pair had driven him from thier lands, the second, he had made a joke that seemed to have offened the beta, and the third time, well...
That was an interesting story, for another time.

This time, he convinced himself, would not end so poorly. Fourth time's the charm...right? Makui twisted and angled his path toward the pack borders, toward Silvertip Mountain (though he did know it as such). He just had to avoid screwing up. He went through what to do in his mind: Submit, don't make stupid jokes, address the wolf in a respectful manner, and under no circumstances mention any missing limbs, rather unfortunate scars, or anything of that nature. Feeling a little more confident, Makui approached the borders and sat. He tilted back his muzzle and let out a call for the pack that hunted here.
(@Steady ?)

RE: Resolute - Steady - June 05, 2016

Steady heard the call and almost sighed. Lately, they had been getting many calls from wolves wanting to join. Soon, they would be a full pack once again. The thought made him happy, but he knew it meant more work. 

He trotted towards the borders, his head and tail high, showing his rank; something he took a little pride in. The multi-colored male came into his view and he stopped a few yards from him. May I help you? he questioned.

RE: Resolute - Makui - June 05, 2016

Makui watched as another wolf came toward him. His stance reeked of dominance, tail and head held high, and Makui, after a moment, lowered his own body. Submit, first thing to do. Should he have rehearsed this? Maybe he should have practised. Was his tail low enough? He didn't think so. He lowered it more.

The male asked him what he wanted, in a kind way. Makui took that as a good sign, and rememberd step two. Be respectful. "Hello, um, sir." He cringed internally at the greeting, but sir was a respectful way to address someone, he hoped. He begun his next sentence, which sadly did not turn out quite so great as the first. "I am packing for a search" He paled at the total failure of his sentance, and was quick to make amends. "I mean, I'm searching for a pack.” he said hurriedly. Had he already screwed this up? Maybe the beta wouldn’t his slip of tongue, perhaps he would.

RE: Resolute - Steady - June 05, 2016

The other male lowered his body into submission and Steady gave a wag of his tail in response. When he began to speak, Steady could tell he was nervous, and waited patiently. His head cocked to the side, not understanding his sentence until he corrected himself. What's your name? I'm Steady, Beta of Silvertip Mountain, he introduced. 

He relaxed his body a little, hoping it would help calm the nerves of the stranger. What can you offer us? he asked, his expression curious.

RE: Resolute - Makui - June 05, 2016

They male became amiable, and Makui collected himself. This was going much, much better then he had hoped for. He introduced himself as Steady, Beta. What an odd name, thought the rusty male to himself. He had never before heard a name that was also an adjective, and it intruiged him. So the pack was called Silvertip, and for some odd reason, the name sounded familiar. Makui pushed it out of his mind, and spoke in a calmer tone. "My name is Makui, and I came from the north. I am an accomplished fighter, and good at tracking." He had little strengh with herbs and hunting, but didn't tell the male that. "I can offer these things to Silvertip Mountain, as well as my loyalty and respect to you and the alpha of these lands."

RE: Resolute - Steady - June 05, 2016

It seemed Makui, as he introduced himself, was fighter, as well as a tracker. They would definitely need that when the herds began to reappear here. Good to know, we can definitely use your skills, he said, bringing his thoughts to words. 

We have pups, and they take prority here. They eat before the rest of us. Can you agree to that? he asked. Steady needed to know that every member knew that, as it was not optional.

RE: Resolute - Makui - June 05, 2016

Pups? Makui couldn't help a slight tail wag. He was most definitely a sucker for round, fuzzy blobs. "Of course, I understand. It would be an honour to meet them!" Perhaps Makui was a little ahead of himself, but the orange male was overjoyed that he had not yet screwed anything up. Was he not entitled to a little celebration? But realizing the nature of his words, quickly added "That is, of course, if you would have me" He was a little abashed, as he waited for the others words.

RE: Resolute - Steady - June 05, 2016

The dark Beta was glad to see the other begin to relax, especially at the mention of pups. Steady chuckled when Makui corrected himself, thinking he got ahead. We'll have you, he confirmed. However, you won't be able to meet the pups right away. There's a grace period, if you will, he explained. 

I'm going to pair you up with one of our other wolves,  he added, taking a moment to think. Makui seemed a little timid, and since Ezekiel said himself he could come off a little abrasive, he didn't think that was a good fit. Phocion was already mentoring Anita. Both Krypton and Niita would be good choices, and since @Krypton knew the ins and outs better, she was his choice. He threw his head back and howled for her. She should be along shortly, he said.

RE: Resolute - Makui - June 05, 2016

Makui's tail wagged in excitment. He had a pack! He hadn't botched this attempt, and they were going to have him join their ranks! "Thank you, Steady, um, sir!" He couldn't wait to meet the pups, but understood the reason for a grace period. As far as they knew, he could be a serial killer or a creep. He listened with rapt attention as Steady spoke about a partner and a she. He was eager to meet this she, whoever she may be. Was she supposed to teach him something, or tell him about the pack? Makui could not help but hope that the she wouldn't be an old lady, or someone who would have the personality of a turtle. He bowed his head respectfully, and waited eagerly.

RE: Resolute - RIP Krypton - June 06, 2016

With Steady once again howling for her, krypton trotted towards the border with her long legs. Her posture was high, but not as high as Steady's. Her large paws covered the ground with ease as the bulky brute saw the two wolves.

perhaps it was another recruit? That would be the only reason steady had called for her at least, right?

breaking to a walk then to a halt, krypton dipped her head towards steady then looked to the new wolf. "You called?" She asked softly, her murky eyes overlooking the other man with intent.

dirt covered her coat a bit after trying to find grubs an other bugs to snack on. She shook her coat out quickly, making her hair spike up a bit after the release of the dirt's weight.

RE: Resolute - Steady - June 06, 2016

Steady smiled to Makui, who was obviously excited to be accepted into the pack. It gave the Beta hope he would be one more addition to the loyal wolves that were already here. While he knew things came up, the wolves that had come into the pack in the past weeks seemed to be happy here, and he hoped they were forming strong bonds with each other. Without those bonds, he knew they were more likely to leave.

Krypton arrived, and he gave her a smile before introducing the two. Krypton, this is Makui, new member of the pack, he said, before turning his gaze to the other male. Makui, this is Krypton, Gamma of Silvertip. He paused before turning back to Krypton. I was hoping you could take him under your wing, show him around a bit. It wasn't phrased as an order, more of a request in which "no" was an acceptable answer. Steady wasn't one to push two wolves together if one or both didn't want to associate. However, Krypton was social and likable, and he hoped she said yes to her new protege.

RE: Resolute - Makui - June 06, 2016

A female approached them, tall and slender. Her pelt was dirt-covered, which she promptly shook once she reached them. Makui glanced at her, eyes scanning over her quickly, before turning back to Steady. He shot her a quick grin and listened as Steady introduced the two. "Hey Krypton, I'm Makui." He stopped. "Well, you obviously knew that, because Steady just told you, and I-" He paused for a brief moment. "Am just going to stop talking now" His head dipped, and he offered the newcomer a small smile.

He had a habit of rambling when he was nervous, and he certainly was now. He decided to keep his tongue still until he was certain he could english properly.

RE: Resolute - RIP Krypton - June 09, 2016

Hearing the dark wolf's request, Krypton merely nodded her head and looked towards the other with a neutral expression. He seemed excite, though his babbling made her almost flatten her ears. They swiveled a bit before settling at a resting position. "I will take him" she replied to Steady, before turning her attention back to the other male. "I expect you to do as you are told then, along with upholding the promises you have made to serve Silvertip Mountain, Makui" she explained to Makui. He looked like a hard worker, and Krypton would hopefully be able to teach him well.

With a sweep of her muzzle, she beckoned him to follow her into the heart of the mountain land. She gave Steady a dip of the head as her departure, then padded along. Her large paws gentle pressed against the dirt, her long legs extending over the terrain.

RE: Resolute - Steady - June 09, 2016

Makui seemed to not be able to control his words when he was excited, but Steady could appreciate that. Krypton seemed less inclined to, but he was happy that she would show the newcomer around. He gave a nod to the retreating pair, before going on to continue his duties.

Short >_< Makui, one more from you? Then we can archive <3

RE: Resolute - Makui - June 11, 2016

Makui, feeling a little embarressed followed the female easily, after chuffing a goddbye and thank you to Steady. He followed his new packmate over the border, excited and happy, taking no notice of her coolness. This, he thought, he would not screw up.