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Sunbeam Lair Should've never said the word love - Printable Version

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Should've never said the word love - Squirrel - June 11, 2016

The tree did not deserve Texi's anger. Not truly. It wasn't the tree's fault, it was Texiceia's own fault. Stupid, stupid, stupid. She chanted mentally as her paws swiped over the rough bark. The scratches were superficial but many, while Squirrel's paws were soon bloodied.

"I was stupid enough to come looking for you, I believed you, I join this pack because of you." Okay, so maybe that part wasn't true. She loved Ryujin. "And what did you do? You left! You fucking left just like dad! Now what? Now, I'm all alone." Tears welled in her eyes, stepping away from the tree with a wince. Texi had no family anymore.

RE: Should've never said the word love - Avannon - June 14, 2016

Avannon was out for a stroll, her thoughts interrupted by the sound of crying. Her ears swiveled until she pinpointed the direction it came from. She walked forward cautiously until she spotted the cream colored female. Another pack member she hadnt met. Maybe she shouldn't introduce herself at this time? should she try to help this female? "hello..." she said cautiously her eyes rising to meet the dame's. "are you alright?" she asked, as a habit though it was obvious that she wasnt alright at all.

RE: Should've never said the word love - Squirrel - June 15, 2016

The woman who appeared might have looked like the sister Texi was currently crying about, had her eyes been green. The two looked similar, though Texiceia had a creamy coat and darker eyes. The stranger's inquiry brought a scowl to Squirrel's face. "Peachy." The arctic wolf snapped angrily before sighing guiltily. 

"I'm so sorry for my horrid attitude. I've just had a rough day I suppose." Texi forced a smile, feeling rather regretful for her anger.

RE: Should've never said the word love - Avannon - June 16, 2016

Avannon lifted a paw uncertainly as the female snapped but then she relaxed and sat down "its alright. Everyone has their days. Would you like to talk about it? I have good ears to listen with" she said offering a soft smile. Though she was young, Avannon tended to be a bit motherly to others. 

She looked at the tree and then at texi's paws and winced. "we should wash them...is..there a stream nearby?" she asked concerned for the dame who sat in front of her. "did a number on the tree by the way, but i would say the tree won" she joked softly, trying to lighten texi's mood, if even by a little.

RE: Should've never said the word love - Squirrel - June 16, 2016

"It's a rather long story and not a very happy one." Texi offered, getting to her rather sore paws slowly. Pain marked her face but she welcomed it, pain was a way to keep a grip on her grief. Texi was afraid of slipping into the familiar emotional numbness that came with loss. 

"There's one this way." Squirrel began to lead the way, chuckling at the woman's comment. "I'm Texiceia by the way, or Texi for short. Some call me Squirrel." Texi had many names and offered them all to the woman.

RE: Should've never said the word love - Avannon - June 17, 2016

Avannon's worry relaxed a little when Texi laughed "alright then, lead the way. My name is Avannon, but my family used to call me Ava." she said her tone light even though a tiny pang of sadness hit her at the mention of her family. She shook it off and instead followed Texi silently.

RE: Should've never said the word love - Squirrel - June 17, 2016

"It's a pleasure to meet you Ava, if you don't mind me calling you that. I have a thing for nicknames." Texi laughed, thinking of Jolly. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you, even if I acted rather rude upon first meeting you." Squirrel grimaced slightly. "Either way, I didn't mean to make you feel unwelcome. I hope you're enjoying Ryujin. How is it treating you?" 

Texi stopped as they reached the river, sipping her bloody paws in with a hiss that soon turned to a sigh of relief.

RE: Should've never said the word love - Avannon - June 23, 2016

Avannon smiled at the nickname and flicked her ears, a kind of shrug. "eh..its not the worst i've been called" she said with an easy going grin. She thought about the other girl's question for a few moments "its...nice actually. Everyone i've met seems rather nice, even Jolon. I would like to get a better handle on him though." she murmured falling silent for a few seconds before she resumed speaking "Im embarassed to say that whenever i am in Asterr's presence im kinda...in awe. I usually and friendly and forward, and i dont usually submit myself so..obvously. but i can feel the power radiating off of her. Its amazing, i can tell there is a side of her that lives up to her calling..a dragon" she said her eyes growing distant as she recalls her first meeting, and her complete submission to not only asterr but to jolon as well. She chuckled softly and looked to texi "hey texi...what is going on with jolon? he seems so...distant, and sad. No..not sad. more like frustrated and angry. Is he alright?" she asked curiously. She knew it wasnt her business, but she rarely had seen him around lately.

RE: Should've never said the word love - Squirrel - June 23, 2016

Ava didn't seem to mind the nickname which made her happy, it was a true sign of friendship in Texi's eyes. Her happiness was betrayed by her wagging tail and brilliant smile, making her forget her troubles for a moment. 

"I know what you mean, I get so shy around her, and just about everyone else on first meeting, but it seems pretty constant around her." Squirrel's mirth slowly faded to leave a sad expression, not the angry one from before.

"My sister, Ezimette, was a member of this pack before you came. They were a couple and after I joined the locusts swarms hit. Ezi just seemed to disappear.." Her ears flattened and everything about her seemed to grow heavy with grief.

RE: Should've never said the word love - Avannon - June 25, 2016

Avannon lowered her eyes her wagging tail, falling still. "oh...i've never had a mate before, but i have lost someone i loved." she said her heart automatically reaching out to Jolon. She had fallen for a lone male once, who's fur was a solid brown the color of freshly dug soil, and his eyes were a gold so bright it was like staring into the sun. He had led her to believe that he loved her, only to gain access to the pack's whereabouts. He had led other lone wolves against her pack, and had killed a few of its members. Avannon shivered softly, even though the warm sun beat down on her fur. She had felt the bitter stab of betrayal, and the sting of a broken heart. She had vowed that day to never be as foolish as she was then.

RE: Should've never said the word love - Squirrel - June 26, 2016

Watching Avannon cautiously, Squirrel simply took in the reactions and expressions that crossed her new friend's face. "You've been hurt before." It wasn't a question, it was a statement. 

"I know this is gonna sound hypocritical since you found me beating up a tree but I think sisters and men are in different categories." Texi chuckled lightly before continuing. "You shouldn't let whatever happened in your past hold you back, if you meet someone don't be afraid to fall in love." Texiceia smiled, nudging Ava gently.

I had kinda wondered if Texi and Jolon would end up together but now I definetly ship him and Ava :3

RE: Should've never said the word love - Avannon - July 02, 2016

Avannon nodded "Love is a battlefield, one that is painful and brutal at times, but when won, fills you with Immense joy" she said, repeating the words her mother had spoken to her when she was only a little whelp.  She smiled shaking off the sad memory and touched her nose to Texi's shoulder, as she had seen jolon do to Asterr. "im sure i will fall in love eventually." she said her tone significantly brighter.

// Well then. haha. i almost had Ava crush on jolon immediately when they met, but held it back xD.

RE: Should've never said the word love - Squirrel - July 02, 2016


Texi smiled, sighing a bit overdramatically. "I'm sure you'll find someone, you're very pretty and you seem kind." Texi pointed out with a small grin. She was happy to have found a friend in Avannon, hoping her new friend would find love someday and be happy.

"But I am going to end up an old maid who has never even been kissed." Squirrel burst into giggles, though secretly she truly believed that she would never find anyone. Ryujin was not a large pack and there were few males besides her sister's ex-lover and Noctura whom obviously had a thing for Asterr.

RE: Should've never said the word love - Avannon - July 11, 2016

"Who knows? Maybe a male will come by and whisk you off your paws. Maybe he'll join just to be your mate" she said a grin stretching her maw as she watched Texi laugh. The female was beautiful when she smiled, and her smile was infectious. "you are quite lovely yourself texi" she replied to the compliment.

RE: Should've never said the word love - Squirrel - July 11, 2016

Squirrel was a bit confused, given that she didn't have any sexual interest in women and hadn't thought that Ava did either. Shaking it off as just a compliment, Texi smiled in thanks.

"I'm going to go patrol, walk off some of this angsty bullharky. Want to come?" Squirrel stood, moving to leave and pausing to see if her new friend would tag along.