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Redsand Canyon Nike - Printable Version

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Nike - Jhala - June 12, 2016

for @Nemesis <3 whenever you have time

She has travelled far. She meant to return to the Ridge to see what had become of it, but went too far south and is now in a Canyon-- a canyon she's never seen before. It's sands were brightly colored, and it was a nice pop of color in comparison to the dusty outside world-- but it's no green. Tired and hot, she leans against the wall of the canyon, appreciating all the shade she can manage on this hot day. She knows she'll return home soon, but she's been quite content avoiding Kekshit at all costs. She hates her home as of now-- but she knows she has to return for Reek's sake. 

RE: Nike - Nemesis - June 12, 2016

eh, who cares about timelines and location anyways <3 i'll backdate it to before the big thread in DB.

The dark Beta traveled with pointless haste onward, away from her barren home. Each day, she found less and less desire to stay withing the dark woods with that disease waddling about. Why would she? A foriegn body corrupted her pack, her Alpha... and Nemesis had no desire to stick around and watch her world burn before her. But, she would not be a problem much longer, the black haired bitch would meet her exile very soon, when Damien arose to be Alpha liked he promised her. She did not wish Burke to meet his end, but it was for the great good that he would fall. 

Her feet trekked her to the mountians, a place she had not been in very, very long. Woods were different, scents were strange. It seemed so long since she had arrived within the Teekon, she could barely remember the day. She had been but a child then, and now she was more than she had ever dreamed. Loping down the rocky crevices, her nose caught the scent of something... it scratched at the back of her mind, something familiar. The outline of a wolf ahead came into focus as she walked towards, she colour and size of a female she once knew ringing bells of recodnision in her mind. "You," Her tone was confronting, but not to agressive to suggest she was embittered about their quarrel so many moons ago. She was not even sure the female remembered her, and better so. However, the red pawprint on her shoulder was unmistakeable.

RE: Nike - Jhala - June 13, 2016

Jhala looks up, remembering the woman almost immediately. She had been defeated-- it was a playful spar that occurred for almost reason other than stubborn pride-- and she could never forget that. The woman had spoken, and although it wasn't friendly, Jhala recognizes it as something that is not hostile, so she responds in the other way she knows how-- sarcastically. "Yo-- we gon' fight about nothin' today?" She asks, raising an eyebrow and letting her tongue loll out. She hopes for someone to talk to-- even if it's just an obnoxious stranger-- better than nothing.

RE: Nike - Nemesis - June 14, 2016

It seemed the stranger did recodnise her, and rightly so. Yet, the female held no suugestion of anger, leaving their  situation an odd one. They were neither friend nor enemies, at least to Nemesis' belief. But it seemed neither had any intention of asking how they had been all this time, she was not a particularily emotion oriented thinker.

"Not unless you want to," The Beta returned, though she was throughly done with fighting, with both words and teeth. All this time she had been fighting herself, the Alpha and the morals she used to hold on to. She was loyal no more, and it had pained her. But she had fought the urge to step back, and now se would find her victory. It was awfully tiring.

"What's stuck up your ass these days?" It was the only way she knew how to talk in at least a tiny bit of compassion. They both could agree that any other attempts at being kind was most defiantly out of character. But her inquiry was not an odd one, the female did seem a tad bit inflamed.. more than usual. Though Nemesis not one for thinking of others before herself, and the same when for her question. She could gain from the strangers troubles, if it was a trouble worth fixing, it could be done by the efforts of her Brotherhood.

RE: Nike - Jhala - June 14, 2016

Jhala snorts, rolling her eyes to the side. "Great to see ya too," she says, but noses towards the ground in a vague offer of company. Sit, the action said, let's catch up-- even though the pair really had no history together. "Do I look that uptight?" she then asks, quirking an eyebrow and studying the woman. Her gaze falls down to the painted paw on her shoulder, and Jhala can't help but stare. She sniffs, scrunching her nose up momentarily. 

"We're gon' change this right around real quick-- you in a cult?" she asks, her amber gaze trailing back up to the woman's face, head cocked to the side. "You don' seem like the religious type," she adds.

RE: Nike - Nemesis - June 14, 2016

She smirks, the strangers sense of humour was a pleaseable one to her. If only they had met under better circumstances, perhaps they would have had a better relationship. But alas, that was not the case. Yet the stranger's question had her alarmed for a moment, had their secret society been leaked? She didn't think so, but the question had been rather abrupt and oddly accurate. However, she did not believe the brotherhood to be the kind of cult other's assumed it was. They were a family, bonded by the need to do what others needed done, no matter the circumstance. It was what made them united, unlike the current uprising that threatened their hierarchy.

Nemesis pondered the question for a moment, one that would not threaten their secrecy. "Of sorts..." Though the Beta knows not to be too specific. The last time she had done so, it had completely backfired. Yet it was true. Nemesis was not very religious. She respected the belifes of the Night Mother but she did not pledge her life to it, a higher power seemed awfuly uncertian and she would not place her life in the hands that may just be a fictional tale meant to scare children. Even still, she did not consider herself a cultist. They were not, really, they just did what other wolves were too afraid to do. That did not make them psycopaths, but strong. "We take care of problems.." Her eyes narrowed, a hint of amusement danced within them. The female did not seem the vengeful type, but territorial. What threatened the girl threatened her home, and Nemesis could only understand. Nemesis herself did not care for the other's problems, but she was intrigued. For all she knew, their next hire would come from the female standing before her.

"--for a price,"

RE: Nike - Jhala - June 14, 2016

The girl quirks an eyebrow. "No kiddin'," she says vaguely, "So kind of like a group of hit people, yeah?" she then asks bluntly, her head tipping slightly to the other side. "Interestin' cult, I'll give ya that."

Her mind drifts to Kekshit, who's actual name slips her mind constantly. Kekshit fits now, and truthfully feels more like her actual name than a slurred insult. She has no reason to harm Reek, who seems to just be misguided... but his religious fiend of a wife-- she wonders. 

"What kinda price? Seems kind of pointless with the whole famine going on. No one's got anythin'," she says, shrugging. What would they ask for? Food? Territory? Trinkets? Information? Jhala has none of the above.

RE: Nike - Nemesis - June 23, 2016

Nemesis does not share more information about the Brotherhood, though the female seems to make more accurate assumptions as she goes on. If that knowledge was ever shared, Nemesis could not say she claimed to share the secrets of the Brotherhood's existance, figuratively or realistically. Yet, she does not correct her. The female can assume all she likes, spread tales of a group of hit men from a dark woods clouded in mystery, the stuff out of a storybook. It did not matter to her, what mattered was the continued existance of the sacred Brotherhood and the duty they needed to fufil to even claim they held a victory to their name. With Damien's reign, this was guarenteed. 

Normally, the price would be food, or something as simple as a small task or favour, yet, there was no energy to give for the things the Brotherhood required. What they did need instead was information, even as limited as it could be. Their knowledge of the other regions as a whole was staggering, and even if Cicero did know more, he had not yet said. "It depends on what your problem is, and what it will take to fix it," The heavier the request, the bigger the price. They were not charity workers, they had standards afterall. "However, as a starting price I will offer this. In exchange for our services, we require information from your lands. I assume this is not where your pack resides, and it is not anywhere near mine. I do not know what has occured in your lands, what packs have failed and which ones has arised to be identified as either a strong ally or a dangerous enemy," It was a fair deal, one even an unintelligent wolf could gather. The stranger did not need to look far to find the information they needed, and should do so with great determination. The Brotherhood would not be tricked, nor fooled, and certianly not cheated of their worth.

"If this is unattainable for you, you may find yourself in an undesireable situation. Or worse. You know too much already," What was said went without question, unsaid. While their services were granted with much relife, a warning also entailed. The Brotherhood was loyal to no contractor, and would easily have their target their previous customer.

RE: Nike - Jhala - June 26, 2016

Little thought runs through Jhala's head before she answers. "Deal. How much information you need? I've got some stuff about the land already-- but I can get more," she says, her head tilting. Without waiting for a proper answer she continues on, listing her problem right away. "I want my alphess killed. Her name is Kek... Kekseph?" damn that name. "She's a skinny red woman with beady brown eyes. She's pretty damn small, but if I killed her myself Reek would kick me out," she makes a face as she thinks more on the details, unable to keep a straight face when thinking. "Oh-- she's missin' her tail," she adds, raising an eyebrow. 

"I'm from Larksong Grotto--" she jerks her head in the direction of the pack, "Just head that way-- you'll know you're there when all you can fuckin' smell is geese... and, ya know, you're in a grotto." Her tail flicks. "To the right of us is a pack named Sleeping Dragon. They're no friends of the Grotto, but their territory is apparently rocky and cold-- that's what my alpha says. There used to be a pack in the Maplewood south of the Grotto-- Phoenix Maplewood? It was led by a woman named Seana. As far as I'm concerned that pack has relocated-- haven't heard of them since," she dives into her explaination, cocking her head and making another face as she thinks. "Our old alphess left not long ago to start her own pack-- she went West, but I never heard if she settled or not." 

RE: Nike - Nemesis - July 25, 2016

last post for me, sorry for the wait! we can archive with your next post <3 @Jhala
She listened, with great intent, absorbing the information as she female went on. She had not heard of any of these wolves before, or their homes. Well, she had not traveled much since arriving at Blackfeather Woods which certifiably accounted for her lack of knowledge. Perhaps Cicero knew this, she would not know. Nemesis nodded as Jhala described the female, and if she stood out as much as the woman implied, she would not be hard to identify.

"Very well," She was satisfied with the given information, and her approval was clear in her tone. Perhaps this foul-mouthed woman had some use after all, even if her knowledge was quite vague. It was something, and it certainly broadened Nemesis' thinking. She had gone too long without knowing where her home was built, and this new information only pushed her to take a journey of her own, if not for a few days.

"I will discuss this with my fellow brothers and sisters, and you will know we have come through once it is done," She did not disclose any more information on that, for even to her, it was unsure the thoughts of the rest of the Brotherhood. Even while they needed this job, times has not been easy in the Dark woods for themselves. There was no time limit she could offer the female, in which to see the deed was done. It would come whenever they could make it be done.

"Remember, we always uphold our end," It was a reassuring look, for she knew the time would come that the female would doubt Nemesis had been truthful. But with that, she pivoted, turning her back to the female as she made her retreat back to the Dark woods. She would need to speak to Damien about this, after the Burke thing cleared up. She did not know how long this would take, but she was certain she would see this contract through.