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Hushed Willows Will I ever find peace? - Printable Version

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Will I ever find peace? - Shikoba - June 12, 2016

ooc: Packmates welcome :D

After the run in with a peaceful moose, Shikoba decided to go and seek other members out. She had seen them before and learned their names, but had a hard time at memorizing each one. Feeling the dirt squeeze beneath her paw pads, the native trecked along a small path in hope of finding someone else.

Her muscles didn't ache as much as they did before, for they were starting to heal now. Harlyn's healing work was almost magic to Shikoba, though the scars would always stay there and remind her of her fear. In her mind, the native wished the silvery cat would drop dead. It was the reason her family was broken and torn and hurt. It was the reason they were somewhere else, somewhere forign.

She pushed on.

RE: Will I ever find peace? - Trick - June 13, 2016

The little devil of a man was always an early riser, and today was no exception. It was not because he liked the morning sun, nor to see his "family" sooner, it was just because he hated not being able to be wary. If he was not awake, he was defenseless, especially with his tiny frame. Only Grace and Kunik could've fought him and perhaps lose, but little Kunkun was dead now. He snickered at the thought of her lifeless body. What a sight it had been. It seemed he had always been right about her. You couldn't become a true warrior with such a small posture, that was like Trick wanting to fly or something.

Trick trotted through the now greener territory, actually searching for new herbs to put in the Herb Cave. It was the cave Grace and he had found and stacked with all kinds of herbs, just before the famine. There were still some dried herbs left in there, but none were useful anymore, only for perhaps their seeds. He was still happy that Grace saved almost all of them with her quick thinking. It wasn't every day he praised someone for their deeds, not really, therefore Grace should really be flattered.

But instead of magically running into Grace, one of the new recruits came in sight. It was the scarred young female, though Trick had already forgotten her name. He was a delta after all, it was not his priority to memorize names of lower ranks and new recruits. Trick still didn't get why Tavi had let them in in these times, and really really really wanted her gone from this territory. She couldn't rule without Warbone by her side, the pity thing. Perhaps Teagan shared his thoughts on that... Trick stopped in his tracks, tail flashing up and he took a protective stand. She was bigger than him, like almost all of the marauders, and Trick didn't have the best memories of bigger wolves. He did not say anything, just let his eyes go over her scarred frame, wondering if he could heal them. But, alas, they did not seem bloody or infected, and so his job was done here.

RE: Will I ever find peace? - Shikoba - June 13, 2016

It did not take long for Shikoba to find another, though he didn't look very welcoming to say the least. His stature was raised while his eyes looked over her.

although Shikoba was once a gamma, she was now kappa and at the bottom of the totem pole. She merely dipped her head in respect towards him, but took a step back. It was not the feeling of being intimidated, but the feeling she needed to respect the other. His presentation said it all anyways.

"Who you?" She asked softly, her english still developing. "Shikoba forget name, sorry" the native was quick to apologize for not having a keen memory like the others.

RE: Will I ever find peace? - Trick - June 13, 2016

Trick's posture softened at her act of respect, though of course it was not enough to satisfy his ego. Bowing would have not even satisfied him, so the female really shouldn't feel bad for not being able to please him. Nothing would ever please him when it came to respect, not even the position as an alpha and all the perks that came with it would tip it. He raised his head, his emerald eyes staring directly at the bigger female's golden-like orbs as she stepped back. Hmm, better.

Trick wouldn't even have cared if he had known she had once been a gamma, for she wasn't anymore. Trick had even been a Beta at "home", and he wasn't bragging about it either. Besides, ranks of former packs were in the past. Who knew what had made the female leave her former one, perhaps she had even been kicked out. This was Trick's pack, his "family", this was not the new recruit's past home.

I am Trick. He answered in his honey-like voice. Apology accepted. He was not going to admit that he had forgotten her name as well, never. And he also wasn't going to tell her that Trick wasn't his real name. What are you doing? He was also going to ignore her foreign accent, one he vaguely recognized from his journeys, as it wasn't going to help anyone with pointing it out.

RE: Will I ever find peace? - Shikoba - June 22, 2016

Trick, what a strange name to the native's ears. It didn't sound natural to her to say the least, but perhaps she was the weird one? Shikoba felt relieved to hear that the wolf in front of her accepted her apology. He looked like a nice wolf, very cool and collected as well.

he soon questioned her actions softly, making Shikoba sheepishly look at her paws. "Exploring" she said, happy that her answer could only be one word. She did feel that she needed to elaborate on her answer more, mostly since Trick spoke with a special eloquence. "Meeting new..." She started off, trying to find the right words. "Family wolves" she finished, a smile etching her coal black lips. 

Although Shikoba knew many wolves wouldn't like her and her family coming in unannounced, she would still see them as her family. She would see them as her brethren, her own flesh and blood.

RE: Will I ever find peace? - Trick - June 27, 2016

Perhaps on the outside Trick was a "cool guy", but deep inside of him was a fire ever burning, forever craving chaos. He was a raging beast trapped in a handsome body, surrounded by low-lives and forced to play along with their little game. The only reason he ever joined the Marauders was because he wanted a little conflict. He wanted to experience what it was to have this "family" thing. He could very well care for himself, had even traveled for a year by himself, helping others to brighten his name.

Well, then I won't keep you up for long. Trick said with a nod and his ever so charming smile. I have to find my friend. He explained, using as many simple words as possible, for this wolf was certainly not an English one. It was nice meeting you. Trick eventually spoke, walking a few steps past the other.