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Nimbus Summit Of dust and ash - Printable Version

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Of dust and ash - Aeronwyn - June 14, 2016

The silver woman had retraced her steps, and now she found herself here again. The arrogant girl she had bested here was on her mind, as well as her family. She had to prove herself to her pack, and she had an idea of how to do it. She would earn her trade, prove to them she was a fighter, and she did not care how much blood was spilt in the process. So she had come here, returning to the rocky peak, a challenge in her eye. She scaled a boulder quickly, pausing at the top to survey these lands. She tilted back her muzzle and issued a challenge, an invitation. She called for the girl and the family she had mention, eyes hard as steel. Her howl rent the air, like an arrow, into the ears of whichever wolf was in the vicinity. 
Aeronwyn wanted blood.
@Giana Ferretti , if you could?

RE: Of dust and ash - Giana - June 14, 2016

Even before the pale female called out her challenge, Gia scented the one who'd done damage to her daughter. She remembered it closely, for she had planned to challenge the bitch herself. A grin spread across her rust dusted face, stormy eyes eyes glinting, as Aerowyn called to her. 
The icy queens paws carried her swiftly, not caring to hide her presence. In fact, she loosed her own howl, calling back to the silver woman and accepting her call for blood. 
Climbing the mountain, snarling at the closeness to her home, her FAMILY. This woman would pay. Seeing her atop the boulder, Giana slowed, lifting her tail and hackles high, ears pressed forward. In her husband's absence, she'd automatically taken it upon herself to rein until his return; though this was not her land it was where her family took shelter, and she wouldnt dare let anyone harm her loved ones ever again.
The Ferretti woman spoke no words, but steeled her opponent with bloodthirsty eyes.

RE: Of dust and ash - Aeronwyn - June 14, 2016

Silver eyes tracked the fast approaching figure, a smile played briefly on her maw as the howl rent the air. Oh, she would enjoy this. That she would, and she would have her fun with the woman. Steel eyes looked upon her gaze, expressionless, when she finally did arrive. She held the stance, ears and tail high. This woman was a loner, she was a pack wolf. This gave her confidence and arrogance, and she looked down upon the woman from her perch. "You, I take it, are the snivelling brat's "family"?" she said, then said in the same smooth tone, like a serpent. "I suppose she died? Of shame, perhaps?" Her pelt remained smooth, she showed no sign of aggression, eyes distant and cold.

RE: Of dust and ash - Giana - June 14, 2016

Giana's lips curled to bare her fangs, claws digging into the earth in anger as this woman faced her challenge and talked down on her child. 
Oh yes, she would pay. The queen took a step forward, holding herself high and stiff, snarling out venom laced words. 
       "My daughter is perfectly fine and as the leader of the family it's my job to teach you what happens when you fuck with the Ferretti's."
Though she was indeed a loner, she too had a group that would come to her aid if called. It would be easy to call for them, to swarm this female and end her life for her arrogance and challenging of these wolves. Pride, however, was a damned thing, and she assumed as she did anything that it was her job and her job alone to do things. The rusted woman would take her fate as it came, trusting in the stars to lead her paws to victory against the wench who'd dared split her daughters flesh.

RE: Of dust and ash - Aeronwyn - June 14, 2016

Would you like me to do a dice roll for the outcome of this thread? Or we could play it out ICly, up to you!

Aeronwyn rose to her full height, looking down at the female with a disapproving stare. "Your daughter is an arrogant peice of shit, and needed to be taught a lesson. Had you, perhaps, raised her properly, you might not find youself in this situation, woman. Sadly, it is too late for you and your daughter." she hissed. Surprised at herself, for she rarely showed emotion, and yet this little familly had upset her, it seemed. She leapt down from the boulder with fluid grace, approaching the woman readily, stalking with feline grace as her hackles rose and her gaze latched onto the other's in silent challenge.

RE: Of dust and ash - Giana - June 14, 2016

Im realy bad with the dice so if we do use them, it'll just be to see who wins xD I dont mind doing it all IC but the decision is yours.

Giana matched the fluid movements of Aerowyn with a murderous snarl wrought across her face. She stalked forward, fur on end and body demanding the stranger submit. 
Her dominance, though, was clearly being challenged, and the need to spill this silver girls blood intensified. The queen spat another jumble of words, but it was in her intentions for them to be her last, save her gloating after she drove away this wench with her tail between her legs.
If she LET her run.
           "I raised my daughter to be independant and strong. We have risen to the top and will always be there, no matter the opinions of a lowly bitch as yourself."
Scraping her paws against the earth, marking her territory and spreading her scent, Giana Ferretti took another pace towards her opponent. Falling into an easy stance with her head covering neck and chest areas, crouched low to protect her stomach, Gia prepared to teach this girl not to come here all entitled. 
It didn't cross her mind that she could lose, and though she would keep her reign over her family no matter what, the humiliation would be enough for the dominant and vain female to seek revenge one day.

RE: Of dust and ash - Aeronwyn - June 14, 2016

Let's play it out ICly, and if it ends at a standstill, I can do a dice roll :D

"You raised you daughter to be arrogant, and weak, just like-"
She lunged. She was a fluid arc of flashing white and silver, straight for the female. Her legs had tensed and untensed, and she was flying, if only for a moment, straight for the female. She did not aim, just flew, her fangs would seek out whatever flesh was presented to her. And if she did catch flesh, she would not be quick to let it go. She belonged to a pack of killers, murderers and spies, and had trained for most of her life to be fast as an asp, silent as a rabbit, hiding in the undergrowth, and watch without being seen as the birds with feathers of black.

RE: Of dust and ash - Giana - June 15, 2016

Giana had been paying close attention to the woman, and when she sprung the Ferretti was ready. She sprung to the side a little too late, feeling teeth scrape her pelt, but no harm had been done. 
      She's quick... But I can be quicker.
The white queen lunged next, clearing the feet between the girls with ease and barreling towards Aerowyn with jaws snapping at whatever she hit. Her aim was the silver shoulder her stormy eyes were fixed on, planning to rip and tear. Hopefully, if she hit at all, she would be able to yank herself away.
Should she hit or not, Gia would back away and await the stranger's move, if not already fighting one off. The woman was young and strong despite the famine, and she was indeed quick, but her lack of a full belly for the past month and a half would drain her energy fast, she knew. This couldn't be prolonged, and her blows would need to be shorter, precise.

RE: Of dust and ash - Aeronwyn - June 16, 2016

Her fangs grazed the pelt, her teeth caught fur. How the woman had reacted so quickly, evaded Aeronwyn, the white ghost did not know, but she did pay heed to it. It must have been luck, and luck seldom lasts, she reasoned. So when the pale woman made for Aeronwyn's shoulder, she did not evade immidietly but ducked low as the femme made for her shoulder, making to grab the underside of the woman's neck, muzzle, or head, as was one of her favorite moves. And this woman was so close, that Aeronwyn barely had to move, and it was unlikely that she would miss this time. The woman scored a grip on her shoulder, but Aeronwyn wrenched it away as she made for the other's throat, tearing a gash in same shoulder her stupid daughter had already marred. What was with these women and shoulders?

RE: Of dust and ash - Giana - June 16, 2016

Giana barreled forward, meeting her mark far too easy. In a second, she understood why: Aerowyn's teeth sunk into the soft underflesh of Gia's jawbone. This time, blood seeped from the gashes left on her face, and the pain burned like fury, but the ivory queen stayed in control. As the silver woman pulled free of her grasp, the Ferretti twisted to the side and lowered her head nearly to her paws. Aerowyn hit, though not her fatal mark, and grabbed firmly onto the snowy fur of Giana's shoulder. Her life was hers, this time, but her wariness of this stranger grew. Clearly, she was a fighter, but so was this nomad ruler. Memories flooded back into her mind, training endless hours with her father to better her skills. Then had been less serious, but today was about life or death in Giana's eyes
For a moment, Gia stilled, wincing at the grasp on her shoulder and rushing herself to make a decision. Finally, her front paw closest to Aerowyn shot out, aimed for the slim legs of her attacker. If she didn't back away, letting go, then she ran the risk of breaking a leg or being swept onto her back.

RE: Of dust and ash - Aeronwyn - June 18, 2016

The wraiths teeth met the underside of her jaw, then her shoulder. To which the woman begun sending blows toward her legs. To this, Aeronwyn simply tightened her grip, as an idea flashed into her mind. The woman's claws grazed her forleg, and the red of blood swelled. Aeronwyn did something she would never do in times of plenty, but in this famine it made sense. Everyone's body weight was low, and she could use this to her advantage. She suddenly shot forward in an explosion of limbs, her back legs pushing her body off the ground. Were she to be successful, she would be able to topple the woman over, after which she would try to pin her down. Aeronwyn did not kill unless required, and would be quite happy to simply have this female submit to her.

RE: Of dust and ash - Giana - June 20, 2016

I've decided to drop Giana, but I'm more than happy to finish this thread first since its towards a trade :3 Wanna go ahead and roll for your next post, and based on that Ill have Gia fail or win at an attack from her perch?

Giana landed some scrapes here and there but it wasn't enough: Aerowyn came back twofold and the ivory queen was trapped with a decision: hurt herself in an attempt to escape or let the female take her down. Gia turned, ripping away from the silver woman and scrambling up onto a boulder before she could take another bout of damage. Her shoulder was now bleeding on top of her jaw, and it was clear this battle would soon be to a close. She was lucky to have gotten away this time, but if she did not succeed in her next attack, she would fall.

RE: Of dust and ash - Aeronwyn - June 23, 2016

Sounds good! I can just have Aeronwyn retreat because can't really afford to give her any more injuries plot-wise

The pale wraith watched as the woman climbed the bolder, surely a desperate thing to do. She could snap at the woman anytime and pull her down...but she didn't. She saw the frantic scrambling as a sign of submission, and with that she spun on her heel and made to retreat. Blood trickled slowly through her fur, but she stalked with a feline grace away from the moronic woman, mother of the arrogant daughter.