Wolf RPG
Dawnlark Plains to take peace from The Earth - Printable Version

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to take peace from The Earth - RIP Hosannah - June 18, 2016

Gathering feathers. Another trade thread probably.

from the marsh she carried her many delicate prizes, and hid them away upon an abutment of stone upon the path to the grotto. she did not linger near it, but made note of where it had been placed, for she would need it soon. then, heading east for the duration of the afternoon, hosannah scouted the swath of emptiness that spread between the mountains of her home and the forest of fire where reek had initially discovered her. she lingered here far longer than she needed; there was no cover, and she was parched within the hour, but hosannah would not leave. 

she grew sluggish in her patrolling. drifted from place to place, then back again, her head cast low to the earth as if she were on the prowl for something of the land. eventually there were figments in the air — creatures coasting on the hot summer winds — and she was pleased by this. her tiny and emaciated figure, her assumed limp, the way she panted so hungrily and yearned for a drink.. it had started as an act, but evolved as the effects took hold of her.

and there were many of them now. not just one vulture keeping watch, but a mess of them. hungry and curious. a pair remained high in the sky while one younger thing, something small and perhaps new, landed mere feet from her position. she turned her head and watched it through her peripheral vision, lagging in her steps and stopping, baiting it closer. had hosannah looked skyward she would have seen the addition of ink-black crows there, but she did not. her focus was on the young vulture and the many feathers sprouting from its folded wings.

RE: to take peace from The Earth - Menta - June 23, 2016

Ryūjin was far behind her as she set out to explore her surroundings, content and comfortable in her ability to do so less as a necessity and more for general knowledge gain. The anxieties of being an ever paranoid lone wolf were starting to slip off of her shoulders, and instead Menta fell back into her old role of scouting. Her new pack had fed her as best they could - far better than she had been able to feed herself as a lone wolf - and her stomach felt full enough to fuel this passion.

But Menta knew better than to skip a potential meal, something she kept in mind as she spotted black flying dots in the distance. Birds knew where meals were, birds could sometimes be chased off for a brief enough moment for a large wolf to sneak off part of their find. Menta had no shame in picking off part of a weaker animal's meal in this time of famine, especially since they were rarely the predators themselves.

An auburn looking animal with a silver sheened coat gave Menta pause, although it wasn't readily apparent whether or not this creature - fox? no, too large; lupa, Menta corrected herself as she squinted ahead - had noticed the intrusion. Yellow eyes followed to where the other's attention was currently fixated and found a young vulture peering back. Unsure of the other wolf's intentions, and not wanting to scare off any birds around them in case this was part of some bizarre hunt or game, Menta stood still and silent.