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Hushed Willows Your lizard king has spoken (all hail) - Printable Version

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Your lizard king has spoken (all hail) - RIP Tavi - June 21, 2016

This is a mandatory meeting thread. Feel free to have your character show up whenever, and know that their attendance will affect their rank. If @Harlyn could post first that'd be great, then its a free-for-all. They'll be discussing things and trying to celebrate the unification of the pack. OMG its unification day --- *shot*

They had spoken infrequently since deciding on this party. Ever since Harlyn's beau had returned to her and been brought in to the fold, Tavi hadn't seen much of her. She did not worry too much though. It made sense that two beings in love - two beings with the immense responsibilities afforded to them by their many children - would take the time to reacquaint once they reunited. It made her smile just thinking about it. These two lost souls brought back together — but Tavi wasn't a romantic. She wouldn't ever admit to being one, anyway. Her thoughts inevitably drifted to Stark and their secret tryst among the willows. It was something of an escape. Her time with him had been fleeting, and now she longed for more.

Yet there were responsibilities she held, too. Things she had to care for. Her son, first and foremost. The growing sense of unrest among the wolves in her care was another. The whisperings weren't so secret; she knew that some of the Marauders did not care for her in an obvious sense, but it was Tavi's job to make them change their minds. Or, at the very least, hear out their grievances and make amends. She did not feel as if it were her problem though, not entirely, not when she had to manage so many bodies and lord her rank over those who should've been family. If they couldn't deal, they'd find the door pretty quick.

But all these thoughts were moot today. Tavi was relaxing as best she could, for as long as she could, beneath the brilliant midday sun. It was hotter today than any others, she thought. Her body was a sculpture of platinum and granite, made pliant by the golden rays above, and she watched the world and her beloved willows with half-closed eyes. Eventually something would call her to stand, urge her to get on with business or with the care of Tambourine, but for a few minutes she was contented by the warmth and the stillness.

When she could take no more of it, Tavi did get up. She shook the heat from her pelt, feeling the dense fur of her scruff fall in to place. Then, glancing sleepily towards the Crook, she raised her head and called for her family. Her song droned through the willows for a moment, transitioned in to a small yawn, and then she was silent and waiting. They had decided to have some kind of party, right? Today seemed like the best day for it. There were hours of daylight ahead, and everything seemed perfect.

RE: Your lizard king has spoken (all hail) - Harlyn - June 23, 2016

Harlyn had been quite distracted since her conversation with Tavi. Her co-alpha had not complained; she seemed to understand perfectly the druid's pre-occupation with the return of her mate and the further settling of her children into this new home of theirs. But still, it never left Harlyn's mind that there was still something of a division between their two families. The more it went on, the more clear it became, and Harlyn was at least comforted to feel that it was only a few members and it was not necessarily just against her and the former occupants of the Hollow. Warbone's disappearance and Tavi's ascent had left some more ruffled than others, but overall she felt good about her family's place in the Keep.

The druid had been hunting (poorly) when she heard the call. A trill of anticipation lighted in her chest as she turned to make her way quickly towards the alpha. It did not take her long to arrive for she hadn't been too far from the Crook. She greeted Tavi with a touch of her nose to her muzzle, tail wagging amiably.

"Today is the day then?" she asked, sensing the energy of the moment. Harlyn looked towards the Crook, sniffing to seek the scents of her children and mate, eager for them to join.

RE: Your lizard king has spoken (all hail) - Stark - June 23, 2016

Stark had tried his best that day to put his fears and thoughts to rest. He didn't want to continually fester in the worries of retaliation - not from Reek, not from his own pack. The male turned from the rivers edge when he heard the call and made his way back to the Crook. He shook the last bits of water from his coat long before he spotted the two Alphas, his approach respectful even if he felt comfortable with both women. He didn't know Harlyn nearly as well but on first impressions she seemed like a good woman. 

Stark was assuming it was about the pack integration - hopefully to put an end to the silly murmurs of unease. The Crook was not the best place to fuss, as it stood, the rocks were happy to echo messages along. He dark male bowed his head to each female, a smile offered as he looked to Octavia and waited for the rest of the pack to approach. With any luck it wouldn't take long; he didn't think any would be so petty as to not heed their Alpha's call. 

RE: Your lizard king has spoken (all hail) - Tambourine - June 23, 2016

The instant his mother's voice poured over the territory, Tambourine burst from The Crook, shouting, "Potty! Potty! Potty!" between awkward, ungainly bounces. His floppy left ear flapped in the wind as he streaked across the open area in front of the cave and entered the surrounding woods. He had no idea where he was going but he spotted a familiar form through the trees and made a beeline toward it. That was how Tam ended up trailing Harlyn to the meeting place where Tavi awaited them.

"Mum!" the little squirt cried when he spotted her, scuttling over and rearing onto his hind legs to paw at her chest and lick at her chin. "Hi!" he chirped brightly, then flopped onto his haunches to gaze up at her, tongue lolling wildly as the June heat caught up with him.

RE: Your lizard king has spoken (all hail) - Larkspur - June 23, 2016

Larkspur twitched awake when Tavi's voice called out, summoning the pack to join her somewhere out in the willowy woods. She slowly began to climb to her feet, already looking around for her parents or brothers. A gray blur flashed past her, shouting, and Spur startled and stared after the smaller cub as he disappeared into the woods. She sipped in a breath, then stepped out into the sunshine, feeling the oppressive early summer heat pressing down on her... or maybe it was just the exhaustion in general which seemed to be plaguing her more than ever lately.

Seeing no sign of Harlyn, Mordecai, Silas or Pippin in the immediate vicinity, she began to walk. It wasn't long before she caught up with the pack mates gathering around Tavi. Larkspur swallowed quite nervously, creeping behind the others to slip up beside her mother. She pressed her muzzle against the side of Harlyn's neck, hoping it was okay to join her there. Spur then dropped wearily to her haunches, leaning slightly into her mother as her overly-large blue eyes fastened on Tavi and her loudmouthed son.

RE: Your lizard king has spoken (all hail) - Trick - June 23, 2016

Of course, Trick always wanted to be the first at meetings, for he was never late. He was the man of business around here, and he liked to think he had done more good than the whole pack together. He had saved lives, what did they have? He was a God, and they would know soon enough. He would decide the fate of the alpha's son, if only he knew how, and those thoughts kept him up for a while. How would he do that?

Trick happily trotted trough the now greener scenery, ready for whatever his so called "leaders" had planned for today. A howl was never for nothing, after all. It didn't take him long to arrive, but alas, he was not the first. There he saw them; the two mothers that now claimed the titles of leaders, while they were just house-wives. They were absolutely nothing like Warbone-and yes, that was a bad thing.

Bowing to the leaders and their children, a lingering green eye on the doe-eyed little girl he had met before, and eventually Stark, Trick took his place among them. He sat down, a light smile on his face kissed by a raven. Good day, everyone. He greeted with a nod. To what do I owe the pleasure of being called here?

RE: Your lizard king has spoken (all hail) - Shikoba - June 23, 2016

The native wolf didn't waste her time making her way to the pack meeting. After meeting more wolves of the Keep and learning their scents, Shikoba felt a bit more ready to be at the pack meeting. However, she did still fear how everyone took to her and her family.

with her neutral posture, the Mexican wolf came towards everyone quietly. She gave everyone a respectful dip of the head before settling down.

RE: Your lizard king has spoken (all hail) - Mordecai - June 23, 2016

The howl roused him from his thoughts, lending him pause along a trail that was far from recognizable and at worst, not quite lush enough to leave him with a sense of disorientation. It had been a slow integration, having to once more learn the ins and outs of a territory. Far too long Mordecai had been content with being and outlier. It had been fine when he was more certain of his own place within a pack, but aside from his own kin this was a new beast yet to be tamed.

He had been reined in on what all had transpired—Warbone's disappearance, the change-up in leadership—and was able to draw his own conclusions. Experience supplied the answers to the blanks he may have had, as he had once found himself in the position that he imagined Tavi in now. Harlyn too, for that matter. So when those summons had come to an end, he had already set off at a leisure pace to match the sweltering air.

Before too long, the wolves of the Keep came into his sight. He spied the dark flank of Stark first, though it was the honeyed tail swing of Larkspur that drew him in. She was with Harlyn and primarily that was where he sought to be in their gathering. He was not surprised to find Trick already among the congregation and beyond him, he found Shikoba tucked away. He offered a wordless greeting to the bulk of them, nothing more than a tail wag and a thin smile as he opted to pick his own place to settle in along his family.

RE: Your lizard king has spoken (all hail) - Silas - June 23, 2016

He came threading out from between the trees and joined the group almost on the heels of his father, although he was arriving separately. Silas glanced just briefly around the wolves gathered on his way in and made his way straight to the rest of his family. He was generally on better terms with this new pack, and even had enjoyed Stark's company before, but for the most part he did prefer to keep to himself.

Once among those he knew best, he greeted them all with respective licks and settled somewhere vaguely near Larkspur -- as well as enough out of the way to not drawn much attention to himself. He just wanted to hear what this was about (not that he was overly involved in pack politics personally) and to keep his own involvement in the spotlight at absolute minimum.

Silas waited patiently, and observed this gathering in watchful silence.

RE: Your lizard king has spoken (all hail) - Pippin - June 24, 2016

Pippin was not far behind his family as they gathered with the other wolves of the Keep -- the ones he sought to avoid. The boy slunk forward, the bones of his ribs jutting out scathingly against his side before he idled closer to Larkspur and Silas. His once bright eyes were dull, and with a tremor that seemed to follow him now from hunger alone, the youth settled his belly upon the floor of their new home, not having even the energy to hold himself up for any amount of time.

RE: Your lizard king has spoken (all hail) - Grace - June 24, 2016

Grace had tried coming to the meeting early, she really had. However, being ALL the way over in the herbal den, her limping gait could only carry her so fast. Luckily, wolves were still gathering when she approached, panting, and the russet female stood behind the group for a few moments. Often did she feel out of place, unfamiliar with these wolves, and it rose her anxiety. 
   Come on Grace, you're fine. These wolves are family. Where's your confidence!
Limping forward with her head and tail down, the yearling took a place beside her closest friend in the pack: Trick. She was unaware of his darker nature, pleased only to have another by her side for comfort. Perhaps it was because he was closer to her size, or maybe because they often spent time together. Quiet, usually, and sometimes one or the other were in and out of the den, but she was very familiar with him being around. She'd arrived too late to hear his words, and instead lay herself beside him. They didn't quite touch, but it was close enough for the slightly trembling young girl to settle down.

RE: Your lizard king has spoken (all hail) - RIP Tavi - June 25, 2016

Next round ends June 28th. No posting order. Feel free to have your character find a favorite toy, treasure, feast item, or something totally random! Or maybe they don't leave! That's fine. We can skip some time and assume they've returned and set stuff up if that makes it easier.

They came, one by one. Harlyn arrived first, and within moments there was Stark, Tambourine - the other children - Mordecai, many faces she did not know, and finally Grace to tail along behind them. They milled around in the open, some basking in the sun, others murmuring questions, and Octavia simply watched them for a minute or two. She hoisted her forequarters up and braced herself against the warm soil, and slowly a smile formed across her sleepy mug. Tavi looked at Tambourine first and her smile widened, and then to Stark, and Harlyn, to whom she gave a friendly little nod, and then she cleared her throat.

It's good to see all of you. Although she took note of those not present - her mind at first thinking, where is Kunik? But then she remembered, and the corners of her smile faltered; when she realized next that Nova Rose was not among them, she glanced to Grace, but chose not to say anything. I realize we spend a lot of time together in the Crook. But I thought - her eyes flicked to Harlyn -we thought it would be a good idea to get everyone together. Its a time of celebration! Don't you think? With all this green returning, and with our families united together. I think we've earned ourselves a party, don't you?

They could talk of politics and rank shifts later, once things were really swinging; but for now Tavi was just getting everyone on the same page regarding this event. I'll give you guys some time to prepare, OK? Grab stuff from the caches, or something pretty if you see anything growing or blooming in the territory. There isn't much, but its a start. And we're damn well going to celebrate that - this is a new beginning for all of us.

That seemed like enough rambling on her part. With a glance at each face, Octavia searched the expressions of her fellow wolves for acceptance, glee, anything at all - and then she remembered: Meet back here in an hour with whatever you've brought! Lets party!

RE: Your lizard king has spoken (all hail) - Shikoba - June 25, 2016

Tavi seemed quite happy with everyone coming in, making Shikoba feel a bit more at ease. Everyone didn't seem to resent the new additon to the Keep, though something in the near future would test those calm waters. For now, the native paid close attention to the silvery girl's words. A celebration was going to happen? Ah, a party, to celebrate the new life and unity! Smiling a bit, Shikoba waited for Tavi to finish her speech. Nodding her head, the scarred wolf soon picked herself up and bounded off to go and find something to bring.

She wanted to bring some food back, remembering that a few looked fairly skinny. Heading towards the ravine, Shikoba was going to fish and hopefully come out succesful and bring back some game. If she was unlucky, then blossoming flowers would do just as fine.

RE: Your lizard king has spoken (all hail) - Stark - June 26, 2016

Stark regarded the wolves as they collected, his sister absent and Nova Rose as well. A frown found it's way firmly to his lips, looking around the collection of Keep wolves. He turned his blue eyes to Octavia as she spoke, listening to her plan. A party - it sounded good, something to mark the way that they had come together and worked through the famine. Warbone's departure, the arrival of Harlyn and her family, they could come together properly. They needed to. 

When they had been dismissed Stark waited for a moment, watching as the others milled about. He offered Octavia a soft smile before he reached down, poking Tambourine with his nose playfully before he turned to leave. He'd find something special, thought he wasn't quite sure what he'd get exactly. He'd brought Octavia flowers, though he didn't know if she'd seen them - maybe he could find some more. He noticed Shikoba turn to head out towards the river, apparently fish was on the menu. Stark loped the other way, hopeful for a more meaty catch. With the regrowth, the hunter was hoping to get something sizeable enough for at least a couple wolves to enjoy.

After a hunt he managed to catch a small rabbit to bring back to them, but, he wanted to bring something for the puppies too. He explored along the rocky slopes, finding a couple bones - maybe they'd been remainders from someone cutting through the pack. He'd caught the scent of a moose around, maybe she'd lost a calf. He brought the two bones and the rabbit back to the gathering site, setting them down at his paws before he waited for the pack to return. 

RE: Your lizard king has spoken (all hail) - Silas - June 27, 2016

The meeting moved on and Tavi soon had his attention. He was an attentive subordinate here, but a lot of that was actually because of his growing nerves here. Celebration?

Silas wasn't sure if he entirely bought into the idea of needing a celebration, because this was good.. this was better than wandering aimlessly, starving and sleeping somewhere new all the time, but a lot of all this still had him kind of tense. But, he had lead a sheltered beginning and he was doing what he could to open up at his own snail's pace.. Maybe this was just natural that he felt this way. He swallowed nervously and when dismissed to bring back treasures, he didn't exactly set out on a perfectly honed course. He had to think of something first.

The dark youth eventually came back with a little clutch light blue of flowers. He had tried to catch a mouse, but inevitably failed. Since he did not want to be late to the return, he'd settled for just the plants.

RE: Your lizard king has spoken (all hail) - Trick - June 27, 2016

Trick kept his well-spoken mouth closed shut, probably a blessing for the wolves around him, but he was not at all happy with this celebration. He didn't like some may coming back with plants, for they all knew plants died when picked. He cared more about plants than this whole bunch of imbeciles, but of course he couldn't day that. He thought the plants had suffered enough already with the famine, there was no use in killing them for their own satisfaction. But he couldn't do anything but play along.

Trick rose to his feet and walked away, tail swaying from side to side, the sun lighting up his beautiful obsidian coat. It was fair to say he looked handsome as fuck today, and he felt that way too.

He was not going to hunt for them. He wanted to check if there was any Marigold he could bring back and maybe teach how useful those plants were to the rest of them. Perhaps he would even spark a new passion in the shy little girl with her blue eyes. He searched everywhere for the orange flowers he had needed so many times in his travels, and where he even treated Warbone with. He gritted his teeth. Where the hell could the copper prince be? He eventually found the bush he had used when he had treated Warbone, and carefully picked some of the flowers. He was sure not to take all, just some for the show. With the golden-like flowers in his mouth, he started pacing back to where they had all met, eventually sitting down on his place. 

RE: Your lizard king has spoken (all hail) - Larkspur - June 27, 2016

It wasn't long before she was surrounded by the familiar faces of her family. Larkspur smiled thinly at them, though it faltered and then fell entirely when her big blue eyes rested on Pippin. He looked so tired, frail and miserable. Spur empathized. She whined quietly under her breath, touching her nose to the top of his head when he sank to the ground. She felt a mild alarm at that and glanced up at her parents, worried that her brother was too weak to stand or even sit upright.

The pack's original leader, Tavi, addressed the gathered crowd but Spur barely heard a word of it. Her attention belonged entirely to Pippin at the moment. With another quiet noise, she lowered herself beside him. The rest of the pack became nothing more than a background blur as its various members came and went, scurrying to and fro in their effort to prepare for a celebration. Larkspur paid no attention to any of it, instead letting her chin drop to Pippin's shoulder in silent sympathy and support. And anyway, she was kinda too pooped to party too.

@Pippin: I made a lot of assumptions in this post and I'll happily tweak if necessary! :)

RE: Your lizard king has spoken (all hail) - Tambourine - June 27, 2016

He panted throughout his mother's grand speech, ears twitching even though the boy could scarcely hope to keep up with much of what she said. He did get the gist of it, though, and when her rambling announcement finally drew to a close, Tambourine spiritedly punctuated it with another joyful cry of, "POTTY!"

Suddenly, much of the pack was moving around, many of them hastily exiting the meeting place. Tambourine darted after a few of them, laughing and trolling in their wake like a little tugboat, but eventually steered back to prance beneath his silvery mother's shadow. "Mum! Mum!" he shouted excitedly, left ear flopping and tail wriggling. "S'potty!"

RE: Your lizard king has spoken (all hail) - Harlyn - June 27, 2016

Harlyn smiled as one by one, the rest of the pack came to join them. Each of her pups received a kiss upon the crown and a fond look when each time, she realized she barely needed to lean down to do so anymore. Mordecai received a kiss as well, and Shikoba a fond nuzzle to her cheek. The rest she did not know as well, but offered reciprocation of any physical greeting that was given. For a moment, she thought sadly of Ishi and how she missed seeing his sweet face amongst the crowd. But soon, Tavi was speaking and claiming the attention of all, including her co-alpha.

The druid's tail wagged softly and she gave a supportive nod to Tavi's words. She turned to gaze at those gathered, pausing to look at Pippin. Harlyn breathed deep to still the hurt she felt each time she saw her son. Of her three, Pippin had been the most affected physically by this famine. She worried for him often, but he was still with her, and she would do all she could to keep him there.

When Tavi released them to find their treasures, Harlyn stayed still and merely smiled at the others left. She settled down onto her haunches beside her family for her own contribution was not one she did not need to go anywhere to collect. She would make quiet conversation with those who waited with her instead, encouraging their thoughts of what they would contribute in lieu of actually retrieving any physical piece.

RE: Your lizard king has spoken (all hail) - Mordecai - June 28, 2016

phone post pls forgive typos i dont see ty

When they had all amassed, on went the meeting. It gave Mordecai a chance to look over the wolves of the Keep, though his gaze did not linger long. If there was a chord of tension present, he did not find it readily and settled on things being what they were at face value. But even with the partial dismissal he also did not have the inclination to depart. Instead he used the time to shuffle in a touch closer to Pippin. For all the luckluster his son seemed to possess, he was hanging in there. Mordecai reached out to nudge him and Larkspur, though he knew the passing touch would do little to raise their spirits.

RE: Your lizard king has spoken (all hail) - RIP Tavi - July 03, 2016

Last round! Sorry for the delay on this, had some health things going on.

As they returned, some brought food, others gifts of flowers or pretty things, and a few toys for the kids. Tavi hurriedly accepted each gift as they were presented, sorting everything in to neat little piles; the toys she scattered among the children, while the flowers and other herbs and green bits she tried not to touch at all, afraid of damaging anything.

I'm glad we've made it this far, she announced, smiling at each of the wolves present; a faint glimmer caught in her eye and her smile widened a tidge as Tavi glanced across Stark, and then Tambourine, before resting on Harlyn. I know the transition has been hard for everyone, and the famine hasn't been very nice to us. But we've survived, and we'll keep surviving. For now—lets eat! I thank the fates, and each of you, for helping our family endure. Harlyn - did you want to say anything?

RE: Your lizard king has spoken (all hail) - Tambourine - July 07, 2016

Tavi didn't pay him much attention, though that did absolutely nothing to dampen the boy's high spirits. "Potty! Potty!" the little party animal shouted at anyone who looked his way (and several wolves who didn't). "'S a potty!" He only shut his trap and paid attention when everyone began congregating around his mother again and she addressed the crowd even while scattering a bunch of playthings around him like some sort of offering.

"Mine!" Tambourine cried happily, springing upon the nearest tidbit, grasping it in his mouth and swinging it around like a little madman. He grinned and laughed around the object in his mouth, running up to various pack mates as if inciting them to play but growling savagely (yet playfully!) if they dared tried to wrest his prize from him.

Eventually, he scooted away from the gathered crowd, tossed his head a few more times, then dropped his trophy and began to dig. He would stash it, then come back for it later... or, more likely, Tambourine would forget about it entirely when he found something newer and shinier to capture his attention. He was only a wee boy, after all.

RE: Your lizard king has spoken (all hail) - Harlyn - July 09, 2016

It seemed not to take too long for the wolves to reappear one by one with their treasures. She smiled proudly at Silas for his contribution, and gave appreciative nods and touches to others as they brought forth their own additions to the little festival.

Harlyn was quiet when Tavi spoke, and nodded graciously when she was offered a chance to add to the commentary. Before she could, Tambourine made a happy shout and began to bound around. She shook her head with a soft laugh, then proceeded to speak to those old enough to pay attention. "I want to add only that I hope today will be a new beginning for us all," Harlyn said earnestly, "Today, we celebrate not as two families combined, but as one."

The druid smiled at them all, praying that it would be so. She then lost herself in the merriment, eventually sharing a story when later it was quiet and her turn to contribute.

RE: Your lizard king has spoken (all hail) - Stark - July 10, 2016

He looked to their Alpha's, still growing accustomed with one another and the way that they moved and spoke together. Stark offered a small smile, nodding in his own support before they were given leave to have fun and enjoy one another as they pleased. Stark gave Grace a friendly bump as he moved, shoulder brushing hers as he made his way to the littlest life of the party. 

Stark scooped the pup up with a paw, speaking Tambourine's name as he let the puppy back down to earth, nudging him before jumping a couple steps away - encouraging the puppy to play. If the others wanted to join in a little game of chase it would have been a fine idea, but, he'd be pleased at whatever choice they made. Later, Harlyn offered a story, Stark giving his own after - a fabled legend from his youth. Something no doubt that he'd heard from his father.

It could be good for them. They just had to want it. They had to work for it. 

RE: Your lizard king has spoken (all hail) - Silas - July 13, 2016

He watched silently, although felt far more content in his observations now that he had time to settle into the situation. It was nice, he mused vaguely, even if his ears threatened to give a worried twist as the alphas spoke of this being testament to their survival and the beginning of them being one. Their words were good, he had no reason to, but the dark boy was along for the ride.

As the gathering ran its course, he was able to relax more. He gave his attention to the storytellers, and enjoyed the company he surrounded himself with.